1 minute read
Leading and following 1
Most people are born with a desire to belong – to a family, a group of friends, a community, a team, a country. We tend to look to those we can agree with. While there is nothing wrong in wanting to follow other people, sometimes it is important to stop and think for yourself, to dare to ask critical questions. In fact, you might say that positive change only comes about because people dare to question certain ideas or stand up for what they believe in. So, consider this: Who do you follow, and how can you lead the way?
Main targets
•to express your thoughts, feelings and opinions
•to practise persuading an audience
•to write and deliver a speech
Language and grammar
•antonyms and synonyms
•adjectives and adverbs
•subject-verb agreement
Model text
• speech a) b) Watch the intro lm.
•Why do you think the girl is dressed up in this costume?
•Do you remember who you wanted to be when you were a child?
•How do you think this photo relates to the topic of the chapter? Discuss with a partner.
Talk about the main targets of this chapter and write them on the board. Have the students share their thoughts. Make sure that the students understand what a speech is.
Sca olding
Let the students re ect on the title of this chapter and come up with examples of situations where they were either leading or following others. Let the students make predictions about the chapter.
Task a
Allow the students to turn to their partner and talk about the picture and the questions for two minutes. Share in class.
Task b
Go to connect.alinea.dk and watch the intro lm together in class. Let the students work in pairs or individually with the tasks connected to the intro lm.
Read the focus words aloud with the students. Write them on the board or on a chart that you can hang in the classroom.
Lead is a word that can be both a noun and a verb. Ask the students if they can nd other focus words that can be both. Then, ask them to explain the di erence between the two forms of each word.
Sca olding
The students can get more practice working with the focus words on connect.alinea.dk.
Task 1
Ask the students to cut a piece of paper into twenty pieces. Let them write the ten focus words on one paper slip each and the matching de nitions on one each. Then, let them play a game of Memory where a pair is made up of a focus word and its correct de nition.
Task 2
On connect.alinea.dk, in the teacher’s section Til læreren, you can nd instructions and worksheets for this activity.