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The new Concentrations Program will allow students to embark on an innovative pathway where they can earn credentials and certifications in various career fields through coursework, electives, clubs, and experiential learning. These customized pathways will help student discover and pursue their passions. Young men in a concentration will have the opportunity to take new electives and a seminar course. They will work off-campus, create portfolios, and complete capstone projects. The concept seeks to match the varied interests of La Salle students with the electives they chose.

By packaging current course offerings to create curricular pathways, La Salle offers concentrations in IT Professional, Engineering, and Global Business.

The benefit of the program is that when young men do not have a reason, a goal, or a target, they can lose focus, be adrift, and not really apply themselves. Students do not always have the long view, the sense of relevance, or the reason for learning a subject. Students often miss the learning links in front of them and connections that can be made. These concentrations give a young man a purpose and reason. Classes now matter to a student, and the long view comes into focus. Connections are made across subject areas and deeper more meaningful learning takes place.

La Salle has many elements of the initial concentrations already in place. Its unique and award-winning Lab Manager Program provides the opportunity for students to progressively develop IT skills through a mentoring program that services the school’s more than 1,200 network users. The concentrations program builds off that model, organizes it, expands it, and adds elements to deepen the learning even more.

The IT Professional Program brings new electives over a three-year period and provides working experience opportunities outside of the school as well, whether it is community service or actual internships. La Salle hopes to leverage its robust network of alums in key positions to place students, and not just for IT, but for Global Business and Engineering as well.

After the initial launch, one to three concentrations will be added each year to the program. Already under discussion are certifications in Health Professional (Doctor, Physician Assistant, Nurse, Trainer, Veterinarian), Music Professional, Data Analysis and Statistics, Digital Media and Marketing, and Non-Profit Management.

The genesis of the program was inspired internally and from what colleges and workplaces will be asking of students.

The program is open to all students, will deepen their understanding, and force them to grow in multiple dimensions as students and young men. It has inspired La Salle’s faculty and administration to look at its curriculum with new eyes, seeking more points of connection and relevancy. Participation in a concentration will provide a capable young man a spark, the spark that will ignite a new level of effort, thought, and commitment. It is not easy to develop expertise, but the concentrations program will allow students to explore opportunities and pursue their passion.

Credits To Graduate

La Salle requires 28 credits in order to graduate. Students are encouraged to take more than the minimum number of high school credits when they are eligible to do so. Sophomores and juniors may carry 1 credit or more above the minimum 7 if they have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or over. Students who decide to elect extra courses should be aware that this is a further demand on their time and energy both in school and at home. Any upperclassman with a GPA below 2.5 needs approval from the Principal or Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs in order to elect an extra course.

Course Availability

All courses listed may not be offered every year. Subscription and availability of instructors are factors determining course offerings. Also, our curriculum is constantly evolving. New courses, especially electives, are proposed by the faculty each year. When courses are added, there is often a need to eliminate other courses.

Course Rotations

Some courses are on a rotation and are offered either in years beginning with even numbers or odd numbers.

Placements For Freshmen

• English based on entrance test scores

• Math Algebra 1 or placement test

• Science based on entrance test scores for Honors Biology or placement test for Biology

• History and Political Science based on entrance test scores

• World Language level 1 or based on placement test

• Music based on evaluation

Academic Support

Students with diagnosed learning differences may elect to enter the David Program, a program that offers daily support by a learning specialist. Academic Support is a one-credit course each year. See the description of the program at the end of the Program of Studies on the school’s website.

Physical Education

There is a requirement of two half credits in Physical Education. There are multiple ways to earn those credits, however. See the explanation at the end of the Program of Studies on the school’s website.

Advanced Placement Courses

The Advanced Placement Program has been developed by the College Board to provide high school students with a selection of college-level courses for which they may gain advanced placement or credit in college. These courses are special, college-level learning experiences that are offered over an academic year. They are challenging, stimulating, and compared to other high school courses, take more time, require more work, and provide a greater depth of study in the subject area. Each department will carefully screen those students who wish to select an Advanced Placement (AP) course. Students who enroll in an AP course are expected to take the AP examination which is administered in May of each year. AP courses carry an extra quality point in the GPA calculation in recognition of college-level work.

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