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Across the Country Close to Home
The House of Warriors’ annual January Term (J-Term) provides unique growth opportunities for high school students. Outside-the-box educational offerings, internships, and horizon-broadening trips impact their lives and aspirations in deeply meaningful ways. Although lingering pandemic ramifications curtailed excursions beyond U.S. borders, over 100 students took part in three spiritually/ educationally focused trips.

ACT English and Reading Preparation ACT Math Practice American Movie Classics: The Reel Deal Arkansas Foodbank Service Project Automotive and Internal Combustion Engine Design and Operation College Preparation Workshop: Applications and Personal Statement Dance: Let’s Move! Digital Arts Master Class: Drawing and Painting on iPad Digital Humanities Digital Media Literacy Entomology: The Study of Insects and Why It Matters Equestrian 101 Exploring End Time Prophecy Faith Leadership in Sports Fitness and Nutrition Folklore and Folly: A Survey of Literature’s Greatest and Most Foolhardy Legends Forensics From the Gothic Monster to Modern Man: Who is the real Beast? Habitat for Humanity Service Project Hunter Safety Education Ice Hockey Ice Skating Introduction to Archery Jane Austen in Literature and Film J-Term Capstone Independent Study Life Skills: Adulting 101 New Age Worldviews: A Biblical Perspective Our House Local Service Project Outdoor Service Projects Panorama of the Bible Personal Finance Practice of Prayer: Deepening your Experience with God Rube Goldberg Inventions: The Man and His Machines Service Projects Sport Psychology Sports Analytics Baseball Emphasis Star Wars and Science Fiction: A Galaxy Far Far Away Thompson Driving School New Driver Education Class Watercolor Workshop Intensive

By Heather Bennett, Communications Specialist

Agriculture Animal Care Apparel Merchandising Architecture/Engineering Art Athletic Training/Coaching Business Broadcast Journalism Conservation Contracting/Construction Management Dental/Orthodontics Education Electrical

Mission Discovery-Daytona Beach Passion Conference-Atlanta, Georgia Washington, D.C.
Equine Management/ Education Fabrication Fashion Financial Management Fire Department Fitness/Nutrition Flight Training Government Consulting: Lobbying and Campaign Management Graphic Design/Advertising IT Journalism Landscaping Law/Law Enforcement Media/Marketing Medical/Therapy/Pharmacy Ministry Non-Profit Occupational/Physical Therapy Politics Real Estate Research Small Business Social Service Speech Pathology Sports and Recreation Veterinarian Web Design Wildlife Management