3 minute read

Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben

Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben, schlafe, bis dein Glück erwacht; da, mein Bild will ich dir geben, schau, wie freundlich es dir lacht: ihr süssen Träume, wiegt ihn ein, und lasset seinem Wunsch am Ende die wollustreichen Gegenstände zu reifer Wirklichkeit gedeihn.

Rest peacefully, my beloved, Sleep until your happiness dawns, There, I will give you my portrait, See, how kindly it smiles upon you. Sweet dreams rock him to sleep, And grant his wish at last, That the things of which he dreams May blossom into reality.

Venga la morte… Non temer, amato bene

Venga la morte, intrepida l’attendo. Ma, ch’io possa struggermi ad altra face, ad altr’oggetto donar gl’affetti miei, come tentarlo? Ah, di dolor morrei!

Non temer, amato bene, per te sempre il cor sarà. Più non reggo a tante pene, l’alma mia mancando va. Tu sospiri? O duol funesto!

Pensa almen, che istante è questo! Non mi posso, oh Dio! spiegar. Stelle barbare, stelle spietate, perchè mai tanto rigor?

Alme belle, che vedete le mie pene in tal momento, dite voi, s’egual tormento può soffrir un fido cor?

Let death come, I await it fearlessly. But how could I be consumed by another flame, to lavish my affections on another? How could I? Ah! I should die of grief!

Fear not, my beloved, my heart will always be yours. I can no longer bear such pain, my spirit fails me. You sigh? O mournful sorrow! Just think what a moment this is!

O God! I cannot express myself. Barbarous stars, pitiless stars, why ever are you so stern?

Fair souls who see my anguish at such a moment, tell me if a faithful heart can suffer such torment?

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Bernard Labadie

BERNARD LABADIE is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading conductors of Baroque and Classical repertoire. He founded Les Violons du Roy and was their music director for three decades. He continues to be music director of his extraordinary choir, La Chapelle de Québec, which he founded in 1985.

In September 2018, he began his tenure as music director of the Orchestra of St Luke’s in New York. He is a regular guest with all the major North American orchestras and in Europe. Recent appearances include the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the BBC Scottish Symphony, and period instrument ensembles the Academy of Ancient Music and the English Concert.

Mr. Labadie’s extensive discography includes a collaborative recording of Mozart’s Requiem with Les Violons du Roy and La Chapelle de Québec, both of which received Canada’s Juno Award. Additional recordings include C.P.E. Bach’s complete cello concertos with Truls Mørk and Les Violons du Roy, and Haydn’s piano concertos with MarcAndre Hamelin.

In 2016, Mr. Labadie received the Samuel de Champlain award in Paris. He was honored with a 2005 appointment as Officer of the Order of Canada, and his home province named him a Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Québec in 2006.

Lucy Crowe


WITH REPERTOIRE ranging from Purcell, Handel, and Mozart to Donizetti, Verdi, and Janáček, Lucy Crowe has sung with opera companies throughout the world, including the Royal Opera House (Covent Garden), the Glyndebourne Festival, English National Opera, Teatro Real Madrid, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Bayerische Staatsoper, Munich, and Metropolitan Opera. Recent highlights include her debut at the Dutch National Opera in the title role of Rodelinda, Poppea (Agrippina) at the Royal Opera House, Susanna (Le Nozze di Figaro) at the Met, and Pamina (Die Zauberflöte) at the Liceu in Barcelona. In the 2022/23 season, she returns to the Royal Opera House as Musetta (La Bohème).

In concert, she has performed with many of the world’s finest orchestras including the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Monteverdi Orchestra, the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, and London Symphony Orchestra.

This season Ms. Crowe joins the Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra in Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis for their European tour, the Dunedin Consort for Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor; Haydn’s Die Schöpfung with the Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest and the

Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (BRSO); concerts of Haydn and Schubert arias with the BRSO; Morgana (Alcina) with Les Violons du Roy in Quebec and Montreal; and her debut with The Cleveland Orchestra.

A committed recitalist she has appeared at the Concertgebouw, Carnegie Hall, and the Aldeburgh, Edinburgh, Mostly Mozart, and Salzburg Festivals. She is a regular guest at the BBC Proms and Wigmore Hall.

Her debut recital recording featuring Berg, Strauss, and Schoenberg songs was released by Linn Records in August 2021. Ms. Crowe sang the role of Vixen on the Grammy-nominated recording of Janáček’s The Cunning Little Vixen with the London Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Sir Simon Rattle.

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