The Holy Cross School
Year 7 Parent Information
Since 1931
A Message From Our Headteacher Mrs McConnFinch
Dear Parent / Carer,
I am delighted to welcome your daughter to The Holy Cross School for her s take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you too to join Team HX where there is a "sense of family" and recognises that our students "are well and “rise to leaders’ expectations and work hard in everything that they do” in the top 1% of schools nationally for progress Our latest Catholic Inspect levels of pastoral care”
Our vision at The Holy Cross School is summed up in our quotation "Learn Jo our school mission statement and an interpretation of the Gospel of John 1 and for our students and my priority is to ensure all leave as well-rounded citizens who have made outstanding progress, no matter what their starting point Since 1931, generations of young women have received a world-class education in this vibrant school This responsibility is lived out every day in our Mission Statement and through our promotion of Catholic Social Teachings and pursuit of social justice
We are a distinctive and inclusive Catholic school promoting trust, tolerance, respect, and kindness We work as a team in strong partnership with our staff, students, and families. We celebrate each and every student’s individuality and unique talent, developing their full holistic potential across a wide range of academic and extra-curricular areas. While excellence is a key priority in our school, so too is compassion for others and a deep-seated desire to support those who are disadvantaged
I invite you to become fully involved in our school improvement by supporting our Service To The Cross Fund The generosity of parents and carers helps us provide a wide range of opportunities and activities for all students to broaden and enrich their experience of school. Especially in this period of time when educational funding is under so much pressure, parental contributions are vital to sustain an education provision that remains of the highest standard to benefit all students You can scan this QR code to set up a regular payment
Girls join us in Year 7, full of anticipation, and seven years later, at the end of Sixth Form, they have flourished into young accomplished women having grown in confidence, compassion, and courage, as potential leaders ready to take their place in society and make a difference locally, nationally, and globally
At this time of year, it is a real pleasure to meet our new intake of students and take delight in the way that they proudly wear their new school uniform and then forever become part of The Holy Cross School family
I look forward to meeting you and your daughter to begin our seven-year journey together.
Mrs Dervla McConn-Finch Headteacher
A Message from Director of Year 7
Miss Simpson
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am delighted that your daughter has chosen The Holy Cross School as her secondary school, and I am excited to welcome her into our family community. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know all of the students as they begin this exciting next step in their educational journey. We have an excellent team of Year 7 tutors who will be the first point of contact for the girls and they are there to support you all through this transition phase. I understand what a big step this is for each new Year 7 and I know how daunting it can be starting secondary school. However, we are here to make it a wonderful experience (filled with new clubs, new opportunities and new friends) for both the students, as well as the parents and carers. We hope that your daughter soon settles into our school comfortably, and will feel like a true ‘Holy Cross Girl’
Kind regards,
Miss Chauncey Simpson Director of Year 7
Student Representative
Zoë Pritchard
7Hope, 7T
Dear New Year 7 students,
It is a privilege to have been selected to write this letter to you all Being a part of The Holy Cross School and their community is such a joy in my life as they were and still are so welcoming, supportive, and kind I owe Holy Cross School my gratitude because even though I am only in Year 7, I’m already having one of the best experiences in my life. When I first heard that I could be part of the student council, I instantly applied myself because I thought that I would be a good leader, someone you can trust, and someone who will always listen. When I found out I got in, I was overjoyed and instantly thanked the support of the Holy Cross School. I have never felt so safe, happy, and proud as I do at this school You will never know how lucky you are Thank you very much
Zoë Pritchard (7Hope, 7T)
Term Da 2024-25
Year 7 Activities Day 2023 - Fri 30th August
Autumn Term 2023
Start of the Academic Year:
Mon 2nd September - INSET Day – school closed to students
Tue 3rd September - INSET Day – school closed to students
Wed 4th September - Year 7 First Day / Year 7 Family Mass in the Sports Hall
Thu 5th September - Whole school returns 8:30 am
Fri 25th Oct - Mon 4th Nov - Half-term
Fri 20th Dec at 12:15 pm - Term ends
Spring Term 2025
Mon 6th January - Term starts
Mon 17th to Fri 21st February - Half-term
Fri 4th April - Term ends
Summer Term 2025
Tue 22nd April - Term starts
Mon 26th - Fri 30th May - Half-term
Fri 18th July - Term ends
Further INSET days to be confirmed
The School Day
Start of school day 8:30 am
First Bell 8:35 am
Registration 8:40 am
Depart 3:12 pm (Y7 & Y9), 3:17 pm (Y10 & Y12), 3:22 pm (Y11 & Y13)
Students should be in school by 8:30 am In the mornings, students can arrive from 7 30 am and should wait in the canteen
Breakfast is available to purchase from 7:30 - 8:15 am All students are expected to arrive at school on time every day
Tutor time is an important part of each day Students are in their house team for their tutor groups Students begin the day in their tutor groups with registration and prayer Once a week, students have their Year Group Assembly, and Key Stage 3 Assembly on Tuesday Every other day of the week, students will start their day with an active tutorial session with their Form Tutor. These activities may include a diversity discussion, a news/current affairs roundup and a wellbeing check-in. This is also an ideal time for students to discuss with their Form Tutor any issues they may be having
Here is an example of a tutor time weekly plan:
Check homework diaries, news discussion/task
KS3 assembly in the hall
‘Well-being Wednesday’ - well-being task: silent reading, colouring, well-being check-ins
Star of the week, diversity discussion/task
Year group assembly Friday
2 0 2 4
Catholic Life of the School
Here at The Holy Cross School, we are blessed to have our very own Chapel as well as two School Chaplains, Mrs Ryan and Ms Jimenes, who help to guide both staff and students in the development of their spiritual lives.
At the Holy Cross Chaplaincy, we:
Support the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of students and staff.
Offer opportunities to worship and to explore the Christian faith.
Offer supportive conversation.
Offer prayer and spiritual guidance to groups and individuals, including school parents and carers.
Offer reconciliation when friendships break down.
Support the school as a place where staff and students feel cared for and safe.
Build a bridge between the school and Church, and between the school and the wider community, including other denominations and faith communities.
The Principles of Catholic Social Teaching are the bedrock of our work and everything we strive for at The Holy Cross School and are a unifying thread running through our whole curriculum and our daily life
In September 2021 we began our journey with the Romero Award, gaining our Level 1 Participator accreditation in 2022 After a robust assessment process, we were delighted to be awarded the Level 2 Developer status in Autumn 2023 This was an amazing affirmation of our commitment to social justice and Catholic Social Teaching For more information on how Catholic Social Teaching is embedded in our curriculum please CLICK HERE.
The House System
At The Holy Cross School each student is assigned a House These Houses are called Charity, Faith, Hope, Mercy and Peace - Christian values which are universal There will be numerous occasions where students can represent their House through sport, debating, music and many other things They will earn house points if they do good work or contribute towards the school community Belonging to a House gives us a sense of community and competition. We work together and compete together to get the best out of ourselves and others!
Extra-Curricular Activities
As well as House activities students will be able to join many extra-curricular clubs either at lunchtime or after school There are clubs in sport, music, debating, gardening, eco club, Italian club and so many more There are over 30 different clubs for Year 7s to choose from Everyone should belong to at least one club!
A full list of activities will be published in September on the Student Area
Mental Health &
Team Empower, our school’s Mental Health Ambassadors
At The Holy Cross School, we strive to promote the positive mental health and well-being of all our staff and students. This is achieved through a whole-school approach, including marking key events like Time to Talk Day and Mental Health Awareness Week, as well as through targeted interventions. Through their PSHE lessons, students are taught to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental ill health, as well as strategies to cope and to promote positive mental health.
Many of our staff members are trained Mental Health First Aiders and we also have a team of students, Team Empower, who champion mental health and well-being initiatives throughout the school. Students can also access support from our School Health Practitioner who holds weekly confidential drop-in sessions For students who need a bit of extra support for anxiety or low mood, we can make referrals to an Emotional Well-being Practitioner as well as to a School Counsellor
Every member of staff at The Holy Cross School is responsible for the safeguarding of our students. Staff receive safeguarding training at the beginning of every academic year, as well as regular training updates throughout the year
We have a team of Deputy Safeguarding Leads headed by Mrs Newman, the Designated Safeguarding Lead for The Holy Cross School Your daughters are encouraged to approach any member of the team, or indeed the wider staff, if they have any concerns about their safety or the safety of another student
Diversity Statement
At The Holy Cross School, we are the Body of Christ and believe that we are all created in God's image. We are committed to fulfilling our duties to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations, as outlined under the Equality Act 2010. As Christ taught us to love and respect every single person, we foster an environment in which we ensure that all of our students, including those with protected characteristics, are not discriminated against and are given equality of opportunity to achieve their full potential, both academically and socially. We create a school environment that protects and celebrates diversity and recognises it as a strength, and that promotes mutual respect between groups and communities different from each other. We strive to completely eradicate the use of homophobic, sexist, racist and other discriminatory language in our school and work ceaselessly to ensure that all our staff and students feel secure, valued, respected and part of The Holy Cross family We recognise that our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion work is a blessing and a continuous journey and we will therefore continue to work towards removing barriers to access, participation, progress and achievement and towards ensuring that our students respect and view differences in one another positively We work to ensure that our young people develop a lifelong appreciation for diversity, respect for human dignity and commitment to social justice
School Canteen
The Holy Cross School Canteen boasts a 5 star Hygiene rating and serves breakfast daily from 7:30-8:15 am Students can take advantage of our hotel inspired buffet and other tempting hot and cold options at the morning break. Lunch menus offer a wide variety of healthy, freshly prepared hot meals, soups, salads, sandwiches and other items, served by our friendly Catering Team Students can also purchase snacks and sandwiches at the Rose Hub and after school snacks from the Holy Cross Tuck Shop.
We encourage students to bring their own reusable water bottles, food containers and cutlery for the main meal, where possible Reusable bamboo cutlery sets are available to purchase.
Cashless Catering
The Holy Cross School has successfully used cashless catering since 2013 and your daughter will be issued with a Lunch Card and Lanyard Please ensure that your daughter’s ParentPay Catering Account has sufficient funds to cover any canteen purchases.
Home School Partnership
Tips for day-to-day administration and communication between home and school.
The Holy Cross School uses the ParentPay cashless system for making all payments such as for the canteen, trips etc as well as sending school communications You will receive a letter with full instructions for opening your ParentPay account together with your username and password Please activate your account as soon as possible upon receipt
Report Student Absences
If you wish to report your child absent from school, you must use the Compass Education App (sign up details will be sent by September) and submit an Absence Note before 8:30 am on the first morning of absence and then at least every other day until her return. After three consecutive days of absence medical proof (e g doctor's letter or appointment card) is required which can be provided by using the “Upload Attachment” on the same page of the App
Medical Appointments
Parents are requested to keep such appointments to a minimum and, as far as possible, to make them for early morning or late afternoon. When medical appointments have been arranged during the school day, time out should be kept to a minimum. A whole day medical appointment can only be authorised in special circumstances and if supported by a medical letter Please report medical absence in advance as above
Exceptional Leave of Absence
The Education Regulations make it clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time (i e for family holidays, weddings abroad, non-educational events etc ) unless there are exceptional circumstances Headteachers should determine the number of school days a student can be away from school if leave is granted A request by parents for extended Leave of Absence should be exceptional. All requests should be made in writing by using the Compass Education App and submit an Absence Note choosing “Exceptional Circumstances” at least 4 weeks before leave is taken Please provide as much information as possible and upload any official document if applicable
If applying for exceptional leave for a music/dance exam, high-performance sport, etc an official letter from the organisation must be provided.
Home School Partnership
Tips for day-to-day administration and communication between home and school.
Supporting Students At School With A Medical Condition
If your daughter has a serious medical condition, please refer to our policy on the school website (www.holycross.kingston.sch.uk). Please see Mrs Vakulya if your daughter has a medical condition that she needs support with - we are happy to help.
Travel To And From School
Students are ambassadors for the school and should wear their blazer at all times, showing respect to all members of the general public at all times.
Students may travel to school by bicycle if they are competent cyclists Do not forget to wear a helmet! There is a bicycle shed for students to store their bikes (padlocked) during the day
The School Planner
The Holy Cross School student planner is an essential tool that students use to record timetable information, details of homework given, and general messages and notices to parents. Parents are asked to read and sign the diary each week to ensure students are using it to record their homework and that it is being completed
The planner also contains the Home-School Agreement, the Acceptable ICT Use, Student Behaviour and Mobile Phone Protocol statements, all of which must be signed by both students and parents You can also find all the details about the school uniform, practical rules, rewards and sanctions in the planner.
Books And Equipment
The school provides students with textbooks and exercise books, and students must ensure that these are looked after carefully Students will also need:
1 a mathematical set consisting of a protractor, a pair of compasses with its own H or HB pencil and a scientific calculator (Casio FX calculators are recommended).
2 a pencil case containing a blue or black pen for writing (no felt tips please!), pencil, rubber, pencil sharpener, red pen, black whiteboard pen, highlighter, glue stick, scissors, ruler and colouring pencils We also recommend that students have an A4 plastic wallet for loose sheets
School Uniform
All students are expected to wear the full school uniform A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students
Parents are asked to cooperate with the school by insisting that our school uniform is worn correctly and proudly on the way to and from school and in school Uniform should be clean and kept in good condition All uniform must be clearly marked with the owner's name The Parents & Friends Association (PFA) runs a Good as New Uniform Shop where good second-hand uniform may be obtained
In case of financial difficulties, vouchers can be obtained from the school to assist in purchasing uniforms. All applications for assistance should be made in writing to Kristin Santoo, Assistant Headteacher. Email address: ksanto4@holycross.kingston.sch.uk
Our school uniform is stocked by: School Zone
There are several ways to purchase uniform from School Zone:
In store. They have a concession on the third floor in Bentalls Department store in Kingston upon Thames which is open 7 days a week. Please visit www.school-zone.co.uk/contact for their opening hours and address.
Online All uniform is available on their website www school-zone co uk where they also provide useful tips and information on finding the right size uniform
By phone Customers can place a telephone order through the store (0208 541 6790) and have orders delivered or held in-store for collection
School Zone makes weekly deliveries to the school and holds regular sales at the school Please visit the Delivery/Returns page on their website for more information about deliveries to the school
COATS - Only plain and dark NO denim, leather, leather-look or suede, or other colour of coat or jacket may be worn
BLAZER - COMPULSORY - Obtainable only from School Zone
SKIRT - Mid-weight tartan skirt Skirt must be knee length - Obtainable only from School Zone
TROUSERS - (optional) Matching school green trousers - Obtainable only from School Zone
BLOUSE - White shirt/blouse with long or short sleeves, open neck with reveres, plain cotton/cotton polyester
JUMPER - Green with the school colours Obtainable only from School Zone
SOCKS/TIGHTS - Socks may be white, beige, dark green or black, short or knee length, but trainer socks may not be worn Black tights are allowed
SHOES - Plain black formal school shoes Trainers and ballet-style pumps are not appropriate Shoes should have a sensible heel, not stiletto type and not with pointed or metal-tipped heels, as these damage the floor. Slip-on backless shoes are not permitted for safety reasons.
School Uniform
Students are allowed to wear one pair of small studs in the lower lobe of their ears, as well as a wristwatch Religious items of jewellery (e g crucifixes, kara bangles, etc) are allowed, but students will need to remove these in PE lessons Make-up, false and/or painted nails are not allowed in school Hair colour must be natural and styles must be appropriate for school Our Muslim students may wear their headscarves if they choose to These should be in colours that are compatible with the school uniform
Navy and sky blue T-shirt (Obtainable only from School Zone)
Navy and sky blue skort or shorts (Obtainable only from School Zone)
Navy and sky blue hoodie (Obtainable only from School Zone)
Full-length black sports leggings or skins for winter Black or navy tracksuit trousers are also suitable
Gum guards for hockey and lacrosse lessons are compulsory (boil and mould are acceptable for PE)
Shin pads for football and hockey (optional)
White sports socks
Navy football socks (optional)
Students must wear suitable sports or cross trainers as they offer both the flexibility in the front of the foot (for example for running) and lateral control needed for aerobic type exercise. Fashion trainers such as Converse All Stars, Vans and Nike Air Force are not suitable as these are often designed with style and casual wear in mind and although they might be good for low-impact exercise, they do not offer the same support and stability required for the variety of sports practised at school.
Performing Arts Logo Black t-shirt (compulsory and new this year. Obtainable from School Zone). Plain black leggings and bare feet. Hair must be tied back for practical lessons.
T-shirts in the House colours with the Holy Cross House logo can be worn at House events and competitions We encourage all students to have a t-shirt in their house colour with their logo Details of how to purchase one will be shared once you start in September
These must be a dark, plain colour, strong and appropriate for carrying school books Fashion bags are not allowed
A stock of second-hand uniform is held by the PFA and is available to parents/carers for purchase at regular, notified sales A few items are held in the School Office for emergency use to cover accidents etc
In our drive to become a more sustainable school please bring a reusable water bottle which can be refilled at several stations throughout the school, as well as a reusable lunch box and cutlery set to use when purchasing a meal in the canteen Bamboo cutlery sets are available to purchase in the Canteen Students can also choose to bring their own, metal knives are not permitted under any circumstance
Ready to Learn Bundle
Every new Year 7 student is required to sign up for our “Ready to Learn Bundle”, a comprehensive package designed to equip your daughter with the tools she needs to thrive academically. This bundle, priced at just £25 per month, includes a school iPad, web filter software, online textbooks and resources, career tools and a dedicated personal locker.
The Ready to Learn Bundle provides your daughter with a multitude of benefits Firstly, the school iPad offers a safe, modern and efficient way for her to engage with educational materials, access digital resources, and collaborate with her peers. This invaluable tool enables her to develop critical digital literacy skills that are increasingly essential in today's ever-evolving technological landscape
By providing online textbooks, we ensure that your daughter has access to an extensive library of up-to-date learning resources. These digital textbooks offer numerous advantages over traditional print versions, such as interactive elements, multimedia enhancements, and the ability to search and annotate content They also eliminate the burden of carrying heavy backpacks, promoting a more comfortable and streamlined learning experience.
Furthermore, the dedicated locker included in the bundle offers a secure and convenient space for your daughter to store her belongings throughout the school day This ensures that she can navigate our school campus with ease, free from the worry of carrying unnecessary weight.
Parents of students who have accepted their offer of a place in Year 7 will receive a letter with further details about the Ready to Learn Bundle and information on the registration process.
Phone Number 020 8395 4225
Website www.holycross.kingston.sch.uk
Email hxs@holycross.kingston.sch.uk
Address 25 Sandal Road, New Malden, Surrey. KT3 5AR