A company built around taking every risk to make the best products. Period.
In 1983, the founders of HUSCO
So, it’s time for a makeover. We
at HUSCO. Why should we look any
Automotive risked everything to
decided HUSCO needs a whole new
establish an automotive part manu-
look. Something that captures the
facturer that delivered on being the
spirit of innovation at all costs that
So here’s to an all new look, a new
very best. We separated ourselves
HUSCO was founded on. When
age of innovation. We’re the same
from “good enough” to produce the
we approached this problem, we
HUSCO: the same risk-takers who
most powerful, efficient parts using
scratched our heads for awhile on
bet everything on the very best,
the very latest in manufacturing
what the new logo should look
most efficient manufacturing tech-
technology. Today, we stand by that
like. How do you make a name feel
nology. We just decided it was time
promise and have grown into one
like innovation itself? We decided
to look the part.
of the largest auto part manufactur-
that the only way to do it was the
ers in the world. However, we have
HUSCO way: by taking something
come to realize that HUSCO doesn’t
filled with raw potential and shaping,
look the way HUSCO should feel: like
molding, and streamlining until we
the very best. We pride ourselves on
were left with only one possibility—
being the most innovative risk-takers
the most beautiful, efficient form for
in the industry, and yet we still look
getting that job done right, the first
like 1983.
time. It’s how we do everything here
Founder, Agustin Ramirez Jr. in his current office.
The foundations of any brand’s image: this is how we craft a public narrative.
In crafting a new look for HUSCO,
The goal for these elements is to
we had to start from the ground up.
pull what can be salvaged from
HUSCO’s branding had not been up-
the brand’s (adomittedly) rather
dated since the company’s genesis
unpleasing and outdated looks and
in 1983. What we have established in
use them as inspiration for moving
response to this problem are a fresh
forward with a fresh look for the
set of logo-marks, key brand colors,
company. A look that contains a
typographic pairings, and ancillary
more appropriate tonality for the
elements for the brand.
company’s goals and history, as well as a cohesive timelessness that will provide for HUSCO for the forseeable future.
If a company could have a single most important investment, this is it.
The logomark is the face of any
they use the most innovative tools
What if it’s a complex graphic
part and HUSCO doesn’t in 20
getting a better idea for what those
numerous tests and iterations and
company. It is the look most often
and techniques to make the very
element that still speaks to the rigid
years, then they need a new mark.
elements looked like, and, in doing
quite a lot of peer review can quite
associated with a brand, and the one
best—at all costs. We knew instantly
history and power of “industry” but
And we don’t want that at all; we
so, we discovered this cool “venetian
confidently present a new HUSCO.
thing people are most likely to re-
that the mark needed to be about
does so in a way that elevates the
wanted a timelessness that said “this
blind” pattern (called anisotropic
One that is bound up in an elegance
member. With such a heavy respon-
parts, part-making, and assemblies;
whole sector? Wouldn’t that speak
was engraved in aluminum in 1950
reflections) that frequently ends
and narrative that drives a much
sibility, it is integral to the company’s
and I knew that my logo had to yell
to innovation? We thought so, and
and it’ll still be stenciled onto the
up on metal objects sculpted with
more innovative graphic standards
public image that the logomark be
industrial innovation. But how do
soon began developing a sense of
side of plastic spacecraft in 2099.”
the latest CNC technologies. This
for the rest of the brand elements.
incredibly refined and representative
you talk about industrial innovation?
elegance in the mark.
Additionally, a raw illustration would
pattern would be the perfect way
of the group’s mission.
Industry is such a classic, chunky
be too obvious and, thus, completely
to create an elegant, graphic ele-
lack elegance.
ment for the emblem that would
thing that has had a fairly homo-
Now with a mood established we
In order to establish a mark that met
geneous look since the ‘20s. When
began with a whole wave of sketch-
these criteria, we went back to the
trying to push innovation, If you
ing and thinking and iterating. We
So we needed a way to abstract the
viewers. However, the structure of
drawing board in figuring out how
streamline it or make it too friendly,
struggled with the idea of parts
idea of parts and assemblies. We
those elements allows me to sneak
exactly HUSCO needs to look and
you remove it from its sector or you
because we didn’t want to be too
figured maybe this could be done
in a monogram for HUSCO that,
feel to best represent their mission.
boil it down to something inappro-
literal. If we simply illustrated parts
by abstracting the actual shapes
when noticed, would prove to be
What we discovered was HUSCO
priate or kind of lifeless. But what
that HUSCO manufactures, problems
and movements of various parts
unforgettable. The simplicity of the
can be boiled down to two things:
if the emblem is not streamlined or
arise. First, is that it dates the mark
and assembly methods. Of course,
unified structure that resulted was
they are a parts manufacturer and
significantly. If we make a hydraulic
that meant pulling reference and
incredibly visually appealing. After
on its own entice and dazzle
Colors form the most solid psychological impressions. This is how you ensure the mark is never forgotten.
Innovation Silver
Manufacturing Grey
Production Green
PMS: 2768 C
PMS: 537 C
PMS: Cool Gray 9 C
PMS: 7485 C
R/G/B: 19 28 64
R/G/B: 172 180 191
R/G/B: 111 111 115
R/G/B: 216 218 205
CMYK: 99% 91% 42% 50%
CMYK: 33% 23% 18% 0%
CMYK: 58% 49% 45% 14%
CMYK: 15% 9% 18% 0%
HEX: 131C40
HEX: 6F6F73
When developing the graphic
colors aid in establishing a sleek,
The overall effect is one of rich,
standards, choosing colors was one
airiness throughout the system that
intentional objects that both float
of the most important tasks as its
truly drips elegance when used in
beautifully in space with just enough
one of the clearest ways to denote
white-spawce heavy compositions.
solid tones to anchor into the solid-
space and evoke mood. With our
We also hand-picked a matte black
ity of industry. A particularly nice
goals of innovation in industry via
and lunar grey for our luminance
consequence is that pages done in
elegance in design, we decided to
settings rather than flat black and
the proper style have a tendency to
keep colors fairly subdued. What
white. These colors mute the usually
evoke a visual of reflections glim-
Matte Black
Lunar Grey
emerged is a deep navy as our
intense contrast in luminance and
mering off brushed aluminum—a
PMS: 426 C
PMS: 649 C
primary mark color to settle into
have a visual effect of a soft textural
perfect metaphor of the new age of
R/G/B: 49 50 51
R/G/B: 235 236 242
the rich history of masculinity and
quality. In this way, when a starker
CMYK: 71% 64% 62% 59%
CMYK: 6% 5% 2% 0%
“chunkiness” in industry and, thus,
palate is needed, it still maintains a
HEX: 313233
keep overall tone appropriate but
floating visual elegance and soft-
sleeker than the competition. We
ness necessary to our appeal to
paired that “HUSCO Blue” with a
variety of low-saturation, cool-toned accents for usage in the signature and text across the system. These
Type is language and the tone we choose to speak in visually. A company’s typography must always evoke exactly the right mood. When finding just the right type-
however, in system where mood is
for an excellent choice to represent
face for HUSCO, we knew we
driving most of the look.
the elegance established thus far.
What we ended up settling on is
In terms of usage, Gotham is suit-
Generally speaking, a modern, serif
the Gotham family. A Hoefler & Co.
able for almost any situation but will
font does that job quite nicely; but
typeface from the mid-2000s, this
need to be tweaked significantly in
this is still manufacturing, and we
family was designed around ver-
leading, tracking, and kerning across
needed something with a little more
nacular, hand-painted signage from
varying sizes. It takes a careful hand
structure to it. In, ultimately, going
20th-century Brooklyn. This san-serif
to master, but with care can adapt to
with a san serif we looked at a lot
is the ultimate balance between
almost any scenario. Because of the
of options that ranged the gamut
geometric structure, and a clas-
complicated tweaking that must go
from the hyper-traditonal, corporate
sic elegance that reaches beyond
on given any new situation, it would
typefaces like Univers and Helvetica
any eras. The family has gorgeous
be impossible to detail typographic
to friendlier looks like Futura and
counter-forms and its many weights
specifications. Instead, ensure you
Avenir to even newer tech-looks in
and styles work excellently as
are using Gotham in a way appro-
the likes of Google’s Roboto. None
display text. The robustness of this
priate to the structured elegance
of these had quite the right mood,
font family is suitable to a variety
otherwise established in the brand.
needed something that spoke to
of sizes and mediums and made
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
For when a brand seeks a touch of extra flair to lift the mood or add interest to a composition.
Some brands make use of second-
This pattern is, notably, quite
ary markers, patterns, etc. called
intense and should be used spar-
ancillary elements. These are sort of
ingly. However, there are instances
signature devices intended to evoke
where one might want to lighten
a clear structure or feeling reminis-
the mood for in-house materials and
cent of the brand without necessar-
architectural elements where this
ily plastering the logo everywhere.
pattern makes a great hero image.
They might also be used as textural
Appropriate usages should generally
or hero elements such that they
include full pages and/or walls in
organize a page in a way that is
otherwise lank compositions as the
distinctly “on-brand.” In HUSCO’s
visual strength of the pattern will
case, we have developed a pattern
overpower most other entities in an
using the logo-mark itself to allow
unappealing way.
for areas where those anisotropic reflections—so crucial to inspiring the logo—can be carried through into other aspects of the brand.
Not every mark fills every space favorably. These are your guides for ensuring we always look our best.
Standards are all about making sure
These particular rules will excel at
HUSCO looks its absolute best. To
ensuring that no matter the user or
ensure that it does, we have some
context, HUSCO is always be repre-
tight standards about how the logo
sented according to its best inter-
can and cannot be used in a variety
ests: cohesive and professionally.
of applications. The next few pages will detail these rules, which must be adhered to strictly no matter the application.
The mark should have a nice wide
clear space to allow for an elegant, intentional float in the composition. No matter the form you use, clear space should be at least equal to the space between the emblem and
Cluttering up the mark’s airspace makes the whole brand seem disorganized and unprofessional.
word; but, prefarably, twice that space. 21
The goal of a mark’s clear space
To ensure that the mark’s airspace
is to reduce the clutter around a
remains uncluttered and profes-
mark that can deprive it of its tone
sional, you must strictly follow the
or professionalism. We’re striving
clear space requirements listed on
to maintain a sense of intent and
the adjacent page. These require-
elegance within the brand, which
ments are based on a system of
simply cannot be achieved in
proportions related to the mark itself
environments where the mark is
in order to account for the many
struggling to breath. Additionally,
different scales the mark might be
allowing other elements to drift
seen at.
too close to the mark can create negative connotations/associations between the brand and other entities. HUSCO should be seen as an independent and confident entity—being inadvertently tied into something else’s image could destroy that statement.
The horizontal mark is intended for use in situations where the vertical space on a composition would force the mark to shrink to intolerable viewing sizes. Example usages would
With such a wide range of places to find the mark, its important to be prepared for any space or location.
be in the header of the website, on envelopes or labels, or on the actual manufacturing equipment. 23
Alongside the primary signature, we
These are all legal marks for use
developed some alternate composi-
in place of the primary signature
The squared off mark is intended for
tions for the logo-mark to provide
so long as the situation meets the
use in zones where the mark has a
for situations where available space
constraints provided here.
very tight area to meet clear space
is not ideal for the primary mark. In
constraints or otherwise needs to
addition to these alternate layouts,
exist in a very condensed, squarish
we have used the HUSCO luminance
space. This form should be the least
tones to establish alternate colorings
frequently used. Example us-
for the marks. Designers frequently
ages incude engraving or stenciling
run into situations where a mark
products and manufacturing equip-
needs to overlay an unusual or clash-
ment, stenciling the backs of cargo
ing color or rest on top of an image.
containers, or otherwise embedding
In these cases, an alternate color is
into an ancillary “goodie.�
frequently better for ensuring the form of the mark is not muddled by the overall composition.
For any situation where the mark must be seen on a surface other than flat white, one of these alternate colors must be used. The logo should always be seen on a flat color of some design. If that color has a
A mark might be seen in a variety of situations, not all of them suited to the original palatte. Use these marks instead.
lightness value of 30% or higher, use the Lunar Grey variation of the mark. If the surface color has a lightness white) use the Matte Black variation. If either of these situations result in
Each of these alternative colors is
composotion other than the marks
an unfavorable color combination,
and studios will have a variety of
a valid and legal usage of the mark
provided; breaking clear space
use the classic signature on top of
aesthetic interests in producing
or any of the alternate marks; but
regulations on any mark to attach a
a white panel in the design. If the
additional content for the HUSCO
the standards listed must be strictly
slogan or other entity to the mark;
mark must be seen on the surface
brand. Whether it be in advertising,
adhered to at all times. Any devia-
changing colors in a way not dictat-
of a photograph, it is desireable that
miscellaneous marketing materials,
tion from these standards will be
ed by the alternate colors standards;
the photograph use an overlay of
signage, or in-house documenta-
of significant harm to the brand’s
scaling disproportionately, rotating,
HUSCO Blue or be made into a duo
tion it’s important that mark always
integrity and power as a memorable
flipping or otherwise transforming
tone using HUSCO Blue and Lunar
maintain the appropriate profession-
the mark; applying overlay textures
Grey. Regardless of whether this is
such as patterns (including the
possible, the mark must be shown
Given that new hands and minds
The mark should, otherwise, not be
HUSCO pattern), grunge, or distress
on a panel with color combinations
will have many ideas about what
altered in any way. Period. These al-
of any kind. Any of these usages or
appropriate to the tone photograph.
various materials should look like, we
ternate colors and forms are robust
others unlisted that deviate from
have provided a number of alternate
enough to satisfy any appropriate
the standards in this manual would
colors and standards for their usage
situation. The mark should never
be damaging to the brand and
to ensure that the brand’s integrity is
be otherwise changed or altered in
could result in litigation towards the
maintained no matter the situation.
any way. Inappropriate alterations
might include: use of any signature
value of 29% or lower (other than
Designers from various backgrounds
alism and tone for HUSCO’s vision.
While we could not possibly pre-design everything the brand might need, we thought we would at least try. This chapter is all about showing
However, the standards in this
of advertisements that in handling
you how the brand ought to be seen
chapter are examples of how the
of image and concept do a great job
out in the real world. Beyond the
brand should feel out in the world.
of evoking “HUSCOness.” And many
HUSCO logo regulations, the brand
We have included everything from
others besides. Take a look through
needs to maintain a certain cohesive
literature to architecture in hopes
these elements and, when design-
look and tone to impart intention
that other designers reading this
ing, always remember: every risk to
and elegance that—when seen again
standards manual will have the
make the best products. Period.
and again by our client and consum-
tools and inspiration to maintain the
ers—will connote a worldly solidity
elegance and professionalism that
and help build trust and loyalty in
HUSCO was built on—long after
the brand. We could not possibly
we are gone. Thus, the materials in
design everything the brand would
these last pages should be seem
ever need in terms of applications
as wayfinding elements more than
of our image in the world; nor would
strict regulations. We have included
we want to try.
stationary examples meant to show how print material could maintain tone while juggling the various brand elements. There are examples
Official stationary is key to ensuring the whole office lives up to the HUSCO gold standard.
October 1, 2017
COO, HUSCO Business Operations 8611 National Tpke, Ste 130 Fairdale, KY 4011
Dear Mr. Smith,
Luke Parker Office of Communications, HUSCO
This is a letter informing you of our new brand standards designed by none
8611 National Tpke, Ste 314 Fairdale, KY 40118
A proper stationary set is a great
compositions in the HUSCO brand,
other than myself. We will now be making use of graphic standards that do not
way to reinforce an identity at
and seeing it again here cements
becoming soon including: new stationary sets (like this one), a new website, new
the level of person-to-person
these objects’ authority as a HUSCO
primary handling of imagery. Its going to be a fantastic new look for HUSCO that
suck. I have changed the logo, brand colors, and primary typeface. More will advertising campaigns, new product feature commercial spots, and cgi-rendered ATTN: John Smith Office of Communications, HUSCO
is sure to put us light years ahead of our competition in terms of professional
interactions. Good stationary sets
8611 National Tpke, Ste 314
style and approach. Our consumers will love the new look, likening us to the bold
Fairdale, KY 40118
sexiness of many industrial design firms. We will, however, be careful so as not to
go about this by maintaining a
go so far as to denounce the classic look of industry that has built the foundation
clear and appropriate tone for the
With every piece of communication
company’s image regardless of the
sent with one of these items, the
fairly denotative intent of the set
recipient is reminded who HUSCO
pieces. Our design for the station-
is and what we are all about. Thus,
ary uses bold HUSCO colors and
our brand is reinforced and made
elegant white space (even at the
stronger every day, via even simple
small scale of the business card) to
office communications.
carry forward the brand’s values and mission. Additional consistency with other brand elements is attained by enforcing a beautiful four-column grid across the pieces. This layout structure is inherent to all graphic
of trust we have with our clients. Here’s to a whole new HUSCO!
Luke Parker VP Advertising, HUSCO Office of Communications, HUSCO
Office of Communications, HUSCO
(502) 618-3528
8611 National Tpke, Ste 314
(502) 618-3529
Fairdale, KY 40118 P: (502) 618-3528 F: (502) 618-3529
The new home page features a
cleaner navigation bar and more organized layout that calls back to the 4 column structure of other graphic elements. The focus now is on interesting content that might
A company’s online presence is critical to acquiring new business bartners and consumers.
teach visitors about who exactly we are, and (hopefully) convert them to clients. As part of that effort a new introduction video is featured front-and-center on the home page to get audiences
HUSCO’s website will likely be the
New content develops the articles
Visually, we maintained a four-
first point of contact for many of its
that already exist to maintain a blog-
column structure evident in all
business relationships. As such, it is
like feed of information about new
HUSCO graphic materials to cement
imperative that the site looks profes-
products, techniques, and commu-
a consistency within the look of
sional and carry forward the values
nity roles happening within HUSCO
the brand. A new focus on banners
and mission of the HUSCO brand.
and related industries. Additionally,
and imagery alongside elegant
Our intentions for the website are
we removed the cumbersome
whitespace should garner more
that we step back from the primarily
catalog of processes and products
interest in exploring the site. We
“filler” content of the current web-
and, instead, used the website as
hope to use this space as a way of
site and update it to include mean-
a place to showcase those items.
elevating HUSCO’s image and sense
ingful content and a more successful
There are now catalog pages and
of mission—even when we’re not
user experience. Removing clunky
search functions that lead to pages
around to talk it through.
material and streamlining the experi-
discussing individual products and
ence will result in feelings of comfort
their manufacturing techniques.
and professionalism towards the site—both necessary for developing trust and happiness in future clients.
excited about HUSCO’s vision.
Austin Ramirez’s Year in the White House featured by AEM
Gus Ramirez honored at Milwaukee Business Journal’s Corporate Citizenship Summit
Innovative Techniques Produce the Best Products Everytime
Featured Product: Advanced Suspension Version 2.4.3
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HUSCO Automotive 8611 National Turnpike Fairdale, KY 40118
Follow Us Online:
31 Contact Us: 1 (502) 618-3528
The operations page has been altered to contain genuine content worth reading: it contains explorations of our design and manufacturing techniques and technologies as
them with interesting imagery and simulations.
OPERATIONS At HUSCO Automotive, we engineer and manufacture custom products for OEMs worldwide. Our product range includes a wide spectrum of electro-hydraulic solenoid valves and solenoids that are used as actuators. We produce solenoid valves in both low and high pressure configurations.
well as developer videos explaining these ideas and supplementing
News articles now have much more
dynamic layouts with an entire
column all but empty and pacing We have experience with a wide range of flows and fluids including engine oil, damper fluid, power steering, ATF, gasoline, diesel, water, urea and others. HUSCO valve products include on/off, proportional pressure and flow control valves as well as combinations of these valves in manifolds with filtration for complete system solutions.
controlled via pull-quotes.
Concept Through Production
Project Management
To predict and optimize solenoid performance, 2D
The team captures the customer’s system design
and 3D modeling is used.The analysis provides
intent by working with their engineering and
valuable information on eddy currents, temperature
manufacturing team to establish ideal design and
effects, frequency response, static forces and
process solutions. This information is used to define
magnetic effects.
the product specification and establish preliminary
Austin Ramirez’s Year in the White House featured by
product and process assumptions. Historic STRUCTURAL FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (FEA)
warranty, quality and durability information is also
Both 2D and 3D structural analysis is used to
John Smith Senior Manager, Charitable Donations
predict static and dynamic loading in addition to any deformation due to forces, pressures and
assembly processes.
and define stage into a product design solution DYNAMIC SYSTEM SIMULATION
which is optimized through joint FMEAs,material
Dynamic simulation is used to verify performance,
reviews, cross functional design reviews,technical
conduct sensitivity analysis, determine frequency
specifications, etc.
response, analyze stability and evaluate "what if"
scenarios.The simulation is a function of dynamic,
“Years from now, I hope I look back at this formative time as the spark that drove me to more fully engage in issues that matter to our community and our country,” Ramirez told AEM. “It’s a responsibility we all share, and it’s one I now take more seriously than ever.”
hydraulic, thermal and electrical inputs. It can also
The APQP process is the foundation of our
be used to develop and test control algorithms.
manufacturing philosophy that ensures robust and COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (CFD)
reliable solutions are identified for every aspect of a
CFD is used to predict microscopic hydraulic
new product introduction. Even after our products
behavior of components and systems including flow
and processes have exceeded customer
forces, pressure drops, flow rates and effective
requirements, our engineering and manufacturing
series restrictions. Used in both 2D and 3D, it allows
teams continue to perform studies.We use this
us to validate analysis and optimize designs.
ongoing information to refine and update our
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
product and process FMEAs and optimize existing MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS
and future designs.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate
Predicting 3D motion of multi-body systems and mechanisms, this software is used in conjunction
with dynamic system models to evaluate the entire
Using our own state-of-the-art environmental
system performance. In complex systems, it
chambers and durability test stands complemented
replaces time-consuming analysis techniques.
by outside laboratories (as required), our product
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate
Transform the collaborative inputs from the plan
solutions are exercised over all operational and environmental extremes defined by our customer. Capable production equipment is validated using
HUSCO Automotive 8611 National Turnpike Fairdale, KY 40118
production intent components, pre-production control plans, shop floor operators, etc. Results from these pre-production runs further validate the processes, run-at-rate requirements and provide hands on training for our operators. Our design and manufacturing engineers also participate in the 'run-at-rate' experience.
HUSCO Automotive 8611 National Turnpike Fairdale, KY 40118
Follow Us Online:
Contact Us: 1 (502) 618-3528
Follow Us Online:
Contact Us: 1 (502) 618-3528
We have added a product catalog to
the website to increase knowledge
and trust in potential clients. The
current website is wary to show
anything about our products and,
thus, has no strong way to reel audi-
ences in. This page is a section of
that catalog already filtered down to
CAM PHASING At HUSCO Automotive, we engineer and manufacture custom products for OEMs worldwide. Our product range includes a wide spectrum of electro-hydraulic solenoid valves and solenoids that are used as actuators. We produce solenoid valves in
prices and ordering functions are ex-
CAM PHASING VARIETY 001 To predict and optimize solenoid performance, 2D
valuable information on eddy currents, temperature effects, frequency response, static forces and
categories with a side navigation ANOTHER VARIETY OF PHASING
menu or obtain more details by
We have experience with a wide range of flows and fluids including engine oil, damper fluid, power steering, ATF, gasoline, diesel, water, urea and others. HUSCO valve products include on/off, proportional pressure and flow control valves as well as
WEIGHT: 25kg
Both 2D and 3D structural analysis is used to
To predict and optimize solenoid performance, 2D
predict static and dynamic loading in addition to
and 3D modeling is used.The analysis provides
any deformation due to forces, pressures and
valuable information on eddy currents, temperature
assembly processes.
effects, frequency response, static forces and magnetic effects.
any deformation due to forces, pressures and
To predict and optimize solenoid performance, 2D
Both 2D and 3D structural analysis is used to
assembly processes.
and 3D modeling is used.The analysis provides
predict static and dynamic loading in addition to
valuable information on eddy currents, temperature
any deformation due to forces, pressures and
effects, frequency response, static forces and
assembly processes.
predict static and dynamic loading in addition to
selecting a product from this page.
At HUSCO Automotive, we engineer and manufacture custom products for OEMs worldwide. Our product range includes a wide spectrum of electro-hydraulic solenoid valves and solenoids that are used as actuators. We produce solenoid valves in
DIMENSIONS: 3”x4”x2.5”
more client turnover.
Both 2D and 3D structural analysis is used to
intend to take away this business’
meaningful content that will result in
Technical Specifications
We merely want the site to provide
magnetic effects.
cluded because our designs do not history of “hand shake operations.”
and 3D modeling is used.The analysis provides
a category of parts. You can switch
beautiful visualizations and a great
features of the product. Notably,
Available Products
deal of technical detail about the
We have experience with a wide range of flows and fluids including engine oil, damper fluid, power steering, ATF, gasoline, diesel, water, urea and others. HUSCO valve products include on/off, proportional pressure and flow control valves as well as
The product pages feature big,
magnetic effects.
CALLING THIS ONE 003 To predict and optimize solenoid performance, 2D and 3D modeling is used.The analysis provides valuable information on eddy currents, temperature
HUSCO Automotive 8611 National Turnpike Fairdale, KY 40118
effects, frequency response, static forces and magnetic effects.
Follow Us Online:
Contact Us: 1 (502) 618-3528
THIS FILLER TEXT IS MFG LINGO Both 2D and 3D structural analysis is used to predict static and dynamic loading in addition to any deformation due to forces, pressures and assembly processes.
STRAIGHT FROM HUSCO To predict and optimize solenoid performance, 2D and 3D modeling is used.The analysis provides valuable information on eddy currents, temperature effects, frequency response, static forces and magnetic effects.
HUSCO Automotive 8611 National Turnpike Fairdale, KY 40118
Follow Us Online:
Contact Us: 1 (502) 618-3528
A few possibilities for stylized advertisements that really speak to HUSCO’s intentions for its products.
Good advertising should be the
typography, and composition of the
Typography for the headline is
to do business with us, that’s when
We believe, in general, that HUSCO
careful combination of a good idea
ad. These are by no means intended
generally in the left-most column
they learn about more technical
ads should stick to these themes
to communicate something, a strong
to be the only ads ever used, but
but shifts to various flowlines based
detail—not within an advertisement.
and keep in mind this handling of
and brief headline for communicat-
merely suggestions for handling
on the needs of the overall composi-
So to focus on the more abstract
imagery in future works.
ing it, and interesting imagery to
core HUSCO ideas.
tion. Colors and layouts are selected
idea of HUSCO, we have designed
to maintain a high legibility where
ads that sell a few things: the emo-
tional value of a HUSCO product,
reel audiences in to caring. Such a 36
combination is hard to come by, and
Likely the most striking feature of
some designers spend their entire
these ads is their consistent tone
careers doing advertisements to
and compositional elements across
In terms of ideas represented and
in our innovative processes, and the
master this particular craft. We are
a variety of ideas. These consistent
handling of imagery, we have a
robust selection of technologies we
not those designers. However, we
elements are in line with other
few suggestions. HUSCO is not a
have available. The images provided
understand exactly what HUSCO
standards listed in this book; and,
consumer retail business, so we will
here to represent these ideas are
needs to maintain its brand integrity
thus, highly representative of what
not have featured products or sales
photographic human experiences,
outside of its preliminary brand
a HUSCO ad should feel like. Note
or the like. Instead, we are marketing
cartoon-like metaphorical represen-
materials; so we mocked up some
the overall HUSCO blue tone of the
towards retailers themselves or even
tations of our innovative manufac-
potential ideas for advertisements
pieces and the way the mark clearly
other manufacturers to sell them
turing, and an exciting textural visual
that clearly display our intent for
and intentionally hovers gracefully
on the quality and mission of the
literally representing our diversity of
color, handling of imagery and
in its own space in the composition.
whole company. When they decide
the child-like wonder and ingenuity
Here you can see the advertising examples we’ve built for the various proposed value-points. Note the consistency in layout, colorgrading,
and general drama of the images at each descending scale of content. No matter where these were, any one could identify the “HUSCOness” of the ad and make a positive association to the brand.
Find out more at
Find out more at
Find out more at
Note how the composition shifts from the vertical magazine format to the highly condensed web and mobile banners: the focus is still on the imagery which draws attention from the rest of the site with its vivid color and forms. The typography shifts and shrinks to the narrow horizontal of the banners, or lifts further into the corner on side bar applications. The mark makes the most of the space available by expanding as much as clear space standards allow and shifting to the far side of the ad. This way the mark has plenty of room to breathe and communicate the brand. When room provides, the call to action remains in the space 40
under the headline; shifting closer to the bottom as space allows. In extending ad designs to even more formats, think carefully about scale and how to maintain elegant space and legible typography/images.
Buildings can be a graphic statement as much as any logo; let’s present ours in appropriate HUSCO fashion. HUSCO’s current architectural
that HUSCO stands for and hopes to
We separated the front quarter of
interior manufacturing zones. The
systems are lacking in a sense of vi-
the building for dedicated office
rest of the exterior structures would
spaces. This portion of the structure
be comprised of a polished, white
sion and intent for the brand. While
it might seem that the building is
Visually, we pursued this intent by
would have a front façade of Italian,
reinforced-concrete for strength in
an ancillary element separate from
designing a building which would
glass bricks to fill the space with
structure and appearance.
the rest of the brand, it is frequently
emulate the four column graphic
a beautiful frosted light, as well
the only major representation of this
system of the brand by separating
as represent the attention to craft
system outside of a graphic print or
the building into a quadrant-based
and performance in our innovative
screen-based environment and, thus,
grid which uses a running motif of
manufacturing techniques. The
a fundamental part of the identity.
elements in counts of four or factors
manufacturing plants in the back
The current buildings clearly take
of four. Additionally, we pushed the
would have floor-to-ceiling exterior
inspiration from International Style
International Style elements even
windows on each floor using tubes
themes, but are somewhat bland
further with streamlined edges,
of Plexiglas that allow the space
and lacking in visual intent. We
abundant use of glass to open up
to be filled with light, but provide
propose a design that will update
the space, volumes floating on thin
a cool sense of privacy to the
the look into something appropriate
pilotis, and a generally machine-like
manufacturing areas. The roof would
to the overall system, which would
look much like Le Corbusier would
have series of skylights to bring in
stand as a physical testament to all
have used in his various works.
even more natural light to the more
Our outdoor signage hopes to revisit outdoor signage traditions by making interesting use of arrow placement to more clearly denote
which direction to go while minimizing verbage.
Whether its to reinforce attitudes in employees or to show off a strong image to visiting clients, campus signage can reinforce tone.
The signage on display throughout
the brand. By making use of clear
the campus plays a big role in rein-
compositions and a quiet sense of
forcing our values to our employees
elegance, signage around campus
and any visitors we might have
will successfully reflect the rest of
throughout the day. Clear instruc-
the brand. Additionally, our goal
tional and wayfinding materials go a
is to make use of a four column
long way in building a positive user
structure in layouts (where possible)
experience for people on site. That
to be consistent with other graphic
positive experience will take us that
elements. Above all, however, our
much further in maintaining brand
signage aims to be extremely clear
consistency of values and mission
and usable so that no one is ever
as well as building a sense of trust
confused about how to interact with
and professionalism from potential
our space.
clients. We evoke those values by maintaining a clear sense of color and space as with any graphic elements in
Visitor Parking Lobby
Loading Bays Utilities Employee Parking
Indoor transitions to manufacturing zones need signs that remind employees (and guests) of safety
This interior directory near a stairwell
makes use of the already-familiar arrow system. Arrows adapt in direct
rules and regulations. This quiet
ion for more complicated instruction,
design uses bold typography and
but alignments retain the left/right-
white space to catch the audience’s attention without being a visual detraction to the space.
Arc & debris hazards require that safety goggles be warn beyond this point.
ness of the direction.
Cafeteria Section A Section B
Restrooms Employee Lockers Showers
47 Note how the sigange expands with ancilalry elements for additional directions and lists too long for the primary sign.
Conference Room 103 Conference Room 104
Facilities Management
Manufacturing equipment, whether stencil painted or vinyled on, should have a logo color and form most appropriate to the shape and color of the device itself. In most cases, this will be a horizontal, matte black
For the oddities of the brand: shipping, manufacturing, and our products. Everything still needs to look and feel its best.
While we would love to precisely
close to ideal representations as
control every aspect of the brand’s
possible no matter the situation. By
presence in the world, the reality is
ensuring that HUSCO is looking its
that between marketing materials
best regardless of how strange the
and advertisements, packaging,
application might be, we can be cer-
shipping, and the products them-
tain that our core values and mission
selves, there are innumerable places
stand out clearly in any environment.
one might come into contact with the brand out in the world. There will
Included in this section are a handful
be many situations where we have
of examples of the brand out in the
no control over whether a consumer
world to guide your designs when
or potential client makes contact
figuring out how to best represent
with our brand in the best scenario.
HUSCO’s visual intentions. We have provided standards for shipping
However, we can control those
containers and product visualiza-
scenarios quite a bit by ensuring
tions; but these ideas could easily be
that any instances of our identity
extended to other elements as well.
that go out into the world are as
combination; but designers should review on a case-by-case basis.
Shipping containers should have
Products, if branded, should be en-
a large, lunar grey primary mark
graved with the vertical stack mark
centrally located on a HUSCO blue
on the flattest surface available. This
background to help it standout on
way, the mark has a clear space to
roads and in shipyards. Ancillary
exist and communicate clearly the
information should be included on
HUSCO tone.
the rear doors alongside a vertical stack mark for each door. Using the elements in these formats will allow a visual game to be played with the physical attributes of the containers and allow the brand to standout in any situation.