September 2017
If You’re Teachable, You’re Fixable
All Product 15% off Online Sales ONLY EXTENDED Thru September 15
Kids are getting ready to go back to school, and some are already riding the big yellow bus, riding their bikes or walking the few blocks to the brick and mortar school a couple of blocks away. I remember it well, when our two sweet daughters were ready, wearing their new dresses and shoes, carrying their lunch box and on their backs hung a new backpack filled with pencils, pens, notebooks, erasers, a ruler and whatever was required by the teacher they would have for the year. It was an exciting time for them, and we always felt very comforted by the fact that in Elementary school they always attended a Christian School with warm and loving teachers. So our question for you is: Are you ready for the school year? You may not have a new dress or pants and a fancy new plaid shirt, but is your mind and heart determined to learn while your kiddos are in school, learning? Is it perhaps time for a refresher for you? Math and Reading? NO. How about Emotional and Character Development? Recently I received a note from a woman who had attended one of our seminars and been through the 22 weeks of recovery entitled: “Binding the Wounds”, at her church in Virginia. That was 19 years ago, and she said that she had not forgotten, but was ready for a refresher course, and this time taking her brother with her. She plans to run the small group in her home. We say, “Good for you, Girl.” People can always learn, because as you have heard us say many times, “We peel like an onion, one layer at a time. And sometimes we cry.”
So think about it . . .
We get inquiries from folks wondering if there are small groups happening in their area. If you are leading a small group in your area, please let us know, so we can pass on the info. Include: Dates, Time, Place, Contact info and Class name. Here are the ones we know about. Alaska - Anchorage Contact: Ron Latsha Phone: 907-842-5653 Alaska - Fairbanks Leaders: Adrienne Lee Canada - Canadian University Leaders: Wanda J Johnson Class: The Journey Contact: Wanda Phone: 403-392-7093 Canada - Nanaimo, Vancouver Where: Prison Colorado - Canyon City Where: Canyon City SDA Church When: Tuesdays, 4 pm Leader: Fonda Harris Contact: email Colorado - Denver Colorado - Longmont (30 miles N of Denver) Leaders: Matt & Amy Miller Contact: Matt, Amy New Mexico - Ruidoso Class: The Route Where: Private Home When: Sabbath Afternoons Contact: 575-336-8095
When was the last time you were in a group?
Did you finish the program?
Did your group just disband?
Have you continued your growth in some way?
Why not consider starting a group of your own? There are 4 books available with workbooks, allowing a facilitator to conduct a group for just 10 or so weeks, so it is not such a long commitment of time:
Shadows of Acceptance – all about rejection, its effects and how to heal from it. Shadows of Belonging – About the Styles of Attachment and the way you attached to parents as an infant and how you continue to attach to others at your current age. Free At Last - The stories of lives damaged early on, their experiences as a result, and their healing. Many principles taught in this book and workbook.
Heart Connection – for engaged and married couples to help them circumvent the pitfalls of intimate relationships. All these have workbooks so that participants can write the answers to the questions and are ready to share in the group. This is where the greatest growth and change takes place. We have EXTENDED our product sale thru Sept 15 making it easier financially for you to “stay in the conversation, ” as Karan and Eric would say.
It remains amazing to us that Karan and Eric, our associates in ministry, have been facilitating a class that has lasted for 2 ½ years so far. The group feel that they are learning so much and their lives and marriages are improving so much, that they will NEVER quit being in this group. They have formed amazing friendships and have learned from each other and are being healthier parents as well. Why is it so important to keep on learning? It’s valuable and important because the mind has a tendency to revert to old patterns and behaviors. The support that one receives in a group of others who are working at dropping old unhelpful and unhealthy behaviors gives the impetus needed to keep
Oregon - Newberg Leaders: Sherri Mahurin Contact: Sherri Oregon - Portland Class: The Mode Where: Healing Hope SDA When: Wed, 7 pm Contact: 503-253-8595 Texas - El Paso Class: The Journey Where: St. Clements Anglican Church Wyoming - Cheyenne
Early connections set the stage for the rest of life! Some newborns are cheated out of the first four hours with their birth mother and father – the window of opportunity for bonding. It is during this time, that babies make that powerful emotional connection with a parent that holds them in good stead for life. A skin to skin connection on Mother’ s chest, for 45 minutes following birth, can minimize even the trauma of a difficult birth.
Listening to her heartbeat
Smelling the familiar fragrance of her body
Hearing her comforting voice
Feeling her gentle touch
Looking into her eyes of love and acceptance
And being nourished at her breast
all send messages to the brain that the infant is OK. To be sure, the body is a miraculous machine! The brain, foreman of the body is wise and designed to make us survive and thrive!
More Mindful Moments . . .
on, keeping on. The other group members are our accountability partners, and encourage us to keep making progress as they share the progress they are making. There is so much information to gain. Science is making discoveries in leaps and bounds every day, and as researchers make progress, so should we. Our research should be into our own particular histories – the people and patterns that were created by our predecessors and passed down to us. When we recognize these things, it becomes easier to dispose of the ones that do not serve us well. What we do not know about ourselves and our histories, cannot be corrected. What we do know about those who came before us (remember we carry 4 generations with us) and what we do recognize in ourselves that was passed down to us, can be identified and one we know in ourselves, we can choose to make needed changes. Look back at the attitudes with which you were raised. Grandparents and parent’s attitudes and behaviors toward religion, language, work ethics, relationships, etc. affect us today in our personal attitudes and behaviors. This weekend, our youngest granddaughter is getting married. She has been able to look at the generations that came before her. She remembers well her great-grandma, her grandparents (us) and certainly her parents. On her Dad’s side she remembers well her grandparents. She has looked at attitudes and behaviors. Some have upset her and for others she is grateful. She has begun the process of discarding some and adopting others, and we are proud of her for that! Her fiancee has looked at his as well. He is an achiever and hard worker. He has goals and dreams and his greatest dream is to carry her along with him into their future. We are proud of him as well. While they are young and still have much to learn, they are in the process, and that’s a giant step ahead. So it’s September, best known for “Back to School.” Once your children and grandchildren are back in class 5 days a week, give yourself the opportunity to return to the school of learning as well. Chat with your husband/wife and perhaps some friends, form a group, and get into the classroom. If you want a great refresher, you might want the video series, “Binding the Wounds – a Live Seminar,” on DVD. This is the best seminar we ever did! Ron’s graphics were animated, and it is only 11 sessions, so you should be able to commit and get your friends to do so for only 11 weeks.
If you have never facilitated a group before and are hesitant, check out our fully downloadable training videos. Ron and I continue to learn. We are still learning about our predecessors and are applying that info to our attitudes and behaviors. I recall that the women in my history are courageous and strong – and have adopted that in my life. Ron remembers that the men and women in his history were very hard workers, and until Parkinson’s Disease, he had adopted that work ethic in his life. While some of our history isn’t the best, we do what we can to identify it and through God’s grace coupled with our determination, we let those go. God bless you and guide you as you return to school, learn more, and continue to be a blessing to others. PLEASE do let us know what you are doing this SCHOOL YEAR, and let us know about the progress in your lives!
Available on our website for additional learning :
Articles - new posts frequently
Transgenerational Trauma
Effect of Early Trauma to the Physical Body
Result of Early Trauma to the Emotions
Transgenerational Effects on One’s Spirituality
Growing Up—Spiritual Maturity
Mindful Moments - bites of info on the brain, heart and/or recovery
Tidbits of Recovery - blog
Contact the Rockeys with your questions and/or comments 1-575-973-7793, 10 am—5 pm Mountain Time or email