Risk Management in Banks Training Course

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Risk Management in Banks

Risk Management in Banks www.lpcentre.com www.lpcentre.com
Accounting, Finance & Budgeting


Risk management in banking has been transformed over the past decade, largely in response to regulations that emerged from the global financial crisis and the fines levied in its wake. But important trends are afoot that suggest risk management will experience even more sweeping change in the next decade.

This 10 Days course will develop an understanding of the importance of operational risk management within the Banking and Finance industry and build an appreciation for the impact operational risk can have.

The focus is on the practical implication of operational risk, rather than just the theory. To this end real-world examples and case studies are used throughout.

The aim is that participants not only leave with a better understanding of operational risk, but also how better to manage it.

The goal of this course is to understand how risks are categorized, quantified, monitored and managed within banks, and the related regulatory requirements.


By the end of this Risk Management in Banks Course participant will be able to:

Understand the business model of banks in relation to the risks they take

Identify the key banking risks groups and their relative importance .

Learn about the qualitative and quantitative tools for measuring and managing financial risk in banks

Understand the regulation aimed at controlling risk in banks and how it has evolved

Understand the different methodologies used for regulatory capital and liquidity requirements in banks

Risk Management in Banks


The Risk Management in Banks Course is suitable for: Risk managers, regulators, internal auditors, bankers and analysts,  Also appropriate for a broader audience who wish to gain a better understanding of risk management processes within a bank and how they are regulated.

It is targeted at an intermediate level and assumes a basic understanding of accounting, financial products and banking functions.


Risk Management

Identifying and defining major risk groups and how they arise in the derivatives business: market, credit, liquidity, operational and reputation

Lessons learned from risk management failures in derivatives

Exercise: Company failures caused by derivatives

Day 2

Analytic Overview

The aim of this section is to introduce the inherent risks of a bank s balance sheet and the need for capital to cover these risks.

Analyzing Banks

Why risk is inherent to a bank s business model and therefore why effective risk management is critical

The balance sheet of a typical bank

The importance of capital

Day 3

Key Risk Areas

Risk Management in Banks www.lpcentre.com

Identifying and defining major risk groups: credit, market, liquidity, operational, legal, regulatory, counterparty and reputation

Overview of how much risk banks take in each group and the complexity of the risk

Risk Management Failures

Historical failures in financial institutions

Lessons from the global financial crisis (GFC)

Regulatory changes since the GFC

Day 4

Regulatory Capital in Banks

Regulatory capital

Basel and the three pillars

Overview of minimum capital ratios

Exercise: Analyzing the Pillar 3 report of a large bank

Day 5

Market Risk

This section introduces sources of market risk in the balance sheet and how this risk can be quantified and managed. Finally, the section covers the principles of regulatory capital allocation for market risk.

Definitions and Sources of Market Risk

Defining market risk

Exercise: Defining the magnitude of various market risks

Value-at-Risk (VaR)

Purpose of VaR

Methodologies for calculating VaR


Capital for Market Risk Risk Management in Banks

Trading book and banking book

Standardized approach

Internal models the use of VaR to define regulatory capital

Back testing

Exercise: Market risk disclosures at a global bank

Day 6

Credit Risk

Credit risk is possibly the most important risk faced by most commercial banks. This section explains the nature of credit risk, including the relevant products, types of credit risk, quantification and regulatory capital methodologies.

Identifying Credit Risk

Credit products

Types of credit risk

Credit Risk Indicators

Credit ratings

Credit spreads

Day 7

Mitigating Credit Risk

Contractual mitigates

Securitization and credit derivatives

Exercise: Credit portfolio management in a global bank

Quantifying Credit Risk

Default probability

Loss given default (LGD) and recovery

Default correlation


Risk Management in Banks

Regulatory Capital for Credit Risk

Standardised risk weights

Exposure at default methodologies

Internal rating based (IRB) approach

Exercise: Cost of credit

Day 8

Counterparty Risk

Counterparty risk has grown in significance in recent years. It represents a combination of market and credit risk and is related mainly to OTC derivatives transactions. This section explains the nature of counterparty risk, risk mitigation and how regulatory capital methodologies for credit risk incorporate counterparty risk.

Defining Counterparty Risk

Settlement and pre-settlement (counterparty) risk

The derivatives market

Risk mitigates for counterparty risk

Quantifying Counterparty Credit Exposure

Potential future exposure

Monte Carlo simulation and add-on approaches

Wrong-way risk

Regulatory Capital for Counterparty Risk

Default risk and CVA capital charges

Current exposures and internal model methods

Changes in methodologies and impact of central clearing

Day 9

Operational Risk


Risk Management in Banks

Operational risk was a new risk to be quantified under Basel II, and occurs throughout a bank s business model. This section aims to explore some of the challenges that face banks in controlling, quantifying and allocating regulatory capital to operational risk.

Defining Operational Risk

Sources, categorization and drivers of operational risk

Exercise: Operational risk examples

Causes of operational risk in a bank

Legal and Reputational Risks

Examples of reputational problems

Suitability issues and derivatives

Exercise: Matching risk to description

Regulatory Capital for Operational Risk

Basic indicator approach

Standardized approach

Advanced measurement approach (AMA)

Basel III new Operational Risk Standardized Approach

Day 10

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk can be the most acute form of risk facing a financial institution at times of crisis as this is often the means by which providers of bank funding express dissatisfaction with management of other risks (e.g. credit risk). The aim of this section is to explore types of liquidity risk, how these risks are managed and the regulatory requirements faced by banks.

Nature of liquidity risk


Cause of liquidity risk in banks

Historical liquidity risk in problems

Liquidity Risk in Financial Institutions

Risk Management in Banks www.lpcentre.com

Sources of liquidity in banks

Exercise: Bank funding sources

Nature of liquidity risk

Liquidity Risk Regulation

Basel principles for the management and supervision of liquidity risk

Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)

Net stable funding ration (NSFR)

Exercise: NSFR in practice


LPC Training is capable of conducting this training programme exclusively for your delegates. Please e-mail us on admin@lpcentre.com for further information and/or to receive a comprehensive proposal.


Risk Management in Banks


High-Quality material has been prepared by the LPC team for distribution to delegates. In addition, a special note pad to facilitate note-taking will be provided.


Accredited Certificate of completion will be issued to those who attend & successfully complete the programme.


Our Course timings commence at 09:00 and conclude at 13:00.


Please complete the registration form on the course page & return it to us indicating your preferred mode of payment. For Further Information, please get in touch with us.


Delegates have 14 days from the date of booking to cancel and receive a full refund or transfer to another date free of charge. If less than 14 days notice is given then we will be unable to refund or cancel the booking unless on medical grounds. For more details about the Cancellation and Refund policy, please visit www.lpcentre.com/terms-and-conditions/


We are committed to picking up and dropping off the participants from the airport to the hotel and back.


Oxford Street Offices: London - Oxford Street 25 N Row, London W1K 6DJ

+44 (0) 20 36 916 970

West London Office: 47 49 Park Royal Road London NW10 7LQ +44 (0) 20 80 900 464



Business Bay - Marasi Drive Churchill Tower commercial1, Office 107 +971 52 135 7341



No. 03-06-05, UOA Business Park, Jalan Pengaturcara U1/51A, Section U1, Kawasan Perindustrian Temasaya, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor

+60 19-305 5694



Risk Management in Banks

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