How LSCU & Affiliates Delivered in 2013 and What You Can Expect in 2014 Governmental Affairs Focusing on legislative advocacy, grassroots advocacy, political action fundraising, regulatory advocacy, and compliance/operational support.
99 Hired PR firm in Florida to raise profile on public deposits issue. Placed 11 op-eds and stories in newspapers and two radio interviews
In 2013:
99 Drafted 19 comment call letters on federal regulatory proposals on behalf of credit unions
99 Developed a comprehensive monthly grassroots plan for “Don’t Tax My Credit Union” campaign 99 Generated more than 120,000 unique contacts to Congress with the “Don’t Tax” message 99 Created the Alabama Credit Union Association and Florida Credit Union Association brands to raise state identity for advocacy efforts 99 Worked to secure co-sponsors for key legislation like supplemental capital, MBL, exam fairness
99 19,719 League InfoSight website visits; one of the only Leagues to generate an increase in visits 99 *98% feel the LSCU does an effective job advocating for credit unions at the state capitals 99 *97% feel the LSCU does an effective job advocating credit union issues to federal lawmakers
Looking Ahead to 2014: •
Increase direct lobbying of lawmakers and staff, both in the district and Washington, D.C. on key issues of importance
Update LSCU Action Center which will make outreach to lawmakers even simpler
99 Advanced legislation in Alabama to update the Alabama Credit Union Act
Develop and execute a comprehensive Get Out The Vote (GOTV) plan to elect credit union friendly candidates to public office during this election year
99 Passed legislation that made several changes relating to Florida’s foreclosure laws in an effort to expedite the process
Increase compliance trainings throughout Alabama and Florida
Adopted LSCU board endorsement policy for credit union friendly candidates
99 Made more than 120 Congressional office visits in Washington, D.C. and in the districts with credit union advocates 99 Hired contract lobbyist in Alabama to help increase advocacy efforts in Montgomery 99 LSCU Political Action Committees (PACs) raised $473,511 to support CU-friendly candidates
Focusing on providing timely and relevant training to credit union staff and volunteers on a variety of topics.
In 2013: 99 Trained 2,419 credit union staff and volunteers through LSCU conferences and workshops 99 Offered 103 webinars, training 837 people on important topics such as compliance, lending, and operations 99 Averaged more than 1,000 attendees at the Annual Convention and Expo since 2010, including more than 130 vendor booths sold each year 99 Began offering Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits to help credit union staff maintain accreditations 99 Partnered with NCUA for Small Credit Union Bootcamp in Birmingham that saw more than 100 attendees from five states
99 Partnered with NASCUS on Director’s College conferences in Orlando in February and Tampa in December 99 Collaborating with system partners such as CUNA, CUES, and NCUF to become a recognized regional leader in education and training for credit unions 99 *88% of credit unions agree that LSCU educational offerings are meeting their training needs
Looking Ahead to 2014: •
Rebranding LSCU & Affiliates Annual Conference and Exposition to Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo
New workshops for 2014 include Security & Robbery Training; OFAC & Bank Secrecy Act Basic & Advanced School and Lending School
* Denotes data taken from the 2013 LSCU Members Survey
For more information about affiliation with the LSCU, contact VP, Cooperative Initiatives Laura Vann at 866.231.0545 ext. 2181.
How LSCU & Affiliates Delivered
in 2013 and What You Can Expect in 2014 (continued) Cooperative Initiatives Focusing on activities that reinforce credit unions’ cooperative spirit and social mission.
In 2013: 99 Through the League’s member relations program, averaging 750 face-to-face visits with credit unions 99 Increased credit union affiliation from 76% in 2009 to 84% in 2013 with 11 new affiliates 99 Presented CU Philosophy in Action Workshop highlighting cooperative principles of credit unions 99 Implemented International Credit Union Leadership Program, a partnership between WOCCU and the U.S. State Dept., placing eight credit union professionals from Costa Rica at AL and FL credit unions; later four credit union professionals from AL and FL were placed with Costa Rican credit unions 99 Facilitated meetings with CUNA President Bill Cheney in Alabama and the Florida panhandle to meet with credit unions, chapters and lawmakers
Communications Focusing on providing communication channels that inform and educate.
99 Offered $500 voucher to SAS credit unions for LSCU/CUNA/LEVERAGE educational events, products, or services; 68% of eligible credit unions used their funds 99 Awarded 34 professional development scholarships through the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation totaling $36,675 99 Alabama and Florida credit unions raised more than $500,000 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
Looking Ahead to 2014: • Offering SAS Conferences in Orlando, Hollywood, FL and Birmingham • Community Development Workshop for low-income designated credit unions scheduled for October in Tampa • Offering FiCEP (financial counseling certification) program, combining self-study with webinars and face-to-face meetings for the second year
Looking Ahead to 2014:
In 2013:
• Introduce new communication channel to have greater interaction on issues
99 Raised $1.2 million for Cooperative Image/Issues Campaign to fight tax reform. 116 credit unions contributed. LSCU produced three radio ads defending the credit union tax exemption
• Enhance website to make information more readily available and easier to navigate
Additional LSCU Updates
99 Proactive media relations outreach put AL and FL credit unions in front of an average of 5.4 million readers and viewers every year
Financial stewardship, achievement, and transparency have been a hallmark of the LSCU & Affiliates since consolidation.
99 Produced 23 original videos, 10 audio podcasts, two LEVERAGE videos and a CUSC of Alabama video that informed and educated credit unions and members on issues of importance
99 In 2013, the LSCU & Affiliates once again closed the year ahead of budget
99 Introduced eSignal Daily to better inform credit unions of timely industry news
99 LEVERAGE net income is projected to be at least $595,442 compared to a budget of $221,275
99 Is an industry leader on social media through the League’s Facebook and Twitter pages 99 *98% of credit unions say the LSCU keeps them well informed on important issues 99 *85% of credit unions say the LSCU & Affiliates website is valuable
99 The LSCU is forecasted for year-end net income of $165,309 compared to a budget of $0
99 The LSCU provided member credit unions with a 10-percent dues rebate ($310,000) for the first time in the history of Alabama and Florida credit unions 99 An additional $110,000 was returned to credit unions in Alabama and Mississippi as part of LEVERAGE’s CO-OP Patronage Dividend * Denotes data taken from the 2013 LSCU Members Survey
For more information about affiliation with the LSCU, contact VP, Cooperative Initiatives Laura Vann at 866.231.0545 ext. 2181.
How LSCU & Affiliates Delivered
in 2013 and What You Can Expect in 2014 (continued) LEVERAGE
Focusing on bringing best-in-class products and services to help credit unions succeed by reducing expenses, increasing non-interest income and improving regulatory compliance.
In 2013: 99 LEVERAGE continued on its business philosophy of “Growth Through Collaboration and Acquisition” 99 Worked with Corporate America CU to purchase its CU Audit and Compliance Group as well as the credit union book of business from Hiram Hollifield, LLC, an auditing firm in Tennessee servicing 100 credit unions in the state 99 Re-launched HR Consulting Services for credit unions under $100 million in assets. Helped to place four CEOs and executives 99 Provided more than $100,000 in support of credit union charities, chapter events, and scholarships 99 Launched Credit Union Innovation Group made up of credit unions to develop products and services with credit union input
99 Returned $759,000 to credit unions in non-interest income through the Sprint Member Discount marketing program 99 Worked with CUNA Mutual Group to increase product penetration in Alabama and Florida with CUNA Mutual having its best revenue growth in Florida since 2008 99 *90% of credit unions say that LEVERAGE solutions add value to their credit union
Looking Ahead to 2014: • Roll out a new identity theft program to further solidify credit unions relationships with their members, as well as offer non-interest income • Develop and distribute a marketing kit to raise awareness for the 55 participating credit unions in CUSC of Alabama Shared Service Centers • Begin marketing value-added products pertaining to income verification, identity verification, a variety of fraud prevention reports, and information verification to help maintain compliance with the new mortgage lending regulations * Denotes data taken from the 2013 LSCU Members Survey
/LeagueofSoutheasternCreditUnions /LSCUActionCenter
@LeagueofSECUs @LSCUGovAffAL @LSCUGovAffFL @patricklapine
For more information about affiliation with the LSCU, contact VP, Cooperative Initiatives Laura Vann at 866.231.0545 ext. 2181.