COMPANY_PROFILE work_project
INDEX PRESENTATION Project VISION & PRINCIPLES Accesibilidad Comercial a la Avenida de FIELDS OF WORK Canarias “Zona Comercial Cielo Abierto” FIRM STRUCTURE Location DIVISIONS & SERVICES Gran Canaria, Spain DIRECTORS Year SECTORS & PRODUCTS 2009 RESEARCH Client TEAM Santa Lucia Municipality OFFICE Status CAREERS Built COMMITMENT TO QUALITY
PARTNERS & COLLABORATORS Size 57,5 Ha CLIENTS PUBLICATIONS Scope of work & EXHIBITIONS Urban Planning Mobility Infrastructures Product Design Services Landscape Design Execution Documentation Construction Management Site Supervision
About us A green band shows the access to parking lots Lab for Planning and Architecture (LPA) is an international practice operating in a multi-scale way in the field of bioclimatic design and urbanism, optimizing Implementing a new access from the existing bypass is the first action the principles of ecological and sustainable development to the singularities planned for the implementation of the Urban Plan for Vecindario Commercial of regions with warm and hot climates. The production of innovative solutions Area. The project consists of providing four parking lots to the rear of the (Lab), the design of visions & processes (Planning) and the construction places commercial area and its connection with the existing bypass. In order to and spaces (Architecture) define the singular approach to urban design and make this connection readable to car drivers, a green band was painted in the planning of LPA. asphalt, starting in the existing roundabouts and ending in one of the parking LPA From was founded 2002, in Las Palmas deshows Gran Canaria (Canary a city lots. there, ain painted pavement now pedestrians the Islands), way to the known by having the best weather in the world, and a privilege laboratory commercial area. The system was complemented with a very simple vertical for testing the environmental and spatial potential the geographies with “good signage showing the way out back to the bypass. of The proposal was intended weather”, and its connection with the advance practice of urbanism. to be temporary and removed when people were used to this new way LPA of has offices in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Madrid. accessing the commercial area. The operative system of LPA is framed in the intersection of two ongoing revolutions: the emergence of an ecological era and the new possibilities offered by Information Technologies (IT). With the social dynamics and environmental singularities of the places with good weather—as raw material— and the potential of digital tools—as a processing tool—, LPA has developed its own working methodology and has applied it in high sensitive environmental sectors such Leisure & Hospitality and Waterfronts & Maritime. The work of the office has been awarded in national and international competitions.
Lab for Planning and Architecture
Credits Project Directors Juan Palop-Casado Fernando Portillo de Armenteras Design Team Laura Rodríguez Cardona (Team Leader) Eleazar Acosta Construction Team Laura Rodríguez Cardona (Team Leader) Abián Monzón Jonathan Tabares Maria de los Dolores Martín Jorge Ros, Asier Arenaza
Collaborators Construction Advisor Diseño Actual Barcelona (DAB)