1 minute read


By Heather Bennett, Communications Specialist

CCold and dreary weather can make the sunset of the winter season feel seemingly out of grasp. It can also feel that way with large construction projects. The vim and vigor that splashes around like virtual confetti at the start of an endeavor might wane amidst the less than shiny moments and materials along the way to the homestretch.

We’re flipping the script though and placing a laser focus on making our own sunshine. First of all, the first buds of spring are right around the corner. God breathes newness into every living thing. Along with glimpses of nature’s form and shape will also be daily reminders of the transformational completion of the House of Love’s additional 16,000+ square feet commissioned to serve children and families even more effectively.

Here’s a pictorial progression of the construction process along with several faculty members sharing what they are most looking forward to when the addition is ready for the 2023 school year!

“The new EL kitchen will provide us the ability to serve the freshest food possible. And, I think the students will love to see where we prepare their meals. I can't wait for students and families to see the new kitchen. It's going to be NICE! We are going to have fun cooking some really good food for everyone!”

-Patrick Carroll, Director of Food Services

“I am so excited about having a fun, new space to create with my students, while being surrounded by my enrichment teammates. Their support and encouragement throughout the day energize my soul.”

-Melony Fielder, EL Art

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