2 minute read
Frames Hanging It On The Wall
Do you keep your puzzles or do you recycle them in garage sales or donate them to goodwill stores? If you do keep your puzzles, here are some useful framing ideas. I have used ‘ recycled’ frames which I just cleaned up and placed a ‘ matt’ background behind the puzzle to match the main colours in the image. You can locate unique frames at Thrift stores. Of course, be certain to measure your jigsaw puzzle before you go ‘frame ’ hunting and the frame must also accommodate the thickness of your puzzle. It is not uncommon to have a background behind your puzzle in a frame. Get creative to see how you can manage a colour blend that works with your puzzle. I have re-painted perfectly good picture frames that are just not the correct colours. There is always the option to know someone (who may know someone) who will build a puzzle frame for you that will totally custom fit your jigsaw puzzles. In most cases that person is difficult to find. You could always 2-way tape your puzzle to any piece of sturdy board-like material or firm cardboard. Better yet, a lot of my puzzles just have wide clear tape on the back and I simply tack them to the wall. Take a browse through the displays of jigsaw puzzles that have been mounted into frames and are displayed on the wall of many puzzlers from around the world on the website. Search Framed Jigsaw Puzzles. When choosing a frame be sure to allow about an inch larger than the border of your puzzle - often puzzles have a thickness so the extra space leaves some room for forgiveness when sealing it into the frame. Please take the time to watch the video on the website link to get the idea of how to glue your jigsaw puzzle. But a word of caution, if not done correctly, it could be ' unpleasant' so do not try this on your World' s Largest Jigsaw Puzzle without practicing first. Personally, I do not glue my jigsaw puzzles however a majority of jigsaw puzzlers do. Since I am not your ' go-to-Gal' for gluing jigsaw puzzles I always refer this question to a YouTube video that I recommend because the feedback from those with a jigsaw puzzle hobby have informed me so ;) BUT ..I will share my method and an alternative IDEA that you may like to use. I get great feedback on my method because it is very low cost and preserves your puzzle for many many years....It' s also quick, easy and FUN!.... read the No Glue Method on page 54 above..