Brainstorming Your Online Lessoon

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Brainstorming Your Online Lesson and/or Course For the purpose of this planning you should focus on one lesson and/or course that you are developing. What is the official title of the lesson and/or course? _______________________________________ Which of these interactive techniques do you plan on using in this class? (check all that apply)

Discussion Boards Required postings that critique other's work Group assignments Reflective Journaling Peer-led team work Peer mentoring Audio conferencing Video conferencing Games Determining student's prior knowledge Virtual field trip Group Online surveys and assessments Online debates

Any other techniques?

Which technologies do you plan on using in the class? (check all that apply)

Email Asynchronous chats Synchronous chats Telephone Audio conferencing Video conferencing CD-ROM ePortfolio Blogging Wiki Simulations Audio tutorials Interactive syllabus Web sites e-Case Studies

Any other technnologies?

In your lesson and/or course, describe what strategies you would use to support one of the Seven Principles of Good Practice. Tell how your strategies will impact student engagement and learning. Which Principle did you select?

Encourage contact b/w faculty and students Develop reciprocity/coop. among students Use active learning Give prompt feedback Emphasize time on task Communicate high expectations Respect diverse talents/ways of learning

What specific strategies will you use to meet the intent of this Principle?

How will your strategies engage students and increase students' success and proficiency in this class? How will you know? What measures will you use?

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