Return on investment, or ROI, is a mathematical formula that investors can use to evaluate their investments and judge how well a particular investment has performed compared to others. An ROI calculation is sometimes used with other approaches to develop a business case for a given proposal. The overall ROI for an enterprise is used as a way to grade how well a company is managed.
Return On Investment (ROI) Professional training course is the most comprehensive way to gain the skills, resources, and knowledge to measure the value of projects and programs of all types - down to the financial return on investment (ROI).
Return On Investment (ROI) Professional training course advocates the adoption of a holistic approach to the evaluation and measurement of the effectiveness of training and will provide delegates with sufficient learning to enable them to make a convincing business case for training and the allocation of resources for training
At the end of Return On Investment (ROI) Professional training course you will be able to:
Understand the issues related to measuring and maximizing training ROI
Plan, organise and deliver relevant training interventions
Demonstrate the business case for specific training interventions
Understand and be able to implement techniques applicable to identifying training needs
Describe best practices in relation to employee development
Return On Investment (ROI) Professional training course is ideal for:
Anyone in an organization who manages a training function or anyone responsible for determining the impact of learning and change interventions.
This program can be beneficial even for those who have a strong research and measurement background.
Day 1
Introduction The Key Advantage: A Proficient Workforce
The Strategic Role of Training, Learning & Development
The Business Case for Investment
Understanding Approaches to Effective Employee Development
Evaluating Training Programmes and PDPs
Models for Effective Measuring of Training Return on Investment
Ensuring cultural support to maximize impact and ROI
Day 2
Aligning Training to Business Objectives Maximizing Training ROI
The Organisational Context
Business Strategy: The Need for Long-term Planning for Future Skills and Competencies
Identifying Development Needs
Aligning Interventions with Business Needs
Planning and Delivering Effective Training & Development
Maximising the non-financial ROI of Interventions
Day 3
conducting your ROI impact study
Valid data collection methods
Data source and factors to consider
Obtaining meaningful information from collected data
Day 4
Getting to the Numbers
Data integrity and credibility
Concluding your ROI and BCR figures
Defining and establishing intangibles
Reporting ROI to stakeholders
Day 5
Making Evaluating Effective
Models and Methodologies of Evaluation
Incorporating the Results of Evaluation into Future Events
Kirkpatrick s Levels of Evaluation
How Effective Evaluation Links to ROI
Some Myths about Evaluation
Course summary IN-HOUSE
LPC Training is capable of conducting this training programme exclusively for your delegates. Please e-mail us on for further information and/or to receive a comprehensive proposal.
High-Quality material has been prepared by the LPC team for distribution to delegates. In addition, a special note pad to facilitate note-taking will be provided.
Accredited Certificate of completion will be issued to those who attend & successfully complete the programme.
Our Course timings commence at 09:00 and conclude at 13:00.
Please complete the registration form on the course page & return it to us indicating your preferred mode of payment. For Further Information, please get in touch with us.
Delegates have 14 days from the date of booking to cancel and receive a full refund or transfer to another date free of charge. If less than 14 days notice is given then we will be unable to refund or cancel the booking unless on medical grounds. For more details about the Cancellation and Refund policy, please visit
We are committed to picking up and dropping off the participants from the airport to the hotel and back.
Oxford Street Offices: London - Oxford Street 25 N Row, London W1K 6DJ
+44 (0) 20 36 916 970
West London Office: 47 49 Park Royal Road London NW10 7LQ +44 (0) 20 80 900 464
Business Bay - Marasi Drive Churchill Tower commercial1, Office 107 +971 4 421 4616
No. 03-06-05, UOA Business Park, Jalan Pengaturcara U1/51A, Section U1, Kawasan Perindustrian Temasaya, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor
+60 19-305 5694