Finance Skills for Public Sector Managers
The Public Sector is the most vital sector of any Government. It manages and controls national and critical services such as Police, Emergency Services, Urban Planning, Security, Taxation and also Social Welfare. These areas underpin the functioning of a nation, and unless they are managed correctly, can lead to vital resources falling into disregard. undertaking this Public Sector Reform and Capacity Building course will not only build your competency for additional growth opportunities within your organisation but will also help you play an important role in up skilling your peers and other colleagues, together with systems and processes, to provide better services to citizens. This Public Sector Management and Reform course will also provide you with the necessary exposure to and information about other sectors, thus increasing your avenues for career growth and development. Last but not the least, it will instil in you the confidence to be part of large projects involving multiple sectors and various large-scale initiatives with the main aim of better services to citizens, in turn contributing to the advancement of the public sector and, eventually, economic development of the nation.
The main objective of this Public Sector Management and Reform course is to empower public sector professionals with: Complete knowledge and information about public sector management
The necessary exposure and skill to undertake public sector reform and capacity building initiatives with the organisation
Exposure to techniques, tools, and strategies to bring about change in the organisation in a systematic and risk-free manner
The necessary preparedness and confidence to reduce the influence of corruption and other malpractices in public sector reforms and capacity building initiatives
The required opportunities and potential to upskill oneself and others to foster economic development of the nation through successful public sector reform and capacity building
Required skills, experience and knowledge to build one s capabilities to work in any sector, thus expanding one s professional portfolio and increasing the avenues for career growth and development
Asense of pride and satisfaction in being part of initiatives that contribute to the betterment of the quality of life of citizens and the economic development of the nation
This Public Sector Management and Reform course is ideal for :
Public service heads, managers, and those who work in some capacity with the public sector.
Those employed within the public sector charged with the responsibility of bringing about change so that their organisation is more efficient and offers more value for money.
Public service executives that understand the need for reform and, as a team, think through the recalibration of the state and its services that this implies.
Those who wish to address the ethos, goals and disciplines of public service and will help to create the means of refashioning and strengthening them.
Public sector employees
Day 1
Politics and the Public Sector
Introduction to public sector Management
Political differences
The role of the state
A centralised or decentralised state?
Politics and management: values
Day 2
Public Spending
The macro-economic policy context
Fiscal policy and the economic cycles
What is the money spent on?
Where does the money come from?
Public spending in the devoted administrations
Why is the level of public spending important?
The fiscal crisis of 2008 and its aftermath
Day 3
Social Policies and Management
Choice of policy instrument
Trends in policy and management
Income maintenance
Community care
Criminal justice
Health policy Housing
Day 4
Advantages of Public Sector Reforms
Better management of public resources
Better public service delivery
Increased transparency and accountability
Streamlined operations and processes
Competitive advance in the global market space
Day 5
Hindrances to Successful Public Sector Reforms
Employee resistance
Lack of political commitment
Informal norms
Uneven distribution of resources because of corruption and political influence
Gender insensitivity
Scarcity of capacity in resources and skill