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Professional Progressions and the role of the MBA in the information Age

When we talk about the MBA, the first things that come to mind are its practical applications, advanced teachings, and benefits in today’s technology-filled global business world. Did you know the MBA, has been around for well over 100 years? Let’s take a review of how it began and where it can take you.


The records of the MBA dates back to the early 1900s when some companies were looking for a scientific approach to management. To meet this need, The Harvard Business School established the first MBA program in 1908. It enrolled 80 students in its first year, and they were taught by 15 faculty members.

From the Economist’s report, the MBA program then transitioned from bookkeeping and accounting courses to courses that were more suited for the industrialised era.

At this period, the idea of a formalised business program wasn’t as highly ranked like earning an advanced degree in disciplines like law and medicine. As recorded, over the years, the appeal of learning about the science of management spread and the number of MBA students at Harvard increased:

• 1908: 80 students • 1920: 300 • 1930: 1,070

As the Machine Age, the Age of Oil, and the Jet Age became significant time in modern history, these transformational industries, however, required managers who knew how to run a thriving, fast-paced, productive business.

Evolution of the MBA

The MBA begins to evolve to other business schools, and Harvard was no longer the only school catering to the new economic demands. Years after, the prevalence of the MBA program continued to expand, and many more schools soon began to offer MBA degrees. The original approach to the MBA program, which was solely based on Frederick Winslow Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management, sprung and became a springboard that other universities used to launch a variety of specialised MBA programs, focusing solely on specific business areas.

The London School of Business and Research, UK, is born

The London School of Business and Research, UK was born soon after. This School officially opened and joined the universities that awarded MBAs to students who completed a specific study path. The LSBR MBA was launched to help developing leaders reach their potentials and produce tangible results when leading companies in the industry.

On a global scale, the human race is experiencing the Information Age, also called the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age or the Jet Age. It’s changing every aspect of life, from our businesses to healthcare, and to the way we connect, socialise and interact with our family, friends, and colleagues. We have become a part of an economy based on information technology powered by a strong global workforce. To continue to thrive and innovate, companies (small and large companies) needs strong, well-trained, entrepreneurial leaders at the helm to not only survive the pace of innovation but truly thrive and scale.

What London School of Business and Research offers students

If innovation excites you, you’ll have access to all kinds of fundamental and specialised courses curriculum particularly in the information technology space, to prepare you for both traditional and non-traditional jobs after graduating. These courses are designed to help you develop as a leader. One who is capable of turning innovation into impact.

You can Learn about Data and Decisions, Operations, Macroeconomics in the Global Economy, the Fundamentals of Design Thinking. The experiences and benefits from new programs, which “disseminates pioneering research on innovation, trains students to be inventive and entrepreneurial leaders, and facilitates innovation in both the startup and corporate domains.”

An LSBR MBA degree can advance your career in almost any industry

The curriculum provides you with courses which help you gain hands-on experiences. Enrolling in the London School of Business and Research MBA program will equip you with valuable and marketable set of skills you can use across a variety of industries or corporations.

For example, nearly one-third of the graduates went to work in the tech sector, and onequarter were hired by consulting firms. Their classmates pursued positions in finance, CPG/retail, and the non-profit and healthcare sectors. The top employers of LSBR MBA graduates have affirmed that these students are reliable and fit to work in start-ups.

The Importance of an MBA today

it’s important to get an MBA now. Knowing the history of the MBA helps potential MBA students to understand the changes this graduate degree has undergone. As the pace of human and technological development continues to increase tremendously during the Information Age, the London School of Business and Research MBA program is specifically nestled to keep evolving. We will rise to meet the challenge of training the world’s best leaders. Through structured and specialised training focused on innovation, entrepreneurship, and experiential learning, the London School of Business and Research MBA is empowering professionals to run and massively support thriving businesses that have a global impact.

Do you want to be prepared to create your own opportunities in the Digital Age? Explore how top-ranked the LSBR MBA programs can give you the tools to make it happen

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