Democratizing architectural experiences with modern technology. Architecture has been inherent to society since the beginning
power that architecture tends to have to bend entire
of civilization. Some might argue that the earliest forms of
civilizations to their desires. As early as the Sumerians,
architecture marked the beginning of society: alongside our
architecture has been used to shape religious thinking
ability to maintain a stable supply of food via agriculture,
and goals. It has aided in establishing rulers as god-
the earliest huts and walls allowed humans to gather
kings and allowed wealthy families to permanently
in societies. Communities soon grew larger; cultures,
stamp their ideals into the very landscape.
traditions, and styles could develop in lasting ways.
Since nearly the beginning of human history, the costs
Eventually, cities began forming and civilization as we
associated with architecture have put it exclusively in the
understand it slowly emerged.
hands of the wealthiest classes, as those individuals are
All of this was only possible, because at some point in
the only ones who can sustain such an undertaking to
human history people began to figure out that they could
completion. Paradigm shifts in architectural style require
design structure. Things that through their style, materials,
the presence of a wealthy progressive who does not want
and execution of intended function could begin to shape
another neo-classical, summer hide-away; and even
and even represent the lives of those surrounded by these
then, those clients, ultimately, direct the outcome. The
entities. The combination of physical structures and their
architects only have so much say over what actually occurs
cultural impacts is what came to be known as architecture.
between concept and construction. We see examples of this
Architecture provided safety and shelter, ways to organize
problem throughout history: in ancient times our greatest
communities, and monuments to human triumph and
architectural achievements were always temples; palaces;
worship. These incredible objects became—very quickly—an
or monuments to gods, kings, and god-kings. And, frankly,
art form at the core of human experience. They had the
this trend continued well into the Dark and Middle Ages.
power to shape minds and souls: some architecture has
It was not until the Renaissance that we began to see
gone so far as to help in establishing an era’s academic
architectural revolutions directly applied to residential
systems, religions, and philosophies.
or communal structures—rather than strictly trickling
That’s a powerful thing, the ability to sculpt a culture
down from updates to style in religious sites. And most of
with the construction of an object. And it was not long
those developments were still dictated by the whims of the
before leaders and wealthy classes began using the
wealthy families. Just look at Florence, Italy: one of the
best, early examples of widely applied
utopian city plans. For better or worse,
again, unlike more traditional art
architectural revolution was controlled
most of any architect’s work never
forms a building cannot be merely
across an entire province almost
leaves the drafting tables. Those are
sent around on an exhibition tour.
exclusively by the Medici family.
volumes of human history and culture
Even if an architect finds a wealthy
that deserve to be experienced as
progressive to fund their ideas, only
limitations to architectural design,
the artists envisioned them; but the
a (proportionately) small number
countless ideas from some of our
economic constraints of producing a
of people will ever usually see the
greatest thinkers have been lost to
building prevent most of these visions
piece, because it is anchored to some
history: no one will ever experience the
from ever being realized.
specific location in the world. So,
As a result of these practical
Cenotaph to Isaac Newton or either of Le Corbusier or Frank Lloyd Wright’s
The underlying problems of
these grand testaments to human
architecture do not stop there:
experience finally get constructed
PREVIOUS: Collins Arch (MR.P Studios); CENTER: Meteora (Tresde Studio)
and displayed, and only a handful of
As early as the 19th century, much
individuals (relative to all of humanity)
of that problem began to be resolved
ever get to experience that statement—
by photography. With developments
not by choice, but geographic and
in photography and videography
socio-economic constraints.
occurring over the past century and
Prior to the printing revolution, it
new forms of communication traditions
was unlikely that the majority of people
rapidly building over the same period,
would ever even hear about or see vague
more and more people are able to
indications of what a structure was.
begin experiencing these important
Even after Guttenberg, knowledge of a
elements of our cultural footprint.
piece was fairly regional and visually
However, architectural photography
limited to the drawn interpretations
comes with its own problems. To
of an artist—who themselves may
quote Nathalie Herschdorfer (editor
have never visited the site.
of New Swiss Architecture):
“Indeed, our knowledge of architecture
So while photography greatly
is primarily photographic. Because few
increases the accessibility of
people are able to visit a completed
architectural achievements, most
building, the photographs that claim
are still left trusting that the vision
to represent it often gives its first
of the photographer was one of
impression. What is overlooked is the fact
honestly simulating reality. Not to
that a photographic image is the result of
mention, photography can never
the highly subjective intention and vision
get at the way architecture is meant
of one individual—the photographer—
to be experienced. It’s a concept
even if he works on commission and is
Le Corbusier called le promenade
obliged to follow certain guidelines.”
architecturale, or the idea that architecture is essentially a sculpture
PREVIOUS: Black & White Apartment (Ibrahim Saad); TOP: Villa Savoye (UE4Arch); BOTTOM: Assassin’s Creed Unity (Ubisoft Montreal)
fully intended to be walked around.
the invention and distribution of
fidelity and incredible production-
One must see the whole space for
photographic methods. Sites that have
worthy speeds which amount to a
themselves, hear the sounds of
been lost to history are truly lost.
process significantly cheaper than
While many aspects of this
actual construction of a building.
the site, smell the local food in the wind, and feel the array of textures
problem still cannot be completely
the architect has planned for the
resolved, today’s technologies in
architect to draw up her plans and
structure. All of these things add
the many fields surrounding CGI
ideas and schemes and then, relatively
up to an experience of a kind of
and animation come ever closer to
cheaply, ship them off to a studio
heritage that photography can
completely democratizing architectural
to be modeled and visualized in an
only grasp at—and only for sites
experiences. Rendering technologies
incredibly lifelike space that can mirror
that have continued to exist after
today can operate at a lifelike
the sights, sounds, and ambiance of
It is now entirely possible for an
CENTER: Nordic Forest (Quixel); NEXT: One Orchard (MR.P Studios)
the intended reality. Bringing a game-
And the amazing advances in these
The technologies available are still
changing idea to life is no longer
technologies continue to sprint ahead.
a long way from perfectly simulating
exclusively in the hands of the wealthy
With major developments in the render
reality and the power that comes from
progressives. Particularly creative
engines used to produce modern video
visiting a site and its people with all
artists can use these same workflows
games as well as VR technologies
5 of your senses; but architectural
alongside historical references to
of the past 5 years, it is now entirely
visualization techniques of the
recreate architectural wonders that
possible to simulate existing in any
21st century are working hard to
have otherwise been lost to time.
architectural space; thus, providing
democratize architectural practices
audiences the opportunity to feel the
and share these cultural legacies with
intent of the concept. Some studios
all who wish to experience them.
today are already introducing this technology to industry pipelines: it is no longer unusual for a client to spend a few hours in the space they are having commissioned months before it is ever constructed.
Meet the new standards for architectural visualization. The fairly recent developments in photo-real CGI technologies
detail to emulate the actual experience of a particular site.
have not stopped studios across the world from moving to
Whereas most firms can produce adequate realism simply
PBR (physically-based rendering) workflows in constant
modeling, lighting, and texturing their compositions based
pursuit of near perfect simulations of reality. The global drive
on the architect’s intent, MR.P considers the artistic value
for a gold standard in rendering technology has generated
of their renders and adds a tertiary level of design and
standardized pipelines for achieving maximum realism in
narrative to the final images.
visualization techniques such that photo-realism is already methodically achieved by a range of studios. One such studio is MR.P Studios, an architectural
One of the grander examples of this perspective lies in a basic difference between their studio and many others: they visit the site. Most firms are content with pictures
visualization firm which breaks barriers every day in
of the intended location, but MR.P takes the team to the
photorealism at the consumer level. MR.P has been very
intended construction lot and spends a day or so there. They
open about reporting their processes for building and
document everything, interact with locals, and generally
rendering architectural scenes; and what one finds upon
absorb the culture and mood of the place they are supposed
investigating their methods is that they have perfectly
to reproduce. The fine detail that can only come from genuine
standard workflows for consistently creating beautifully
human experience is one of the ideas that has separated CGI
realistic images.
from previous visualization technologies. By interacting
Which when considered, is an insane suggestion: these days,
with the culture present in an architectural space, artists
realism at this level is a standard of quality professionals; not
have a real experience to build from when adding detail and
ground-breaking research and development. The technologies
crafting narrative.
behind PBR rendering are now so accessible that any studio
These experiences can change technical detail ranging
should be able to achieve results like these. That is not to
from the kinds of accessories used, the color grading and
say that MR.P is ho-hum in their methodologies, however.
weather systems, and even the fine levels of distress to
MR.P Studios achieves such fantastic results in their
materials that might actually occur on site. Even when
visualizations, because they do not merely reproduce
these details are nearly imperceptible in the final renders,
architectural designs. This studio concerns itself with the
they go a long way to adding believability and engaging
narrative of a scene and works at microscopic levels of
experiences for viewers.
In an architectural visualization, lighting
lighting scenarios that emulate the
the way an interior can be adequately
and composition are everything. Without
lighting of the photographed site.
exposed with natural bounce light
appropriate intensities and forms to
These setups create beautiful scenes
alone. It can be done well, but the
sell the mood, the renders will fail
with realistic falloff and lovely, blurry
lights systems are very complex and
both artistically and in believability.
shadows. And the color channels of
the calculations take far too long to
MR.P Studios are masters of nuanced
the HDRI photograph can be used to
survive in professional pipelines.
lighting systems that capture the
begin color-grading a scene for the
To compensate, most artists
careful drama of a space. They make
appropriate tone, as well as—in a
bring in manually-placed direct
use of HDRI lighting technologies,
few, ultra-high quality cases—auto-
lighting to bump interiors up a step
which are 360-degree photographs
generate a skybox to save artists
by actually painting light into the
captured at 32-bit color depth in
from matte painting back plates in
scene. This workflow is quite a bit
order to sustain lighting information
like traditional artistic methods for
beyond pure black and white. With
The secret to killer interior scenes
establishing volume in compositions
this much information, render engines
goes a bit beyond HDRI lighting systems,
and goes a long way to adding
can use the luminance channels
however. Most render engines still lack
atmosphere and beauty to a render.
of the photograph to build natural
the technology to efficiently emulate
White card renders like these are
can focus on the way the forms
integral to MR.P’s workflow. Artists
interact with one another and the
model and compose every aspect of
technical success of their models.
a scene using only basic HDRI’s for
Simply put, the whitecard is a check
light. Every model gets a homogeneous
point for ensuring that the design is
texture and the compositions are
solving the client’s problem and that
rendered. These white cards are a tool
sketching/blocking phases are fully
for analyzing a scene’s compatibility
realizing the intended solution.
and compositional success down to the smallest details. Without the distractions of color, reflections, or visual narrative, the designers
Production-speed hyper-realism tools at consumer-level costs. Photo-real rendering technologies have been widely available
models. Since this model was released in 2012, studios
for a while now; but all that really means is that computers
across the world have had access to the data and
capable of scattering and reflecting light in realistic ways
algorithms they need to create photo-real renders in
have existed for some time. To achieve renders that emulate
production environments.
reality, artists and designers still have to study the real
Notably, though, this dataset did not change much about
world and generate the materials and assets being revealed
PBR workflows as far as the artists themselves were
by those complex lighting computations. In the early days
concerned. This was a dataset that could change render
of CGI, that primarily meant hand-painting everything.
engines for mega-studios like PIXAR or various engines
Interesting textures, reflections, and narrative details were
built for games. However, as far as everyday CGI workflows
slow to be developed and rare to find outside of a PIXAR
were concerned, artists were still doing everything either by
production—the Disney masters have, since the beginning of
hand or with a limited set of procedural tools. Concepts took
animation history, been at the cutting edge of the available
just as long to develop; designers simply had data ranges
technologies and always willing to work by-hand within the
they could hone into for achieving perfection much faster
newest frameworks to emulate reality beautifully.
during refinement stages of a project.
And even within those holy studios, things were a bit of a
What this meant is fast-paced, production studios like
wild west. We had the science to study light’s interaction with
those doing architectural visualization still did not have the
materials, but no algorithms for converting those interactions
means to produce physically real renders. They needed a
into CGI assets. Physically real assets were unheard of in most
toolkit for procedurally generating everything from stone
studios, because the workflows were inefficient and costly.
and brick work to plastics to fabrics in a PBR environment.
However, more realistic and interesting CGI productions were
That’s where Allegorithmic Substance comes in. Substance
becoming a standard, and these materials needed to be
is exactly the toolkit necessary for production-tier studios to
standardized as well. Once again, enter Disney.
achieve physically real materials and shaders according to
While it would likely be unfair to state that Disney Animation
the Disney Principled BRDF model.
Studios solely invented PBR-workflows, it is entirely fair to
Substance comes in two forms: Designer and Painter.
say that Disney made the first steps in standardizing the
What they call themselves are a material authoring workflow—
algorithms with their Disney Principled BRDF shading
which is a pretty accurate sentiment. Essentially, Substance
Designer is a node-based, procedural
Together, these tools allow even fast-
believability. But the speed and ease with
environment that allows designers to
paced studios like MR.P to maintain a
which artists can go back and adjust
emulate or invent materials that simulate
standardized and procedural workflow
individual models and textures without
real physics according to the Disney
for executing beautifully realistic renders.
breaking physical accuracy affords these
standards. Painter is a non-procedural
Anyone can work in a highly intuitive
studios the opportunity to perfect their
workflow that operates as a sort of
environment to produce lovely tiles,
renders with all of the grimy little details
post-processing for Designer. There,
brickwork, glass, and flooring for their
that come with life in a building. We have
artists have the ability to manually work
structures to sell the tone of the house.
never before been able to so accurately
in detail in the form of grime, scratches,
However, no mood would be
visualize not just the structure itself,
distortions, etc. to the materials as they
completely set without a human element;
but life inside of a piece of architecture.
lay on the models they are attached to.
a bit of narrative to seal the deal on
And it’s all because of the immense
PREVIOUS: Forest Pack Demo (iToosoft); CENTER: 6088 A.D. (Cornelius Dammerich)
detail work and physical accuracy
The problem elements in this regard
that tools like Substance afford
are things like plants and stones found
visualization studios.
in the wild. The landscapes, whether
But not all of those details can be
natural or managed, are incredibly
produced even in powerful procedural
difficult to produce in physically real
environments like Substance. Some
situations. There are so many levels of
organic elements simply cannot be
detail in those objects, and so much
simulated properly. Certainly, not with
variation within those levels. These
today’s technology, but maybe never.
elements must be hand modeled and
TOP: Substance Designer (Allegorithmic); BOTTOM: Quarry Test (Darryl Johnson) NEXT: Masterclass #24 (Fernando of SOA Academy)
painted; and, even still, may not be
of those objects. This is a fantastic
this technology, is that Quixel, a tech
believable or accurate.
new approach to organic elements
company interested in developing
But yet another new technology
when trying to produce physically-
better PBR tools, has developed a
has risen to this challenge and made
real renders, because those rocks
way of commodifying these photo-
another level of production-ready,
and plant life are elements that exist
grammetry assets for incredibly cheap
PBR environments possible. This new
all around us and have, previously,
such that any studio could very quickly
technology is called photogrammetry
largely been ignored. Now it’s one
acquire and make use of photo-real
and is, essentially, a 360-degree capture
more tool in a designer’s toolkit; and
organic elements. Architectural
of various real-world, problem objects
one that takes directly from reality
visualization studios frequently make
to be imported into 3D workflows
rather than stopping at simulation.
use of Quixel Megascans to quickly
as perfect, PBR representations
What is particularly interesting about
add house plants, landscaping, and
exterior elements to a scene and enhance the believability of a render. The incredible realism of this tool and its accessibility to most designers makes it a fantastic step forward in standardizing physically accurate simulations of reality, which further democratizes the experience and cultural value of an architectural piece.
Bringing architectural experiences to life via virtual reality technologies. New rendering technologies were already changing everything
landscapes and foliage. Inside this engine, UE4Arch builds
about the architectural visualization experience; but some
structures and environments using fairly typical techniques
companies were not satisfied with beautiful still images.
entirely comparable to the new architectural visualization
These organizations believed that architecture is only
standards. However, this group takes those standards one
truly realized as a live, interactive structure—complete
step further by building out walkable environments as well
with sounds and surrounding environments. Of course,
as curating interactive experiences for audiences.
that sounds like a fool’s errand to pursue; but there is a
The ways in which they gamify these experiences varies
group, UE4Arch, who believed in that ideal and, frankly,
greatly from project to project. One of their early projects,
made it happen.
Vineyard Challenge, was more cinematic: it took viewers
Some of the newest and most powerful render engines
on a curated journey through an old Italian vineyard and
are not actually those used for film, vfx, or even traditional
slowly led them through an endearing exploration of the
archviz practices. Instead, the most budding technologies
interior. Others—like the Lake House—are complete reality
are the ever-developing game engines which allow for ultra-
simulations allowing users to fully interact with the home in
realistic rendering in real time. More importantly, the game
reasonable ways. For example, you could pull a chair from
development tools in these engines and their compatibility
the table and “sit” in it. Or you could turn on the oven and
with virtual reality tools allow designers to gamify these
fry some eggs. Experiences like these completely change
architectural experiences. Audiences can be completely
our cultural ideas about what it means to “see” a piece of
submerged in alternate worlds housing the architecture.
architecture. Because have you really seen and understood
Here, they can walk around and explore the buildings—and
it if you have not walked around it? Explored every nook and
usually even the surrounding areas—and interact with the
cranny? Lived in it? UE4Arch makes dramatic steps forward
structure in a few specific ways.
in democratizing architectural experiences with these VR
UE4Arch must be particularly highlighted in these practices, because they invented them and continue to develop
games, which are entirely free to the public. However, their passion for democratizing architecture
the community to new heights. This studio develops VR
takes a few steps further than their gamified projects. The
experiences using Unreal Engine 4, a game engine well
first is that several of their projects are ones of historic or
known for its hyper-real renders—particularly in regards to
even academic nature: UE4Arch does not merely design
contemporary, fictional homes. They
are completely available for studying
idea that, just a few hundred years
also provide VR experiences for
and reverse-engineering at low costs,
ago people were limited to word-
famous, historic structures such as
and they offer extensive tutorials on
of-mouth and maybe sketches of a
Ludwig Mies van dehr Roes’ Barcelona
their workflows and thinking for free.
building in a local pamphlet in regards
Pavillion or Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye.
This studio has a great deal of passion
to understanding architecture they
And even older cultural heritage
for bringing immersive architectural
did not live next to. And even that was
projects are in development. These
experiences to all, and strives to
incredibly localized—hearing about
projects bring major architectural
ensure that the ability to create more
architecture from across the world
achievements to the hands of all
of these projects reaches any who
would be unheard of for any below the
who are willing to explore them—
are interested.
ranks of nobles. But now we have the
dramatically closing the gap between architects and audiences.
The work UE4Arch is doing is truly
technology to allow anyone to live and
exemplary in the field of architectural
breathe in an architectural space from
visualization, and they will surely
across the world. The jump from one
democratizing architectural experience
be recognized for the monumental
to the other has been a slow, constant
is that UE4Arch shares everything they
historic value their works are providing
progression forward in our ability to
know with the public. Their projects
society. When one ponders on the
produce images; but the majority
The second primary achievement in
of the technology allowing for these
may never be possible; but the
hyper-real experiences has existed
technologies being developed and
for less than a decade—and that is an
used today have significantly closed
insane statement about the tenacity
the gaps between various human
of humans interested in sharing
experiences and their audiences—
knowledge and culture.
and that will surely aid societies
We still have a long way to go
in growing ever-closer together.
in perfecting these experiences, and perfectly simulated reality
FIRST: Barcelona Pavillion; PREVIOUS: Lakeshore Home; TOP: Lakeshore Home; BOTTOM: Vineyard Challenge
DESIGNED BY: Luke Parker Cover image is my own creation, inspired by the adjacent “Glenstone Museum” by Peter Guthrie. All other images in this piece are found resources and credited in the captions throughout. This project was completed at the University of Louisville in December, 2017. Special thanks to the neverending support of Joyce Chen and the mentorship of Meena Khalili. TYPOGRAPHY: DIN - Light - 10/18 DIN - Light - 8/10 DIN - Regular - 18/20 ITC Officina Sans - Book - 28/30 PRINTING: Blurb Magazine - 80#T/80#C