Williams l CrossFit Rebrand Project Book

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FIERCE perform CrossFit here


perform CrossFit here

“CrossFit begins with a belief in fitness.

The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. We have sought to build a program that will best prepare trainees for any physical contingency — not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable” (CrossFit, 2013).

The purpose of The CrossFit Rebrand campaign is focused on unifying the larger CrossFit brand and packaging marketing deliverables so that affiliate boxes have appropriately branded material for use as well. The campaign hinges on staying true to the core ideals of the CrossFit brand and honoring its non-franchise, underground, grass-roots movement. CrossFit is gaining popularity as a fitness program makes appearances on shows like Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Edition. This makes the need for a unified brand identity that much more important. The campaign focuses on highlighting aspects of the brand that already work and reworking the portions that don’t. This unification will lead to a better brand identity and competitiveness in the field.

iii iii

Before We Begin: CrossFit Jargon Explained Box:



Each CrossFit gym is referred to as a “box.” Each box is an affiliate of CrossFit with its own name, coaches, logo, website and, usually fitness programming.

The workout of the day is referred to as the WOD. It is a workout posted by the box you are a member of online that lists the workout with specific weights (the prescription), repetitions and/or goals. All workouts are timed. Some are done to completion and the time is recorded, while some are AMRAPs and are completed in a certain amount of time. The prescription (RX) is the resistance or intensity at which the workout is meant to be performed. This does not mean a member use perform the workout at prescription, all weights and movements can be modified to the appropriate fitness or ability level of the participant. CrossFit Headquarters defines all movement standards.

AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible. This style of workout is a list of movements

and repetitions in which the performer has a specific time limit. The member records the number of repetitions they are able to do in that period of time.

on the cover: Throughout this project book you’ll see silhouetted figures with the directive “perform CrossFit here” inside them. This will play out more fully in the Assets Section of the campaign but it is meant to reinforce that CrossFit can be performed anywhere. It is a program that readies its members for any eventuality during every day life and the urban, immediate occurrence of these figures serves to emphasize the accessibility and availability of the program to anyone.

The redesign

The campaign

the research

3 Introduction


Creating Brand Assets



Why A Redesign


The Blog Redesign


CrossFit Defined



The Logo


Affiliate Usage


Color Palette


Appropriate Usage

12 Typography 13

Tone of Voice


Images & Textures


Motion & Music

the process 43

Evolution of a Brand

34 Objectives


Mood Board 1

The Mobile App


Assets | Problems


Mood Board 2

24 Interactive Billboards & Instagram


Target Audience


Mood Board 3

39 Personas


Tool Box

39 Conclusion


Dynamic Mood Board


Logo Sketches

26 Music 28

Events & Competitions

29 Stencils

The Project

50 Conclusion 52 References


perform CrossFit here

The redesign 1










Introduction CrossFit is a fitness program, “… defined as that which optimizes fitness (constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity)” (CrossFit, 2013). The goal of the varied programming is to generate a level of fitness that makes members stronger for every day life. What initially started as a simple blog that included a daily workout with a picture and simple nugget of wisdom, has transformed into an international series of boxes. CrossFit is organized as a series of affiliated gyms under the larger umbrella of CrossFit Corporate (CrossFit Headquarters). Currently, each gym creates and uses its own logo and blog without clear association to the larger brand other than the CrossFit name. Due to poor and inconsistent branding, CrossFit is not a recognizable or powerful force in the fitness community. Because each gym is operating as a stand-alone gym, there is no cohesive CrossFit identity. In order to promote CrossFit the campaign will unify the brand and focus on the benefits CrossFit gives its members.

• Objectives: The CrossFit Rebrand will create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity for the CrossFit community to rally around. A new logo and branding standards will visually bring the CrossFit affiliates under the larger CrossFit brand. This is necessary to bring consistency to the brand. A focus on the benefits of CrossFit, like the community it creates, will generate a powerful message that sets it apart from its competitors.

The campaign will use minimal jargon and explain the jargon it does use so as to not turn a potential member away from the program

Overall the campaign will focus on highlighting the aspects of CrossFit that appeal to any potential new member, specifically the target group. It will create a cohesive brand identity while staying true to the core ideals of the brand and allowing affiliates to maintain the individuality of their boxes within the new brand structure.

Assets | Problems to be Addressed: The aspects that differentiate CrossFit from its competitors are both an asset and a problem. These assets set CrossFit apart from its competitors but also present an obstacle to overcome in order to generate new membership. •

The campaign will be flexible so that each affiliate can maintain CrossFit’s individual, grassroots movement while creating a cohesive brand identity

The campaign will fight against the “super fit” stereotype of CrossFit and focus on the accessibility of the program

The campaign will also focus on the scale-ability and accessibility of the program for any individual or fitness level


Why a

Redesign The CrossFit campaign is focused on organizing the brand so that it is consistent across all aspects of use and can be continued in future applications of the brand. The current model for CrossFit is affiliate boxes that fall under the larger umbrella of the CrossFit name but with no brand standards or guidelines, the identity is weak and confusing. “From the beginning, the CrossFit movement has provided an alternative to the prevailing commercial gym establishment and its signature “big-box,” machine-based, body building approach to fitness.” “We promoted the ethic and aesthetic of the garage gym in large part to provide a home and refuge for our more athletic programming, which couldn’t find quarter in the commercial

gyms. CrossFit is not a franchise and never will be. Our affiliates constitute a confederation of legitimate fitness practitioners united around constantly varied, intense, functional exercise and pooling reliable resources under the CrossFit name.” “… CrossFit affiliation is an Internet-based grassroots movement started by CrossFitters who wanted their own local CrossFit-equipped gyms, trainers and communities. It has become a call to all who really care about fitness to get the car out of the garage, pick up some dumbbells, a barbell, a few plates, a pull-up bar, and some rings, and try the Workout of the Day.” (CrossFit, 2013). The CrossFit campaign hinges on being able to create a cohesive brand that is distinguishes CrossFit without taking the individuality, true, real and almost underground nature away from the brand. Creating a more cohesive brand will help bring awareness to a fitness program that is already working by creating a platform as a catalyst to further its functional fitness movement.

The Current brand


CrossFit Defined Market Sector: Health & Wellness | Fitness Equinox Fitness focuses on experts in fitness teaching classes in an elite spa-like environment.

Crunch Fitness gives members a unique and fun fitness experience with the classes it offers. It also has enough equipment that members can work out on their own.

Gold’s Gym began as a body builder’s gym. Since then it has worked to give members the opportunity to workout however they like, with classes, personal trainers or fitness equipment.

Competitors: Equinox Fitness | Crunch Fitness | Gold’s Gym Differentiating Factors: CrossFit is an empowering and innovative approach to fitness. A CrossFit Box (gym) is a no-frills space with a coach and little to no equipment. The members all perform the same workout of the day (WOD) in a timed environment and then record the results. The workouts are different each day and focus on nine basic movements, a combination of Olympic lifting, gymnastics and cardio exercises. The workouts are designed so that each movement can be scaled to the ability of the participant, making it accessible to any individual. This is in direct contrast to competing gyms that focus on spa like experiences, peppy group classes, and a plethora of equipment and amenities so that members can perform their own workouts individually.

Rebrand Theme: CrossFit is the ONLY fitness program that provides a varied, daily workout that cross–trains participants for the physical demands of everyday life. Aimed at fitness enthusiasts looking for an quick and effective workout that also involves the support of a community environment, CrossFit is an intense physical and mental challenge in preparation for the demands of real life, rather than an over-the-top fitness gym or workout fad.

Target Audience: Because CrossFIt is applicable to so many, the possible members are infinite. This redesign project chose to appeal to men & women ages 25-50 who are already involved in a fitness program but are looking for a more effective, more intense and less time consuming workout routine. These individuals have a larger motivation for their healthy lifestyle rather than being fit just to be fit.


The Logo The logo addresses the need for a unified and versatile identity for CrossFit. The distressed nature of the CrossFit word mark that is paired with any of three figures creating unity as well as flexibility in the logo system. Affiliates can include the tag line or exclude as appropriate.


The colors maintain the urban and distressed feel of the campaign. The campaign colors are in direct contrast to the sterile, gray scale marketing of the competitors in the field. The urban blue and urban red color pairing is solely for CrossFit Main. Affiliates can utilize the logo with any of the colors from the campaign along with the urban blue,. The flexible nature of he logo allows each affiliate to personalize the logo while maintaining a unified brand identity.



CrossFit Main (CFM) will use the logo in all branding and packaging of CFM. It utilizes the distressed word mark of CrossFit and any of the three CrossFit figures. The tag line is optional. The three figures can be pulled from the log and utilized in branding. CrossFit Main utilizes the combination of the palette colors urban red and urban blue for its logo and identity use. Affiliates have the option to personalize the logo as detailed on page six.


CrossFit Main can use the logo as a single color (urban blue or urban red). It can also be used as an all black or all white logo when necessary. This makes any black and white applications or knockout use of the logo simple and does not degrade the logo. Affiliates can use any of the options mentioned above, using the single color they chose and the urban blue as well as the black or white logo.


options for affiliate use | Pair a Palette Color with the Urban Blue


Urban Blue | Primal Blue


Urban Blue | Urban Orange


Urban Blue | Primal Turquoise


Urban Blue | Urban Yellow


Urban Blue | Primal Green


Urban Blue | Primal Yellow

Affiliates can choose to personalize the CrossFit logo for their own use by creating a logo color scheme from any of the colors in the color palette and combining it with the urban blue. The many variations that can be created using these color combinations give the affiliates the flexibility to customize the logo to their own needs. Keeping the common color of the urban blue maintains consistency across the logo and helps to unify the identity of CrossFit while maintaining the grassroots individuality of the affiliate boxes. BECAUSE LIFE IS A WORKOUT

Urban Blue | Primal Red

urban red

R:195 | G:42 | B:7 C:16 | M:96 | Y:100 | K:7

primal red

R:223 | G:60 | B:32 C:7 | M:91 | Y:100 | K:1

urban orange

R:226| G:118 | B:0 C:8 | M:64 | Y:100 | K:1

primal yellow

R:255 | G:194 | B:14 C:0 | M:25 | Y:100 | K: 0

urban yellow

R:223 | G:176 | B:28 C:14 | M:30 | Y:100 | K:0

primal green urban green

color palette

R:176 | G:205 | B:1 C:37 | M:2 | Y:100 | K:0 R:64 | G:70 | B:44 C:65 | M:51 | Y:82 | K:49

primal turquoise

R:56 | G:126 | B:135 C:79 | M:36 | Y:42 | K:7

primal blue

R:57 | G:64 | B: 133 C:93 | M:88 | Y:16 | K:3

urban blue

R:50 | G:52 | B:67 C:78 | M:71 | Y:50 | K:48



Minimum Size with Tag Line Included

minimum clear space



The logo, in all uses, requires a minimum clear space the distance of the size of the “s” from the logo on each side. This is true with or without the tag line. The minimum size for the logo with the tag line is a 1.5 inch width, while the height is scaled proportionately. Without the tag line the minimum size is a 1 inch width, the height scaled proportionately. Drop shadows can be utilized at the designer’s discretion in keeping with the brand’s ideals and the specifications listed. Refrain from inappropriately using the logo. Penalty of 100 burpees for every misuse.


minimum clear space


1.5 inches


Minimum Size without Tag Line Included

minimum clear space


1 inch

Appropriate Use of Drop Shadows

INAppropriate Usage T

Do not tilt or distort the logo


Do not stretch or squish the logo

Do not use other effects on the logo


Do not use a colored drop shadow BECAUSE LIFE IS A WORKOU T

Do not outline the logo Specifications: Do not use a color from outside palette

Color: Black Opacity: 50%

Do not make the logo too small

Distance: .0084 inches Direction: Optional

Do not run the logo off the edge

X & Y Offset: .0625 inches (positive angle)

-.0625 inches (negative angle)

Check: Object knocks out shadow

Do not lose the logo in the background




ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | VENEER ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | HELVETICA NEUE

The typography of the CrossFit campaign is carefully crafted to pair an intense & distressed font with a clean, versatile sans serif. The header font is Veneer, a distressed sans serif font that gives the campaign an intense and urban feel. The capital letters of the font allow it to be easily stacked in blocks to create visual weight and hierarchy. Helvetica Neue is the perfect sans serif font with a wide variety of weights and obliques. It is also a common font that comes standard on most computers, so there is no purchase necessary. The alternate fonts involved in branded assets would be an individual’s handwriting to lend credibility to a testimony for the program. This should be used sparingly and only in context of a testimony.



Using Veneer as a header font is ideal. The distressed nature of the font and all capital letters give it weight and importance without being fussy. The font is always uppercase and can be stacked so that the title takes up a block of space. When stacking the type, the point size is arranged to take up the width of the text box and the leading is always 2 points less than the font size. The body copy can use any variation of Helvetica Neue. However, the regular, regular condensed, bold and bold condensed variations are the most common. The point size for any textual body copy should be 10 point font on 14 point leading. In any use, the leading should always 4 points larger than the font size for best readability.


voice The tone of voice for the CrossFit campaign is empowering, informative and engaging. It relies on personal testimony to make the intense style appealing and accessible to the greater fitness world.

CrossFit can come across as intimidating and as a program only for elite athletes. This branding campaign strives to inform the greater fitness community about the benefits and accessibility of this program of varied and intense workout. Using plain language and using CrossFit jargon minimally will increase appeal and understanding with potential members currently unfamiliar with the program.


images & textures Many of the images for the CrossFit campaign can be drawn from the member photos on the CrossFit Main blog. To augment those photos, images of real individuals excelling at everyday activities will be incorporated into the campaign. All images and textures are chosen to convey the core ideals of real, primal, and empowered. The textures incorporate the use of graffiti and urban environments. The images should be used to draw in the target audience. The imagery needs to balance the ideals of the campaign without turning away potential customers, because they are too tough or advanced looking.

motion &


The motion for the CrossFit campaign is vibrant, empowering and set to the steady beat of the chosen music for the campaign. As the beat drives the workout, it also drives the motion pieces of this campaign.

The music that has been chosen is beat-driven, up-tempo and instrumental, that is a derivation of classical music and Native American pow wows. The music can appeal to a wide range of potential consumers without needing to combat inappropriate or offensive language. This is perfect for potential members, who can get a feel for the type of music associated with the workout while not being turned away by offensive language.


perform CrossFit here

The campaign 17


The Current crossfit brand

Brand ASSETS “CrossFit begins with a belief in fitness. The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. We have sought to build a program that will best prepare trainees for any physical contingency — not only for the unknown, but for the unknowable” (CrossFit, 2013). Market Sector: Health & Wellness | Fitness Competitors: Equinox Fitness: 3 Crunch Fitness: 5 Gold’s Gym: 12

3 Directive Words to Describe the “Look & Feel” of the Campaign: Primal: primitive, basic, simple Intense: strenuous, bold, powerful Empowering: tribal, cult-like, close-knit

Rebrand Theme: CrossFit is the ONLY fitness program from among its competitors that provides a varied, daily workout that cross–trains participants for the physical demands of everyday life. Aimed at fitness enthusiasts looking for a quick and effective workout that also provides the support of a community environment, CrossFit is an intense physical and mental challenge in preparation for the demands of real life, rather than an over-the-top fitness gym or workout fad.

equinox fitness

crunch fitness

gold’s gym


The Blog Redesign The key to the campaign is a clean and effective redesign of the CrossFit blog. Updating the blog creates community interaction and social media promotion from current members, all with appropriate branding and messaging. The new site draws in curious potential members, who are looking for a fitness program, have been directed to the site through other campaign assets, or have seen social media posts from current members.

A new format for the WOD (workout of the day) displays the date and workout prominently on the left. It then gives the image of the day and description for the image, along with other pertinent information on the right. Images are derived from members and will now also draw from the Instagram feed from the interactive billboards.

An affiliate locater map will be in place on the new website. It is search-able by location, classes offered (kettle bell, gymnastic, certifications, etc.), coaching styles, and, in the mobile application it uses GPS to notify users of the closest affiliates.

A new, branded header begins with the logo and a quote describing the basic premise of CrossFit. This quote links directly with the “About CrossFit” page so that visitors can more easily read about the program and understand it. The new header also includes a new navigational bar so that visitors can get around the site more effectively and easily.

A new footer easily and directly links social media to the site for quick sharing and interaction.

A new section highlights an affiliate of the month in the locater section. This rotates on a monthly basis and the “What’s Your Coaching Style?” coach images will update to match the highlighted box.

A new way to determine the best CrossFit location for a potential new member, or a relocating member. The “What’s Your Coaching Style?” quiz matches a member with a coaching style best suited to them.


The mobile


Creating a user-friendly and highly interactive mobile app increases the awareness and usability of CrossFit’s main staple: the blog. Creating an app where members can challenge friends to a WOD, keep track of results, calories burned, rank on a particular WOD, and class schedules allows members to keep up with the program from anywhere. The GPS-linked affiliate locater can let a user know when they are near a box and when the next class time is, encouraging immediate participation.

View the WOD and check off the exercises as you perform them. There is also space to include modifications of exercises and amount of weight used per exercise.

View your time and calories burned, and challenge a friend to the WOD at the same time. The program keeps track of both participants’ times so you can see how you measure up.

A new, branded header begins with the logo and a quote on the basic premise of CrossFit. This quote links directly with the “About CrossFit” page so that visitors can more easily read about the program and understand it. The new header also includes a new navigational bar, so that visitors can get around the site more effectively.

The leader board shows the top times for the WOD you are performing. It is linked to the affiliate box you select in the settings.

The scheduler allows the user to sign up for classes. The scheduler also keeps track of membership and reminds members how many classes they have left on their membership and when they need to renew.

The affiliate locater map searches for a box in a multitude of ways. On the mobile app it also links via GPS to the users’ current location, notifying them of affiliates in the area and upcoming classes.

The mobile app will also have the survey “What’s Your Coaching Style?” so that members or potential members can determine their best coaching style and search for an affiliate based on those results.


interactive billboards &

The interactive billboards are marked with the words that support the core ideals of CrossFit.


Creating graffiti art billboards that demand viewer interaction generates awareness for local CrossFit boxes. The affiliates strategically place billboards near their boxes. The target audience interacts with billboards in their environment, sharing the experience via social media. Because billboards are located near an affiliate, the target audience has an immediate way to discover information about the program. The concept, linked Instagram feed generates photos for the CrossFit Main blog.

Silhouetted figures with the text: “perform CrossFit here� are arranged in the billboard to indicate where and what excercise the viewer should perform.

The Instagram symbol indicates how users should tag the photo when uploaded.

An Instagram feed for the CrossFit Main page gives users access to post images of themselves performing CrossFit exercises in front of interactive billboards or in everyday setting. This generates buzz at the site of the billboards and across social media. The billboards call for an immediate response and create a viral participation that could turn into a scavenger-hunt-like experience. Viewers take the opportunity to find and photograph themselves with all the billboards in their area. The locations are chosen so that they are close to affiliates and draw in members through placement.


Music Pandora & Spotify stations are created to suit the musical tastes of each affiliate box. This generates participation through listening. Potential members can stumble into these stations as part of their current workout routine and may want to find out more. Current members can use the station to feel part of their gym when they are on the road traveling or working out at home.

Creating specific affiliate stations on Spotify & Pandora leads to member participation both in and outside of the box. Members can stay in touch with their affiliates when they are on the road by listening to these stations and performing the WODs on their own. These stations also draw in potential new members. It gives potential members a taste of what they might experience at that particular affiliate.


Video, EVENTS &

competitions Branding standards for television, Youtube and posters for competitions and recurring events such as the CrossFit games, give immediate visual recognition for the brand when caught on a news feeds or social media. The CrossFit games and other local and regional competitions occur regularly ,and the branding guidelines will help to unify the look and feel of these events for greater visual identification and brand unity.

A branded footer for televised events, like the annual CrossFit Games, unifies the brand and create instant visual awareness for CrossFit. Affiliates can use this to brand local and regional competitions as well. Affiliates can then post highlights from these events on the dedicated CrossFit Youtube channel.

Part of the campaign is a dedicated, branded, Youtube channel to house all the demos and instructional videos currently housed on the CrossFit site. This promotes the program through social media assets and ease of use.


STENCILS Stencils are the last and most easily utilized brand asset.. Affiliates can use the stencils to mark running paths for regular WOD needs at a box. They can also use the stencils to mark equipment, walls or other items such as watter bottles, t-shirts, etc. This quick and utilitarian way to mark items that “belong� to CrossFit brand the area and create immediate recognition, unity, pride and cohesion within the program.

Stencils mark the equipment, boxes, home garage gyms, running trails and any other item the community can think of. The quick and easy application make it a versatile, guerilla-like way to brand the entire CrossFit experience.


perform CrossFit here

the research 33

The project

One of the most important aspects of CrossFit, along with the physical benefits, is the community derived from the shared workout experience. “CrossFit is also the community that spontaneously arises when people do these workouts together. In fact, the communal aspect of CrossFit is a key component of why it’s so effective” (CrossFit, 2013). The core of the CrossFit campaign is highlighting the community and accessibility of CrossFit instead of just the strength and intensity of it.

With a new national focus on health and wellness, the popularity and need for health and fitness clubs has risen. Among these health and fitness centers, CrossFit stands out as not only a series of facilities but also as a fitness program. CrossFit elevates the fitness of its members to help them succeed in everyday life. American Fitness Magazine notes in its December 2012 issue that “Demand for gyms and health and fitness clubs will continue to rise over the next five years as the general public becomes more health conscious and the aging population places a greater emphasis on staying fit” (American Fitness, p.9). As the general population looks for healthy lifestyle opportunities, CrossFit can set itself apart from its competitors by showing the fitness community it is the best fitness program for any individual regardless of ability. CrossFit is a fitness program, .“… defined as that which optimizes fitness (constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity)” (CrossFit, 2013). The goal of the varied programming is to generate a level of fitness that makes members are stronger for everyday life. What initially started as a simple blog, that included a daily workout, a picture and simple nugget of wisdom, has transformed into an international organization of gyms (boxes). CrossFit is organized as a series of affiliated

gyms under the larger umbrella of CrossFit Corporate (CrossFit Main). Currently, each gym creates and uses its own logo and blog without clear association to the larger brand other than the CrossFit name. Due to poor and inconsistent branding, CrossFit is not a recognizable or powerful force in the fitness community. Because each gym operates as a stand-alone gym, there is no cohesive CrossFit identity. In order to promote CrossFit the campaign will unify the brand and focus on the benefits CrossFit gives its members.

objectives The CrossFit project creates a cohesive and recognizable brand identity for the CrossFit community to rally around. A new logo and branding standards visually bring the CrossFit affiliate gyms under the larger CrossFit brand are necessary to bring consistency to the brand. A focus on the benefits of CrossFit promotes a powerful message that sets it apart from

its competitors. CrossFit began in 2003 as a “… ”new” blog that would spur a revolution in the fitness industry. The contents were simple: the date, a picture, the Workout of the Day (WOD), and usually some provocative nugget of information. From this simple blog and a single gym in Santa Cruz, Calif., there sprung an immense community of fitness enthusiasts who have learned the movements, tested the theory [that] …

a regimen of constantly varied, functional movements, performed at a high intensity in a communal environment leads to health and fitness” (CrossFit, 2013).

“Mr. Glassman created this system because he realized that most coaches in the US didn’t earn much from clients alone. He wanted the trainers and coaches to actually own their own boxes – something that would have been difficult to achieve if they had to pay franchise royalties for a big fitness chain. In effect, CrossFit’s current system and business model promote not only fitness but also entrepreneurship” (Barcia, L., p 10). It makes each

box more personal and community-oriented, but it has also created a confusing and diluted identity for CrossFit. Each box takes on the personality of its own coaches, name, logo and usually a blog or website of that box’s programming. “CrossFit is also a community of more than 4,500 gyms worldwide. These are all local, small businesses that share the philosophies of CrossFit and legally license the CrossFit name. The affiliates have different styles

Assets | problems The aspects that differentiate CrossFit from its competitors are both an asset and a problem. While these are aspects that set CrossFit apart from its competitors, these assets can also be obstacles to generating new membership. One of the assets of CrossFit is that it is a very unique experience at each individual facility, complete with programming, coaching, a logo and name specific to the box. But this creates a weak brand identity. CrossFit’s philosophy does not fit with a chain gym mentality, so it has set up a system of affiliate boxes that pay a fee to use the CrossFit name after receiving certification. This new box creates it’s own name, and own website to match. Affiliates can also choose to create box-specific programming for its members.


and different cultures” (CrossFit, 2013). CrossFit advises any potential member to look closely at the boxes that are available to them, noting “Each affiliate is different, and you should ask a lot of questions to make sure the affiliate you work with is a good fit for you. There are great coaches that aren’t a great fit for everyone” (CrossFit, 2013).

CrossFit places the power and responsibility for physical greatness directly in the hands of its members. Unfortunately, because CrossFit places the responsibility on the individual members to research their box options and monitor their own physical well-being during the WODs, there are members that do not act responsibly.

It has led to bad press when members have chosen to push themselves to unreasonable lengths or failed to make an appropriate box choice and have had a negative physical or community experience. Part of the CrossFit campaign shifts focus from those extreme circumstances and highlights the benefits that most of the CrossFit

The CrossFit program is set up to lead the participants to physical greatness. Because of the intensity of the program, there is a misconception that the members are all high-performing, intense athletes. Currently, many of the successful CrossFit boxes are either associated with the military, located in an urban environment, or catering to emergency responders like police and firefighters. Because of an inherent market of fit individuals looking to be prepared for multiple and unexpectedly intense physical challenges in this type of community CrossFit is an easy fit. This natural relationship between public servants and the CrossFit ethic has led to the impression that it is a place for high performing athletes or extremely fit individuals. It is not obvious that the program is accessible to anyone who is motivated to do it. Strong ties to emergency responders and the military affords the campaign the opportunity to highlight the wounded veteran members that are still able to CrossFit despite injuries. The main goal will be to make it completely obvious that anyone can do CrossFit, “For example, we have weights, but some people can’t do weights, so we give them a stick, which is fine … We just make them do body weight exercises. So you all work out together but the only thing in common is you all have a hard time. It’s never easy, regardless of [fitness] level” (Barcia, L., p 10).

members receive as part of the CrossFit community. “...CrossFit WODs are usually done at affiliated CrossFit boxes, in coached classes that last anywhere from about 30 minutes to one hour. The classes are relatively small with 10-20 people each session. This allows coaches to supervise

the CrossFitters more closely, and builds a close-knit community of like-minded individuals� (Barcia, L., p 10). And, while all these attributes lead to a more personal workout, it is still up to the individual to modify the workouts appropriately to their own physical needs.


As you may have noticed at the beginning of this book, there is a jargon associated with CrossFit to make the workouts more succinct. It can be intimidating to new members who are already entering a close-knit community and now have a new “language” to learn. The gyms are referred to as boxes. The workouts are called WODs (work out of the day, pronounced like a “wad” of paper) and many of them are “named WODs.” There are a series of WODs named after women (see image) and a series of WODs named after fallen heroes: Navy Lt. Michael Murphy, Army SFC Daniel Crabtree, S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis, LAPD & SWAT Team Member Randy Simmons, Firefighter Ryan Hummert, etc. Each of these named WODs is referred to as a “benchmark workout.” The purpose of a benchmark workout is to gauge progress. Members will perform the same benchmarks once every few months and record the results. There is a level of intimidation that can come from publicly recording times and results on the white board for the whole box to see, but it is a powerful motivational tool and it is used to track progress and maintain accountability. By recording the workouts, members have a tangible record of how far they have progressed in their training. There is a culture within CrossFit that bonds the community, but it can be seen as intimidating especially for those just entering the fitness community. The campaign focuses on the benefits derived from these seemingly random CrossFit “-isms” and explain how they are a positive aspect of membership.

Target Audience The target audience of this campaign is men and women ages 25-50, who are already involved in a regular fitness practice. The campaign appeals to a group that wants a better, more intense, and shorter workout within the support of a community. The workouts are perfect for any adult looking for a productive workout without having to spend hours at the gym. “The CrossFit classes and workouts are also much shorter than typical gym runs, making CrossFit ideal for even the busiest professionals who cannot seem to make time to exercise” (Barcia, L., p11). It will also target those men and women looking for a more personal workout with a greater sense of accomplishment. CrossFit affords members the opportunity to make fitness a full-time lifestyle choice with a support group of other committed individuals. This target group will be affluent enough to spend larger sums of money on monthly gym memberships possible. While the membership fees can be pricey “it already includes gym or box access, personal trainers or coaches, and nutritional guidance under the Paleolithic diet” (Barcia, L., p.10). Doing the math, the membership benefits at a CrossFit box generally exceed those same benefits at a competing gym for less money. To more specifically target the audience for this campaign, personas were created to hone in on specific potential new members. This technique focuses the design and marketing work for the best outcome within a target market.

personas Rick is a 45 year old Civil Engineer working for the government. Rick’s days are fairly predictable 9-5 civil engineering jobs. He helps coach the sports teams that his kids are active in. He wants to maintain his health so he will be there for his kids and wife as they grow up and have lives of their own. He also does it to be a role model for them. He and his family like to run recreational events and participate in local intramural sports. Nina is a 32 year old female currently working as a resident at an urban hospital in the Midwest. She is very health conscious because of her profession and enjoys group fitness classes like zumba, yoga, spin and power flex. She does not have a lot of free time and her hours are challenging so she does not have a regular daily schedule outside of work. She tries to eat healthy and enjoys cooking for herself and friends.

conclusion CrossFit should be promoted because it is an effective, mobile, and sustainable way of working out. The communal aspects of the workout make the program more effective because, “It also becomes like a support group, …, so if somebody starts to not show up anymore, the community is actually there to motivate them and inspire them to get back on track again” (Barcia,L., p.11). With obesity rising healthy eating and living are becoming a greater priority and a medical imperative. Employers are now looking for ways to include fitness as part of their work environment. “Well-being is gaining recognition as an important measure that relates to both the quality of life of individuals, as well as to financial measures that are important to business and government leaders…” (Castellano, S. p12). With this emphasis on health, CrossFit is the perfect answer for those individuals looking for a healthy lifestyle with the support of others. It can be done quickly and effectively with little to no equipment, and it generates great results. If it is more readily obvious how scalable and applicable the workouts are to the general public, the programming will take off.


perform CrossFit here

the process 41





The COre concepts of the crossfit campaign







Evolution of

a REbrand The visual process for the design campaign is based on a very specific process of creation. Honing in on the core ideals of the CrossFit brand directed the creation of three mood boards. Each mood board focused on a different aspect of the campaign: One focused on primal, the next on intensity and the third on empowering. From these mood boards came the final toolbox to direct the color, image, texture and typographic choices for the rest of the campaign. All of this is finalized in the redesign style guide at the beginning of this book. The tool box and mood boards segue into the dynamic mood board. This is where motion and music come together to give the viewer and example of what a motion piece for the campaign might look like.

The last piece of the creation of the rebrand is the sketching and formulation of the logo. The initial concept sketches for this logo were type-driven sketches. It was then determined that the inclusion of a figure would be more beneficial to further the ideals and core concepts of the CrossFit brand. The creation of three different interchangeable figures for the logo made it perfect for brand versatility and affiliate personalization. The use of all the elements derived from the mood boards, tool box, dynamic mood board and sketches influenced the final design of this rebrand. Strong analytical research, and brand analysis gave way to effective visual research to create a new and innovative rebrand for the CrossFit campaign.


Mood board

one The first mood board is based around the core idea of primal. This primitive design board draws from basic and native ideas, playing on simple textures, colors and movements.

The music that accompanies this board also draws inspiration from the primal vocalizations of Native Americans. The strong beats and melody of this music has enough power to drive the campaign without overpowering the potential member or turning them away because of offensive lyrics.

Mood board


The second mood board plays off the concept of intensity. It shows this through urban and distressed images and textures as well as a darker color scheme. The urban feel of this campaign uses remixed classical music with driving beats to further the campaign. The classical notes appeal to a broad audience and the remixed beats emulate what a potential member would encounter at a local box.


Mood board


The third mood board is based around the idea of empowerment. The colors are vibrant and clean. The images are also clear and empowering. They highlight the community and strength of will in the CrossFit member base. The music for this is a gritty and beat driven take on classical music, with out the precision of a classical remix. The beats once again drive the power of the campaign.




c: 78, m: 71, y: 50, k : 48

tool box

r: 50, g: 52, b: 67

The toolbox for the campaign is a derivative of the best elements of each mood board. It combines the ideal of each board: primitive, intense and empowering to create a synergy of color, image, texture and music for the campaign.

c: 93, m: 88, y: 16, k : 3 r: 57, g: 64, b: 133

c: 79, m: 36, y: 42, k : 7 r: 56, g: 126, b: 135

c: 65, m: 51, y: 82, k : 49 r: 64, g: 70, b: 44

This toolbox was used a quick reference for creating the finalized style guide for the CrossFit Rebrand Campaign.

c: 37, m: 2, y: 100, k : 0 r: 176, g: 205, b: 1

c: 14, m: 30, y: 100, k : 0 r: 223, g: 176, b: 28

c: 11, m: 41, y: 100, k : 0 r: 226, g: 156, b: 0

c: 8, m: 64, y: 100, k : 1

c: 7, m: 91, y: 100, k : 1 r: 223, g: 60, b: 32

c: 16, m: 96, y: 100, k : 7 r: 195, g: 42, b: 0


r: 226, g: 118, b: 7


DYNAMIC Mood board The dynamic mood board combines all the elements of the final toolbox into a motion piece. The mood board presents the core concepts, color, image and texture of the campaign into a dynamic motion piece. This is all set to the driving beats of the Tribe Called Red music. The dynamic mood board gives an example of what a motion piece might be like for the CrossFit campaign.

LOGO SKETCHES The original sketches of the CrossFit logo did not include a figure. It was then realized that a human figure would be more relevant to the campaign, and the versatility of the three figures would make for a unique and flexible logo. The figures use the logo to perform the various CrossFit exercises they represent, and the distressed font is a nod to the intense and urban way that CrossFit can be performed. The many iterations of the CrossFit logo have led to a final solution that is both logical and effective for the new campaign.


Conclusion The campaign weaves together a new brand identity and a series of effective assets to meet all the stated objectives of the rebrand:

The campaign will fight against the “super fit” stereotype of CrossFit and focus on the accessibility of the program

The campaign will also focus on the scale-ability and accessibility of the program for any individual or fitness level

The campaign will use minimal jargon and explain the jargon it does use so as to not turn a potential member away from the program




The campaign will be flexible so that each affiliate can maintain CrossFit’s individual, grassroots movement while creating a cohesive brand identity






The tone of voice for the CrossFit campaign is empowering, informative and engaging. It relies on personal testimony to make the intense style appealing and accessible to the greater fitness world.


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