2 minute read

Coming T-Ogether

Michaela McClendon, Service Coordinator

Earlier this month I had the privilege of joining my fellow Key Clubbers at LEDCON for the very first time. When preparing for this trip I was excited but a little fearful as well because as a new member I didn 't know anybody on our officer board. Honestly, I was a little apprehensive of making new friends, but looking back I had nothing to



We started off going to Kroger for snacks, then Cane Rosso for lunch, and a candy shop after that! This was the perfect ice breaker as by the time we were at the hotel I already felt more comfortable with my group. We had the best time touring the enormous hotel and searching high and low for the Starbucks. Later in the evening we went to the welcoming session and got matching sun tattoos. We took a picture and I thought it was beautiful.

All of our arms stretched out, bearing our suns with pride. The image resonated with me as I saw all of our different skin tones in a circle. Light and dark, pale and tan, showing our race and ethnicity. I saw beauty, I saw diversity, I saw the inclusion of all races and creeds.

This theme continued throughout the weekend. I love that I did not see just one race, but that we were diverse. In the world we live in it is so important to acknowledge and celebrate our differences. During the conference, I listened to the people that were running for different district and international positions. While everyone ' s message was different, there was one common factor, making the world better. Now no one specifically said these words, this is what I took away from LEDCON. Via helping the earth, pouring into your school, supporting your community, whatever it is, help the world.

As Covid has dissipated people have slowly started to go back to what the world was like pre-covid. Masks are lowered, 6 feet laws are abandoned, and we are no longer quarantined. While all of this is good, now we have to deal with the state of the world. I’ ve always pondered what I can do to help my community and my world. Attending this conference enlightened me to so many ideas and possibilities that I will show to my club. Making new friends, learning about key clubs, and hearing about what the other clubs are doing was such an inspiration to keep doing the work I’ m doing. This conference provided me with new friends that I know will always have my back, and I will have theirs. I believe that with this bond and new information learned at LEDCON the Lake Ridge Key Club will be unstoppable!

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