3 minute read

Colson Fellows



By Heather Bennett

“Now more than ever, it is critical that our Christian faith remains fresh in our hearts and minds. At LRCA, we never stop growing or learning. When we were approached by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview to be one of five Christian schools to pilot the program, we were VERY interested. Seven teachers and our upper school head, Dr. Justin Smith, immersed themselves in the best of Christian thinking, and what it means to worship God with our minds,” shares Dr. Gary Arnold, Head of School.

“I commend and congratulate Little Rock Christian’s Colson Fellows for their drive and commitment. I know they will leverage what they have learned in order to serve and coach teachers and students. Not only that, we are very excited to bring parents into the conversation,” Dr. Arnold continues. Warriroville’s Colson Fellows graduated from the program in spring 2021. Shonda Phelps (JH Science) and Faith Best (HS BWV) represented LRCA at the culminating event called the Wilberforce Weekend hosted by the Colson Center.

Colson Fellows’ namesake Charles Colson explains, “It is not what we do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through us. God doesn’t want our success; He wants us. He doesn’t demand our achievements; He demands our obedience. The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of paradox, where through the ugly defeat of a cross, a holy God is utterly glorified. Victory comes through defeat; healing through brokenness; finding self through losing self.”

Dr. Gary Arnold, President/Head of School “The beauty of the Colson Fellows experience for me is the opportunity to talk frankly with others about the deep mysteries of our faith and the hardest questions.”

Jennifer Byrd, High School English & Communications “In many ways, the influence has been subtle and organic, but in one particular way, I've been able to implement material from the program directly. My JBU English I (Comp I) class centers around researching and writing about a social issue for the entire semester. I've been able to speak more directly about how to address brokenness in our culture from a Christian perspective and how to incorporate a Biblical worldview into a plan for restoration. This has not only changed the way I've helped students enter social conversations, but it has shifted my own perspective.”

Jenny Farias, High School Spanish “It supplied us with tools to be proactive to fight against negative influences of culture...tools to engage with our culture and give an answer. For my two children and 100 students, I want to infuse Truth into everything we’re talking about...how to be reasonable and ask good questions.”

Shonda Phelps, Junior High Science “I feel equipped to discuss harder topics with students in positive ways. I have more tools in my armory to defend faith. In 7th grade Life Science, we studied Genesis 1 and 2, the creation story and how science supports the idea of literal biblical creation. Faith and science are not antithetical to each other. I’m helping my students have the knowledge to defend what they believe.”

Dr. Justin Smith, Head of Upper School "Reading books on the way of Jesus, Christian Worldview, and modern societal issues, vis-a-vis the Colson Fellows, has provided us a framework for thinking about ideas and movements that are prevalent in this cultural moment. Learning to think in Christian categories is important as we live in community with our neighbors in loving ways. This type of thinking is especially important to Christian school leadership. I'm truly grateful for the Colson Fellow education."

LRCA’s Colson Fellows Dr. Gary Arnold, President/Head of School; Faith Best, HS Biblical Worldview; Jennifer Byrd, HS English & Communications; Jenny Farias, HS Spanish; Shonda Phelps, JH Science; Caroline Phillips, JH Social Studies; Tony Saegert, HS French; Dr. Justin Smith, Head of Upper School; Dr. Margo Turner.

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