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Homecoming week 20 Fantastic Acts of Service

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Kiwanis Meetings

Kiwanis Meetings

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A l li es in Youth A l li es in Youth Developme n t Developme n t ASTIC SERVICE

Our club members and Summit club members helping with food preparations for the Allies in Youth Development Banquet!!

RTC:RTC: A A FirsthandFirsthand ExperienceExperience

Current Webmaster

D o D o C h r i s C h r i s

“With our newly instated officers finally entering the school year, it’s essential for everyone to attend training in order for our duties to be fulfilled to the best of our abilities. Texas-Oklahoma’s Region 7 had its Regional Training Conference on September 3rd at Martin High School this year and would have divisions 39S, 39N, and 1.

Our day started off with the officers from various clubs in Region 7 piling into the library. Our LTGs, guests, and District Governor would introduce themselves and we would all recite the Key Club pledge. Everyone was settling in, and we would transition into icebreakers hosted by the one and only, District Governor, Jonathan Perez. For our icebreakers, we did “speed dating” where we were introduced to someone knew and would answer a prompt with one another. It was great talking to people just as motivated to serve their communities and to better the lives of others! Eventually, it was time to properly transition into the training part of the RTC.

Our first forum would be an informational one, and I was delegated to attend the “District and Internation Convention” forum. Learning about the international convention and the upcoming locations was extremely useful. I was able to share my personal experiences with the district convention while listening to others mirror their experiences. Our district convention is called LEDCON (Leadership and Educational CONference) and is hosted every spring in Dallas, Texas. Once our presentation and discussion concluded, we moved on to our second forum.

The second and arguably most important forum would cover Parli Pro (Parliamentary Procedure). Hosted by Division 13’s LTG Danielle Alvarado, we would cover how to properly move a motion, amend, vote, etc. which is crucial to maintaining a smooth meeting. We practiced with a discussion, amended changes, and adjourned the meeting.

Our lunch would follow with our second-to-last forum afterward. Our third forum would be held after our District Governor went over Key Club 101. The choices for the third forum were between president/vice president or secretary, so I learned more about the responsibilities of the secretary. Finally, I would end the day by attending the webmaster forum. This was almost the entire point of the RTC for me because of my position, so solidifying my knowledge was important. We held a 5-minute design contest, and with that, our RTC would come to a close. It was overall a great experience interacting with other clubs and districts and was an important event of the year.

MajorMajor EmphasisEmphasis

P R E S I D E N T Neva Khan lrhskcpresident@gmail.com @nevakhan

V I C E P R E S I D E N T Madison Nguyen lrhskcvicepresident@gmail.com @madisongvyen

S E C R E T A R Y Saman Saiforoyai lrhskcsecretary@gmail.com @saman.saiforoayai

E D I T O R Zoe Leddy lrhskceditor@gmail.com @zoe _ mael

Chris Do lrhskcwebmaster@gmail.com @chrissdo


T R E A S U R E R John Dunlap lrhskctreasurer@gmail.com @j.dunlap_

H O U R S C O O R D I N A T O R Kaitlyn Nguyen lrhskchours@gmail.com

S E R V I C E C O O R D I N A T O R Michaela McClendon lrhskcservicer@gmail.com @michaela.mcclendon

S O C I A L C O O R D I N A T O R Logan Clark lrhskcsocial@gmail.com

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