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Office Assistant (Local Credit) Grade Level: 12 1 credit Two Semesters

Prerequisite: Counselor or Administrator Approval

This is a service class. Students are assigned to work in the counselor center, front office, or assistant principal’s offices. Students may be assigned to the clinic, strength and conditioning, or specific teachers with administrative approval. Office Assistants will be representing LPHS in a professional setting, and as such, students will be held to a high standard. Attendance and presentation are very important. Office Aides will be required to abide by a stricter dress code that will be outlined in a mandatory orientation. Students that fail to meet this standard will be removed from the course and placed in a regular class. This course will not count toward the Foundations, Recommended or DAP graduation and does not earn GPA points.

Student Government Grade Level: 10-12 1 credit Two Semesters Prerequisite: Student Council member for at least one year, Teacher approval

This course provides an opportunity to study, practice and develop group and individual leadership and organizational skills. These skills include but are not limited to decision-making skills, problem-solving techniques, communication skills, leadership roles, human relation skills and understanding the need for civic responsibility. The class will consist of seven elected officers elected by the student body, four committee heads, and fourteen sub-committee heads appointed based on Student Council points earned the previous year and teacher recommendation.

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