Studying English: People

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Studying English: rrl


Book 1

by Damayanthi AhangamaBA (Peradeniya)Dip TESL (Colombo) SeniorInstructor in English and Head,English LanguageTeachingUnit, University of Sri Jayawardenepura.

Publishedin the StudentReadersProjectof the EnglishAssociation of Sri Lankaon behalfof the Universityof Sri Jayawardenepura.

O 1992,University of Sri Jayawardenepura 2nd Impression,1993. AIfi liated University Colleges English Programme Academic Coordinator: CreethaPremaratne BA (Peradeniya), MA (Honolulu), Senior lrcturer in English, University of Sri Jayawardenepura


Prof. (Miss) Chitra Wickramasuriya BA (Hons) (Iondon), PGCE (Ceylon),MA (Education) (London)

English Associationof Sri Lanka Student ReadersProject Chief Editor:

Nirmali Hettiarachchi BA(Hons) (Peradeniya)

Studying English Series Beiiva\4lijesinhaMA, D Phil (Oxon) Editor :

AU rightE reserved. No part of this work may be renloduged in any form without permission in writing from the University of Sri Jayawardenepura.

ISBN 955 - 9068- 14 - 8 Illustrated by Bandula Pierie Cover Design by Prasanna LiYanage

the shrdying English series is published by the EnglishAssociation ofSri Ianka with the assistanceof a grant from the Canadian International DevelopmentAgency

INIRODUSrION The reading material in this book is selectedfrom a number of real life tcxts. You will read, write and talk about all sorts of people- who they are and what they doand how they react and respondto events. In the processyou will learn to use languageactively,and to interact productivelyin English with others. When working with thesebooksrememberthat they are designedto help studentsto learn English through activeuse of the language. Particular functionsand structuresare highlighted in eachUnit. The exercisesincluded are mainly to encouragefurther usageof thesegrammatical structures. Ihe vocabularythat is introducedwill help studentsto developconfidencein using theseconstructions.The following list thereforeonly includeswhat is useful to studentswhen goingthrough eachunit. The course,however,is meant to be cyclic;that is, other constructionsare usedin this bookwhile the constructionshighlighted in this bookare alsousedin others. In dealingwith any subjecta variety of constructionsare boundto occur. Studentsshouldbe madefamiliar with the variations pcissible,even though in eachbookonly a few ofthese are stressed. In this book studentsshouldfocuson Functione Unit 1

Giving personalinformation (a) Describing people (b) Identiffing people (c) Discussingappearance Asking questionsto get personalinformation

Unit 2 '

Giving information (a) Routines (b) Conditionsof work Polite requests,formal and informal Giving reasonsfor preferences

Unit g

Describingandapplyingforjobs Statingopinionsand impressions

Unit 4

Biographicalnarration,includingexpressionof durationand pointsin time (Eg.for 20 years,In 1900)

Stnrctures Unit I

Verbs (a) SimplePresentTense Eg. He wearsa sarong (b) Verb'to be' - iVare SentenceFormation (a) Subject& Verb & Complement(Noun/a$ective/adverb) Eg. Mr. Silva is afarmer Mala isyoung Their houseis nearby (b) Subject& Transitive Verb & Object Eg. Mrs. Silva wearsa housecoat (c) Subject& Verb'to have'& Object Eg. Samanhas a moustache Negative formation Eg. Mala is not tall


."1 !+./+g t;rye(Answerye/![o) b) lthenAfithere questions

Unit 2

Simple PresefitTense to exprressrtutines

Eg. Hegetsupat 6 a.m. drtdrt:*

Seniiencesin nomal usage,includins -g) A{jnncts and time alvlrbiate Eg. At noon,.shegoeshomeforlrurch b) SeqnenceMarkers Eg. In the firgt place, secondly a ConversationalExpressions Eg. To be frank, I doft have any money. Positive and Negative Statements Eg. I own a bicycle. I do not own a car. Modal verb'could'for polite requests Eg. Could you pleasehand your *oit io early ?

Unit I

Modal verbs I 'ghould'to indicateobligation I should visit my aunt-today. -Eg. p 'have'to indicatl compulsio-n Eg. Samanhas to appearin court tomorrow. A{iectival phrases Eg. A tiring job, an easy job Formulating questions Eg. I am tired. Are you tired ?

Unit 4

Simple PastTense (Regular/IrregularVerbs) Eg. jump - I jumpedsixfeet teach - He taught us English Formul_ation of questionsin the past tense ' Eg. Did you seethatfilm ? Prepositionalphrasesreferring to placeand time !;9. tte was born in Switzerlandin lg2g Noun Phrases The GeneralManagerof a Banking Company Vocabularry


\oo1., especiallyas relating to people (Eg. farmer, teacher) .a] U_ccupations b) Clothes(Eg. saree,shorts) (E-g.umbrella,motor_bicycle) f ,. lgssessions AdJectives, especiallythosedescribingplople

Unit 2

WordVphrasesrelated to time Nouns relating to buildings and goods

Unit $

WordJPhrasesrelating to jobs

Unit 4

Months, Days of the week Qualities of people WordVPhrases relating to war

Writing Unit I

Constructing sentencesusing tabulated information Guided paragraph writing, about people

Unit 2

Writing a structured dialogue/interview Constructing sentenceVparagraphsabout daily routines Using colloquial expressionsin writing

Unit 3

Constructing questions Reorderingjumbled ideas Organising ideas to write a paragraph Filling up gaps in letters Writing formal (iob application) and informal letters

Unit 4

Completion of sentenceswhen given cues Guided compositionsabout people,movements Capitalization

Reading Unit I

Understanding tables Readinga narrative (Aesop'sFables)to registerbackground, people,events,interpretation

Unit 2

Understanding dialogue a) Distinguishing between request for and suppry of information b) Extracting information from contextual aetaits c) PositiveArlegative statements

Unit 3

Readingjob advertisements Comprehensionof letters, including description of a job

Unit 4

[ea_ding a biographical account, to understand sequenceof events, cohesion Understanding long sentences



Unit I

Giving PersonalInformation Table 1 gives you somefacts about the Silva family. Readit to find answersto the questionsglen below. Table I THE SILVA FAMILY


Mr. SimonSilva

Mrs. Jayanthi Silva



Date ofbirth






60 years

48 years

26 years

23 years










private coach driver




of medium height



well built















National dress (ie. white tunic and sarong)for special occasions banian and sarong for the home

house-coatfor the home sareewhen ehe goesout

frock for thehome sareewhen'she goesout

shorts, sarong for the home longs when he goesout

Special features

limps slightly

has a mole on her cheek

has agentle voice wearsglasses

has a moustaeihe

Other comments

a progperous farmer; smokes2 packetsofcigarettes a day; wants to stand in the PraddshiyaSabha elections

a frugal housewife;is a vegetarian; wants to seeher children married

a iledicated teacher; writes poetry; wants to tcach ih the Maldives

an energetic yolrngman; has ahot temper; wantg to buy a motor- bike

E:er.cise (1) Q' (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

I - Answer the following questionsin a few words S/ho are the membereof Mr. Silva'e family ? How old is Mr. Silva ? lVhen was he born ? How oldie Saman? When waghe born ? Wherewashe born ? What is Mr. Silva's occupation? What is his daughtcr's occupation?

(9) (10) (11) (n) (13) (14) (16) (16) Qn (18)

Is Samanatallperson ? Is Mala a tall persontoo ?. Whogehair is war4y? Tlthoare the peoplewho have black hair ? Where doegMrs. Silvahave a mole ? Who wears glasses? What doesSamanwear for special oeasions ? ' What can you say about tttati Sitva i-----" TVhatcan you say about Mr. Silva i Ig Mr. Silva a successfulfarmer ?

Now exprersyour answersin completesentenceg. In how mgny different ways have lnestiong been formed ? -different ftom the Ere-slongt !9r * the answering sintenoes Mttf! are the different-words used to ask questioru? IiVhichworde rder to people,which to Une t Ttthat other question wordi san you tt i"t oi that do not appearin ftis pxercise? Use them to make questions. . In what other ways are questionsformed ? Ererciee II Given below are answersto somemore guestions. What ' ----- questionsTrfill fit the answers? Write :-vY'| them out in the space provided. Questione


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

6. 7.

Mala is 26 years old. She was born in lgGE. Saman is a private coachdriven He was born in Bagala. Yes, Mr. Silva is a well built person. Malahas longhair. Mr. Silva wearsnational dresgfor special occasions.

Grat mar - Sentence structure Exercise III up the sentencesgiven belowinto Subject,Predicritive(main verb),Rest of the hedicate. *::* 'l'hetirst oneis donefor you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Mr. Silva is a farmer. He is 60 years. He was born in Ragala. His hair is grey. He is tall and well built. He limps slightly. He is a prosperous farmer. He smokes2 packetsof cigarettesa day.

Subject 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Mr. Silva

Pnedicative is

Rest of the Pnedicate a farmer.

In the table you have drawn up, which wor-dsare verts ? Which are nouns ? Which are a{iectives ? What are the other words you find here ? Exercise


Word order in adjectives : a) Adectives in English can come after the verb be' or they can come before a noun. Study the two examples below; eg. Mr. Perera'sgarden islarge. Mr. Perera has alarge garden. Underline the adjectives in the following sentences. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Someonestole his new bicycle. His bicycle is new. Mr. Perera'shouse is large. Mr. Perera owns a large house. Mrs. Perera's skin is dark. She has a dark skin. My friend has a beautiful complexion. My friend's complexionis beautiful.

Writing Writing paragraphs usinga given rnodei. Exereise V Read this eccolint of Mr. Silva. fuIr" Silva is a fanrner. F{* ic S0 ye.ersold. }{e v+esborn on 13th Septernber 1S31" iX;t;:h,*.Er.r*tcwyr isRagala. Hls hairi*gxeg" hTeistal?*ntiivellbr::lt,has blackeyeeandlimpsslighr.i;'"l1{*s.."*ar:r -but * banian and ssr*ng f*r the heme, wh*n he goesout he wears nationai *res$" 3,,.€r.. Sils* ir-: s nlresperousfarrner" Nswwritcaparagraphabouteachpensonbasedontheinformation youhaveread: a)" Idrs" Silva b)" Mala and ci" $annan. lV?rat infermation would you include, and what wouid you leeve out ifyo6 were witing (a) fer *rr introduetion on a teievision shaw (b) from the viewpoint of a student Mala teaeLresi*) a deseription by the driver of a car Sarnan had bumped into ? Exerciee


Now write paragtaphs as followsn based on what you know already, or what you find out about each ottrer by working in groups. a) Writ€ a paragraph about your family. b) Write a paragraph about yor.u neighbour's family. c) IVritp a paragraph about the family of someone else in your group. Writ€ one or more of the above for a particular purpose, such as those suggested in the last exercise.

People - fireir

Diverse Charactcrs

Exercise VII Closeyour books. Your teacher will read out this story to you twice. Listen carefully and answer the following questions. a. b. c. d. e. f.

How many peopleare mentioned in the text ? Do both travellers ask the same question ? DoesAesop give identical answers to both ? Where was Aesopwhen he met these people? lVhat was he doing ? Who was AesoP?

Aesop, the Greek teller of fables, was sitting by the road one day when a friendly traveller asked him, "What sort of peoplelive in Athens ?" Aesopreplied,"Tellmewhereyoucomefromandwhatsortof peoplelive there,andl'll tell you what sort of people you'll find in Athens"' Smiling, the man answered, "I come from Argos and the people there are all friendly, generous and warm hearted. I love them all." At this, Aesopanswered,"['m happy to tell you, my dear-friend,thatyou'll find the peopleofAthens much the same." a mean looking traveller came down the road, and he too stopped and asked A few hours later "me, my friend, what are the peopleof Athens like ?" Aesop, '"lell Again,Aesopreplied,"Tell me where youcomefromandwhatpeopletherearelike,andI tell you what the people in Athens are like."


Frowning, the man replied, "I'm from Argos and there the people are unfriendly, mean, deceitful and vicious. They are thieves and murderers, all of them." "I'rn afraid you'll find the people of Athens much the same," was Aesop's reply' Now open your books and read the story. Vocabulary a)

Write down the a{ectives used to describe the 1st traveller in Column A and the adjectives used to describe the 2nd traveller in Column B.




Sltrhatare the a{ectives usedby the 1st traveller to describethe peopleofArgos ?


What are the adiectivesusedby the 2nd traveller to describethe peopleof Argos?

Compreheneion 1.

of the three peoplementionedin the story we couldsay that oneman is a PhilosoPher' a. oneman is generallydissatisfiedwith life' b. oneman is satisfredwith life' c. Find out who thesepeopleare. Discussyour answers'


why doesAesopask the samequestion from both the travellerg ?


Of the two travellers, who will be happy in society?


TVhatis the moral of this storY?


Speech In groupsof 4 talk aboutpeopleyou know who are like these3 people.Talk aboul PeoPle who frnd fault with everyone' a) easYgoinghaPPYPeoPle' b) class' Each group can iritp aloot ot e suchpersonand read it out to the othersin




W u-7




Exercisel-\f,ordStudy Given below are wordsyou will come across in the dialogue that follows. pick out nouns which refer to (a) (b) (c)

A student's life in a University Students' accommodation and other facilities available Furniture and other equipment.

Pick out the verbs and the adjectives in the list and write them down in the appropriate column. Note that somewords can function both as nouns and as verbs. Write such words i.b;th;;i;;;;: Use them in sentencesto bring out the difference. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

report residential undergraduate hostel campus majority occupy sufticient furniture

10. bunk-bed 11. towel rack 12. straight back chair 13. wall cupboards 14. canteen 15. consenting 16. nearby 17. prefer 18. boutique

19. allow 20. meal 21. hotplate 22. deseribe 23. daily routine 24. queue : 25. outside 26. toilet 27. shower

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. ' 34. 35. 36.

wash-basin lecture rest freedom hostel fees academicyear believe cheap accommodation

Write the words down in their appropriate columns. Nouns related to a student's life in a University

Text I

Nouns related to students' accommodation and other facilities available

Nouns related to furniture and other equipment



In this Lessonyouwilt learn to read and talk about the routine and life style of a residential woman undergraduate. Listen to the dialogue carefully .


Who is speaker A ?


Who is Speaker B ?


\ltrere are they ?


At *'hat time of the day doesthis conversationtake prace ?


Excuseme, Miss.




I'm fromthe "DailyMirror". Wearewriting a reportonresidentialwomenundergraduates University. \ilould you mind if I ask you a few questions? at Sri Jayawardenepura


No, not at all.


How many women'shostels'arethereat your University?


Three. Two herein the Campus,and oneat Rattanapitiya.


? Do all womenundergraduatesget hostelaccommodation


No,not all. It dependsonparentalincomeandmgrksat the 'A Levelexam.In the 2ndyear no onegetshostelaccommodation.' "r"


Which year are you in ?


I'm a 3rd year undergladuate.


How many studentsoccupyoneroom ?


4 students.


Do you have sufficientfurniture for 4 gtudente?


We have 2 bunkbedg,2towelracks,4chairs,thatie 2armchairs We11....................Yes. and 2 straight back chairs, 2 reading tables, 2 wall cupboardsfor our clothesand 1 waste paper basket.


Who providesyour meals?


Most of us eat at the canteen,but eomeprefer to buy their food from boutiques closeby.


Do you occasionallycookyonr own meals ?


Ohno! Wecan'teven keep a hotplate. But we cankeepan immersion heater toboil water for tes.


Can you describeyour daily routine here ?


usually get upatS'30' Asamatter offactmostahrdentsgptu-pat-thattime' we11........I gtudents is always a rtiatt qoeoeoutsidethe toilete in the morning, becausefor 40 Tt -l h;"; only toilets, 3 showersand 3 washbaeins. One of my rroommateg usually gets ;; "r. up late. So sheis always late for her 8 o'clocklechrre.


Do youhave lechnegin the moming?


yee, every day:that is from Mondayto Friday I havelectures. At 12,I buy a packet oflunch at the canteenand comeback to my room.


Do you wash your own clothee?


Yea. Laundty chargesare very high, aomogt of us wagh our own clotheg.


How do you spendthe afternoon ?


In the aft,ernoon,I often rest ag I donthave lectnr,eetill3p.m. Butiflfeelliteib sometimesgo to the library at this time.


In the eveningwhat do you usually do ?


Myroom Ioftenplaynetball.At6.00p.m.,Igqjbacktomyroomandstudytillabout9.00. by 6.00. hostel in the back mates too are usually



Do you go home during week ends ?


No, I rarely go home.


Do you enjoy a lot of freedomin the hostel ? To gomeextenl lluring the day we are free to do what we like, go wherever we want to go; :.,1;'but by 8.15,we have to be back in orr hall.




One final question. How much do you pay 88hostel fees ?



ns. 250/- for one academicyear.



That's not toobad. fuiyway, thank you very much foi willingly consentingto answerall my questions. I have taken up a lot of your time. It'g nearly lunch time now.



Yril're welcome.

Iook at yorrr texts. Ercrcire


Lieten to Text IinUnit Ilonceagainandanswerthefollowingquestionsonthedialogue. fickoffthe right answers. i.

Speaker 'A is

a) b) c)

alecturer. awarden. a newspalrerreporter.


Speaker 'B' ie

a) b) c)

a womanunderyraduate. a schoolgirl. a sub-warden.



a) b) c)

in a newspaperoffice. atabus stand. atSriJayewardenepuracampus.


Speaker A interviewed a) b) c)

3 people. 2people. l person.


Tlrete are

thrce hostelg twohostels fourhostels

a) b) c)

for vomennnderyraduatee. Nowcompletethesegentencea: Yi. vii. (1) (8) (5)

....studentr ocsuByone room. Five items offirmihreformdin

eachroom are :

(2) (4)


Someof the hostellersbuy their mea1g.......... Someothers buy their meals


Speaker'B'doesnotgiveherclothestothelaundrybecause.. Hostellersane.......--.. But they can............


......tokeep a hotplate.

Between 12 and 3 p.m. speaker 'B' - (Mention 2 thingq she does) (1)

(2) xii.

Speaher 'B'..saysthey eqioy freedom


Gtarnrnnrl - SentenCe Sft1rgtqre Sentencesdo not alwaysbeginwith the subject. Studythe foltowing parts of o enten@ A{iunct At L2





Rest of the Predicate

a packet of lunch

An a{unct is a word or words that are not part of a sentenee,but are added on to give more detail. Aduncts can be added at the beginning or the end of a sentence. So, we could alsl say, "She buys a packetof lunch atI2." Exencise trII The sentencesgiven below are taken from the dialogue. (a)

Fick out the Subject and the Adjunct.




Yes,everyday from Mondayto Friday I hav_e lectures.

Subject Adjunct

At 6 p.m. I go back to my room.

Subject Adjunct

During the day, we are free.

Subject Adjunct

In the aflernoon I olten rest.

Subject Adunct



Refer to the a{itrncts in these gentencesand write down the matching question word. Here is an example. Eg.

N l2,she buys a packetof lunch. Adiunct


At 12

Tlre questionword isWlwn ? You will note that in thesesentencesall the a{iuncts expresstime. They tell us when the action happened. Wordsthat add to the meaningof verbsare calledadverbsand when this is doneby tri'o or more wordgtogether, we call them an adverbial phrase. Now write 3 other adverbialphrasesof time ofyour own. 1. 2. 3. Use them in sentences. Exercise fV Writing/speech C.etinto pairs and completethis dialogue. Next get into groupsof four and make any necessarycorrections. Refer checklist. Readout your dialogueto the class.


Excuse me, Sir ! I'm from the ITN. We are doing a surveyon bus travellers, Would you like to answer a few questions?


Yes, I travel to work by bus.


No, I don't have a seasonticket




Becausethere are only a few CTB buses. So I often travel in private eoacheg.. ...................

A B A. B

............a season ticket ?

I usually cometo the bus stand at ?.00 a.n. Do you .................... It all depends.SometimesI get a bus immediately. But sometimeEI have to wait for abou:t V2 an hour.


No, I'm never late for work.


firank you for answering all my questions.




- Vocabulary

Exerciee V FiU in tlre following worde in their appropriate place in the table given below:








freely free freedom frees

2. lecture lectrrres accommodation accommodating accommodate

4. helplessly helps helpful help

5. informative informatively inform information refer reference 7. frequency frequent frequently frequents 8. agree agreement agreeable

Exercise VI Look at the predicativesin the following sentencesfrom Text I in Unit II. Negative 1. We ca.n't evenkeepahotplate,inourrooms. 2. I dan't lnue lecturestill 3 p.m. 3. I can't belieueit. Now turn the following sentencesinto the negative. The first oneis donefor you. Negative

Positive 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2.

Most studentsdo not get up at that time.

Most students get up at that time. From Monday to Friday, I have lectures. I usually get up at 5.30 a.m. She has lectures from Monday to Friday. I often play Netball. She is free in the afternoon. Laundry chargesare high. There is a queue outside the toilets. Most of us wash our own clothes. I buy a packet oflunch at the canteen. I'm from the Daily Mirror. I'm a 3rd year undergraduate.


13. Most of us eat at the canteen. L4. During the a"y Utr"y.o n"" t" do what they want 15. My room mateg are back in the hogtel bV 6 p.n. Eome Work . Sentene


Note the following sentences: N Lz,_lbuy a packet of hurehfrom the canteen. Then I comebackto my room. Now read this sentencetaken from the dialogue. "llt L2, I buy a packet of hurch atthe canteenand inme back to my mom." Readthrough Text I in Unit II quickly and find out how the following sentenoesare combinedin the text. Write out the sentenceft9m $e pas-sage in the spacegiven. Notice the changesmade. lVoutd another way of making the changehave got the same-meeningacrosr as earily ? 1.

Most of us eat at the canteen. Someprefer to buy their foodfrom boutiqueecloeeby.


th"ry is alwa-ysa small queue-waitingouteidethe toiletg in the morning. Forforty students, we have only 4 toilete.


I often restin the afternoon. I don't have lectures till 3 p.rn.


At 6 o'clock,I go back to my room. I study till about 9.00p.m.


pu11g the day; we are free to do what we like, go wherever we want to go. By 8.15p.m., we have to be back in the hall.

Speeeh Erencise VII Polite Requests In Text I of Unit II the reportcr asks speaker 'B' 'Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Ttris is a politc but formal way of asking someoneto do somethingfor you. Here are a few more examples. l. 2.

I'm sorry to trouble you, but couldyou please Excuseme, I wonderwhetheryou couldplease................

Here is a lessformal way of requesting. "Pleasecouldyou answera few questions?" In pairs practisemaking two different types of requests. Infomally

to a friend

fire frrst one is donefor you. 1.

You think the TV is too loud. Saman,pleasereducethevoIumeoftheT.V.It.stooloud.


You want a lift to the junction; 13

8. L 6. 6. T. 8.

Ym rutyourftiâ‚Źnd to opo the window. Yorwmtyourle0srDostod" YouwantywrftiodtolendyouR& 1O-. Youwant5rourftimdtolendyouherumbrella Youwant Srourftisd to gr! romewater to boil Youwant 5rcurftimd to swsspthe rlom.

Foruallyto rrtrugu the firrt oneie doneftr yora Notethe gramnaUcatgtnrctureat the beginningof thb sentence. 1.

Youworld lits part hir car awayfromyourgate. trlould1loumind par$ng your car awayfron my gate? Youareblockingmy entrance.

2. 3. 1. 5.

You would like him to sign the visitors book. You wanttoknowthe wayto the clmeettemple. You are in a bank and you would like to changea Rs. 100O-note. Y_ouare in a hotel and would like tlre person sitting at the next tdle to lend 1'ouhis newspaper. You want to e.heckthe einemadmes. You world like the petrol shed attendant to checkthe oil level of your car. You and a ftiend are on a train and you needhelp in lifting your suihase from the rack. You want a atranger to help you to push yonr car.

6. 7. 8.

ErerpireVIII Given below anesomecommonconversationalexpressiongfrom Text I in Unit II. 1. 2. 3. 4.

As a matter of fact If I feel like it To someextent I can't believe it !

Selectone of theseexpressionsto completethe blanks in the following gentences. 1. 2. 3. 4.

I will have a bath this evening. Sheis rigfit.......... But I do not agreewith everythingshesays. fui eightyyear old womanhas marrieda 40 year old man...... ...itisdifticulttofindavery rich studentintheUniversity.Mostof us are middle classpeople.

Discusswith your teachersimilar expressionswe often use in our daily conversations. Givenbeloware 4 other colloquialbxpressions. -

To be honest To be frank I'm afraid Why on earth

Completethesesentences, usingthe above 1. 2. 3. 4.

........did shecommitsuicirle? Shedid not havemanyproblems. ........ I don'thaveanymoneywith me. ........I don'tlike your roommate. Sheis very selfish.


Exencise DK Speech - Statingnâ‚Źasonc : a task Look at this sentencefrom Text I of Unit II. "Someprefer to buy their foodfrom boutiquescloseby." Why do somestudents buy their food from boutiques ? Try to grve 2 reasons. Givenbelowis a list of preferences.State whatyou prefer and give reasons. Here are somecuesto help you to form your sentences.You do nothave to use these, you can make up your own reasonsif you like. detestthe smell very expensive,nutritious tasly, cheap, there are so many varieties,cheaper you eaneat them with jam or jaggery -noisepollution, life is too fast, busesare too crowded,oneneedslots of money lots of shops, schools,libraries, remote,no restaurants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Curd Hoppers Durian IGndy Nuwara Eliya


Yoghurt StringhoPPers Mangoes Colombo Matara

The frrst oneis donefor you. Eg. (a) I preferyoghurttocurd. lYriting Grcup worls Exercise X Beloware two tables. In eachtable you get the activities of SamanSilva and PremaSilva and how often they do theSe. Study the tablescarefully and write out desciptions of their routines. Say what they do,wherethey work and how oftenthey work. Saman Silva's Boutine AT WORK

AT HOME When Every day

What helps wife in the kitchen washes the children



Every day

attendsto correspondence, dictates letters

discusses work with colleagues

Thrice a week


Twice a week

takes children for tuition classes



visits parents with family

Occasionally travelsoutstation




Prema Silva's Routine







Every day

attendsto housework attendsto children'sneeds

Every day

teachesstudentsin school doneby students correctsexercises


cooksfor her familY


classroomwork with discusses colleagues

Oncea week

loes to a lending librarY to borrowbooks


gets a free period

Occasionally hasher motherto lunch

Occasionally attends staff meetings

Ilome - work Describeyour daily routine. Give details of place,time, frequencyof activities.


unit rn


R.eading Text


Given below is a job advertisement. Read it quickly and find out the answers to these questions. (1) What is the job advertised ? Who is advertising ? Q) (3) When will applications close? (4) When will they appoint someone?. CONFIDENTIAL SECR"ETARY We require a personable young lady with a pleasant disposition for immediate appointment as Confidential Secretary to tire Managing Director of our companyin Katunayake. The ideal candidate shouldhave passedthl G.C.E. (A/L) Examination in four subjectswith a credit passin English at G.C.E.


andtyping,andahigh degreeoffluencyin Engiish of stenography a goodknowledge Sheshouldpossess is an' of operatingtelex,fax and rvordprocessirrg Knowledge independently. to handlecorrespondence qualification. added is essential. establishmen't in a similar capacityin a recognised A minimum of two yearsexperience Salary will be negotiable.Tlansport will be providedfrorn Colomboto Katunayakeand back. bio-datatogetherwith copiesofcertificatesandtestimonialswithin a week. Pleaseapplywith complete fire Pemonnel Manager, Simon & Sons, No. 70, CircularRoad, Ibtunayake. Exercise I Readthrough Text 1 again and find out wordsand phraseswhich refer to a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

personalqualities educationalqualifications professionalqualifications addedprofessionalqualifications work experience work experiencewhere? as what ? the salary and perquisites(perks) how to apply ? whom to apply to ?

Qlsrnrnar - Understanding the modal constnrction'should' modc,oranadditionallevelofmeaning,tothemainverb.'Should' Amodalverbisonethatgivesanother is usedto expresssomesort of obligationor necessity. Readthe sentencesgivenbelow; (1) The ideal candidateslnuldlwae pas*d' the G.C.E.(ArL) Examinationin four subjects. (2) Shesfrouldpossâ‚Źssa goodknowledgeof stenography. Now canyou expresstheir meaningin a different way ? What other modal verts do we use often ? Give examplesof their use. What rules can you formulate about their use ?





Reading Text


Given below is a job advertisement.Readit quickly and find out the answersto thesequestions. ( 1) What is the job advertised ? (2) Who is advertising ? (3) When will applications close? (4) When will they appoint someone?.

"8il8Pff;y We require a personable young lady with a pleasant disposition for immediate appointment as Confidential Secretary to the Managing Director of our companyin Katunayake. The ideal cbndidate (A/L)ExaminationinfoursubjectswithacreditpassinEnglishatG.C.E. shouldhavepassedtheG.C.E.


a goodknowledge ofstenography andtyping,anda high degreeoffluencyin Engiish Sheshouldpossess is an independently.Knowledgeof operatingtelex,fax and rvordprocessing to handlecorrespondence addedqualification. A minimum of two yearsexperience in a similar capacityin a recognised establishmentis essential. SaIary will be negotiable.Tlansport will be providedfrom Colomboto l{atunayakeand back. Pleaseapplywith completebio-datatogetherwith copiesofcertilicatesandtestimonialswithin a week. The Personnel lVlanager, Simon & Sons, No. ?0, CircularRoad, I(atunayake. Exercise I Readthrough Text 1 again and find out wordsand phraseSwhich refer to a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) i) Qnrnnqr

personalqualities educationalqualifrcations professionalqualifications addedprofessionalqualifications work experience work experiencewhere? as what ? the salary and perquisites(perks) how to apply ? whom to apply to ?

- Understanding the modal constnrction'should'

Amodalverbisonethatgivesanother mde,oranadditionallevelofmeaning,tothemainverb.'should' is used to expresssomesort of obligation or necessity. Readthe orit"rr.". given below; (1) The ideal candidateslnuld. hauepas*d the G.C.E.(A/L) Examinationin four subjects. (2) Sheslnuld,possessa goodknowledgeof stenography. Now can you expresstheir meaning in a different way ? What other modalverbsdo we useoflen ? Give examplesof their use. What rules can you formulate abouttheir use ?


Exercise II Manel perera seesthe advertisementand appliesfor the post. Now read her letter of application. Do you think shewill getthe post ? Discuss.




The PersonnelManager, Simon & Sons, No. 70, Circular Boad, Ibtunayake. DearSir, Post of Confidential Secrvtar:r post I refer to the advertisementwhich appearedin the'Daily Mirror of Zt?l9land wish to applyfor the of ConfidentialSecietary. I attach my bio-dataand copiesof certificatesand testimonials. I look forward to hearing from You. Thank you. Yours faithfully,

(signature) Miss M. A. Perera BIODATA Miss Manel Avanthi Perera 50, Sagara Road, Colombo4. 586291

Name Address Tel. Date of Birth Marital Status

uuL969 Single

Academic Qualifications G.C-E. 'O'Level


Sinhala English Social Studies Science



Buddhism Mathematics Music Commerce


G.C"E.'A'Level Commerce Aecounts Political Science Geography Professional

c S S C


6. A one year Diploma in Secretarial Practicefrom the PolytechnicalInstitute' Colombo 70 w.p.m. Speedin Tlping 90 w.p.m. in Shorthand Speed 19

If,ork grycrb!@ Jan. 1989to date -Secretary0lerk atAlmar & Sons,Inportere and Expotters. I operatefax end telex machines. Exensise III Now read the advertisementgiven below. It appearedon 8/8/91. Readthe advertisementcarefuIly and apply for this post. Refer to the fomat of the letter Manel Perera wrote to Simon & Sons. (You could use thig sarneformat to reply to most job advertisenents).

SIENOGRAPIIEB Avacancyexistsin a leadingbookshopin Colombo for the post of Stenographer. Applicantsshouldhavepassedthe G.C.E.Ordinary Levelwith atleasta sreditin English andbefluent in both nrritten and spoken English. $ping and dictation speedsshould be at acceptablelevels. Salary negotiable. Applications giving details of educational qualifrcations,experience etc. along with copies of testimonialsshouldbe addressedto:


Box No. AC 467 clo Daily News

Givenbeloware 2 other ways of beginning your letter of application. 1).

I write with referenceto your advertisernentin the Daily Newsof 8l8l9Landwish to apply for the postof........


With referenceto your advertisementin the Daily Newsof 8/Ag\ I wish to submit an application for the post of

Ilere are otherwaysofendingyourletter. 1).

Annexedare my bio-data,copiesof certificatesand testimonials.


I hopeI will be calledfor an interview.




Manel Perera applied for the post of Confrdential Secretary advertised in Text 1, Unit fII and was selected. You will now read a letter writtpn by Manel to Sriyani. Your teacher will read it out to you. Find out a). b).

Whether Manel likes the job. Whether Sriyani is

her bosg. a personal friend. a casual friend.

l. ll. lll.


l{here Manel is working.

Write down the answers. 50, SagaraRoad, Colombo 4. u5l9L Dear Sriyani, Ttrank you for your letter. I'm very busy these days. I work now for Simon & Sons as the ConfrdentialSecretaryto the Managing Director. ltris is a demandingjob. I have to dresswell and appear gmart. I havl to work irregular hours, and sometimes I work at week-endstoo. My boss sometimespes outstation. Ttren I have to accompanyhim. My bossis a workaholic. Now I am becomingonetoo. I draft and type at least l0letters a day. Do you inow that now I cantype morethan 80 wordsper minute ? And I cantype accuratelytoo. Also answerthe telephoneand I m-atrea daily work schedulefor myboss,attend to the daily correspondence, makeappoinlments.In addition,troublesomecustomerssometimescometo meetmyboss. Then I have to deal with them tactfully. I'm busythroughoutthe day. I havea very shortlunch break. That's my onlyfreetime. I'm really tired in the evening. I'm glad I'm single. My mother doesall the housework,soI relax at homeafter work. But I realf canlt-complain.I get a very goodsalary,and I enjoya lot of fringe benefits. The Companyprovides-mytransport, paysmy medicalbills, and oncea year they pay us a bonus. I have said a lot aboutmy job. I sincerelyhopeyou too will frnd a job soon.By the way, I got this job easily becauseI had all the necessarysecretarialqrralifications. So why don't you too follow a secretarialcourse? 'Bye for now. Write to me soon. Yours sincerely, Manel. Readit silently now. Exercise fV taken from Text 3, Unit III. But theselists of words Givenbeloware B setsof wordsand expressions do not have a heading. Find a suitableheadingfrom the 3 titles givenbelowand completethe Table. 3 Headings

(1) (2) (3)

Typesof work in a Company in a Company Variousjobs/positions WorkingConditions


Table I


Confidential Secretary; Managing Director; boss

demandingjob; irregular hours of work; work at week-ends; goingoutstation; fringe benefits:medical bills, bonus,transport; lunch break;free time; troublesomecustomers; goodsalary

draft, & type letters; attend to daily correspondence; make daily schedule; answer the telephone; make appointments

Exercise V Readthrough the text carefully and make noteson the job of a Confidential Secretary under the followingheadings. Confidential



PersonalQualities required


Hours of work


Skills and type of work involved


Qualifi cationdexperiencerequired


Salary and Perks

Erencise VI Answerthe following questionsbasedon Text III, Unit III (1) (2't (3) (4)

Why doesthe writer call her job a "demanding"one? Give 3 reasong. Dgesshe work during fixed hours ? What sentencein the text gives you the answer ? Find one word from the text which states that she types without making any mistakes. How doesshe deal with troublesomecustomers ? a. How would jnu deal with troublesomecustomers ? b.

Selectthe answer you like best from the list given below or add one of yotrr own. 1. 2. 3. f. 5.

chasethem away. inform the police. assaultthem. ignore them and refuse to talk to them. speakto them politely and tactfully.


Ig shemarried ? Which sentencein the text gives you the answer ?


Why is she able to relax when she goeshome ?


What doesthe writer ask her friend Sriyani to do, if she wants to find a job ?

Graroer . Sgntencecoutmctlol

' Olef wo*

Erodre Vtr LooL,at this lontonce ftomTef,t I

cuer givcn below od fotn rfo "Iwort for Simon & Sonr ar aConfidential Secretary'" Uro the sentencecftlm this table. nâ‚Źst of tbe Hicate I*ver Bros. l,td. 'Rowland& Sqrs Csrgitls Ltn Perera & SonsLtd" PrivateHospitalr Ltd.

VIIir'She My sister/ brother/ You

stenoglaDher. clerk rpceptionisL telephoneoPeraior. salesassistanL nur8g. janitor. sosuriry offier.

Pair work questions. Follow the pattern given below change the gentenceeyou made_in Exertiae vII into and rlo the samefor the reet of the statements' telePhoneopetator' e.g. --e- Sbe worke for l,ever Bros. Ltd' as a do ? Whatdoesdle Whomdoessheworkfor ? Exercise VIII Speech to do. In ReadingText 3, Unit III the writer talks of many things shefros Lookat theseexamplesfrom the text. a) b) c)

| haveto work irregularhours' | haueto dresswell. | haueto aPPearsmart.

Can you Put thesein anotherform ? Note the meaningof have to'. Exercise Vttr b In your groupsdiscussthings you ?raveto do'today. Here are someexamples. at 8 a'm' I lwve to writemy tutorial this evening. I haveto hand it ouertomorrow do' you to have Ask questiorrsas to whereyou have to-go, why, and what You couldalso ask when you have to do something' you could-make use of to constructthe replies. You could alsomake In this table are ;;;; sentencesof your own.

I have to

go to the Health Centre go to the Bank beforeB p.m. get my bus seasonticket meetmy ftiend go to the boutique attend Mala's wedding cooktoday go to hospital

becausemy sugar is over. becausetoday is the last date. becausemy father is there. becausehe is going abroad on a scholarshiptomorrow. becauseI have fever. becausesheis my best ftiend. becausemy mother is not well. becauseI need somemoneyfor the trip tomorrow.

f,triting Ererciee IX Iook at thig sentencefrom the text. 'Ttris is a demandingjob, ' Givenbelowin TableIII are a few morea{ectives usedto describevariousjobs, as well as a list of various jobs. Construct as many sentencesas you canfrom this table.Ttrefirst oneis done ror you.

body-guard's road sweeper's security officer s deepseadiver's bank manager's baby-sitter's housemaid's miner'g pawn broher's

boring interesting lucrative tiring eas!' risky strenuous

eg. Abody-guard'sjob is a risky one. Exencise X Pair work The followingtitles describetwo occupations a) ASalesRepresentative b) An Air Hostess


Listed belowis the work they do in their jobs. Sort out what eachpersondoesand write them downin 2 separatecolumns. (1) Sellsgoods (2) Welcomespassengerson board (3) Discusseswith agentsand sub-agents about goodsto be sold (4) Showspassengersto their seats (5) Servesfoodand drink (6) Seesto the comfortof passengers (?) Travels widely (8) Canvassesorders (9) Woospossiblecustomers (10) Makesinflight announcements (1f) Distributes foodto vhriousmarketing outlets (12) Helps passengersoffthe aircraft An Air Hostess

A Sales Representative

Which of the above applies to both ? Exercise Xa Now write one paragraph each on (1) The work of an Air Hostess (2) The work of a Sales Representative. In pairs read outyour paragraphs to each other. Refer check list, proofread and revise. Exercise )C Now talk about the work of a farmer in your area. Get into groups of three. Here are gomewords and expressionsyou could use. '

l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. 13. 14. 15.

hire people;daily wage plant nurseries vegetable beds manure water the plants spray insecticides weed erect watcher's hut protect cropsfrom wild boar and thieves uproot wash and pack vegetables weigh the vegetables transport collecting centre rotate crops

Writâ‚Ź a paragraph on the work of a farmer in your area.


Exercise )ilf Hone work Givenbelowis the reply Sriyani wrote to Manel'sletter. (Text III, Unit 3) Chooseappropriatewords from the list given and completethis letter. No. 16, Havelock Road, Colombo5. 2015192. Dear Manel, hear that you are .....Iarn sohappy (2) .............. Ttrankyou for your (1) knowing-mo19a!99tvour (5)""' (3) .............................:.. now. I am (4) (6) ......Is he a?riendly(?)""""" ."......'. """""I .......Is he yo.rrtgat d just (9) ............. ...followinga have ......and I have taken your (gi ......-...... Secretarialcoo"se(10)............ me a typewriter (13)..... .......bought 6 month course.My (12) thatnow I can(14) (18)....................... the ..secretary. averyttzl ............ .................wiIIbe time (16) (19) weekendsI gofora dress ...........tosewmyo wn (2 2 )Wh o c a n a f f o rd t o a decentdress ihesedays ? You(24) (2g)............ ............dresses (26) now._Please ....enough ............ have I 500/=. Rs. (28)............ than ........Iess thebest I wishyouall (2?) ..........tomeagainwhenyou(28) writp job. of luck in your new love, Sriyani f. 6. 9. 13. 17. 21. 25.

in during for boss father efficient can't

.2. 6. 10. L4, 18. 22. 26.

a are able letter to I interested

3. 7. 11. 15. 19. 23. 27.

so written making goodlooking working clothes person

4, 8. L2. 16. 20. 24. 28.

practise buy advice write sta*ed months' at

Ererclgs XIII Write a letter to a friend aboutyonr University College. Cretinto g1oupsof4. Find the following information from onestudent in the group. Then the gloup can get together and write oneletter. Inpara



Say when youjoined, whereyou are staying now, how you travel, the subjects you'are ofreringfor the first examination.




Give a sbort accountof collegebuildngt, classroomfacilities, etc.

Now exchangeyour lettcrs, proo,fread and rerrise. Readyour revised oompositionto the class.



Unit IVReading Text 1 Exencise

I The Founder of the Red Cross Movement

Do not open your books. Listen to the reading and answer the following questions. (a) O) (c)

Who was this disappointed man ? Why is he a great rnan ? Why is 1901 mentioned ?

Now read the text yourselves. It is a short biography ofJean Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross Movement. Read the text sectionby section. Onceyou have read one section, answer the questions based on it. A biography means the history of the life of a person written by someone else. What is an autobiograph5r?'Auto'means'self. Now you should be able to guess what'autobiography'means. Section I - Jean Henry

Dunanh Intnoduetion

In 188?, at the age of 59, a disappointed man entered the District Hospital of Heiden in Switzerland. He intended to spend the last years of his life there. One day, in 1901, he received a telegram from the Norwegian government. This brought the news thathe had been awarded the Nobel PeacePrize the first time it w'asawarded. Who was this man ? He was Jean Henry Dunant the founder of the Red Cross Movement and the winner of the first Nobel PeaeePrize. He shared this prize with Frederick Passy of France. Section

II - His early life

Dunant was born in 1828in Switzerland. He was the eldestsonofJean JaquesDunant, a famous banker, and Antoinette Calladon, a deeply religious lady. Section III - The turning point of his life In 1853 Dunant becamethe general manager of a Banking Company and was doing well. It was during this time that he heard of the battle of Solferino. In this battle, which took place in 1859 in North lt6ly, French and Sardinian troops completelydefeatedthe Austrian forces. The savagefighting left 39,000 casualtieshelplesson the battle field. With the help of volunteers, especiallythewomen of the town of Castiglione, Dunant organized aid to as many batile victims u. po..ibl". fhis experience touchedhis heart and changedthe courseofhis life. His priority in life was, from now on, to find a way of preventing or alleviating human suffering. Thus the Red Cross Movement originated in a mants haunting vision of a battlefield, strewn with corpsesand with wounded nien dying in terrible agony, helplessand uncaredfor, under the scorchingsun of the Lombardy plain. Section fV - His lasting contribution

to Mankind.

In 1862, Dunant published'A Memory of Solferino' and travelled through Europe, urging people to create volunteer committees, to care for those wounded in wars. His idea led to a conferencein Geneva in 1863, which recommended that volunteer societies should be formed in every country. In honour of Switzerland, where the conferencewasheld, the reverse ofthe Swiss nationalflagwas designated as the symbol of this moveinent. Thishad a red cross on a white background; the Swisi {laghas a white iross on a red background Section V - IIis final


From now on Dunant began to neglect his business enterprises, and before long they had to be liquidated. He was unable to financially help the Red Cross Movement he started. From the age of 40 he lived a quiet life. He died on 30th October 1910, at the Heiden Hospital. He was 82 years old. AccordingtohislastwishhewasburiedinanunknownspotinthemaincemetcryatZurich. Heattached importance only to the movement he founded.


FluencXr Practice. Understanding long sentences. Refer to the text and completethese sentences,in answer to the questions.You are shownhow to begin someof them. Next read out the completedsentences. In 188?a disappointed,prematurelyold man entereda District hospital. 1. Which hospital ? In 1887 a disappointed,prematurely old man entered the District Hospital of Heiden in switzerland How ordwas he ? In 188?,atthe ageof59 2.

One day he receiveda telegram. When ? From where? Onedayin...............


ltris brought news What news ? This brought newsthat he


He wasJ. H. Dunant What elsedo you know abouthim ? He wasthe eldestsonof J. J. Dunant What do you know aboutJ. J. Dunant ? He wasthe eldestsonof J. J. Dunant.. AntoinetteCalladonwashis mother. What elsedo you know abouther ? He wasthe eldestsonof J.J. Dunanta famousbankerand ...............


In 1853he becamethe What did he became? He heardof the battle of Solferino When ?


In this battle French and Sardinian troops completely defeatedAustralian Forces. When and where was this battle ?


Dunant organised aid For whom ? IIow ?



His priority in life from now on was What ?


firus the Red CrossMovementoriginatedin a man'shaunting vision of a battlefreld ..... What can you say about this battlefreld ?


What did he do after the battle ? In 1862Dunant published...


He alsotravelled through Europeurging people To do what ?

12. Why is the conferencein Cienevaimportant ? His idea led to a conferencein C.enevain 1863which f3.

fire reverseof the Swissnation at flag was designated As what ? \it/hy ?

L4. Accordingto his last wisheshe was buried Where? For discussion. Do you find long sentencesdiffrcult ? \ilhy doyou supposethey are used? Go over the sentences have constructedand work out what alternativesmight havebeenused. Exencise II lVord study ReadSectionI of the text once again. l.

Givenbelowis a list of words. In this list you will frnd three different types of words,ie. 1. 2. 3.

Adjectivesusedto describeDunant Nounsreferring to him Verbsrelatedto his life.

Sort them out and write them down in 3 separatecolumnsin Table I 1. disappointed 2. old 3. entered 4. intended 5. received 6. had beenawarded 7. shared winner 8.


Table I Verbs related to his life


A(iectives used to describe Dunant


ReadSectionl again careTullyand completethesesentences.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


This passageis about a person named........ He was the founder of ............... He receiveda telegram in ............... It was from ............................ He was awardedthe............ He sharedthis prize with ........................... He entered the District Hospital of Heiden in ............... .............o1d. He was then .......... He was a ...........................m8n.


What do the words in italics refer to in the following sentences.

1. 2.

He intendedto spendthe rest of his life 'tlwrc'. fhu brought thCnewsthat he had beenawarded. ReadsectionsII and III silently.


Find the a{ectives in SectionII. Against eacha{iective write the noun it describes.Here is an example. Adiective: eldest the noun it dessribeg: son eldest son


Now write down Dunant's


In Section III find: the adjectivesused to refer to the soldiers and their suffering' a. the nouns which refer to the Battle of Solferino. b. c. the verbs and adverbs which refer to this battle.

a) date of birth b) father's name c) mother'sname.

Write them down in the appropriate column in Table II bclow. Table II

A{iectives used to nqfer to the soldiers

Nouns refening to thc Battle of Solfcrino


Vcrbs & Advcrbs r'r'hit'h rcfcr to this battlc


ReadsectionIII again and answerthe questionsgiven below: In SectionIII what ilo the wordsin italics refer to ? a. b. c.

It was duingthis time In fiis batth this erperierce


a. b. c. d. e. f.

what was Dunant at the time he heard of the Battle of solferino ? Whereand when did this battle take place? Who fought in the battle ? What did he actually do ? what did he wish to do ? Find the expressionthat givesyou the answer. why doesthe writer say that this battle changedDunant'slife ?


ReadSeetionW silently and find a) verbs which refer to what Dunant did. b) nounswhich refer to the conferencein Genevain rg63.


a. b. c. d. e. f.


Readthe {inal paragraphand write downverbswhich refer to Dunant's downfall.


a. b. c. d. e.


What is the title of the bookhe publishedin 1g62? What was it about? Why did he write it ? What led to the GenevaConference? Why is the Conferencein Genevaimportant ? Wrat doesthis paragraphtcll you about the SwissFlag ?

What date is mentionedin this paragraph? What happeiredon this day ? Wheredid Dunantdie ? section! oyr that Dunant was a disappointedman. why do you think he was disappointed? DoesSectionVgive you any clues? Write them dovm lVas he a rich man at death ? What facts in the paragraph give you the answer ?

Longuage hctice Ererciso UI 1'

NoteOratcll.namesofpeople andplac-eg beginwith capitalletters.ScanTextl, Unit 4 and rvrite down the namesasrequestedin thJcolumnsbelo*.


Nameeof the months of the year alsobegrn with capital letters. Writâ‚Ź them out.


January F..................... M................... 4".................... M.................... J..................... J...................... b) c)


s.... o, N

Write down the namesof the dayeof-tlre week' Here ie a little rhyme which you could learn' Thirty daYshath SePtember, April, June and November. All the rest have thirtY one, excePting FebruatY alone which has 28 daYsclear and 29 in eachleaPYear. What words in the rhyme abovecan be left out ? \lt/hy were they introduced ? Granmar Tenses

3. a)

Most verbs changetheir form to the past by adding 'ed' to the base. firey are called,Reguler uerbs, eg.enter - entered Pick out examplesof thesein the text'


Someverbschangetheir formsin the past tense. lhere are 6 examplesof them in the text' Find them. PrePositions


Readthe following sentences. (Rememberthat The words in ital-icsare prepositions.They are always followed by nouns. sentences') these Iook at convey. they of-meaning fo" the kinds preposition. "".1-port"ttt Dunant enteredthe HeidenDistrict Hospital iz Switzerland. 1. In L862,DunantpublishedA Memory of Solferino 2.

prepositionsare usedto expressplaceor time. You will learn other useslater. (place). pick out the sentences fro*ih. t"it *here prepositionalexpressionsareus edtn erpresslocatbn Writâ‚Ź downthe expressions.Underline the prepositionalphrasein eachsentence1. 2. 3. 4. D.

6. 7. 8. E.

pick out prepositionalphraseswhichexpresstime. Scanthe passageandfind sentenceswhichuse 'ir,' to indicatedate/ time. Write them down and underline the the prepositions'on' "rrd preposilional expression.The first oneis donefor you' He was born in 1828.


You have already read the text on Henry Dunant. The following sentencesare from the passage. The senseunits are not in order (SubjecURestof the Predicate). Re-arrange them to form meaningful sentences.Begin eachsentencewith a capital letter. Put a full stop at the end of each sentence. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.



in 1828/ was born / Dunant received/ a telegram / one day / he became/ he / the General Manager of a Banking Company French and Scandinavian troops / the Austrian forces/ completely defeated 39000 casualties/left /the savagefighting his idea / to a conferencein Geneva/ led a red cross/ this / had was buried /he /in an unknown spot

A noun phrase is a set of words that do the work of a noun. Read out the following senseunits to seehow noun phrases are formed, and how they are used. a.

hospital District hospital District hospital of Heiden He entered the District Hospital of Heiden.


Manager General Manager General Manager of a Banking Company He became the General Manager of a Banking Company.

troops Scandinaviantroops Frenchand Scandinaviantroops Frenchand Scandinaviantroopscompletelydefeatedthe Austrian forces. d.

Prize PeacePrize NobelPeaceprize first ever NobelPeacePrize He sharedthe first everNobelPeacePnze.


lady a religiouslady a deeplyreligiouslady He was the eldestsonof AntoinetteCalladon,a deeplyreligiouslady.

Speech Exercise IV 1.

Asking questionsin the Past Tense Expressingtime look at this example eg. When did Dunant enter the District Hospital of Heiden? In 1887,at the ageof59 Get into pairs. Now ask your partner similar questionsregarding his or her life. Givenbelowis an example; When did you sit the'A Level exam? In 1990,at the ageof 18. 34

Note: For someof these questionsyou may have to give a negative answer. eg. When did you win the Grade V scholarship? I did not win a grade V scholarship. The positive answer would be 'In 1983,at the age of 11.' Here are a few cues that might help you. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

win the Grade V scholarship/ Mahapola scholarship. leave your first school/ leave school meet your best friend start sharingyour room stay away from your home for a long period seeyour first movie / film go on a pilgrimage /go on a schooltrip climb Adam's Peak / go tn the sea shore/ visit Colombo/ visit the Dalada Maligawa


Turn these sentencesinto the negative.

a. b. c. d. e. t. g.






How long was Dunant at the District Hospital in Heiden ? For 23 years, until he was 82.


How long did you stay in the queue ? For 4 hours, till6 p.m.

went to the temple yesterday. won a lottery prize today. shared my lunch with a friend this afternoon. saw a goodfilm last weekend. travelled by bus to lbndy. left home early today. met an old friend this morning.

Now bsk your partner similar questions related to his or her life. Here are some cues.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

How long did you stay at school? y-oustay in a boardinghouse? If so,for how long ? _D3d How long did you wait in the hospital queue? How long did you stay in the examinationhall ? How long did you stay up last night - ? IIow long did the lecture go on ? How long did you wait foithe bus ? Writing Ererrcise V Pair work. Referchecklist beforereadingout to classfor discussion.


What qualitiee of great men are shownin the life of Dunant ? Write a paragraphfor eachquality. Commenton his

i. ii. iii. iv.

dedicationto work sacrificeshe made his insignificant death valueshe upheld.


write a paragraphqbout the Red 9ryr. Movement(include these facts - who foundedthe movement,when, why it was start€d, how it developed).


\[rrite oneparagraphon 'lfhe Roleof the RedCrossMovementin Sri Lanka today,, (include these facts-how do Orey help Sri Lanka, do thel ttetp it e govlrnment, how do they help us). 35

Language Practice People in the twilight of theirlives Ven. Koggala Pagnnaranei Nayake Therg the Chief Incumbent of the Dewagiri Raja Maha Vihara at Koggala (now aged 118). On lelt the Dewagiri Raja Maha Vihara.

,t.ll ',,:r:i:i ;,)4 :.. !

-a f* "+Yr?S*TS*fa

For discussion In this picture you seea Buddhist monk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How old is he ? TVheredoeshe live ? What is he holding in his hand ? Do you think he lookshis age? Give reasonsfor your answer. What are the a{ectives you would selectfrom the list given belowto describethe expressionon his face. contented, complicated,


happy, trusting,

severe, rough,

dejected, complacent, disgruntled, serene.

Ifuggala was madefamous by a well known Sri Lankan. Writâ‚Ź down his name. Can you say somethingmore abouthim ?

Readthe following poemand find out a) Why this poemis given after the picture of the monk ? b)

What is the theme of this poem? What are the writer s feelings towards old age ?

Upon a,Dying Ldy Williom ButlerYeots With the old kindness,the old distinguishedgrace, She lies, her lovely piteoushead amid dull red hair Proppedupon pillows, rougeon the pallor of her face. She would not have us sadbecausesheis lying there, And when shemeetsour gazeher eyesare laughter-lif Her speecha wickedtale that we may vie with her, Matching our broken-heartedwit againsther wit, Thinking of saints and of PetroniusArbiter.


Oral Practice

- Group work

Exercise VI In groups of 4 talk about elderly people who live with you. How are they useful to your familY ? If only younger family members live in your home, then talk about grandparents, or old people in a neighbour's or friend's family. Here are someexamples. My grandmother looks after my sister's two children while she is out working. My gxandfather waters the plants in the garden. Uy llderty aunt doesoddjobs in the kitchen. For instance, she skins the onions,and picks out the stonesin the rice. Add more sentencesto this from your own experience' Make notes of your discussionand read them out. 1. 2. g.

ReadingAilriting Given below are 2 short articles about prominent peoplewho made a lasting contribution to mankind. Read these articles and find the following information. You may do this as group work, 4 students to a group. name of person 1. 2. country year and date ofbirth 3. 4. early life education 5. special qualities 6. contribution to humanity 7. Text 1 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869'1948) Gandhi was a Hindu lawyer who led India to independence. Millions of supporters called him 'Mahathma' (great soul). Gandhi was unique among leaders of revolutions becausehe never struck a blow. Yet his campaign of passiveresistance(satyagraha),and his fasting, forcedthe British Empire to free the peopleof India. Gandhi was born at Porbandar in North West India. When he was ?, he was betrothed. At 13 he was married. At 19 he went to Londonand studiedlaw at University College.In 189Lhe returned to India and practisedas a lawyer. In 1893he sailedto South Africa and becamethe first Indian lawyer admitted to practice before the South African Supreme Court. In South Africa Indian labourers were treated as inferiors. Soonhe began to work for socialreform. He believedthat all men shouldhave equal economic movementofnon-coand socialrights. He returned to India in 1919and foundedthe civil disobedience urging the poor years to village he from village next few trudged operation with British officials. For the he wasjailed for independence methods. In his farm struggle peopleto spin their own cloth and improve severaltimes. After independenceGandhi workeC hard to curb the religious conflict between the Hindus and the Muslims. On January 30th 1948,while walking to a prayer meetingin New Delhi, he was shot deadby a Hindu extremist. Exercise VII Given below is a list of nouns, noun phrases,verbs and verb phrases which are connectedwith the independencemovementof India; sort them out, and write them in the appropriatecolumn. 1.




3. 4. 37

passiveresistance leader

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. 13. L4.

fast forced campaign labourers socialreform free economicrights socialrights treated as inferiors believe


Nouns andNoun Phrases

15. 16. I7. 18. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 23. 24.

founded civil disobediencemovement non co-operation trudged urge spin farm methods improve workedhard jailed Verbs and Verb Phrases


Go through the text again and pick out nounswhich refer to (l) (2)


Pick out the sentencesin which the subjectis not the doerof the action.

places people

Underline the main verb. Look at the following sentenceas an example. In SouthAfrica, Indian Labourersweretreatedas inferiors. subject main verb

Indian labourers were treated

The subjecthere is not the doer of the action. The doer of the action is not mentionedhere, though sometimesin passiveconstructionsthe doeris mentioned.Theseverb constructionsare calledpassive constructions.You will comeacrosstheseconstructionsin later texts. Text II Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Albert Einstein wasborn in IIm, Germany,buthis boyhoodwas spentin Munich. His teachers thought he was stupid. He did not display a talent for Mathematicsuntil he was 14. In 1894,his family movedto ltaly, and Albert was sentto Switzerlandto study. He attendedthe Zurich PolytechnicInstitute and the University of Zurich, wherehe earneda Ph. D in Physicsin 1909. He becamea citizen of Switzerland. 38

Einstein was Professorof Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich from 1901-11;at the University of Prague from 1911-13;and at the University of Berlin in 1914. In 1921,he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his investigations of the photo electric effect. This was important in electronics. In 1921, the Theory of Relativity was not yet confirmed by experiment. As a Jew, Einstein fled from Germany when Adolph Hitler came to power. The Institute for AdvancedStudy at Princeton,New Jersey,granted him a lifetime professorshipin Mathematics in 1933. He becamea U.S. Citizen in 1940. His major contribution was the Theory of Relativity. This is his explanation of the nature of the universe. His ideas revolutionized 20th Century Physicsand ushered in the atomic age. Einstein was more concernedwith theoriesthan with practical matters. He liked to work with pad and pencil, and rarely went into a laboratory. He was a Pacifist and worked for world government and disarmament. It saddenedEinstein that his theorieshelped the U.S.A to producethe first atomic bomb. * A Pacifist is a person who believesthat war could and should be abolished. Exercise VIII Read through

(1) (2) (3) (4)

the text and find

nouns referring to countries, places Institutes where Einstein studied and worked nouns which refer to his contribution to mankind verbs which refer to what he did for mankind.


Notes Beference Vocabulary Note down about 200 words that you found of interest in this book Revise them in the following (1) (2) (3) (4)


be able to recognise a word in new contexts and read it out. be able to give its meaning; learn to spell it. be able to apply the word to your own experience of living and studying. be able to use it as part of your own active vocabulary, whether in writing or in speech. Erercises

Vocabulary (1)

Find nouns which end in "ery" which refer to a place where an action is carried out. Here is one example. bakerY


Some noung form their plural form by adding'es'. Given below are examples: glass / glasses box / boxes Give examplee of other nouns which forrn their plural in a similar manner.


Give examples of (a) proper nouns ending in 'an' referring to nationalities. eg. American. b)

Nouns ending in 'er which refer to occupations or positions eg. farmer.


\ilords ending in 'or' which refer to professions. eg. doctor.


A$ectives which end in 'ive. eg. attractive. lucrative.


Adjectives which end in'ic'. eg. heroic.


Adjectives which end in'ous' eg. prosperous poisonous


Nounssadingin'ment'. eg. movement achievemenL


Verbg endi.g in 'ate'. eg. dleviate liquidatc.



This proofreading checklist is to be used when checking or correcting writing. Correct all the mistakes you discover to improve your writing. Check the following 1.

Do all gentences begin with a capital letter ? Are there any other capitalisation rules to follow ?


Do all the sentencesend in a full stop (.) a question mark (?) or an exclamation mark (!) ?



Are commas,colons,semicolonsusedwherethey are needed?


Is the apostropheplacedwhereit is needed? Or is it misused?


Are all wordg spelledcorrectly ?


Are all gentencescomplete? Doeseverysentencehave a verb ?


Do the subject and the verb agree? Example: Helikesmangoes. \\ey like mangoes.


Is the tensecorrect? Example: He wenthoie yesterday.


Doeseverypronounhave a direct connectionto somenoun usedbeforethe pronoun?


Doesthe gentencemake"sense"? If the reader cannotunderstand what is beingread, then tlw sentencetueds tn bechangedin sornebasic way to guarantee "sense".

11. Is the handwriting easyto read ?


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