from Aled Dilwyn Fisher, LSE Students’ Union General Secretary
Welcome to LSE and the LSE Students’
You’re arriving at LSE at an exciting time.
All that said, you’ve probably got a
Union - the organisation that exists solely
The School and the Students’ Union are,
thousand questions about what to
to make your university experience the
as ever, changing.
expect from LSE. We hope this guide will
best it can possibly be!
answer all of them, and maybe even get Based on the success of last year’s
you a little bit excited about your time at
And welcome also to your LSE Students’
Students’ Union Festival, the LSE are
Union Guide 2009/10 - your one-stop
undertaking the first ever Orientation to
shop to find out everything about LSE.
improve your arrival at LSE, and we in the
My advice is try everything at least once
Students’ Union will be running the Ori-
- join societies, play sports, make your
This Guide was a response to students
entation Festival. It will mean a smoother
voice heard and enjoy the show at the
feeling completely overwhelmed when
transition into LSE life than ever before, a
UGM every Thursday at 1pm in the Old
they get to LSE - the bright lights of
fun first two weeks backed full of events,
Theatre, be active in the wider London
London, the big wigs of the academic
as well as a introduction to the amazing
community, and, above all, have fun and
departments, the crazy, non-stop action
things you can experience in London.
make the most of your time at LSE!
of this, the most active of campuses in
The Orientation Festival will showcase
the world.
what is best about the LSE - its students.
Pompous introductions aside - on with
You’ll have to chance to mix and try
the show. I have a feeling you’re going
This really is the most comprehensive
out new things through daytime and
to love it here...
guide out there about this unique univer-
evening events that cater to the diversity
sity, Students’ Union and city, and should
of the LSE community.
answer most of your burning questions. At the same time, the Students’ Union is Every LSE student is a member of the Stu-
expanding. We have just entered into an
dents’ Union - from the freshest Fresher
innovative collaboration with another,
to your Average Joe PhD. We exist to
nearby Students’ Union - the Students’
represent you to the School, campaign
Union of the University of the Arts London.
on your issues, provide activities on
This means we now employ more staff at
campus and ensure the welfare of the
LSESU than ever before to support societ-
whole student body. We’re proud to
ies, sports, campaigns and welfare.
be probably the most active Students’ Union out there.
We’ve also just been granted a new £25million building by the School - which
Whether you’re here for one year, three
will be ready in 2012 - and will house
years or more, you can make a lasting
bigger and better versions of our current
impact and have loads of fun at the
venue, bars, cafes, shops, gym, Advice
same time. In the most international uni-
and Counselling Centre, Activities
versity in the world, your Students’ Union
Centre, Media Centre and more! It may
will provide the space for you to meet
seem like a long time away, but we’ll be
people from all over the world, but it’s an
designing it this year - and we’ll be look-
opportunity you only have once - grab it
ing to make sure that students are fully
with both hands.
involved in its creation.
LSE STUDENTS’ UNION GUIDE 2009/10 EDITORS Rob Low Dan Sheldon James Bacon John Bloomfield CONTRIBUTORS Lizzie Fison Louise Robinson Aled Dilwyn Fisher Ayushman Sen Zoe Cooke Wil Barber Ruby Buckley Daisy Mitchell-Forster Jessica Brayne Sophie De La Hunt Tom Jackson Emmanuel Akpan-Inwang Joseph Brown Lizzie Merrow Ossie Fikret Shanti Keleman Suraj Girijshanker Hero Austin Scott MacDonald Fidela Corbin Jarleth O’Hara Martin Laws Geogre Wetz Carlottle Gerada Sanjiv Nanwani Rob Charnock Mark Richardson Sean Baker Luke Moore Vladimir Unkovski-Korica Andrew Wright Paul Harmon Jessie Robinson Hazel Lucian Katy Cushen DESIGNER Daniel Camacho
ILLUSTRATION Jamie Phillips CARTOGRAPHY Mina Moshkeri PHOTOGRAPHY Nigel Stead Liam Chambers Alex Teytelboym SPECIAL THANKS LSE Design Unit Cath Baldwin O’Donnell & Tuomey Architects PRINT MWL Print Group, Pontypool This guide is printed on FSC approved paper from sustainable forests. ECF, EMAS, ISO14001 Approved PUBLISHER LSE Students’ Union East Building, Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE
This guide was produced by the LSE Students’ Union, an organisation independent of the LSE. The views expressed within do not necessarily reflect those of the School. The LSE Students’ Union is not responsible for any harm or loss that may result from the information within this guide, or websites referred to.
What is the SU, Societies, Sports, RAG, Media, Volunteering
co-operation. You can join these clubs
Every LSE student is automatically a mem-
Students’ Unions are, shockingly, run
Wednesday 30th September this year!).
ber – it’s totally free – and with that mem-
by students. Every year, there are two
We support and train volunteers involved
bership comes the ability to get involved
rounds of elections (on in the first term,
in these activities, and provide tonnes of
in all aspects of the Students’ Union. In
one in the second term) that elect
opportunities for getting involved.
essence, we care about every aspect of
representatives to the Students’ Union
your student experience.
Executive Committee and School com-
If you’re interested in being part of the
most active campus in the world, check
during Freshers’ Fayre (Tuesday 29th and
The Executive Committee is made up
Our primary aim is to represent you to
(who take a year out of their study, or
the School and involve students in cam-
after their final year, to work for the Stu-
The combination of living in London and
paigns to improve our education and
dents’ Union). These run the organization
studying at a world class institution can
wider societal issues. We campaign on
day-to-day with the help of a profes-
be stressful and confusing. Our profes-
core academic issues like fees, teach-
sional, permanent staff team. The rest of
sional Advice and Counselling Centre
ing, and library quality; we run welfare
the Executive is made up of Volunteer
(ACC) is here to offer advice on a range
campaigns on things like safety, quality
Officers representing key sections of the
of issues, be on hand to help you out if
of Halls of Residence and provision of
student body.
things go wrong and also offers hardship
out the ‘Student Life’ section of this Guide!
of four full-time paid Sabbatical Officers
School services such as the Nursery; and
funds to support students in financial
we also have campaigns around spe-
You can hold your elected Officers
difficulty. Whether it’s problems with a
cific issues like environment and ethics,
to account and make sure they’re
course or a landlord, our counsellor, and
anti-racism, women’s rights, postgradu-
representing you on the issues you care
advisers, who specialise in immigration,
ate students, LGBT students, mature and
most about at our weekly Union General
housing and academic issues, offer free
part-time students, disabled students,
Meeting (UGM), the only one of its kind
and confidential advice and support
and more. We seek to involve as many
in the country. It happens every Thursday
whenever you need it.
students as possible in these campaigns
at 1pm in the Old Theatre, and every
– and if there’s an issue you care about,
student can come along, vote and get
we want to help you make a difference.
One of the most visible aspects of the
This sometimes involves waving plac-
Students’ Union is its commercial services and entertainments – our bars, café,
ensuring the student voice is always
heard. We also seek to engage students
Your Students’ Union funds and sup-
reasons: to provide every one of our
in wider political and social issues, and
ports over 170 societies, 30 sports clubs,
members with cheap, friendly and con-
have campaigned widely in the past on
a weekly newspaper (The Beaver), a
venient services and, most importantly, to
social justice, environmental sustainabil-
radio station, a TV station, a journal, a
generate additional money to reinvest
ity and internationalism, such as living
charity fundraising through Raising and
in the wide range of welfare services we
wages for School staff and others in the
Giving (RAG), and a Dialogue Commis-
provide that aim to help and support you
local community (see page 43 for more).
sion to foster greater understanding and
through your time at LSE. Enjoy!
ards, gathering petitions, putting papers to School committees, and generally
shops, gym, club nights, copy shop and so on. These services are here for two
HISTORY OF THE SUDENT’S UNION ESTABLISHED IN 1897 LSE Students’ Union was founded in 1897 – two years after LSE itself – under the name of the ‘Economic Students’ Union’. From the outset, it was characterised by vigorous political debate at its fortnightly meetings (referred to as the ‘Clare Market Parliament’). By the start of the new century, the Students’ Union was also running dinner dances, concerts and other social events. In 1905, the Students’ Union started publishing a journal, the Clare Market Review,
joined by a weekly campus newspaper,
‘General Secretary’ to show solidarity with
which continued to be published regularly
The Beaver.
striking miners.
The Review included contributions from
The Students’ Union sprang to international
In 1989, the LSE Students’ Union hit the
prominent academics at the School,
prominence during the period from 1967
headlines again when it elected Winston
celebrities and, of course, students.
to 1971, when protests at the appoint-
Silcott, then serving a life sentence for the
ment of Walter Adams as Director and
murder of a policemen during a riot, as its
During the years after the First World War,
then against his handling of those protests
Honorary President in order to highlight a
the Students’ Union started to organise
led to riots. Adams had been accused of
perceived miscarriage of justice – lead-
sports clubs and other student societies,
racist policies in his time as a Principal in
ing human rights charities suggested
and was particularly encouraged in this
white-dominated Rhodesia (now Zimba-
the arrest was racially motivated. After a
by the then Director, Beveridge, who was
bwe). The Director closed the School and
backlash which saw LSE splashed across
also instrumental in obtaining the use of
erected security gates, which were pulled
newspaper front pages, the Students’
the sports ground in Berrylands in 1922. The
down by students, and also tried to expel
Union General Secretary, Amanda Hart,
Communist Party were banned from using
the President of the Students’ Union. There
received death threats and was forced
School rooms in 1933 and the School ex-
were numerous sit-ins involving literally
to go into hiding. The following year, Silcott
pelled and deported American Communist
thousands of students during this period.
was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Frank Meyer, then Students’ Union President.
These actions secured student representa-
until 1973 before its recent revival in 2008.
The Students’ Union secured its own
tion on committees and groups through-
Recently, the number of societies, sports
out the School’s structure.
and activities in the Students’ Union have
premises for the first time in 1937, when the
expanded rapidly. Controversy has never
School purchased a building that had up
Raising and Giving (RAG) activities were
been far away, however. In 2005, the
until then been a public house – the Three
developed in 1980 by Tim Barnett (now
AU’s annual ‘Barrel’ event – consisting of
Tuns. The location of today’s Three Tuns was
an MP in New Zealand). The motto of the
drinking barrels dry and doing a ‘ fun run’
originally a car park in the ground floor
Students’ Union was “Arms the Workers and
around campus through lecture theatres
of the Clare Market building. By the mid
the Students – Education is a Right, Not a
and classrooms – got out of hand, leading
1940s, the Athletics Union (AU) had been
Privilege”. There was an occupation of the
to some students trashing Kings College,
established as part of the Students’ Union.
Library in 1983 which secured the LSE Nurs-
causing £30,000 worth of damage and
In 1949, the Clare Market Review was
ery. The title of ‘President’ was changed to
leading to negative media attention.
The next year will be a critical one: we will be consulting all students to see what they want from our amazing new building. We need to know what you want from your Students’ Union, so watch this space for ways to feed into it!
OUR CURRENT HOME If you’re in either the East Building or the Clare Market building, then its more than likely you’re in a part of the Students’
art New Students’ Centre, to be built
Union. If elsewhere on campus then the
by 2012. It will be a cutting edge new
service is run by the school.
The Students’ Union is based in the East
home for the Students’ Union, with
Building and Clare Market Building, right
far more space and opportunities for
Our building is an historic one, full of
at the heart of campus and just off the
students than our present buildings,
character and commonly described
bustle and activity of Houghton Street.
including a new Student Activities Cen-
as “lived in” (owing, in no small part, to
It’s getting a bit old, but we’re giving it a
tre, a much bigger and better gym, an
the popularity of our services!). The East
new lick of paint and refurbishment over
expanded, hi-tech Media Centre, and
Building and Clare Market are reach-
the summer and, soon, we will have a
a huge venue. It will also house the Ac-
ing the end of their lifespan, and are
brand new building…
commodation Office, the Chaplaincy
earmarked for redevelopment. In the
and the Muslim Prayer Rooms. It will be
meantime, we are giving our facilities a
built on the site of the St. Philips build-
lovely new refurbishment over the sum-
ings, which itself is the site of a former
mer – so, by the time you arrive, it will
LSE is investing £25m in a state of the
look even better!
The most fun you can have in an LSE classroom.
Societies are a big deal at LSE.
or belatedly realise your burning desire
Sheep Officer for Knitting Society? So-
For many students, societies form a major
to join the Food Appreciation society
cieties are a great way to get involved
part of their university experience (in
then don’t despair. You can join any of
with the Students’ Union and it is advis-
between applying for internships and
the 150+ societies at the Students’ Union
able for at least one member from each
drowning your revision sorrows at the
Help Desk in the East Building at any
society attend the UGM, as there often
Three Tuns Pub).
point during the year.
issues discussed which directly effect
Societies are groups of students with a
The Students’ Union foots the bill for so-
common interest. Simple as that. They
cieties so the majority of society events
In short, societies are the best thing at
are organised through the Students’
are a lot cheaper than similar ones
LSE and the more you get involved, the
Union, which has over 160 societies on its
in London. In addition to this, you’re
better societies are and the more new
books - an extraordinary number consid-
guaranteed that there will be people
friends you’ll find. Sign up to as many as
ering our size - covering everything from
there who share your Econ B woes or
you can at Freshers’ Fayre - give it a go!
Salsa to Spanish Diversity and Politics to
to whom you can moan about your
Poker. Past society events have included
roommates’lack of hygiene..
Society to the Drama Society’s frequent
Not only are societies a lot of fun, but for
• Societies cost from just £1 to join and
performances. In the unlikely event that
the more career minded amongst you,
are open to all LSE students.
there isn’t a society for you, then it is
getting involved can give your C.V. that
• You can sign up to societies at Fresh-
incredibly easy to set one up!
extra oomph to make you stand out
ers’ Fayre in Michaelmas Term and
from other job applicants. Chances to
throughout the year at the Students’
organise events or expand your skills are
Union Help Desk.
to be found throughout all the societies.
• Societies are democratic organisa-
You never know, maybe whoever inter-
tions: any member can stand for any
views you at Citigroup used to be on the
committee position, and every member
committee of the Hummous society at
is entitled to vote.
the LSE. Leadership, interpersonal and
• If you have any queries about societ-
team working skills are just some of the
ies, contact Societies Officer, Chris West-
Societies help provide the cultural, politi-
things you can cut and paste on to your
garth (
cal and social side of LSE. They put on
job applications after sitting on a society
• Society budgets are decided by F&S
events, host parties and hold workshops.
committee. Surprisingly, it is actually true:
committee based on their size and
There are roles within societies to suit
societies will teach you far more about
everyone, whether your skills lie with
time management, organisation and
organising parties, squeezing money out
communication than a lifetime of eco-
of investment banks or putting posters
nomics lectures ever could.
brewery tours with Lager and Real Ale
up on Houghton Street at 7am, societies need you! Societies are useful to meet
There are three main positions on society
people with similar interests to you, or
committees: President (Chair), Treasurer
just to scam free stuff at Freshers’ Fayre:
and Secretary. However societies also
hair products, vodka and USB sticks to
have countless other positions that are
name a few. If you miss Fresher’s Fayre
specific to their society: fancy being the
Social networking society for Chinese,
The aim of the Accounting Society is to
The Actuarial Society provides a first-hand
British Chinese and all other LSE students
introduce our members to various job
insight into this highly-respectable yet
alike providing Chinese/Asian orientated
opportunities as well as to the exciting
unheard-of industry. We organise careers
events, nightlife and entertainment
future prospect of life as an accountant.
talks, business games and skills sessions
through out the year ending with an an-
Services provided by our society also
with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Watson-
nual overseas trip organised each year.
includes interview skills, CV checks, and
Wyatt, Mercer, etc. Social events such as
tutorials for AC100 students.
the annual society dinner are also not to be missed! Students from all types of academic backgrounds are welcome!
A secular, politically independent society
AIESEC is a global organisation that de-
Awarded “Best Overall Society” at LSE
serving as a forum for the discussion and
velops students into leaders by running
for the academic year 2007-2008 for
analysis of the economic, social, and cul-
and participating in an international
its high achievements throughout the
tural development effort in Afghanistan
exchange program. We give members
year in LSE campus and beyond, LSE SU
as well as the role of the international
opportunities to run exchange and lead-
Albanian Society is a campus based
community in Afghanistan and the wider
ership conferences, make new friends
society established in 2005 which aims
from all across the UK in national confer-
to promote a better understanding of
ences and reach their own potential for
Albanian culture, tradition, history and
personal development.
current affairs. For more information also visit
Amnesty International LSESU is the largest
A place for all things ani-manga! Weekly
Anthropology has been taught at the
human rights group at the LSE. It brings
screenings, manga news, anime expo
LSE since 1904. The society endeavours
together students with a common
trips and lots more!
to promote the discipline’s virtues to all
interest and concern for the protection
students. We welcomes anyone inter-
of human rights, organising interesting
ested in our plant’s vast sociocultural
speaker events, on campus and off
complexities. We combine both high-
campus actions and fundraisers to sup-
profile academic events with one of the
port the work of Amnesty International
most successful live ‘world music‘ nights
and take action on human rights abuses
on campus.
in general.
The Arabic Society is a predominantly
A must-join society if you would like to
The Atheist and Humanist Society aims
cultural based society at the LSE. It is a
pursue a career not only in the London
to allow a platform for open-minded de-
society grounded in aspects of the term
but also in the Asia-Pacific region! Bank-
bate and discussion surrounding religion,
“Arabic”. The society hosts social events,
ing, law, consultancy, accountancy, alter-
atheism and humanism. It will provide
dancing classes, Arabic conversational
native careers - you name it, we get it.
the chance for members to meet other
classes and will invite guest speak-
non-believers at the LSE and to engage
ers. The Society aims to foster a strong
in lively discussions with (hopefully!) some
camaraderie within the student body
eminent speakers.
based on a mutual interest for all that is “Arabic”.
Bringing together Australians, New Zea-
The Austrian Society is aimed at uniting
The Bacchus Friends Wine Appreciation
landers, and anybody else who wishes to
Austrians at the LSE as well as cel-
Society is committed to developing a
join in order to enjoy various aspects of
ebrating the rich Austrian culture with
theoretical understanding and practical
Australian and New Zealand culture. We
enthusiasts. Our very successful events
appreciation of wine and the industry
run various events throughout the year,
include, among many other things: the
surrounding it. Through organized events,
including social events, career-related
Austrian Ball in London - including free
tutored tastings and educational and
events, and special speaker events.
waltz-dancing lessons, the Glühwein
insightful guest presenters, our aim is to
and Punsch stall, trips to Red Bull Racing,
provide events which are interesting,
Goldman Sachs and Skiing trips! Every-
educational, edifying, and most impor-
one is welcome to join!
tantly, enjoyable for those involved.
The Baltic Society brings together LSE
The LSESU Bangladesh society is one of
We represent the Born Free Foundation,
students either coming from the Baltics
the warmest and most active cultural
an international wildlife charity working
or having a deep-rooted interested in
societies on campus. We host a wide
throughout the world to stop individual
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Our aim
variety of events — from social gather-
wild animals suffering and protect threat-
is to organise networking events with
ings and cultural shows, to prestigious
ened species in the wild.
politicians, academics, businesses, and
speaker events and more formal dos.
other societies who share our passion
We welcome students from all different
for deeper understanding and develop-
backgrounds, religions and cultures.
ment of the Baltic region.
If you’re interested in getting in touch
Bridge Society will teach you the art
To promote Brummie culture to LSE stu-
with Brazilian issues and way of life, this is
of concentrating, analysing opponent
dents (Baltis, Chocolate, Reggae, Ska and
your society. Loving this beautiful country
play, and taking calculated risks in the
new romantic music). To bring Brummies
is all it takes to join us, regardless of your
dynamic and highly intelligent game of
at LSE closer together. To assist homesick
nationality. Brazil is well known for its hos-
Bridge. That said its not all Hearts and
Brummies in adapting to life in the capi-
pitality and diversity!
Spades. Besides professionally taught
tal. To provide diction classes to those
classes, and competitions; the social side
Brummies who wish to rid themselves of a
of BridgeSoc has brought many their
stigmatised accent.
best LSE memories.
Founded in 1996, the Business Society
The Catalan Society brings together LSE
enrich the society’s portfolio through
has developed into the largest and
students that share an interest for Cata-
representing Bulgarian and other nation-
best-established society on campus. We
lunya, rise awareness about Catalunya
alities from the Balkans. Our purpose is to
are the first society at the LSE to have
and promote its culture amongst the LSE
promote Bulgarian culture and traditions
organised “Banking for Beginners” and
together with enhancing the under-
“Leaders of M&A” series as well as an-
standing of the above mentioned to
nual careers trips to New York and Dubai.
anyone who feels close to Bulgaria.
Visit us at
The Celtic Society is for all Irish, Scottish,
The Chess Society aims to improve our
China Development Society aims to
Welsh, Bretagne Celts and for anybody
members’ chess playing abilities in a
be at the forefront to promote a global
else who wants to have a good time
relaxed and friendly environment. We
understanding of China’s economic,
with people who know how. The society
have tournaments throughout the year
political and social development by
offers an alternative to the standard
and run coaching sessions every week
organizing lectures for which we invite
career-orientated focus of most other
for players of all levels. Advanced play-
a wide range of speakers. CDS was
societies and is chance to let your hair
ers may wish to try out for the team,
awarded LSESU Highly Commended Best
down, for which we have a fast growing
which competes in the ULU League.
Overall Society, Best Society Event, Best
Society Website 2006/2007 and had Best Series of Events 2007/2008.
Tired of religion? So are we. The Chris-
The Society that has brought you La Fi-
The society supports the Conservative
tian Union is a group of Christ-followers
esta Latina, the best LSE party every year;
Party of the UK and has strong links to
on campus who are passionate about
the academic conferences in March
the Party organisation as well as elected
knowing Jesus and introducing him to
with world renowned speakers; a trip to
Conservatives around the UK, in Parlia-
others. We want to facilitate an ongoing
Cambridge with the Cambridge Colom-
ment, Councils and other authorities.The
dialogue about Jesus and his radical
bian Society and more. Join us, it doesn’t
society hosts many frontbench spokes-
message through various events includ-
matter whether you are Colombian or
people, assists in practical campaigning
ing, talks, weekly gatherings, and small
not. You’ll realise that Colombia is a mar-
and works with other university Conserva-
vellous country, full of unexplored secrets,
tive societies.
beautiful landscapes, amazing food and really friendly people.
LSE SU Consultancy Society was estab-
Our society aims to demonstrate the
The Chinese Students and Scholars
lished with the aims to promote consul-
impact and importance of Corporate
Association (CSSA) is one of the most
tancy as a career choice, provide stu-
Social Responsibility in all fields including
prominent actors in bringing closer the
dents with more opportunities to touch
law, business and economics. Through
2 great nations of China and the UK.
base with consultancy firms and deepen
events such as forums and panel discus-
We organize social events for Chinese
their understanding of the consulting in-
sions we highlight a range of CSR issues
students and scholars studying in the UK,
dustry by holding a series of events such
such as green investment and CSR in
and also hosts lectures that enhance
as company presentations, skill develop-
developing countries. We also organise
your knowledge of China and Chinese
ment workshops and lectures.
events to help those interested in a
career in CSR.
The society aims in bringing Cypriot
The Czech and Slovak Society is a
Everybody dances. With a general genu-
students together, organising events and
dynamic society aimed at celebrating
ine interest that anybody can connect
activities that allow foreign students to
the very best of the Central European
with, we offer a variety of dances, social
become acquainted with the Cypriot
Culture. World-famous Czech and Slovak
activities, competitions and an annual
tradition and culture.
beers, fascinating classical music by
Dance Show. Dance is a costless way to
Dvorak and Smetana as well as high-
socialise, keep fit and have fun, that’s
paying jobs in countries where a pint
why we are the largest hobby-related
costs less than a pound await YOU!
society in LSE.
The Debate Society is a citadel of
The LSESU Development Society aims to
The Drama Society is a welcome artistic
argumentation. A bastion of rhetorical
broaden the student‘s horizon by raising
outlet for students at the LSE, putting on
sparring. We represent LSE at inter-varsity
awareness of important developmental
an average of five productions a year.
competitions throughout Britain, Europe
issues through the creation of a dialogue
The society is one of the most active on
and the World. We hold weekly practice
between students and experts as well as
campus and was winner of Best Overall
sessions,and organise tournaments that
by showing means of active involvement.
Society and Best Event at the 2009 Stu-
attract competitors from around the
The Society organizes talks, seminars, dis-
dent’s Union Awards.
world. We travel, compete and win...
cussion groups, fundraisers, movie screen-
ings and essay (and other) competitions to raise awareness on issues faced by developing countries around the world.
Founded in 2008, The London School
We are one of the fastest growing
LSESU Entrepreneurs society is committed
of Economics’ Student Union’s Dubai
societies at the LSE with an events range
to foster entrepreneurial skills of creativity,
Society is one of the most active na-
which is diverse and unique to the LSE.
initiative and problem solving that will
tional societies on campus. Through their
Our events range from speaker events to
enable students to run their own compa-
participation our members are able
Economics help sessions which are en-
nies and to promote student enterprises
to learn more about the Arab culture
dorsed by the Economics Department,
at the LSE by encouraging a community
and job opportunities within the region.
so you are guaranteed quality when
of entrepreneurial spirit. Our events look
They will also get the chance to visit the
joining the society.
to spark as well as develop these ele-
beautiful city and witness the massive
ments among our participants.
developments by joining us on the Dubai Careers Trip.
The LSE SU Environment Society aims to
The European Society aims to create
A newly established society, we aim to
educate and inform the LSE student com-
opportunities for students to engage
make knowledge about fashion and its
munity about environmental issues. We
with all aspects of Europe: its culture(s),
various aspects – haute couture, prêt-
provide a non-partisan platform for forg-
its people, and its politics (in particu-
a-porter, ethical fashion etc – more ac-
ing partnerships and creating networks
lar those of the European Union). We
cessible to the LSE population through a
which share knowledge and values.
organize a variety of public lectures and
series of fashion-related information and
social events every year, including a trip
sharing sessions, talks, and shopping trips.
to a European capital.
The aim of the Feminist society is to pro-
This society campaigns against discrimi-
The Filipino Society aims to promote
mote gender equality on campus and
nation and exploitation in all its forms. We
the Filipino culture to both Filipinos and
beyond through awareness raising and
hold regular educational meetings, dem-
non-Filipinos alike, as well as encourage
campaigning about and against gender
onstrations and solidarity actions against
multi-culturalism and diversity in this rap-
discrimination. We strive to provide social
the occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq and
idly globalising world. It aims to provide
space for the development of feminist
Palestine, in defense of the Cuban and
its members with opportunities that
ideas and strategies as well as respond-
Venezuelan revolutions, and against racist
are unique and wide-ranging through
ing to sexism with effective protest.
attacks and repression of asylum seekers
presentations, seminars, social gatherings,
in Britain, among other issues.
partnerships with other societies, businesses and governments, employer drop in sessions and the like.
The Film society is one of the fastest
The LSESU Finance Society has 2,000
We aim to actively promote Finnish
growing societies on campus!! We show
members and is seen as the most active
culture on campus and create cultural,
2 films a week and usually have one
on campus. Our aims are to educate our
careers-related and social activities for
joint event with another society once a
members about finance and aid them in
Finnish students and others interested, by
week. With outdoor screenings and film
their career pursuits. We partner with 30
arranging recruitment and networking
trips, we are the most active non-career
industry giants in the finance, profession-
events, meetings with and lectures by
society on campus, so visit our booth!
al services, consulting and legal sectors
prominent Finns and various social gath-
to provide seminars.
erings and outings, as well as partaking in the intercultural activities on campus.
For anyone who appreciates good food
The aim of the French Society is to
Without Geography we would be
and is up for an array of exciting events
promote French culture at the LSE by en-
lost. The society aims to promote the
dedicated to pleasing your palates
abling students to familiarize with French
advancement of Geography as an aca-
while you enjoy the company of fellow
politics, films, food, wine, music and
demic and non-academic discipline.
foodies. Voted the best new society for
more... The French society also provides
Supported by the Royal Geographical
2008/2009, the food appreciation society
a contact point for French Students and
aims to continue spreading the joy with
welcomes international students who
good times and great food!
wish to learn about France, its culture and language.
The German Society is one of the largest
The Grimshaw Club is the student
The aim of this LSE-based student organi-
and the most active cultural societies on
society affiliated to the LSE International
sation is to defend classical liberalism and
campus with more than 300 members,
Relations Department and, established
free market economics. It is a society
aiming to promote an interest in Ger-
in 1923, it is the oldest student society
for the mutual exchange of ideas, and
many’s language, culture and societal
of the School. The Club welcomes all
is named in honour of Nobel Laureate
life on campus. Our annual German
students interested in current affairs while
Freidrich August von Hayek, who lectured
Symposium brings a diverse line-up of
also providing an important social forum
at the London School of Economics from
high profile German speakers to LSE for a
for student and staff members of the
1931 until 1950.
week. Traditionally the week is rounded
off by the (in)famous Oktoberfest…
The LSE Hedge Fund Society is the one
The aim of the Hellenic Society is to pro-
What is Hinduism and what is its core
and only specialised student society in
mote Greek culture in LSE’s multicultural
message? The Hindu Society explores
this area in the UK, with over 600 current
environment. We try to do so by organiz-
these questions through a series of reli-
members. Our aim is to introduce to stu-
ing events with Greek music and Greek
gious, educational, charitable and social
dents the world of hedge funds as well
dance. Furthermore, we try to encourage
events, including pujas, study classes,
as the alternative investment industry. We
discussion about Greece and anything
public lectures and interfaith events. It is a
welcome students from all disciplines.
of Greek interest among LSE students by
vibrant, fun and inspiring society will blend
organising discussion sessions.
religion smoothly into your student life.
The History Society is a popular and
While we promise exciting Public Affairs
Love indulging? The Hummous society at
active society, with around 150 mem-
and Social Service opportunities and
LSE is here to satisfy your wildest hummous
bers, including both students of history
ongoing support throughout the year,
desires. Second year running, events
and those with a general interest in the
we also deliver a series of social events
included a chick hummous-tasting eve-
subject. We host lectures from distin-
for our members – from a feast in China
ning with over 40 types of hummous, a
guished academic speakers, put on film
Town to a day at Thorpe Park to an
tour-de-force of a middle-eastern kitchen,
nights and socials, and organise trips to
adventure in Cophenhagen. Register to
hummous-making master-class, summer
museums and art galleries.
join the family!
picnic and scrumptious evenings out. For that exotic touch our events feature henna painting and sheesha.
For all Indonesian and Bruneian students,
The Inns of Court Society (IOC) is devoted
The International Criminal Court Student
and all those affiliated with us! Join to
to helping students to become first class
Network (ICCSN) is an international
be part of our small but rapidly expand-
lawyers and barristers. We organize vari-
network that brings together univer-
ing network of Indonesian and Bruneian
ous activities and events including; Trips
sity students interested in the ICC and
students at the LSE.
to the Inns and the Courts, Debates and
international criminal justice, and serves
moots, Advocacy training, Lecture series,
as a forum for discussion and information
Socials, and Seminars on qualification.
dissemination on issues of international
See our website for more details.
criminal law and the Court itself
The Investment Society is one of the larg-
The award winning LSESU Islamic Society
Both for Italians and non-Italians, our
est and most active societies at the LSE.
- one of the most active and diverse
Society organizes social events (e.g. par-
The main focus our society is to build the
societies - offers a wide variety of ser-
ties, food tasting) and academic public
knowledge and skills of our members,
vices for both Muslims and Non-Muslims;
lectures with guest speakers. Our mission
enabling them to realise their potentials
from talks, interfaith and charity events
is to promote Italian culture on campus
and career ambitions in the areas of
to mentoring and socials. A forum is
and involve our members in outstanding
investment and finance.
provided to gain greater knowledge on
this much-discussed global faith.
Itchy Feet is the Travel and Backpacking
Japan Society is one of the most popular
The Jewish Society at LSE is an active
Society of the LSESU. We promote travel
and diverse national societies in LSE (80%
and vibrant society. We run all sorts of
on campus around a global citizen
of its 250 members are non-Japanese).
social and educational events rang-
theme and sport a number of different
We actively organise cultural events
ing from Friday night Shabbat meals to
activities. We will in 2009/10 be seeking
(e.g. welcome parties, Asian Food Fair,
‘Booze for Jews’ to weekly Lunch and
enthusiastic Freshers to join the commit-
calligraphy workshop), career events,
Learn sessions. We are non-denomina-
tee – do ask at our Freshers’ Fair stall.
language classes and joint events (e.g.
tional and cross communal so no matter
Sushi&Film Night with FilmSoc, clubbing
how affiliated you are, there will be
events with ULJS).
something for you.
The Kenyan society is meant to unite all
Newbies/Pro’s are more than welcome!
The Korean Society was established in
kenyans at the LSE. The major aim is to
We have weekly workshops for you to
1999 and has been growing ever since. It
get students together at social events
learn and we do loads of events, some
aims to provide a first hand experience to
and to find ways to raise funds for chari-
for charity, some for fun, many for drink-
those interested in Korea and our culture
ties in Kenya.
ing. It’s not as complicated as you think,
and supports the Korean students at LSE
we’ll easily have you in a home made
in every way possible through a variety of
scarf by christmas!
cultural and social events.
The LSE Labour Society exists to promote
LARA-- the bare-breasted figurehead
The Law Society is one of the largest
progressive values on the LSE campus, as
on the prow of the good ship LSESU. The
and most active societies, with over 550
well as supporting Labour Party policies
muse of good times, her aim is to edu-
members last year. We organise many
off campus.
cate as well as inebriate.
outside speaker events, prospective employment presentations, workshops, competitions and great socials! Whether you want to join the legal profession or are just interested in law, membership is a must!
The Lebanese society at LSE aims to
The society for lesbian, gay, bisexual
LSE SU Liberal Democrats exist to pro-
promote Lebanese culture and arts to
and transgendered students and their
mote the liberal values of the Liberal
the students of LSE.
friends at LSE. We put on a wide range of
Democrats through talks, debates and
event throughout the year from careers
socials. We regularly attract high profile
sessions to tea parties, theatre trips
speakers. We fight on issues that mat-
and campaigning - and our amazing
ter to students and campaign across
monthly night in the Undergeround bar,
London with MPs, Councillors and AMs.
Mind the Gap.
For more information, visit our facebook group (
Learn different languages and find out
The LSE SU Literature Society is here to
Fresh year and a fresh start for the legend
how they work, or even create your own!
promote arts and especially literature at
that is the Live Music Society. This year is
Discover the Mycenaean Linear B script,
the LSE. We do a large range of events
promised to be even bigger, even louder
find a language with 85 consonants but
throughout the entire year, including
and a whole lot more fun. Yes, Open Mic
just 2 vowels, unearth how Hindi and
book clubs, writers groups, theatre trips,
is back, and we would very much like to
English are actually cousins, see how
film and poetry nights and much more!
see all of you there! Singing, jamming,
languages change over time, and more!
playing instruments and rocking our resident hangout like they’ve never seen it before.
The aim of this society is to unite the
As the resident club to Malaysians
The London School of Economics’ Stu-
Malaysians and Singaporeans in LSE. We
studying in the LSE, we aim to act as a
dent Union’s Maritime Society is founded
would like to help our members adapt
platform to bring all Malaysian students
in 2009 to create and empower the
to the lifestyle and culture of the UK.
together as a community, be it celebrat-
network of students who are involved in
Besides that, we hope to be able to help
ing a festival or to engage in intellec-
the shipping industry, in order to provide
our members develop their career skills.
tual discourse. Moreover, we actively
a forum for one of the most international
promote the Malaysian culture amongst
sector of the world economy.If you want
the international student community in
to become the captain of the world
the LSE.
economy, join us !!!
Intrigued by the intricacies of Gauss-
One of the biggest national societies in
The LSE SU Microfinance Society seeks
ian Elimination... or just plain confused?
LSE. Last year (2008-09) consisting of 305
to expand horizons. We strive to be a
Then no worries, your Maths and Stats
members of which the majority where
platform of debate and exchange on
Society are here to help. We offer weekly
not mexican! Why? Because this is an
microfinance and social business issues,
homework help sessions under the guid-
open society that also throws the best
as well as a link between microfinance
ance of 2nd and 3rd years, as well as
parties (Yes..tequila, but much more!),
institutions and dedicated individuals at
numerous social events to meet your
has great food (as our continuous suc-
the London School of Economics.
fellow students.
cess at the International Food Fair shows) and holds high level academic and political events.
This is the place at LSE where all the mu-
Last year we got off to a crackin’ start
Oikos International is a student organi-
sicians meet and enjoy playing a variety
with a debate with Tim Leunig (look
sation for sustainable economics and
of music. Activities include the orchestra,
him up!) and a victorious Tug of War for
management. If you are interested in
choir, jazz band and chamber music.
RAG being highlights. This year we hope
practical solutions to problems such as
Members also get an access to the
to reach banterous new heights and
energy and climate change, through
Music Practice Room. Join us to make
spread the Northern word, as well as
panel discussions, simulation games and
music with us!
kickin some more southern arse.
trips to zero-energy development sites, Oikos London is the society for you!
The Opera Society is a place where stu-
One of the most active and high profile
People & Planet is the largest, student
dents interested in opera and ballet can
societies on campus which exists to pro-
network in Britain campaigning to end
come together. We organise discounted
mote the ideal of justice for the people
world poverty, defend human rights and
tickets for performances at the Royal
of Palestine.
protect the environment. LSESU P&P is a
Opera House, English National Opera,
large, active and friendly group, working
London Symphony Orchestra and more!
on numerous campaigns through lob-
We also plan social events for our mem-
bying, discussion, inviting speakers, fund-
bers to get to know each other. Whether
raising and entertaining social events
new to opera or obsessed with it, this is
including our annual ‘Global Dinner’.
the place for you!
Poker Society promotes the game of
The Politics society provides a forum for
We are the Rolling Stones of LSE’s intel-
Poker which is competition in the purest
students who share a common interest
lectual scene. Both its youngest and
sense - person to person where you can
in all things political. Whether you are
boldest society, founded in the Spirit of
bet your skills against the skills of another
red, green, or blue; party political or not,
the Radicals of 1789, we seek to critique
if you have an opinion then we want you
the contemporary state of the human
to join our society! Events include guest
existence. Is your dream come true an
speakers, debates, and regular trips to
internship at Goldman Sachs? This soci-
ety ain’t for you.
The Private Equity Society is one of the
The LSESU Property Investment society is
We organise recruiting events with
most dynamic and interactive student
the LSE’s only dedicated gateway into
Western and Russian companies to dis-
societies at the LSE, organizing the world’s
real estate. It provides a combination of
tinguish and promote highly educated
largest student conference on Private
extensive educational and networking
Russian speaking students from the top
Equity and Hedge Funds, the Alterna-
opportunities enabling career orientated
UK Universities. We also organise Busi-
tive Investments Conference. We are a
students to gain exposure to the industry.
ness and Economic oriented lectures,
passionate group of students and young
presentations and receptions in order to
professionals focused on deepening our
give students, media and academics a
knowledge of some of the most interest-
first-hand insight into Russia. The society
ing areas of finance, including leveraged
allows for networking, to broaden the
buyouts and venture capital.
links and contacts for our members.
Do you feel the rhythm in your veins?
The Scandinavian Society is notoriously
A new society who’s aim is to bring a
The need to accompany it with a little
recognized for successfully promoting
community spirit to LSE. If you’ve got
bit of salsa? We will get you dancing.
tradition and culture through some of
ideas for events, schemes or just gener-
With weekly classes, parties, workshops,
the wildest parties known to LSE having
ally how to bring a smile to peoples
and nights out, the year promises to be
attracted such famous faces as Howard
faces then join up now!
one of excitement. From beginner to
Davies himself. We are hoping to come
advanced, all are welcome. EVERYONE
out bigger and better than ever with
has a right to dance!
new exciting events and interesting speakers lined up.
We seek to inform and familiarise
Coming from relative obscurity, the LSE
The LSESU Singapore Society’s vision is
students as well as the wider public
Sikh-Punjab Soc has grown to be one
to facilitate the expression of a unique
about Serbia; its past, present and
of LSE’s most dynamic, vibrant, happen-
national identity and to ease the
future. Through panels, debates, and our
ing societies. Time after time, bringing
introduction of members into a foreign
famous yearly trip to Serbia, the Society
you the most exciting and talked about
environment. With a strong foundation of
offers an insight into this Western Balkan
events at the LSE, constantly pushing
150 members, events are well received
country and the current issues that it
the boundaries of possibility to reach
and provide an extremely good oppor-
unimaginable heights.
tunity for fellow Singaporeans to interact. In addition, non-Singaporeans are also highly encouraged to join and soak up the culture.
Slovenian Society brings together Slove-
SPS aims to engage students on impor-
Socially Responsible Investing is a rap-
nians at the LSE, their friends and anyone
tant social policy issues through a variety
idly growing trend in today’s financial
else that is interested in Slovenia. The
of social, networking, educational, policy
environment. The society’s aim is to help
society organises various events, from
forums, and career-focused events and
those interested to learn more about SRI
more formal events, such as for example
activities. SPS offers regular opportuni-
and get the opportunity to meet profes-
the Slovenian Cultural Day in February,
ties for students to learn, connect, and
sionals in the sector. This year we will set
film nights, recitals and guest speakers,
discuss, including Social Policy Week
up a socially responsible investment
to more informal social meetings. If you
during Lent Term. Open to students of all
fund, so get involved!
have any further questions please fell
free to contact us.
SPICE celebrates every festival in the
Sri Lankan Society is the cultural society
Stop the War Coalition was formed
Indian Subcontinent, hosts Bollywood
representing all the Sri Lankan students
in September 2001 to stop the war
movie nights, holds special dinners and
in LSE. The society aims to bring together
declared by the US and its allies against
Chaat stalls, organises educational talks
students from diverse backgrounds,
‘terrorism’. As a broad and radical
and debates with high-profile speakers
promote the Sri Lankan culture and
network, STWC has become the biggest
and much more! With SPICE, you are as-
organize various events for the student
mass movement in British political history.
sured to spend a brilliant time at the LSE,
body of LSE in general. Regular socials
We raise awareness and advocate civil
because the Indian culture can always
are organized and “Sri Lankan Dance” is
disobedience to achieve our aims.
take a new flavour. SPICE up your lives!
always a big highlight of Timeless.
A society for students concerned with
SWSS agitates for socialist ideas on
The Taiwanese Society aims to promote
the situation of refugees in Britain.
campus and is part of united campaigns
greater understanding of the rich culture
against fascism, racism, climate change
and history of Taiwan, as well as foster a
and oppression. At LSE we were involved
friendly and intimate community among
in the occupation of the Old Theatre
our members. To this end, we organize
against the Israeli attack on Gaza and
cultural and social events such as lec-
we are involved with the LSE Not for Profit
tures, theatre trips, dinner outings, and
parties throughout the year. For further information contact: su.soc.taiwan@lse.
The Thai society seeks to engage mem-
One of LSE Union’s newest and most
The aim of the Turkish Society is to bring
bers with various activities throughout
promising Societies! World Knowledge
the Turkish speaking community together
the year ranging from the traditional
Society is a nexus between members and
and to contribute to the truly interna-
Thai ‘rub nong’ (freshers welcome),
professionals from international organisa-
tional environment of LSE by introduc-
annual Thai Night Shows, and concerts
tions, NGOs, thinktanks and global initia-
ing Turkish culture, politics, economics
held by Thai contemporary artists all
tives. It is a forum for discussion, education
and current affairs through a number of
the way from Bangkok. Non-Thais may
and networking, with seminars involving
experience a year of free Thai lessons
representatives from some of most im-
and Thai food.
portant global organisations throughout the year!
Our society aims to promote Ukraine at
The United Nations Society promotes the
Veg Soc was formed in October 2008. Its
the LSE and in the U.K., provide a forum
values and aims of the United Nations
objectives are to: campaign for vegetar-
for Ukrainians and those interested in
at LSE. We organise UN-related debates
ian and vegan related issues on campus,
Ukraine at the LSE and foster academic,
and lectures, the UN Careers evening,
provide a platform for vegetarians and
political, business and cultural contacts
and Model UN delegations around the
vegans to meet each other through
between the UK and Ukraine.
world. If you believe in the UN, enjoy trav-
social events, cookery events, provide
elling and care about current interna-
a support system for any individuals at
tional issues, the UN Society is for you.
LSE wanting to turn vegetarian or vegan, raise awareness about health and dietary issues faced by vegetarians and vegans.
The LSE-Vietnam Society (VNLSE) has a
The Visual Arts Society is very active,
WiB’s long term vision is to generate
membership base of Vietnamese and
creative and fun. We have weekly life
strong positioning for its members by
international students who are currently
drawing sessions, freestyle sessions with
establishing a much-needed forum for
studying at the School. Our main mission
all types of art including painting, sculp-
business networking, education and the
is to introduce and diffuse Vietnamese
ture, cartoon etc; regular gallery outings
discussion of pressing issues surrounding
culture, faciliate understanding and
to galleries with DISCOUNT tickets. Finally
women in business. We aim to help our
promote her rich cultural heritage to
our Student Art Exhibition is THE major art
members address the above three issues
international friends. Each year,we put
event at LSE!
early on in their careers so that they are
up various events, including the annual
well positioned to achieve their goals
cultural show, Christmas trip, etc.
and aspirations in the future.
SPORTS From rugby to boxing, volleyball to
nationally for all levels of players. Many of
participate in sports that aren’t practi-
ultimate frisbee, novice to national
our teams also compete in the University
cal to run at college level, for example
champion, the LSE Athletics Union (AU)
of London Union (ULU) league, allowing
swimming, athletics and fencing. These
caters for everyone. With 42 sports clubs
us to show the other London universities,
sports are a great way to make friends
and over 2000 members, you’re sure to
and particularly our dear neighbours
with a range of students across London
find something that suits. Whether you
King’s College (more commonly known
as the teams are formed from all London
are looking to compete in the national
as Strand Poly) that not only are we good
finals with basketball, get fit with the
at economics, but we can also beat
aerobics club, try something new with
them at netball, hockey and taekwondo.
one of our martial arts clubs or just to
FACILITIES Whilst providing an on-campus ski-slope
find some drinking buddies, then the AU
However, ULU isn’t only useful for a bit of
may be beyond our means, you will find
won’t disappoint!
local rivalry, it also allows LSE students to
squash courts, badminton courts and a gymnasium on site. A short train ride
away, in a picturesque setting just outside London, lies Berrylands Sports Ground, known as ‘the fortress’ to its regulars. With seven pitches for footballers and rugby players and a multisport area for
For a central London university, we
netball, tennis and 5-a-side, it is the place
have a very impressive participation
to be on a Wednesday afternoon. The on
rate in sport with students of all stan-
site bar provides the perfect place to en-
dards, nationalities and levels of study
joy a beer, some food and socialise with
getting involved. With seven netball,
friends (and foes!) post-match. Although
eight football and four rugby teams the
the journey can put people off, ask any of
LSE stands out amongst its academic
our teams and they will tell you it’s vital in
peers in being able to offer everyone
really building up relationships within your
a chance to represent their university.
team, going over game plans or usually
Although securing a place in the first
just catching up on the week’s antics!
team may be very competitive, many clubs predominantly recruit from those
Most sports matches are played on a
who have never been involved in the
Wednesday afternoon -a time which
sport before (capoiera anyone?!), so
the School has agreed to keep free for
ability comes second to a sense of
sports and other enrichment activities.
However, the AU and Students’ Union have become aware of lectures and
seminars scheduled during this time and
All competitive clubs are affiliated with
undergraduate lectures will now finish
the British University College of Sport
at midday at the latest. If you have any
(BUCS, previously known as BUSA), who
trouble just let the AU Exec know and
organise and run inter-university leagues
they can see what they can do.
AU NIGHTS It’s all about the banter...
The AU is renowned in LSE not only for its
Next up is the AU Carol held at Christ-
in the foyer of the East Building where
sporting prowess but also for its love of
mas (unsurprisingly), probably the fun-
you can find information on the AU Staff
all things fancy dress, snakebite and 90’s
niest and definitely the messiest event
Members, Executive Committee, Club
cheese. If you want to meet like minded
you’ll have ever experienced. Hardcore
contacts, Class timetables and training
people, keep fit and avoid becoming a
fans of this will sign up with gusto for
library hermit then look no further than
the Calella ‘tour’ in Easter – five days of
the AU!
similar mayhem, five times the fun!
Like all universities, Wednesday night
The AU Colours Ball is held at the end
out for us and come join in the best part
is sports night and is legendary within
of Lent term and the AU has a chance
of LSE!
the AU. Win, lose or draw there is always
to get rid of their sweaty sports kit and
cause for a celebration. The night starts
don their finest suits and dresses. Don’t
Plato once said, “You can discover more
at our spiritual home, the Three Tuns
be fooled by the black tie as there is
about a person in an hour of play than
where your captains will greet you and
even more fun to be had than a usual
in a year of conversation.” We take this
make sure you are suitably ‘looked
Wednesday night (cue eating dessert
seriously at the AU, with many believ-
with no hands)
ing personal development comes in
Sign up for clubs will take place at Freshers’ Fayre with all other societies – look
the form of a Wednesday night - not a Join in the drinking games, belt out a love-song on the karaoke or simply catch up with your friends - you’re always guaranteed a fun and ‘interesting’ night! Expect to think of nothing else when asked “what are you doing Wednesday?”
We have plenty of events planned for
All clubs come together to celebrate
this year- starting with a ‘Party in the
each other’s successes, as Colours
Park’. You will be taken by coach to
awards are handed out alongside other
‘fortress Berrylands’ where you will be
prizes including Sportsman, Sportswom-
greeted by a well stocked bar and beer
an and Team of the Year. It doesn’t end
tent, music, BBQ, bouncy castle and the
there. To give you that extra bit of hope
opportunity to join in a number of differ-
and support to get through the perilous
ent sports taster sessions. Before you get
exam period, you can look forward to
AU party withdrawal symptoms, we are
our old school style Sports Day at Berry-
having an official welcome party just
lands and kick start that Summer feeling!
two weeks after.
THE BORING STUFF This will be held in traditional AU fashion:
All clubs cost £10 for one academic
fancy dress, drinks deals and the football
year’s membership. In addition, some
club trying to prove they are better than
clubs also charge a nominal class fee.
rugby (tug of war anyone?!)
There is an Athletics Union Noticeboard
Thursday morning lecture.
In shape? Want to get in shape? We
Join the club. Book a court whenever
The most successful club in the recent his-
want all shapes!
it suits you. Enjoy. Also provides the op-
tory of the AU, the Men’s Basketball team
portunity for competitive fixtures against
is known to go whole seasons undefeat-
other universities
ed. With a committed Women’s team as well come and join the dynasty?
Come enjoy this Brazilian martial art for
Enjoy the glorious sound of leather on
A new addition to the AU and looking for
yourself, with its mix of music, dancing
willow? Join LSE’s esteemed Cricket
new recruits of any level. Great for those
and fighting it ticks all the boxes!
Club, a decision you will not regret.
who like the sport but not the British Weather!
Seven teams, a proud history of silver-
As if we’d let the boys have all the fun!
Fore! Join the Golf Club – a perfect
ware, the largest and loudest contingent
LSE’s Women’s Football team is commit-
excuse to escape the city and enjoy a
out on a Wednesday night – the LSEFC is
ted both on the pitch and the ‘play-
peaceful (or not so peaceful) back 9.
the cornerstone of all that is AU.
With plenty of opportunities for both men
Does what it says on the Tin! New and
Whether novice or seasoned pro, the
and women, hockey is certainly well pro-
very popular club, come and get on
large and successful Jitsu Club provides
vided for at their own Fortress Battersea!
excellent facilities for training, learning and the perfect platform for competition.
Wax-on, wax-off! You can be your very
The LSE kiters are taking the world by
Thought Chris Ostreicher was a sissy for
own Danny LaRusso by joining the ranks
storm. Coming soon to a beach near
choosing the jazz choir? Then join the
of LSE’s well-regarded Karate Club.
Lacrosse team – where doo-wop tunes are strictly prohibited.
Fancy yourself as the next Chuck Liddell?
Another AU heavyweight, these Ladies
Whether you consider yourself a good
Or perhaps you think you could take
are determined to enjoy their sport and
player or a bad player, join the Pool Club
Kim-bo Slice? Either way, you’ll want to
their social life. From school level to pro,
and you’ll become an awesome player.
join the Mixed Martial Arts club.
the Netball Club has seven teams that span all abilities. Don’t miss out!
Tired of hanging around LSE all the time?
Proud owners of a rather natty boat-
With their idiosyncratic combination of
Why not do it literally?
house on the banks of the Thames, the
mingling with muscle-bound mules of
Rowing Club have an enviable environ-
men on the rugby pitch and the finest
ment to push themselves to the limit.
young fillies London’s nightlife has to offer, the LSERFC welcomes all.
Acknowledged to have the best propor-
Fit? Unfit? Fast? Slow? We welcome all-
Britannia rules the waves, so where bet-
tional turnout on Wednesday nights of
ter to enjoy some fresh sea air and a little
any club, join the Women’s Rugby club
competitive sailing?
to enjoy top quality rugby and a great social diary.
Unfortunately for us, London boasts no
With a dedicated online website provid-
Penhold or Shakehand? Flipper or
Dubai-style mega indoor ski slope. Not
ing a squash ‘ladder’ to allow players to
Smasher? Join the Table Tennis Club to
to worry, though, since there are two
find others of similar ability, the Squash
find out!
well-attended ski trips a year to make
Club is one of the largest and most
up for it.
popular clubs on campus
The Tae Kwon Do Club regularly com-
Live the dream, ride the wave! Join us on
Who doesn’t want to be more flexible?
petes at national competitions, holds
our frequent expeditions at home and
Whether a lotus-veteran or someone
regular training sessions and tutorials and
abroad to catch the best barrels Europe
who hasn’t been able to touch their
is thus the perfect place to develop your
has to offer.
toes for years; there are classes to suit all
Work off that freshers’ flab
The Students’ Union offers an on site gym, conveniently located on the 1st floor of the East Building. It is a fully equipped facility, with: • 19 Technogym CV Machines • 14 Technogym Resistance Machines • Extended Free-weights Area • Plasma Screen TVs • Full air conditioning The Gym is fully staffed with qualified professionals, so if you have any questions or problems, don’t hesitate to ask. It is also incredibly good value! Extras include body fat testing (£2) and personal training (£15 per hour). Also, check out the noticeboard for information on classes.
OPENING TIMES Monday - Friday: 8am – 9pm Saturday & Sunday: 10am – 6pm
MEMBERSHIP RATES Membership is capped each year, so join early to avoid disappointment! The joining fee is £5, or £2.50 for AU members. All rates include FREE membership to the Aerobics Society STUDENTS ALUMNI
4 Months £50
RAISING AND GIVING Come and get your RAG on!!...
Almost every Uni has a Raising and
get there 1st! The Hitch Hike is definitely
Giving society (RAG) which relies on tal-
Apart from all of the fun events that
for those of you with itchy feet, a sense of
ented, cheeky and persuasive students -
we put on throughout the year, we also
adventure…oh, and the gift of the gab!
like yourselves - to squeeze every penny
embark on possibly one of the biggest
you can from the general public, and
challenges in trying to raise cash for
your fellow LSE-goers; all for obviously a
charity – getting your ma n’ pa to sponsor
Just when you thought RAG events
very good cause.
you to bungee jump (which is something
couldn’t be more fun, more diverse
else we organise to raise money too by
and more gripping, you experience an
Last year we all decided on the three
the way!) is one thing, and getting your
intense, immense and irregular week
charities of Cancer Research UK, Hope
fellow rugby mates to sponsor you get-
of hundreds of events one after the
for Children and Action Against Hunger
ting your hairy chest waxed is another…
other, after the other after the other... by
and we put on some pretty damn suc-
but imagine dressing up like a bit of a
Saturday morning you quite possibly feel
cessful events to raise a massive £40,000!
fool.. for example, as a Smurf, or a pirate,
as if a train of excitement, energy and
We did everything from putting on a
or a Lego-man, to then go and wan-
electricity has steamed through your
sexy, classy and glamorous Freshers’ Ball,
der the busy streets of London or some
body, and it takes the whole weekend
to waxing some very fit LSE hunks, and
similarly massive city to raise money on
to recover!
gathering a huge number of keen ex-
the streets!.. Well, yep, we do that too!
plorers to hitchhike to Amsterdam…not
We love, love, LOVE to raid London and
spending one little penny to get there..
beyond with other Uni’s RAGs, and often
all in the name of charity!
there is lots of competitions, prizes, sweets and pizza involved! Now, raiding isn’t for
the faint-hearted; so if you think you can
Not only do your fellow RAG members
handle the challenge, we’d love to see
care about the world and other people,
your bargaining and persuasive skills!
they also know how to party!! We love to
kick-start the year with an unbeatable,
whole SU, all societies and all students
hilarious and sociable Pub Crawl, which
Ok, so Raiding is an enormous chal-
involved in raising as much money as
has been a massive success in the past
lenge in itself, but how about getting
possible, by cramming in huge amounts
couple of years – last year we got over
from London to Amsterdam in 24 hours,
of diverse events… from people auctions
120 students involved in Pub Golf on the
without using 1 penny to get you there…
(where you can buy yourself a delicious
1st Friday of Freshers’ week, hitting the lo-
think it’s impossible? Well, think again
LSE student, or Howard Davies for the
cal pubs, to pot the last hole in the mental
because we had around 50 people
evening!), to giant tug-of-wars on cam-
first club (Crush) night on campus.
sneak across the borders and manage
pus, to live gigs, to yummy global food
to get themselves all the way to ‘Dam to
sales, to merchandise flogging, to fashion
And don’t worry… RAG isn’t just about
party it up in celebration! At the end of
shows, to pub crawls, to Silent Discos…
having a giggle during Freshers’ time,
Lent Term we sling-on our backpacks and
‘Where next?!’ you may ask… well, that
we keep that party momentum going
defiantly plan our non-expenditure-route
is entirely up to you new students to de-
on throughout the year, with live music
to our chosen destination, and have a lot
cide! Anyone can get involved in organ-
nights, waxing events, Christmas parties
of damn fun in the process. And standard
ising an event, and everyone’s ideas are
and end-of-year balls… actually, it’s
of course, prizes are awarded to those
needed and appreciated; so watch out
pretty hard to keep up with us!
brave, dedicated souls who manage to
for this mental week during the middle
RAISING AND GIVING jobs and experiences out there, in the Third (Charitable) Sector. Last year we got speakers from Hope for Children to come in and do talks about volunteering abroad, and we have several RAGgers going to Zambia this summer to work in schools and hospitals. We intend to bring more speakers, charities and events coordinators to come in and talk for you guys – to inform you of possible careers and to give you a helping-hand in organising that all important work experience during holidays…
FOR YOUR CV Finally, as many of you may have realised… although coming to the prestigious LSE easily racks up the brownie points on your CV in preparation for your future, sadly, taking a degree generally isn’t enough in these competitive, cutthroat days. You need to prove that you are dedicated, ambitious and driven, and what better way to prove it by organising your own event for RAG, proving your altruism by raiding the streets of London, or flouting your persuasive, PR skills by raking in some sponsorship for us?! of Lent Term – and make sure you save
tonne of cash and a lot of awareness…
If you think you have a strong personality,
some energy (and cash) especially for
so we want to hear from you. We’ll be
and a voice that gets you heard… then
that week!!
having our own Induction meeting during
give RAG a go.. and with some great
the Freshers’ weeks, to listen to you and to
RAG committee position elections com-
start organising some bigger and better
ing up at the beginning of Michaelmas
LSE’s RAG is incredibly young in com-
events, that are gunna get us beating
term, you can have your go and shining
parison to other Uni’s, which is why your
other London Uni’s RAGs!
out above other LSE students…
managed to double the figure we raised
We also want to take some big steps in
So… come and get your RAG on!!
for our chosen charities, and we want to
diversifying our RAG – our RAG is not just
top it again!... We are calling on all Fresh-
about raising money and having a lot
ers’ to imagine-up some unique, intriguing
of fun in the process… it is also about
and incredibly profitable events to raise a
informing you guys of the amazing
input is absolutely essential. Last year we
Somewhere between the Morning Star and The Daily Mail... and some say The Guardian!
WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? Yes, it’s a stupid name. You can blame George Bernard Shaw for that. He was the one who christened The Beaver for its first issue on 5 May 1949. To the people who don’t like its unique brand of fearlessly objective reporting, The Beaver has been one of the dirtiest words in student journalism ever since. But it’s also been one of the most respected. As soon as you open your first issue of LSE’s weekly student newspaper, you’ll see why there’s no better voice for the LSE student community. The Beaver has played a big part in LSE
ness and the stakes in loving detail. But
LSE student. But if you want to get more
history. If you go to the Library archives,
we’re also second to none in our report-
involved in The Beaver during your
you’ll be able to find the past issues
ing of the School’s daily life -academic
time at LSE, you’ll certainly need to be
that charted the famous mini-revolution
appointments, society scandals, drunken
of 1968 when students occupied the
rampages by the Athletics Union. The
School, or the huge protests that erupted
conversation continues in the Comment,
The paper is run by student volunteers
almost forty years later against top-up
Features, Social and Sports sections,
who edit and write during their time of
fees and the Iraq war. In those pages
where LSE’s amazing international diver-
study; undergraduates and postgradu-
you’ll see the first flowering of countless
sity shines through. Meanwhile, Part B, our
ates contribute roughly equally. For the
political, business and journalistic careers
separate arts and culture supplement
brave hearts, you can run for election to
that have gone on to change the world.
shows a side of LSE that many people too
our editorial board at our democratic
If you join us during your time at LSE,
often pass over. We have also added a
collective meetings – we only expect
you’ll probably make it there too.
Photo section for the visually inclined, and
a strong passion for journalism (with no
have embraced the onslaught of new
prior experience required)! You won’t
media through the use of Twitter and our
regret it. That’s where the social habits
website at
come in. You’ll be exposed to an unpar-
alleled world of exclusive opportunities, Actually, perhaps it’s not such a
and you’ll have a terrific time being part
Our flagship News section is nationally
ridiculous name after all. Beavers are
of the lovely Beaver family. Can it pos-
renowned for its reporting of the big
supposed to be industrious animals with
sibly get any better?
student political issues of the moment.
social habits. We are completely open
Henry Kissinger once said that student
to writing contributions from the student
politics is so vicious because the stakes
body - the only qualification you need
are so small. Well, we cover the vicious-
to get your name into print is to be an
Pulse Radio is the voice of the LSE’s
quality content and entertainment. So
There is something for everyone at Pulse
Students’ Union, broadcasting 24-hours a
if you’re after pre-release CDs and free
Radio - even if its just a wild social life! So
day to bring you the latest student news,
tickets to review gigs, festivals and shows
come along during Freshers’ Fair, have
intense debate (a.k.a. gossip) and, of
get in with the music team. If you want
a chat, sign up for free and get yourself
course, the phattest and freshest music
to interview world or business leaders join
to our welcome party (the first of many)
out there! Sound too good to be true?!
our news team. Or if you have an ear for
where we’ll show you what unversity life
Well that’s why we need you...
a jingling jingle and tasty background
is really about!
beats then give our uber-cool produc-
tion team a shout.
Radio shows need radio djs. It’s not that
However without our “Off Air” team Pulse.
absolute essential guide to starting your
scary! You’ll be trained by the pros and
Those with a creative eye or if you’re
LSE life!
after we’re done with you, you may well
going to be the next apprentice then
end up representing LSE at national stu-
check in at our marketing and business
dent media awards (hosted by Radio 1)!
teams. For those of you with the rarest
But that’s just the beginning. Our “On
skill of all, technical, we love you! Please
Air” team works to provide the highest
come chat to our tech and web teams!
Oh also, YOU HAVE TO listen to our Freshers’ Podcast at, it’s an
LSE’s Award Winning Student TV Network
the School Annual Fund. The network produces regular programmes and in the past years has provided comprehensive coverage of Students’ Union elections, including a live Election Night special that streamed online during the election count. Aspiring journalists can show their talents by producing documentaries and newsreels; covering breaking news events in the LSE, such as student protests, as well as making documentaries that discuss controversial issues involving the student body and academic staff. On the lighter side, the “Loose TV Sketch Show” was formed in the last academic year. Writing and filming new material on a weekly basis it offers opportunities for aspiring actors, editors, writers and producers regardless of previous experience. Filmmaking has been a cornerstone of LooSE. From fiction films to comedy LooSE TV is the official television network
great way of making new friends and
shorts, the network welcomes all filmmak-
of the Students’ Union. Broadcasting on-
having a bit of a chuckle along the way.
ers and their ideas. Each year we host
line, LooSE offers a wide variety of quality student-made programming. LooSE TV represents a network of filmmakers with vibrant ideas, and a network of friends working to realise those ideas. It’s a society where a filmmaker can
RAG Reels – a film making competition,
pitch his or her idea and find other
this year judged by the prestigious British Film Institute (BFI). LooSE participates in the National Student Television Association conference and has previously won in the Light Entertainment category. With so much to offer and a rich, diverse array of opportunities and members, LooSE TV
members interested in helping on their
LooSE TV offers the opportunity in train-
project, or simply book out network
ing and experience for its members in
equipment to make their own ideas a
the use of filming equipment, editing
reality. In this sense LooSE TV is a highly
software and in filmmaking technique.
flexible society and provides the perfect
LooSE utilises impressive, professional
platform to gain valuable experience
camera equipment and editing soft-
towards a career in Media, or simply a
ware, purchased using donations from
is a must-join society
CLARE MARKET REVIEW Fluff, trash, chewing gum for the mind,
cartoons by Spike Milligan would face
work and graphics, surrounding us with
horoscopes, Hollyoaks and whore-gazing
off against Bertrand Russell’s geopolitics.
the liveliest and most listenable voices of
-from pop-bitch to hot-pix our student
Throughout its life, low and high writing
our generation.
media landscape is littered with tabloid
cultures would be routinely collapsed,
fare that many of us routinely use to
while the values of wit and incision
Clare exists materially in both paper
provide pleasurable punctuation to our
were always upheld. Relaunched last
and electronic forms. Unlike most other
busy lives.
academic year after a three-decade
paper media Clare will not find its pages
vacation, Clare looks to provide more of
balled up and strewn around the Quad
But when we look to our media for hon-
the same, in a marketplace where more
like postindustrial tumbleweed. Termly-
est reflections of our own intelligence, to
of the same is something appetizingly
published books, perfect-bound and
quell for a moment its writhing libido and
lovingly crafted, heavily designed with
sticky demands for consumption and
original artworks -if students could afford
really talk to us, it suddenly becomes
It functions as a journal in its contribu-
bookshelves Clare would sit proudly
elusive, rolling over without a word.
tion to academic thought, providing a
upon them. The electronic edition exists
platform for LSE students to be published
in a content-generative relationship with
The Clare Market Review is both a
alongside globally recognised academ-
the paper edition. Adumbrations and
journal and a review, and in these guises
ics, its relevance is checked by a peer-
playful experiments grow from here into
has been produced at LSE since 1905.
review board of senior LSE academics.
fully-formed articles.
In the early days Beatrice and Sidney
It is also a review, where art and culture
Webbs systemic appraisals of gover-
mingle, an intervention in the tabloid
If it is held that Clare is the home of qual-
nance would sit next to Bernard Shaw’s
landscape of student media, providing
ity writing at the LSE Students’ Union, the
rolling accounts of the arts. Later, ribald
debate and commentary, original art-
question is begged, what kind of home is it? It may be cosy, but the doors are always open, strangers in the living room, friends in the kitchen, past pot-heads converse with future captains of industry in the hall. As much as it is the salon, stools drawn around, reclining précieuses and rarified discourse, it is the activist squat, pamphlets and paper wraps, the charged atmosphere of doing something that matters. Most of all it is definably LSE, a globalised perspective, unashamedly smart, students and staff creating media worthy of one of the world’s foremost intellectual institutions. Take a step into our wonderful world.
VOLUNTEERING ting involved in the community through employee-volunteering schemes. In fact, 22 million adults take part in formal volunteering each year and volunteering is estimated to generate about £40 billion a year for the UK economy! You can volunteer regularly or simply get involved in one-off projects when you have the time. There are a wide range of things that you can do, from helping witnesses in court, visiting the elderly and those in hospital, to tutoring at after-school clubs and working with refugees.
HOW? The SU is looking to recruit volunteers to work in the community and will try to find you a project or even encourage and help you to set up your own. Whatever it is that you would like to do, whoever you would like to work with, get in touch and we’ll help you get involved. Or you can simply go to the Volunteer Centre website to register as a volunteer. You will then be kept informed about upcoming projects. Next step is to choose which volunteering opportunity you want to go for, then contact them directly. If you want to develop your skills, meet
skills and experience for your CV, whilst
new people, have fun and make a
making a real difference to people’s
difference in the local community, then
lives. Volunteering can also help you to
volunteering is for you. You can give as
find your dream job. Employers want to
much time as you like, when you like.
see evidence of how you cope in situations that may arise in your working life.
As a result of his volunteering one LSE stu-
Volunteering is a fantastic opportunity
dent volunteer has been offered a sum-
to meet new people, have fun and dis-
mer internship at the charity where he
cover London. You will also gain valuable
volunteers. Big companies are also get-
THE LSESU DIALOGUE COMMISSION “One of the most promising developments on campus this year” – The Beaver, Editorial 22 April 2009
OVERVIEW The Dialogue Commission seeks to foster greater understanding and co-operation between various elements within the student body, most notably as represented by political, religious and national Students’ Union societies. Dialogues are conducted under a strict confidentiality agreement with mediators from the student body, and transcribed by our secretaries for the Commission’s archives. Dialogues can also be published and/or presented in a public format, similar to a mediated panel discussion, should the participants wish to do so. Both the format and the topics discussed are flexible, and depend largely on the wishes of the participants. Dialogue series ongoing from the past year include Palestine-Israel and Tibet-China. The Commission is eager to hear from students and student societies interested in opening talks on other subjects; we are also actively seeking to expand our network to other universities, both in the UK and abroad.
with the ICCSN, where representatives of
• Legal, technical and secretarial
the International Criminal Court Office
support staff (training available)
of the Prosecutor engaged students in a
• Website, publications and PR staff
In addition to our mediation work, the
three-hour dialogue on current develop-
• Mediators (professional training/
Commission is committed to promot-
ments in international criminal justice
certificate courses are available)
ing dialogue and the ‘dialogic ethic’
and the role of the Court in international
• Liaison officers to the public, NGOs
on campus through various channels.
and other universities
Last year, public speakers hosted by the Commission included the Jerusalem
Peacemakers, a grassroots interfaith
The Dialogue Commission is looking for
network based in Israel and the West
energetic and committed individuals to
Bank; we also co-sponsored an event
fill a variety of roles:
UNION AWARDS The Students’ Union simply wouldn’t exist
made by any student and are judged
without the people who devote huge
by the Union Awards panel.
John Devenand Cropper was a final year
amounts of their spare time to Union
student of Government at LSE when he
activities and make LSE a more enjoy-
died suddenly in London on March 25th
able place to be. There are three major
The AU Summer Ball is the highlight of
1998. During his three years at LSE, Dev
awards for individuals which are pre-
the AU social calendar and in between
was intensely involved in the commu-
sented at The Union Awards in Summer
the banter, the Colours presentation
nity life of the School and beyond. He
Term. These awards are as follows:
ceremony takes place. Awarded by the
was actively engaged in the political
AU Executive, these awards recognise
life of the student body and served on
serious commitment to sport at LSE.
the Students’ Union Executive. He often
HONORARY STUDENTSHIPS The highest award the Students’ Union
contributed to The Beaver, and he was
can bestow upon a LSE student and
involved in other public interest causes
means that the individual is given life-
If you ran an organization as irrelevant
including Students Against Racism and
time membership of the Students’ Union.
and ineffective as ULU (The University of
the GMB. As a way of commemorating
This award is granted to those who
London Union) you wouldn’t think they’d
Dev’s exemplary service to the student
have displayed continuous outstanding
be much to celebrate…and you’d
community at the LSE, the Students’ Union
achievement across a broad range of
be right. Inspite of this the only event
Executive Committee has decided to of-
Union Activities.
that ULU still actually seems to run is an
fer an annual award to a student starting
annual award ceremony called ULU
their final year in 2010/2011 academic
Laurels. Given that only five people in
year. This award, of £2,500, will be made
London actually know what ULU is this is
to the recipient on a termly basis through
This award is to reward those who have
probably the easiest chance you’ll ever
the LSE Scholarships Office.
devoted an enormous amount of their
get to win £20 in unmarked Waterstone
time over the past academic year it to
Union activities.
Fellow students or other members of the school community will nominate
Nominations traditionally open in April
candidates for the award. The principle
with the award ceremony taking place
criterion for consideration for the award
in May. See the ULU website for more
is involvement in and contribution to
This award seeks to reward all those
student life during the nominee’s first five
who have made a significant contribu-
terms at the LSE.
tion to a society (or societies) in their
time at LSE.
Much like its national counterpart, the
In the event of two or more nominees
Students’ Union Poet Laureate is com-
being judged to have made an equally
pletely within the gift of the government
outstanding contribution to the corpo-
The vast number of hours put into the
or, in our case, the Sabbatical Officers.
rate life of the student body, the panel
smooth running of our 160 plus societies
This will be the first time a poet laureate
will make the award to the student felt
would certainly never go unrecognised.
will be ordained at the LSE, but it is hoped
to be in greatest financial need. The
The Societies Awards reward the societ-
that he or she will make an immeasur-
Union is indebted not only to Dev, but
ies that have had the biggest positive
able contribution to the cultural life
also to his family. The Award is a fitting
impact on campus over the course of
of the School. Contact Emmanuel on
tribute to the irreplaceable contribution
the academic year. Nominations can be for more details.
Dev made to the LSE community.
The Award is financed by LSE alumni and
providing the internship for the 2009 win-
The MGAs reward contribution to the
friends of Bernard, and is managed by
ner. All students at LSE are eligible to enter.
LSE Media Group through its constituent
the Students’ Union. The objective of the
They must write a column of up to 1,000
bodies: Pulse Radio, The Beaver, LooSE TV
competition is to encourage the quality
words on some aspect of their experi-
and the Clare Market Review. Judged by
of student journalism within LSE, and to
ence of being a student at the School, re-
the Media Group heads, the Commu-
celebrate a distinguished graduate of
lated to the character of the School and
nications Officer and various profes-
LSE, Bernard Levin (1948-52). Bernard is
its campus, situated as it is in the centre
sional journalists, these awards are the
considered by his contemporaries as
of London.
culmination of a year’s hard work for
one of the greatest and most admired
the Students’ Union publications, and
journalists the School has produced.
Register your interest in participating for
are awarded at a “lavish” ceremony in
Bernard was a brilliant debater in the
the Award NOW, with the Students’ Union
central London.
Student’s Union, a brilliant performer in
Treasurer:, and
the annual Student Review in the Old
you will be sent an entry form, a booklet
Theatre, and contributed to the Clare
about the Award, with samples of previ-
Market Review and The Beaver while he
ous winners’ entries, and examples of
This is the fourth year that this award has
studied at LSE. He was awarded the CBE
Bernard Levin’s own special writing style.
offered the winner an internship within a
for his work as a journalist.
The final date for entries is the end of
national media organisation, £500, plus a
Lent Term 2010. For more information on
‘Bernard Levin’ night out at the theatre
The Times contributed internships for the
and dinner for two in Covent Garden.
first two Awards, and The Daily Mail is
awards, see
WHAT’S ON? Answer: lots
ENTERTAINMENTS The LSE Students’ Union has three of its own dedicated entertainments venues: the Three Tuns, Quad and Underground. Club nights, society events, stand up comedy - our venues see it all, week in, week out. With a capacity of over 1,200, comfortable seating and three well stocked bars you can be sure of having a good night out at the Students’ Union. And you’ll probably still have change from £20 at the end of it. Every Friday night we open our doors for Crush - London’s best student night. Great tunes, cheap drinks and all your friends. What better way to end a hard week at LSE? The main room is the Quad, where a packed dance floor full of beautiful people (and LSE students)
the evenings at LSE. Bill Clinton, Nelson
gyrate to the latest hits and classic
You will never be bored at LSE. In fact,
Mandela and Alan Greenspan are just
tunes. The Underground Bar is the spe-
you will probably start to get annoyed at
some of the high profile speakers we’ve
cialist room where every week you can
how many things are going on: there’s
had over the past few years. Most are
sample some of the best music from
just not enough hours in the day.
un-ticketed: just show up a few minutes
around the world. This is THE essential night out.
beforehand and you’ll get a seat. The Societies put on thousands of events
more popular lectures are ticketed: stu-
each year: from debates to food fayres,
dents can pick up theirs at the Students’
Wednesday night is AU night. Fresh from
charity auctions to pantomimes. Most
Union reception: first come, first served.
their weekly matches, our sports teams
are free, some cost a few pounds. Sign
If you miss out on a ticket, fear not: a
venture into the Three Tuns for a little light
up to societies at Freshers’ Fayre, and
queue for returns is usually available, but
refreshment, before venturing onto a
watch out for posters around campus in
get there early and be prepared to wait!
West End discothèque. The members of
term time. Halls and departments throw
the Athletics Union then retire to their
their own parties, and the various parts
Some lectures are followed by recep-
respective bedrooms before waking up
of the Students’ Union will doubtless
tions full of free booze and snacks.
bright and early for their 9AM lectures.*
invite you to an endless stream of meetings, parties and awards ceremonies.
Once a month Mind the Gap, the LGBT
Consider this an excuse to buy some
Society club night, packs in a mixed
more outfits!
crowd for a night of pop, cheese and dance before heading off to Soho for
Public lectures are free lectures given
even more fun.
by academics and public figures in
LSE Literary Festival 2010 - Thursday 11- Saturday 13 February
Some people believe that LSE is a bland,
If you are planning a project, exhibition
inhospitable, alien place, devoid of all
or musical event in a public place at LSE
artistic expression where people only
you need to submit a proposal the AAG.
care about economics and politics. In
For further information please send your
fact, although LSE does not have any
enquiry to
arts courses (apart from a few anomalous literature courses!) it does have a
vibrant and thriving arts scene with many
LSE’s first ever Literary Festival, exploring
students taking part in everything from
the links between the arts and social
painting to film making.
sciences, and drawing on LSE’s Shavian foundations, was held in the New
Regular exhibitions are held in the Atrium
Academic Building last year to great
of the Old Building and there are free
acclaim. Speakers included Antony
music concerts in the Shaw Library, an
Gormley, Will Self, Professor Lord Gid-
LSE orchestra and choir with their own
dens, Victoria Glendinning, Ben Okri, Jo
professional conductors and various film,
Shapcott, Mohsin Hamid and Michael
art and photographic competitions and
Holroyd. All events were free and open
exhibitions around the School as well as
to all, with tickets set aside specially for
an artist-in-residence.
LSE students at the SU reception.
The School’s Director, Howard Davies, was
A number of initiatives take place
This year’s promises to be bigger and
Chair of the 2007 Man Booker prize judg-
throughout the week including exhibi-
better, and student involvement is being
es. He is also a regular fiction reviewer for
tions and interactive art. Arts Week is
actively encouraged. So, if you would
the Times and launched LSE’s Reading
hosted with the aim that it will highlight
like to see how literature can enrich your
For The Future at the Hay Festival in May
the opportunities that are available, en-
social science experience put the dates
2007. Around campus you will notice a
courage students to get more involved,
in your diary now!
number of sculptures. There are 11 in total
and bring a little more creativity to the
and were donated to the school by Louis
Odette, an alumnus of the 1944 General Course.
If you have any inspired ideas for the festival, or would like to be involved
Every year an anthology of LSE’s best
in some way, please contact Louise
creative writing is collected and pub-
Gaskell, Literary Festival Co-Ordinator,
lished by the Students’ Union Literature
Arts Week is a venture initiated by the
Society in a publication know as The
LSE Students’ Union Arts Forum in order
Muse. It is always very well received and
Even better, encourage the societies
to raise awareness of art at LSE and to
definitely worth picking up a copy.
you join to take part. For podcasts and
further enhance the arts culture of LSE.
videos of last year’s Literary Weekend,
Arts Week involves a collaboration of a
The School has an Arts Advisory Group
and to join the mailing list for this year’s,
number of societies including the Business
which meets termly to discuss issues
please visit
for Arts, Dance, Drama, Literature, Live
relating to the Arts at LSE, as well as
forthought or
Music, Music, Photography, Swing Dance,
considering proposals and distributing
Urban Music, and the Visual Arts Society.
funding for artistic projects and ventures.
The Students’ Union, campaigning, politics, election...
Improving our education, changing the world
Campaigns aren’t just about waving
paigned on political and social issues in
by lobbying from the Students’ Union.
placards and chanting, but they are
wider society to win progressive changes
The Students’ Union has also traditionally
about getting as many students as
that benefit students and their local
been at the forefront of the fight against
possible involved in shaping their own
communities, whether that means lob-
higher fees, and was a focal point for
education and future. Whether you suffer
bying the Mayor for cheaper transport,
protests against wars in Vietnam and
from poor teaching, a lack of resources
winning a Living Wage for cleaners at
later Iraq, when over 1000 LSE staff and
on your course, a dodgy landlord or
LSE, or lobbying the School to adopt an
students held sit-ins and joined a two
unfair wages, the Students’ Union is there
ethical investment policy to ensure that
million strong demonstration in London.
to take on your issue and unite all our
we don’t spend LSE’s money on war, hu-
members to make positive change.
man rights abuses or environmental de-
Ultimately, when we unite together, we
struction. We have always believed that
are stronger – and that’s the reason why
these issues are not only important in
Students’ Unions exist.
their own right, but also that as students with talent, energy and passion, we can
One of our most successful recent
really make a difference. That’s why our
campaigns is over teaching, and led to
societies’ campaigning spirit and initia-
We don’t just campaign alone – we
the Teaching Taskforce – a project that
tives like Raising and Giving (RAG) are so
are a member of NUS, who campaign
the Students’ Union worked on with the
effective and rewarding.
nationally and lobby the government.
School, and has seen £2m invested in
We are also part of the London Citizens
proposals to improve LSE teaching. These
Historically, it was the Students’ Union
network, who unite Schools, trade unions,
proposals came from the study body via
that fought to have Houghton Street
community groups and even religious
the Students’ Union, and we are looking
pedestrianised through mass sit-ins after
congregations to campaign across the
forward to making sure they continue to
a student was injured by a car. Many fa-
capital for things like a Living Wage, an
be implemented. We also lobbied the
cilities of the Library were also improved
amnesty for asylum seekers, and more.
School to open the Library 24 hours at key times – and, from this year, the Library will be open-all-hours from the beginning of Lent Term (second term) until the end of exams! Last year, when the future of the LSE Nursery was threatened, the Students’ Union united parents and non-parents to fight any potential closure, and improve the service. The Nursery was saved and is now a more effective and efficient operation. Traditionally, we have also represented our students as citizens of wider society – and, at an international place like LSE, as global citizens. We have always cam-
Thursdays 1PM, Old Theatre Part pantomime, part debating chamber
The weekly Union General Meeting
(UGM) is unique to the LSE Students’
Howard Davies, LSE’s Director, speaks
Union – we are the ONLY Students’ Union
to the UGM every term about what the
in the country that still has a weekly
School is up to, and then answers ques-
meeting where any student can pro-
tions from LSE students. He’s had a grilling
pose, speak on and vote for (or against!)
in the past from students on teaching,
improving the policy that shapes the
facilities and accommodation, and he’s
Union’s campaigns and ultimately the
even composed and sung songs to the
The UGM has been the scene of fierce de-
The NUS President, Wes Streeting, will also
bate for decades on everything from the
address students once a year, allowing
standard of teaching and the standard of
us to hold the leader of the national or-
sports facilities to the situation in Iraq – and
ganisation that speaks on our behalf to
even the situation in Neighbours!
account. See p63 for dates of Wes and
People of every political persuasion get
Howard’s appearances.
up and speak and you’ll be entertained by some of the top debaters in the
country going at it. Heckling, jokes and
Business Motions – normal policy motion.
banter are strongly encouraged!
Financial Motions – any motion requiring spending of Union funds. Discussed in
But the UGM does make a difference;
its 2nd week on the order paper.
policies passed at the UGM become
Amendments to the Codes of Practice
the campaigns run by the Union, and
– edit the main governing body of the
ultimately shape the way the School is
union. Discussed in its 5th week on the
run. When the Union passed policies to
order paper.
campaign for better teaching standards,
make comments on what we’re doing.
Union officers took those ideas to the
Following questions to all Students’ Union
Emergency Motions – motions on a
School, which eventually became a
Officers, The Beaver, Pulse, Loose and
situation that arises after 5pm on the
major part of the Teaching Taskforce
School Committee Representatives have
Monday. Must be submitted to the Gen-
that has seen £2 million invested in
their reports and then we go into the
eral Secretary by 1pm on the Thursday
improving teaching and learning. After
debate on policy.
(so just before the UGM), who will decide
a UGM policy calling for a Living Wage
whether it is genuinely an emergency!
for all LSE employees, the Union took
Amendments – these amend the mo-
that campaign to the School and after
The UGM has a Chair and Vice-Chair
tions put forward. You can submit them
protests, detailed policy papers and
elected at the start of term – the jobs
to the UGM Chair on paper by the end
lobbying, we won a Living Wage for LSE
are often compared to everything from
of the first speech against a motion, after
cleaners that will mean they are lifted
UN Peacekeeping to being a school
which the amendment will be debated
out of poverty. The UGM begins with
teacher! The Chair makes sure the meet-
and voted upon. If it passes, it becomes
reports from the Students’ Union Officers
ing runs smoothly, and the Vice-Chair
part of the main motion.
so that students can ask questions and
takes minutes.
C&S, F&S, NUS & ULU .. and other confusing acronyms
C&S The Constitutional and Steering Committee (C&S) sounds like a bore – but it’s actually quite important, honest! C&S oversees the Students’ Union Constitution and Codes of Practice, and makes sure everything we do is procedurally correct. This means checking motions before they get to UGM to see that they’re not illegal or against equal opportunities; advising the Executive Committee on constitutional matters; and helping the UGM Chair conduct the meeting. There are 7 members of C&S. They are often affectionately called the Seven Dwarves, but they do a pretty hard job! is currently also the An-Najah University
Twinning Taskforce to develop the links
The LSE Students’ Union is a member of
The Finance and Serices Committee
between our twin university in Palestine.
the National Union of Students (NUS). NUS is the national voice of students, and
(F&S) is made up of all the Sabbatical Officers, the Societies Officer, the Environ-
campaigns nationally as the voice of
ment & Ethics Officer as well as four
As LSE is a member of the University of
over 7 million students. NUS campaigns
lay members elected in the Lent Term
London, the Students’ Union is auto-
to fight for fairer funding for higher
elections. Its key responsibilities are to
matically a member of the University of
education, improve student welfare,
approve and amend societies’ budgets
London Union (ULU). The future of the
and strengthen Students’ Unions through
as well as keep a close eye on the ac-
University of London is uncertain, ergo
training and support. The NUS also has
counts of all of the Union’s commercial
so is the future of ULU. LSE has recently
autonomous Liberation Campaigns such
services. Essentially, if you’re a society
gained its own degree awarding pow-
as the Women’s Campaign. For just £10,
treasurer these are the people you’ve
ers, loosening the ties with UL even
you can buy an NUS Extra Card in the
got to charm if you want the benjamins.
Quad during your first week, which gives
For the time being, ULU is based in Malet
top stores. And that £10 goes partly back
Students’ Union Taskforces exist to involve
Street in Bloomsbury. It provides sports
to our local Students’ Union and partly to
as many students as possible in the run-
and societies for interests that can only
the National Union to fund campaigns
ning and planning of some really impor-
be catered for by pooling resources
and work to support students throughout
tant events or campaigns that we run.
across London, as well as UL-wide sports
the UK.
Taskforces can be created by students
leagues. The LSE Students’ Union also
through UGM motions, and are usually
develops links with other universities and
elected at UGM. See p47. Our amazing
colleges in both further and higher edu-
Global Week has a task-force, convened
cation across London that are not part
by the Communications Officer. There
of the University of London.
you student-only discounts at loads of
Interesting fact: the School even has a ‘Wine Selection Committee’!
Lay Governors (alumni or distinguished
highest level of School policy. If you think
Programme Representatives represent
figures who are not directly employed
you can put forward the student point-
students on particular courses to their
by the School but help decide its future).
of-view against the heavyweights of the
departments, and sit on Staff-Student
Current Governors include Cherie Booth
political, legal and financial world, then
Liaison Committees. Each department’s
QC (better known as Cherie Blair, wife
run for Court!
structure is different, with some Pro-
of Tony!), Shami Chakrabarti (Chair of
gramme Reps elected in large lecture
Liberty), Stelios Haji-Ioannou (founder of
theatres, and others elected via email.
Easyjet), Baroness Virginia Bottomley (for-
The highest academic committee in
Either way, they provide a valuable
mer Conservative minister), Lord Frank
the School, Academic Board is the most
service by giving students a say in how a
Judd (former Labour Minister, as well as
important body in the School regard-
Department and course is run, and they
former LSE Students’ Union Executive
ing issues to do with courses, teaching,
feed in concerns from the student body
member!) and Will Hutton (former Editor
learning and academic standards.
as they arrive.
of The Observer). The Chairman is cur-
Look out for information from your
rently Peter Sutherland (Chair of BP and
The Committee is chaired by the
Goldman Sachs).
School’s Director, Howard Davies, and
department at the start of your first
in theory all permanent academic staff
term if you think this is a role for you.
Every year, five students are elected in
can attend and vote – it is the UGM
Your Students’ Union will be supporting
the Michaelmas Term Elections to join
of academia! The General Secretary,
Programme Reps with training, advice
the General Secretary on the Court.
Education and Welfare Officer and Post-
and meetings throughout the year. If you
These are then Student Governors and
graduate Students’ Officer of the Stu-
think this is something you’d be interest-
have the full rights of other Governors –
dents’ Union sit on the committee along
ed in, and are interested in developing
so it’s a big deal! One of those elected
with 3 students elected in the Michael-
your skills through being a Course Rep,
to Court will also sit with the General
mas Term Elections, one of whom must
let us know!
Secretary on Council, LSE’s highest
be a postgraduate.
decision-making body. Nothing hap-
pens at the School in any department
Academic Board approved the Teach-
Students are represented on a number of
or area without it being approved by
ing Taskforce, a process initiated by the
committees throughout the School. These
Council first.
Students’ Union and which proposed
positions are elected in the Students’
a number of policies to affect teach-
Union Michaelmas Term Elections. Any
Student representatives on Court and
ing on which the Students’ Union had
student can stand and get the chance
Council have successfully put forward
campaigned after UGM motions. The
to represent students at the highest levels
the quality of teaching, ethical invest-
Academic Board agreed with every
of School decision-making. See p52
ment, a Living Wage and much more
single one of the recommendations, and
in recent times. A paper presented by
now £2 million will be put into improving
the Students’ Union this year has led to
your teaching!
Court of Governors is where, funnily
improvements on timetabling to keep
enough, the Governors of the School
more of Wednesday afternoons free
That alone should tell you how important
meet and discuss key strategic matters
for sports and other activities, and to
the Board is – so do consider running in
and policy areas. Members of Court
the School prioritising the Orientation
your first term if you have a passion for
include the Senior Management of
period at the start of the year. Students
improving teaching and learning for your
the School, Academic Governors and
Governors give students a voice at the
fellow students!
Have a say, get involved and make a difference.
• National Union of Students (5 Delegates)
LENT ELECTIONS • Paid Sabbatical Officers (General Secretary, Treasurer, Education and Welfare, and Communications) • Part-time Executive Officers • Constitutional and Steering Committee (C&S) • Finance and Services Committee (F&S) Elections matter. The Students’ Union has rules about campaigning, budgets, posters, etc to make sure the process is fair. There’s also a “Results Night” party to celcbrate all the hard work and announce the winners. Think LSE is perfect in every conceivable way? Fine - don’t vote. But if you think the School and the Students’ Union has room for improvement, elections are your Elections at LSE are many things to
Hustings at the UGM and in Halls and
chance to have a say. Students need
many people. For some, it’s a way to get
posters all over campus. Not everything
to have a legitimate and strong voice
involved with the Students’ Union and
about elections is old-fashioned, though;
to the School and the more people
improve LSE. For others, it might be the
students can find information about
who vote, the louder and more united
start of a career in politics.
candidate’s positions online and cast
that voice can be. Your representatives
votes online.
ultimately speak for you, so you have
Elections provide an opportunity for
an incentive to make sure the ones you
students to make their voices heard and
There are two rounds of Students’ Union
want get elected! The Students’ Union
express views on how the school and
Elections – the Michaelmas Term Elections
can only thrive with participation in its
Students’ Union should be run.
in Week 4 of Michaelmas Term and the
elections at every level – from Fresher to
Lent Term Elections in Week 8 of Lent Term.
PhD student.
amusing spectacle. For two days each
See you on Houghton Street!
term, Houghton Street turns into a swarm
• Postgraduate Students’ Officer
of budding politicians offering leaflets,
• General Course Representative
begging for votes, wearing costumes,
• Court of Governors (5 Student
holding signs, and pledging to improve
your student experience. You’ll see
• Academic Board (3 Representatives)
If nothing else, LSESU Elections are an
ENVIRONMENT & ETHICS Are you passionate about the environ-
their residences. This is often done via the
beginning of term – come and get
ment? Want a fairer world? Care about
Sustainable Champions and Environ-
your stationery cheaply!
human rights?
ment Officers on your Hall Committees.
• Environmental Management at the
Please contact your Hall Committee
Students’ Union – implementation of an
In this year’s People and Planet Green
or the E&E Officer if you want to get
Environmental Management System, in
League, LSE was awarded a first class
involved in your hall- it’s one of the best
order to make Green the norm.
award for environmental performance
ways to make a big difference.
and was ranked second overall. This is
Moreover, the School has a number of
fantastic progress from last year and
a reflection of the commitment of the
On-going campaigns and Projects include:
student body to environmental and ethi-
other brilliant projects, especially: • Reuse Scheme – donating unwanted
cal activism. That said, the single biggest
• Living Wage Campaign for cleaning
items at the end of term to charities,
thing that prevented us from being first
especially in halls.
in the league was the green status of
• Sustaining and expanding LSE’s status
• Zero Waste Project – phasing out
the Students’ Union itself - that is why this
as a Fair Trade University
plastic bottles and increasing recycling.
year a large part of the focus will be on
• 100% Renewable Energy Campaign
• The School has a comprehensive
Greening the Union by expanding recy-
• Plastic Free LSE
Environmental Policy at
cling, creating a proper environmental
• Ethical Investment policy- the subject
collections/environment, and strives to
policy, changing who we bank with and
of much controversy last year which saw
become more energy and resource
much more.
the LSE Not for Profit campaign highlight
the issue.
• Climate Change Action week , a
Here’s some projects in the pipeline:
Look out for the E&E Induction during
number of events and workshops,
• Roof gardening and vegetable beds
Freshers’ Festival, where you can learn
followed by participation in the annual
• Living Wage for cleaning staff in
about the E&E Societies, the E&E Forum,
National Climate Change demonstra-
and how to live sustainably and ethically
tions in December
• Get the LSE finally Plastic Free
in London.
• Environment and Ethics week , a
• Cheaper public transport
number of events and workshops, often
• Water fountains
organised by societies, in Week 2 of Lent
• Environmental Policy for the SU
The heart of the E&E campaigns are the
• Expanding recycling, especially in the
Students’ Union societies and the weekly
• Fair Trade Fortnight , campaigning for
Union Areas
E&E Forum. The E&E Forum meets weekly
fair trade, and run by People and Planet
• Making the new Union building as
and organises and coordinates cam-
Green as possible
paigns in working groups of interest, usu-
• Ethical Christmas Market
• The Hub- a co-ordination of all the
ally in collaboration with societies such
• Sustainable Consulting Student Group,
different events and societies in the
as People and Planet, Oikos London, the
which runs sustainability projects in coor-
Environmental/Ethical area
Green Party, Citizens for Social Justice
dination with the School
• … and whatever you can think of!
Projects in collaboration with the School
and many more. In halls, students sometimes run their own
E&E campaigns to make a difference to
• Reuse Sale of items left in Halls at the
Even the Tories are going green now...
LSE is pursuing a strict zero waste policy.
have recycling facilities. Recycling is a
There are simple ways to reduce waste:
great way to save resources and energy.
• Put a ‘hippo’ in your toilet (available
Watch out for labeled bins. Usually, the
from Thames Water), which can reduce
• Instead of plastic mugs, use a thermos
following items can be recycled, but it
needless water waste through flushing
mug for your hot drink.
differs in each London Boroughs:
by 1/3
• Instead of plastic bottles for water, use
• Only fill up a kettle to boil the amount
a reusable drink bottle. There are water
• Paper and Cardboard
you need (although make sure it is
fountains across campus where you can
• Glass
above the minimum amount specified
get water, like the one pictured. They
• Cans
on the kettle)
are sometimes hard to find but just ask.
• Plastic Bottles
Moreover, the tap water in London is safe
• All electrical items have
to drink. After all, why pay for water?
to be recycled according to EU legisla-
Each hall has Student Sustainabil-
• Instead of plastic bags, consider using
tion. Each hall has a container for broken
ity Champions. They help to promote
cotton bags.
electrical items you can use.
environmental awareness within the
• There are special bins for butts and
hall. Contact your Hall Committee or
used chewing gum.
the Environment and Ethics officer if you
• Use recycling facilities across the
Electricity is a luxury – two billion people
want to get involved.
campus. Fair Trade & ethical
do not have access to electricity. It’s pretty simple:
There are a wide range of Fair Trade products available in the Students’
• Switch off lights and equipment when
Union Shop and all catering outlets on
a room is not in use
campus. Fair Trade makes a difference
• Make sure the washing machine is full
to hundreds of thousands people world-
and wash your clothes at 30°C, which
wide. The Students’ Union Shop offers a
is the ‘Dark Colours’ setting at LSE Halls
wide range of recycled paper, and our
(almost all washing powders can handle
Print Shop uses 100% recycled paper.
this) • Turn off computers/laptops overnight.
Waste from leaving computers on
LSE Halls pursue a strict zero waste policy
overnight wastes an estimated £115m
according to the waste hierarchy:
and 700,000 tonnes C02, and it’s a myth that turning them off reduces their
• First Reduce…
lifespan! Some modern mother boards
• …Then Reuse…
still consume energy when the computer
• … and finally Recycle.
is shut down, so disconnect them from the mains
All Halls have a Reuse Scheme. Unwant-
• Only print something when you abso-
ed items can be donated at the end of
lutely have to, and try to format the font
term and are given to charities. Alter-
and layout to minimise the amount you
natively, you can take your unwanted
print. Make sure you use the double-
items directly to a Charity Shop. All Halls
sided printing facilities on many LSE
What is a Sabbatical you may ask? They
This year proposes to be one of the
The Communications Officer oversees
are elected annually to work full time
most memorable in recent times. With
the Media Group, publications (like this
for you for the following year. They can
changes made over the past 12 months,
very booklet!), the Students’ Union web-
be found in the Kingsley Rooms in the
the Union is now in a better position to
site, advertising, marketing and cam-
corner The Quad working feverishly hard
support and further each student’s own
paigns. With a specialty in banter and
for your benefit, hopefully! If you wish to
development. They are to work for you,
all things sport, particularly football, drop
hold them to account just peer through
so make sure they are up to scratch
me an email and we can start commu-
one of their many windows or come in.
each week at the UGM.
nicating (see what I did there…).
According to fictional coke baron,
They call me the ‘Big Daddy’, ‘Cam-
Surprisingly I’m exactly the kind of per-
Tony Montana, “first you get the money,
paigner-in-Chief’, and ‘El Capitano’,
son you really do want to see. I’m here if
then you get the power, then you get
anything but the title of ‘President’ which
you need any help, advice or guidance.
the women”. Although the women
I crave. I’m the public face of our Union,
The Education and Welfare Officer looks
are unlikely to materialise, with overall
the go-to-guy for the School when
after our high quality Advice and Coun-
responsibility for our services, society
you’ve got up to mischief, and Chair the
selling Centre, and represents students
budgets and environmental objectives,
Executive Committee. Just re-elected, I
to the School on most educational and
the Treasurer certainly has the power.
can help you with anything!
welfare matters.
EXECUTIVE COMMITEE These officers are volunteers who, with Sabbaticals, are the legally responsible trustees of the Students’ Union
The Executive Committee meets every week during term times. The meetings are open to all students and everyone
has speaking rights. Represents General Course students to
Represents Postgraduates to the Students’
These Officers are volunteers who, with
the Students’ Union & School. Provides ser-
Union and School. Campaigns for improve-
the Sabbaticals, are the legally respon-
vices specifically aimed at Gen Coursers.
ments to the provision of academic and
sible trustees of the Students’ Union.
Helps integrate GenCourse students.
social development for Postgraduates.
Ensures the welfare and representation
Advises and aids International Students.
Campaigns against discrimination based
of Mature and Part Time Students. Liaises
Represents the views of International Stu-
on race, religion or nationality and
with the EdWelfare Officer on academic
dents to the Students’ Union Executive
supports students who have been the
and welfare issues.
and the School. Coordinates Global Week.
victims of racism.
Represents the welfare of every one of
Represents students with disabilities, well-
Represents female students within the
the 3,000 LSE students at LSE and Univer-
being issues or illness. Works with the LSE
Union to ensure equality. Runs campaigns
sity of London Intercollegiate Halls. Sup-
Disability & Wellbeing Office and Circles
on issues that are important to female
ports students in private accommodation.
(the staff-student disabilities network).
students and builds links of solidarity.
Provides support and guidance to help
Coordinates the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
Runs Students’ Union elections, ensur-
societies work more effectively and
and Transgender (LGBT) campaign to
ing that the rules and regulations are
make the most of the Students’ Union.
tackle homophobia and defend, extend
observed by candidates. Adjudicates on
Runs societies inductions and training.
and deepen the rights of LGBT students.
any disputes or appeals.
Campaigns on issues of ecology, social
Coordinates sports activities. Chairs the
justice, peace and solidarity. Works with
Athletics Union Executive and represents
LSE’s sustainability initiatives in Students’
all sports clubs and their members to the
Union and LSE premises.
Students’ Union and the School.
What is LSE, History, Getting around, Big Wigs
WHAT IS LSE? The London Stock Exchange?
LSE is often referred to as ‘the School’ by its students. This will probably confuse your friends at other universities, who refer to ‘the university’ or ‘the college’, and might assume you are living in the past somewhat. LSE is a social sciences institution renowned for its research and teaching. Officially, it is a specialist single-faculty constituent college of the University of London, making it one of a kind in the UK. Until recently, LSE awarded degrees in the name of the University of London but, from 2008 onwards, it now awards its own degrees. The School is a member of the Russell Group, the top 20 research institutions in the UK, and the unofficial ‘G5’ of British universities (the institutions that regularly finish in the Top 5 of League Tables). In examples of recent league tables, LSE was named the world’s 3rd best social
postgraduate ( 52.9 % in 2008-9 to be
students hail from Africa – something
sciences institution. While league tables
exact). In total, 70% of LSE students come
the School is trying to improve – and an
undoubtedly have problems of method-
from outside the UK ( 51 % from outside
even smaller proportion are from Wales
ology and receive a lot of criticism, they
the EU). Last year, female students ( 53 %)
(although it is unclear whether the
can used to wow friends and family, and
narrowly outnumbered male students.
School is going to remedy this).
LSE offers an incredible public lectures
to win arguments. As for its students, the average undergraduate course at LSE has around 17 applicants for 1 place, although many are even more competitive. The top 10 employers of LSE graduates are mainly
programme throughout the year, so watch out for Heads of State or Government, top politicians, the biggest names in business, finance and economics and academics of the highest calibre who
investment banks, consultancy groups,
The largest single group of LSE students
speak regularly at LSE. If you ever see an
accounting firms, law firms and interna-
in terms of nationality are students from
expensive entourage of vehicles or a
tional organisations.
the UK (second place goes to the USA),
gathering of people with placards and
although at points LSE has more coun-
banners ready for a protest, it usually
LSE’s student population of around
tries represented among its students
means somebody important or contro-
9000 full-time students is generally 50%
than the UN. Sadly, only 2 % of LSE’s
versial is going to speak.
Political influence, protest and Peace Prize winners...
The modify the old phrase to know where you’re going to study, you have to know where it’s been! This is a quick history of LSE that was definitely not stolen from Wikipedia… In October 1895, the Fabian Society, a group of reformist socialists who believed that education was at the heart of transition to a fairer society, set up an institution called the London School of Economics and Political Science to promote research into the major social, economic and political problems of the day. Making the decision apparently on a whim at a breakfast party on August 4th 1894, and with the help of a £20,000 bequest from Henry Hunt Hutchinson, leading Fabians George Bernard Shaw (writer and Nobel Laureate), Sidney and Beatrice Webb, and Graham Wallas set up the School. By 1900, it joined the University of London as the Faculty of Economics and, from 1902, it began to issue degrees. LSE originally occupied Number 9, John Street, Adelphi Terrace, and operated as a night-school to provide higher education for working-class people who would otherwise not benefit from such an education. The British Library of Political and Economic Science (BLPES) was built at Number 10 Adelphi Terrace in 1896, and new buildings were constantly added by Shaw until 1902, when LSE outgrew its
Noting the stagnation of research and
nomics initially Geography in 1902, then
humble surroundings and moved to its
teaching for the economic and political
Philosophy (1903). Under Director William
present location. By this point, LSE had
elite of the country at the time, and
Beveridge (later pioneer of the National
already been the scene of momentous
modeling themselves on the coverage
Health Service, the NHS) in the 1920s, LSE
events, especially the founding of the
of social sciences in the curriculum at
expanded further. The Old Building was
Suffragettes Movement for womens suf-
the Sciences Po in Paris, the Fabians
built and opened in 1922, and remains
frage and liberation.
expanded into subjects beyond Eco-
as LSE’s main building today. In fact,
some LSE buildings are much older, in-
After a week long sit-in of hundreds of
at LSE, including John F. Kennedy, Kwame
cluding St Philips Building (1903, originally
students and particularly a hunger strike
Nkrumah (first black African Head of
the Strand Union Workhouse), the Library
of around 100, the LSE gave in, and
State or Government) and Clement At-
(1916, originally a warehouse), Aldwych
removed the suspensions on Adelstein
tlee (British Prime Minister after World War
House and some buildings on the ‘Island
and Bloom.
Two). 28 current British MPs and 42 Lords
Site’ opposite the St. Philips Buildings are from the Nineteenth Century!
are LSE alumni. Business and financial But 1968-9 would see more protests
leaders like George Soros, Mervyn King
against Adams. Adams erected a
(Bank of England Governor) and Stelios
Beveridge hired Friedrich von Hayek as
security gate at the front of LSE, which
Haji-Ioannou (Easyjet founder) once sat in
a Professor, and the Nobel Laureate’s
students tore down in mass riots. This led
the same lecture theatres and class-
debates with Maynard Keynes were the
to the School being closed for three
rooms that you will soon fall asleep/learn
central economic clashes of the time,
weeks. Riots, sit-ins, occupations and
in. Cherie Booth QC (wife of Tony Blair) is
defining the development of contem-
other forms of mass protest received in-
one of many leading legal figures among
porary economics as a discipline. At the
ternational attention. Since then, LSE has
LSE graduates, along with Charles Web-
same time, LSE continued its socialist
continued to expand, with the building
ster, one of the founders of the UN. LSE’s
tradition with leading left-wing academ-
of the Towers, and now has around 9,000
most famous philosopher is arguably Karl
ics, like Harold Joseph Laski.
full-time students. The Summer School
Popper, who in fact founded the Depart-
was set up in 1989, and numerous aca-
ment here, although one could argue this
demic projects have proliferated since.
has caused more problems than it has
In the 1960s, LSE continued to expand with the building of the Clare Market Building and major rebuilding work on the St Clements Building. Meanwhile, LSE’s socialist tradition clashed with the wishes of successive Directors, who took a rigid line against student protest. Protest escalated until 1967 and the famous events of 1968 and 1969.
solved (Philosophy students: get used to
Popper’s problem of induction, and bad jokes loosely related to it). Other famous alumni include Shami Chakrabarti (Director of Liberty, the human rights NGO), Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones (who was very able, and an invite is still out for his return), WWE
In 1967, David Adelstein, Students’ Union
Today, LSE is the world’s leading social
wrestler Val Venus and TV naturalist Sir
President, and Marshall Bloom, President
sciences institution, and has a huge influ-
David Attenborough. In fiction, West
of the Graduate Students’ Association,
ence in almost all areas of politics and
Wing President Jed Barlett has a PhD
were suspended for protesting against
economics most recently, on climate
from LSE. Recently, even Monica Lewin-
the appointment of Director Walter
change with Prof. Lord Stern and his
sky did a Master’s here!
Adams, during which time an LSE Porter
Stern Report on Climate Change, and
died of a heart at attack (caused
on ID cards, where research into its costs
Overall, LSE boasts 14 Nobel Prize Win-
presumably by over-excitement at
and disadvantages has provoked wide-
ners including Amartya Sen, Friedrich
the sit-in protests). Adams, as head of
spread attention.
von Hayek and Bertrand Russell. It might
a university in white-ruled Rhodesia
seem hard to believe, but you too will
(before it became Zimbabwe), was con-
meet people who will go on to change
sidered by many to be complicit with
In the world of politics, 32 international
the world.
the racial policies of the Smith regime.
Heads of State or Government studied
The hidden secrets of the LSE campus. Use these wisely...
LSE is a collection of odd buildings in
Each room at LSE has a number: even
out in September every year, so make
central London. LSE’s student popula-
the toilets. Rooms are identified with the
sure you clear out your stuff beforehand.
tion has grown incredibly over the past
letter of the building it is in (e.g. A) and
few years, and it is a constant struggle
a number which indicates the floor and
You use these lockers at your own risk.
to acquire the real estate necessary to
room. 1-99 are on the ground floor, 0-099
They are not high quality lockers and are
house everybody. It’s an urban university
on the basement level and 100-199
often broken into. Our advice is to avoid
so space is at a premium don’t expect
on the first floor, etc. Some rooms have
storing anything valuable like laptops
any idyllic Oxbridge surroundings. Do
names instead of numbers (e.g. OT is the
or your year’s notes in them. There are
expect some nice new buildings, some
Old Theatre). You’ll soon get used to it.
also day lockers for short-term use. They
wheelchair inaccessible buildings and a
Check the map at the back of this guide
require a one pound deposit and if you
few crumbling shacks that are going to
for a full map of campus, including
leave belongings in there overnight, they
be knocked down soon.
which doors are wheelchair accessible.
may be cleared out.
All the buildings have names and letters.
The names are sometimes descriptive
There are a few thousand lockers at LSE,
Skybridges are a useful way to get
(Old and East), sometimes historical and
most of which are located in the base-
around LSE. With an Indiana Jones style
some times downright confusing (we
ment of the Old Building. They are free to
leap of faith you can be whisked from
have a St. Clement’s and a Clement
use: you just need to find a free one and
one building to another without improv-
House, for example). The letters are short-
supply your own padlock (for sale at the
ing your tan. They also provide a way of
hand abbreviations of these names.
Students’ Union Shop). They are cleared
accessing buildings during evenings and
weekends, when most School buildings
• Vera Ansey Suite convenient location.
them. This is why they are still marked sec-
shut their main doors.
Frequented by the LSE ‘big wigs’ who
ondarily as for “Women” and “Men”. At
have meetings in the room next door.
present, LSE has no Gender Neutral Toilets.
Here are all the bridges at LSE:
• Clement House toilets - usually nice.
Contact Education and Welfare Officer,
• Old Building 3rd Floor to East Building
• NAB toilets
Emmanuel Akpan-Inwang if you would
4th Floor
like to add your voice to the campaign
• Old Building 4th Floor to St Clement’s
of GNTs at LSE. Go to
5th Floor
Gender Neutral Toilets are a safe space
for a map of GNTs across the UK.
• Old Building 2nd Floor to Connaught
for transgender people and people who
House 2nd Floor
are gender-undefined. Whether for trans-
• Old Building 5th Floor to Connaught
sexual people who may still look ambigu-
LSE also has a few showers, incase you
House 6th Floor
ous during transition, or for those who do
need to freshen up. Again, they are a
• Clare Market Building to St Clement’s
not conform to the gender stereotypes
bit of a minefield but luckily the worst
of their self-identified gender or their birth
shower room (near the East Building
• St Clement’s Building to the Library:
sex, Gender Neutral Toilets are provided
gym) will be refur bished by October.
this is one of the nicest, but for most
as a safe environ ment which is free of
students one of the least useful bridges.
harassment that may not be available
Here’s a full list:
It connects St Clement’s Building to the
in gender-specific toilets. There are no
• Old Building basement
Lionel Robbins Building, but only the
criteria for using GNTs. You do not have
• East Building 1st Floor
research bit. However, it is quite a nice
to be trans or gender-undefined to use
• Lakatos Building basement
bridge with stools and tables which some people use for studying.
TOILETS Toilets,‘restrooms’ or loos will become familiar places to you during your time at LSE. They are of variable quality and usually reflect the state of the building itself. Here’s our guide to how to avoid a nasty experience when you’re doing your business. Worst: • Basement of the Old Building hot, smelly and overused. • Library toilets avoid, especially on a Bank Holiday. Best: • Basement of The Lakatos Building a real executive suite.
ACCESSIBILITY Physical accessibility around the LSE varies a great deal, due to the rather labyrinthine buildings, but keeps improving each year – partly thanks to proactive students with disabilities. You can contribute to this process through the School’s Disability & Diversity Consultative Forum, held once a term. Although most buildings are accessible, routes are sometimes neither direct nor convenient and access to toilets varies from building to building. There more useful details about accessibility on the Disability Office website. Rather than repeat these, I’ll concentrate on access to some useful places to know straight away, so you can enjoy more of the initial freshers’ experiences. See p143 for an LSE accessibility map.
THE GARRICK The accessible entrance is on the corner and a lift is located at the other end of
wheelchair but its friendly staff are willing
the building.
to help, or you can ring the assistance
Access for people with limited mobil-
bell outside the main entrance on
ity/ wheelchairs is via the Clare Market
Houghton Street.
Building (C) lift (through main entrance,
THE QUAD This is the Students’ Union run café and
between Three Tuns and Students’ Union
at night becomes a venue for various
Shop) to basement. A disabled toilet is
events, like Fresh on Fridays. Access for
Alpha Book are not wheelchair acces-
located with other toilets in basement
people with limited mobility/wheelchairs
sible, but ask the Students’ Union Help
is via the East Building (E) lift (right of
Desk to phone through for someone to
Students’ Union Help Desk) to basement,
come to you.
then turn left and go through double
BUT I’M NOT DISABLED... Accessibility is an issue everyone should
be aware of. Lifts are in short supply at LSE,
The main LSE bar has level access at the
so please give priority to wheelchair users.
main Houghton Street entrance and a
If you can, take the stairs. Be considerate:
See details for The Quad for lower level.
disabled toilet at the back with other
small things like opening doors for your
The shop is difficult to get round in by
fellow students goes a long way.
The big glass fronted area opposite Wa-
about any aspect of student life at LSE,
your graduation ceremonies (should you
terstones is called the Student Services
and will direct you to the appropriate
Centre (SSC) – and it could be very im-
facilities that you need. They look after
portant to your life at LSE. The SSC houses
the Student Mentoring Scheme and the
a range of different divisions who deal
Student Progress Panel, which will decide
with applications, fees, registration and
on your progress if you do not automati-
If you ever have a specific issue or
progression, meaning basically anything
cally progress to the next year/ stage of
problem that you want to seek informal
and everything to do with your degree.
study (i.e. if you fail a course or several
advice on before seeking professional
courses, or did not complete a course
help, there are the Advisers to Women
Registration and Assessment – works to
requirement). See their website for more
and Male Students.
maintain your student record at LSE, from
the moment you register, to your course
The current advisers are:
choices and ultimately to your results. Its
sscAdviceReception. htm.
• Dr Shani Orgad (,
main contacts are:
room S110 (1st Floor, St. Clements BuildFinancial Support Office (financialsup-
ing) - Adviser to Women Students
• Undergraduate course queries: – give advice on awards
• Dr Matthew Engelke (m.engelke@lse.
and scholarships, and provide guidance, room A609 (6th Floor, Old Build-
• Graduate course queries:
to anyone experiencing hardship.
ing) - Adviser to Male Students
• Result queries:
Visa Office ( – as-
They will deal with any contact in the
sists international students with any visa
strictest of confidence, and, if necessary,
• Documentation requests:
will assist you in gaining any additional
help. They deal with gender-specific as Exam and Ceremonies Division (ex-
SSC Advice and Reception Team – or ceremonies@
deal with general or specific enquiries – timetable exams and run
well as general issues.
Finance, law and consultancy firms are,
It is a grand ceremony and you need to
LSE’s Chaplaincy is the guardian of all
inevitably, the most prominent recruit-
hire robes to attend. Your LSE experience
things spiritual on campus. Although it
ers on campus, but the Careers Service
need not end there, though. The Alumni
features Christian clergy, it caters for a
works hard to attract other organisations
Relations Office will keep in touch with
number of inter-faith initiatives at LSE,
to campus. It organises the International
you, sending you the LSE Magazine and
and is open to people of all faiths and
Organisations Day - the first event of its
giving you the occasional phone call.
none. Chaplains will speak to you in
kind - which showcased opportunities in
LSE has an active alumni community,
confidence about any matter – spiritual,
organisations such as the UN and World
with groups ranging from the Jamaican
academic, personal – and give informal
Bank. However, public and third sector
Alumni Group to the Environmental
help and advice. While they do organise
firms have limited recruitment budgets,
Initiatives Network. The LSE alumni com-
some Christian services, like morning
so don’t expect to see them giving
munity is an impressive one: lawyers,
prayer sessions and Eucharist, they also
away smoothies on Houghton St.
politicians, bankers and celebrities form
run small lecture series on a variety of
a massive worldwide network which you
topics, social events and tours to historic
If investment banking or law doesn’t
will be part of. You just need to pass your
and spiritual locations in the city.
appeal to you, then be prepared to
exams first.
actively seek out opportunities, plug your There are currently three Chaplains at LSE:
contacts and receive multiple rejection
The Alumni Office also host plenty of
• Reverend David Peebles (Anglican)
letters. The Careers Service is also home
events and reunions for alumni to attend,
• Fr Iain Matthew OCD (Catholic)
to the LSE Job Shop for part-time vacan-
with a special programme for Graduates
• Rev John Scott (United Reform Church)
cies and the Volunteer Centre. See p100
of the Last Decade (GOLD). Every LSE
•Fr Alexander Fostiropoulos (Orthodox)
student also gets lifelong library mem-
bership with borrowing rights, should you
Rev David Peebles is the full-time Chap-
Graduation at LSE happens in July and
find yourself with an urge to borrow that
lain. Above all, David is a very nice guy
December (for twelve month taught
Microeconomics and Behaviour book
who knows a lot about LSE and living
postgraduates and some PhD students).
one last time.
in London. If you ever feel the need for some completely hassle-free advice, go and see David in G9 (Ground Floor, 20 Kingsway Building) for a chat!
CAREERS SERVICE LSE has an excellent, and very popular, careers service. The reputation of LSE students as career-focused is not without foundation: LSE students have some of the highest starting salaries of any graduates in the world. The Careers Service aims to cater to this demand with a series of careers fairs, online resources and one-to-one sessions.
THE BIG WIGS and policy areas. Members of Court include the Senior Management of the School, Academic Governors and Lay Governors (former alumni or distinguished figures who are not directly employed by the School but help decide its future). Current Governors include Cherie Booth QC (better known as Cherie Blair, wife of Tony!), Shami Chakrabarti (Chair of Liberty), Loyd Grossman (TV chef), Stelios HajiIoannou (founder of Easyjet), Baroness Virginia Bottomley (former Conservative minister), Lord Frank Judd (former Labour LSE always has to be different – and that
Pro-Director for Research and External
Minister, as well as former LSE Students’
goes for its governance and structure, too.
Union Executive member!) and Will Hut-
The top position at LSE is called the
After that, you get down to Directors
Chairman is currently Peter Sutherland
Director, currently Howard Davies (previ-
of particular administrative divisions,
(Chair of BP and Goldman Sachs ).
ously Deputy Governor of the Bank of
like Director of Finance and Facilities
England). At other universities, this is usu-
Andy Farrell, Secretary and Director of
In the academic world, the highest
ally called Vice-Chancellor. The Director
Administration Adrian Hall, and Librarian
body is the Academic Board, which
oversees the entire strategic direction of
and Director of IT Services Jean Sykes
reports to and is chaired by the Director,
the School, and is its public face.
(the three of these are also menacingly
and discusses issues to do with courses,
referred to as ‘The Triumvirate’).
teaching, learning and academic
ton (former Editor of The Observer). The
Howard Davies, LSE Director, colloquially
standards. In theory, all permanent
known as ‘Howie D’, appears at a UGM
The day-to-day running of the School is
academic staff can attend and vote
every term to be grilled by the students
done largely by the Director’s Manage-
– it’s the UGM of academia! Under all
he serves – so come along to ask him
ment Team (the DMT), made up of the
of these big committees are scores of
any question you want!
Director, the Pro-Directors, the Director of
standing committees, advisory groups
Finance and Facilities, and the Secretary
and ad hoc committees. There’s even a
and Director of Administration.
Wine Selection Advisory Group, although
Beneath the Director are the three ProDirectors or Deputy Directors, each with
its meetings and membership remain a
a specific responsibility (other institutions
have Pro-Vice-Chancellors or Deputy
The highest decision-making body of the
Vice-Chancellors). Currently, they are:
School is called Council - nothing hap-
Rest assured, the Students’ Union and
pens at the School in any department or
student representatives sit on almost
• Professor George Gaskell –
area without it being approved by Coun-
every committee, however small, and we
Pro-Director for Planning and Resources
cil first. Council’s membership comes from
will work as hard as possible to unwrap
• Professor Janet Hartley –
the Court of Governors where, funnily
the puzzle that is LSE and report back
Pro-Director for Teaching and Learning
enough, the Governors of the School
what happens to our students!
• Professor Sarah Worthington –
meet and discuss key strategic matters
mystery to students!
Your degree, Teaching, Assessment, Plagiarism, Help and Support
YOUR DEGREE Ideas of spending the first term locked
of study. For more information please see
in the library emerging into the light of
You will take 4 units each year, for three
day only to grab a cup of coffee from
years. In your first year, your three best
the Quad are as unrealistic as they are
marks will be averaged to produce a
inefficient. Equally the strategy of exces-
mark for your first year, which counts as
The scale for marks awarded in a Mas-
sive snakebite consumption combined
one whole unit. This will count towards
ter’s programme is as follows:
with 4 weeks of returning to halls only
your final degree classification.
0 - x% Bad Fail
when the sun has risen is also academi-
(x +1)49% Fail
cally ineffective. It’s best to find a happy
• For first class honours you will need five
50 - 59% Pass
medium between the two. Tempting as it
first class marks; or four first class marks
60 - 69% Merit
is to blow your student loan on amassing
and an aggregate of at least 590
70% and over Distinction
textbooks, experience indicates that ap-
• For upper second class honours you
proach often leads only to disillusionment.
will need five upper second class marks
The value of x depends on the Depart-
(or above); or four upper second class
ment or Institute in which you are studying.
Week seven burn out is a common
marks (or above) and an aggregate of
phenomenon. Having worked solidly
at least 515
through the term students often find that
• For lower second class honours you
Students initially apply for an MPhil/PhD
by this point they have failed to develop
will need Five lower second class marks
before being upgraded to a pure PhD
any sort of life outside of the classroom
(or above); or four lower second class
student. The student has a supervisor
and therefore have no place to rest their
marks (or above) and an aggregate of
who oversees the development of the
weary minds. Academic failure often
at least 440
research. It involves submitting a thesis of
ensues. In short, strike a balance!
• For third class honours you will need
maximum 100,000 words, which is exam-
Eight third class marks (or above)
ined by 2 academics, who also have an
Taught students take courses adding up
• A pass degree will only be awarded as
oral examination of the candidate. If the
to the value of 4 units each year. Most
a result of the application of the penalty
candidate is successful, they become a
courses are worth a full unit, some are
rules. For more information regarding
Doctor; if the candidate does well in the
half unit courses. Assessment is usually
the rules and regulations for BSc and BA
oral examination, amendments to their
through unseen examination, sometimes
degrees please go to
thesis can be made if it wasn’t quite
with a coursework element. Marks are
resources/ schoolRegulations/BA-
satisfactory; in some cases, the candi-
given out of 100 for each course.
date may be asked to re-submit their
Exams, coursework and even unassessed
oral examination; and if they don’t think
essays are usually awarded a numerical
The rules and regulations are slightly dif-
it was really up to PhD level, you can be
mark based on the following scale:
ferent for the LLB. For more information on
considered for an MPhil, or simply be
First Class Honours 70 - 100
the Bachelor of Law Degree please go
failed com pletely. Many PhD students
Upper Second Class Honours 60 - 69
to school
are also Graduate Teaching Assistants
Lower Second Class Honours 50 - 59
(GTAs) who teach undergraduates.
thesis within 18 months, or take another
Third Class Honours 45 - 49 Pass 40 - 44
Fail 30 - 39
The regulations for Master’s Degrees
Bad Fail 0 – 29
differ and depend on your programme
Graduate Teaching Assistant. Silences
sented with or directed to a document
Each course unit is usually taught by lec-
tend not to go unnoticed and students
entitled ‘Course reading list’. Although
turers and then consolidated by smaller
are expected to make regular contribu-
you should not disregard its contents, you
classes. Lectures are an opportunity for
tions. Absence from two consecutive
should treat it with a great caution. Don’t
you to listen to an academic, take notes
classes will elicit an e-mail which will be
try and plough through every single item
and then work on the material on your
sent to you and your tutor.
on the list; there’s not enough time. The
own later or discuss it in class. Although
key material that you will need for your
the lectures are not compulsory it is a
course is usually found in two or three
good idea (as anyone who has realised
Seminars are usually larger and longer
books, articles or journals. Identifying
how short the Easter holidays can
than classes, lasting between 1 1/2 and
these may prove to be a problem. Some
become when catching up) to at least
2 hours. These sessions are more of a fo-
lecturers will have been kind enough to
attempt to go to most of them. Lectures
rum for an exchange of ideas, under the
highlight these ‘core texts’ on the reading
at LSE are given to between 50 and 1000
guidance of a lecturer who specialises
lists whereas others will unhelpfully re-
students at a time!
in the line of study. They often begin with
spond to enquiries into essential reading
the Lecturer speaking for an extended
with ‘consult your reading list’. You can
period followed by an interactive discus-
alternatively employ the common sense
Classes are less formal and on average
sion pursuing the line of thought that the
approach; don’t read a comprehensive
there are 10 – 15 people per class. At LSE
Lecturer has laid out.
three volume work on a subject if a 100
the classes are less about receiving new
page overview is available. If you do
information and more about discuss-
have to consult longer texts, use them
ing your ideas and opinions with other
At the first lecture, class or seminar for
selectively as it is often enough to get the
students which is often facilitated by a
each of your courses you will be pre-
idea of an author’s argument.
this arrangement knowing that they
classes are usually facilitated by Gradu-
Every student is assigned an Academic
can approach their tutor at any time
ate Teaching Assistants (GTA’s) whereas
Advisor at the beginning of the year.
should anything arise. Some tutors seem
graduate students often receive both
Your tutor (in theory) is available for
unaware of who their tutees are. There
from an academic. However all aca-
any advice or problems be they of an
are mixed opinions as to whether the
demics have an office hour which is an
academic or personal nature and to
tutor should be an academic advisor or
opportunity for you to go and speak to
refer you, as necessary, to the appropri-
not. Nevertheless, if a good relationship is
them face to face about anything you
ate support agencies within the School.
built up between tutor and tutee it is of
want to discuss in regards to the course.
Your Academic Advisor should maintain
real benefit to students.
regular contact with you through direct one-to-one meetings and other means
Last year the LSE set up a Teaching Task
In the academic world as it relates
of communication, such as emails, in or-
Force which looked at the role of Tutors,
to students, the Deans are kings and
der to keep a check on your academic
how much contact time students had,
queens. Well, sort of – they are the top
progress. The number and nature of
as well as having ‘volunteer only’ tutors.
people to whom problems and issues
the meetings vary from department to
As a result of this over the next few years
of student progress and conduct are
department. Your tutor is also responsible
the role of tutors is going to be adapted
reported. Students can appeal to the
for informing the departmental tutor and
to better suit student needs. If you are
Deans if they feel they have extreme
School if they feel your attendance or
dissatisfied with your Academic Advi-
difficulties, and they are available at all
progress is unsatisfactory so if you have
sor or find them unapproachable, you
times to listen to any student prob-
any problems which may affect either
can change them by contacting your
lems. In a sense, the Deans are like the
of these it is advisable that you see your
departmental tutor at undergraduate
ultimate Personal Tutors, as they are a
Academic Advisor as soon as possible.
level or your programme administrator at
supplementary assistance to your own
They also comment on and provide a
postgraduate level.
academic advisors and departmental
general assessment of your termly class reports via LSEforYou.
conveners – they are the highest posi-
tions that deal with the School’s relations
LSE’s academics are at the cutting edge
with individual students, and deal with a
of the social sciences; influencing opin-
wide range of academic and pastoral
ion, helping shape society and sparking
debate. They are frequently called upon to advise governments and international
The Dean of Undergraduate Studies is
organisations and provide an education
Dr. Jan Stockdale (,
grounded in the real world. LSE has in-
who can be found in room A203 (2nd
The benefit one gains from this is de-
ternationally renowned experts in many
floor of the Old Building). The Dean of
pendent on the tutor’s commitments.
areas and fields of study all contributing
Graduate Studies is Dr. Julian Fulbrook
Many tutors will ensure that they meet
to wider debate through various media.
(, who lives in room
with their tutees regularly and discuss a
Academics at LSE frequently publish
A203. The Associate Dean for the Gen-
range of issues with them over coffee.
books many of which may appear on
eral Course is Mark Hoffman (gc.dean@
Other tutors see meeting once a term
your reading list and may be available, available in room A201. You
as sufficient and may sit down with their
in The Economists Bookshop upon their
can contact them separately or go
tutees to discuss their termly reports with
release. Undergraduate students tend
to see them during their office hours,
them. Some students are satisfied with
to receive lectures from academics but
displayed outside their offices.
of the Staff-Student Liaison Committee
At LSE there are 23 academic depart-
and the nomination of a representative
Student Staff Liaison Committees are
ments and interdisciplinary institutes.
to the School’s Undergraduate Students’
termly meetings arranged by depart-
Each of them has a convener who holds
Consultative Forum as well as providing
mental tutors and are responsible for
the position for three years. Your supervi-
a direct channel of communication be-
overseeing the nominations and elec-
sor is there to advise you on course se-
tween the School and any student who
tions of student representatives both to
lection and will monitor your academic
is encountering academic or pastoral
the departmental SSLC and the School
achievement throughout the year. Your
difficulties. If you wish to take a course
level undergraduate student forum.
supervisor is the first point of contact for
outside your degree regulations or trans-
Departments organise these differently
any academic or personal advice.
fer to another degree your departmen-
depending on their size.
tal tutor will have to agree it first. Each department has a departmental
For example the Economics Department
manager who can help you with matters
can vote directly for candidates to rep-
relating to your degree programme
Most departments have a room for use
resent their interests in elections that take
and the courses offered.
by their students for study and discus-
place early in the Michaelmas Term and
sion, but these rooms are often used for
are held electronically. SSLC meetings
teaching and meetings. The Students’
are an opportunity for students to discuss
Undergraduates belong to one of 21
Union believes more social space and
all aspects of undergraduate teaching
academic departments at LSE. If you are
common rooms are needed at LSE. If
such as the quality of teaching in lec-
following a ‘joint’ degree, for example
your department doesn’t have a com-
tures and classes, Library and IT services
the BSc in Government and Econom-
mon room, speak to the Education &
and anything else that staff or students
ics, you will be allocated to one of the
Welfare Officer so we can make your
wish to raise. Feedback is an important
two departments, normally the first
voice heard.
part of this process and completing the
mentioned in the title. All departments
‘feedback loop’ is an important part of
have a course convener who normally
the departmental tutor’s role.
holds office for a period of three years. In addition each department has a
Departmental Tutor, who in addition to
Most departments, usually near the
your tutor can provide advice on more
beginning of the year, hold some sort of
complex academic and personal issues.
social event. This is an opportunity for you to meet and mingle with Academics
Your departmental tutor is there to
researchers, staff and other students in
provide departmental induction pro-
your department in an informal setting.
grammes for new and continuing students. They also monitor the academic
There is usually food and subsidised
and pastoral care provided by mem-
drinks on offer so it is well worth attend-
bers of their department, including the
ing. Be wary of drinking too much at
provision of reasonable adjustments for
these events though, as telling a profes-
students with disabilities. The fundamen-
sor in no uncertain terms exactly what
tal responsibilities of departmental tutors
you think of the quality of their lectures
are to arrange regular termly meetings
may not go down well.
of Michaelmas term). You may not be
sets as soon as possible rather than
One of the meanings for essay in the
excellent at writing essays from the start
waiting until 2 hours before it’s due in to
dictionary is ‘to attempt’. As essay is an
- this is quite normal. But with plenty of
begin reading the chapter that you will
attempt to communicate and argu-
practice and feedback on your writing
need to answer it. Although they are the
ment or knowledge of a subject matter
in the formal academic style you may
bane of many a student’s life at LSE they
to the reader. The mark you receive for
find you become a lot better. The LSE
often count as part of your final grade
an essay is not a reflection of your intel-
Teaching and Learning Centre provides
for that course.
ligence but rather your ability to com-
sessions on Essay and Dissertation writing.
municate your knowledge effectively.
Essays are a good way to learn. The
process of writing will help you clarify
You will also be expected to give
coursework both online via Moodle so
your thoughts on a subject or topic.
presentations to the rest of the class on
that it can be electronically checked for
They show you can understand ideas
a given topic. Although this may seem
plagiarism and a hard copy in person to
on a certain topic. They are useful as
like a dreadful prospect, such assign-
your Department office. It is always best
a means of gaining feedback on your
ments should not be shunned as it is an
to start coursework as early as possible.
academic progress.
excellent way to get to grips with a topic
Many students have coursework due in
and gain real understanding. These
at the same time on the same day. In the
At LSE for many courses they are an
assignments only really pose a problem
preceding hours computers everywhere
important part of overall assessment.
due to their preparation time and are
are occupied so it is best not to leave it
Students are usually required to submit
not as daunting as they originally seem.
until 15 minutes before the deadline to
formative coursework during the term.
Although the first year for undergradu-
print and bind it. Always make sure that
The purpose of formative assessment
ates is effectively worth 1/9th of the final
you put your candidate number and
is to provide students with informal
degree you should try and use it as a
not your name on assessed coursework
feedback from their course teachers
gradual introduction into university life,
as LSE operates an anonymous mark-
in preparation for summative assess-
as going back to books after a year’s
ing policy. Make sure your coursework is
ment. The marks awarded for formative
unbroken hedonism can be a shock.
submitted in full and on time as failure
assessment do not count towards formal
You will usually have to submit the
to do so may result in you losing marks. If
assessment of the course or programme.
for any reason you are unable to submit
Summative coursework on the other
A problem set is essentially a list of prob-
coursework on time speak to your tutor
hand does count towards your final
lems or exercises which is based on the
as soon as possible.
module grade. Some departments
material that is taught in lectures and
provide provisional grades and/or writ-
classes. The goal is to become familiar
ten feedback on summative coursework
with the material in order to hopefully
In the academic world plagiarism by
during term time, others provide no
understand the topic better. You will usu-
students is considered academic fraud
feedback and no grades until after the
ally receive these every week or every
or dishonesty and generally means try-
final Exam Board. Please refer to the
two weeks for some courses and many
ing to pass off another person’s thoughts
administrator for each course to find out
are done online via Moodle. Many stu-
or words as if they were your own. The
how coursework is dealt with.
dents work in groups to solve them but
school takes plagiarism extremely seri-
you will be required to hand in your own
ously and it should be avoided at all
Essays can be a cause of anxiety
individual problem set. You will probably
costs, particularly in coursework includ-
(especially if you have 4 due in week 5
find that it is best to start the problem
ing essays, project reports and
ASSESSMENT At LSE most pieces of assessed work are checked with anti plagiarism software. How to avoid plagiarism? It is not difficult to avoid an accusation of plagiarism. The simple rule is that direct quotations from the published or unpublished work of others must always be clearly identified as such, by being placed inside “quotation marks” with a full reference to their source, including exact page numbers. Likewise, if you paraphrase or summarise another person’s ideas or judgments, you must refer to that person in your text, giving page references as appropriate, and include the work referred to in your bibliography. A series of short quotations from several different sources, if not clearly identified, constitutes plagiarism just as much as does a single unacknowledged long quotation from a single source. It is also a form of plagiarism if you imply that you have read a book or article which you have not, and are in fact citing second-hand: you should make clear the source you have used by writing, for example, ‘Jones 1983, cited dissertations. Those who do plagiarise risk
wrong and often do it unintentionally by
in Bloggs 2001’. If you are in any doubt
an appearance before an Academic
failing to include quotations or give the
about quoting or referencing your aca-
Misconduct Panel, a ZERO for the whole
appropriate citation which is an easy
demic advisor (formerly personal tutor)
an entire course, or even expulsion from
mistake to make when making notes
will be able to advise.
LSE. Although this is a generic definition
by copying and pasting text from web
plagiarism often goes beyond this and
pages. Self-plagiarism is the reuse of
The LSE Teaching and Learning Centre
includes not referencing properly and
significant, identical, or nearly identical
provides sessions and online information
submitting work that you have submitted
portions of your own work without this
on how to avoid plagiarism - www.lse.
at other institutions or at LSE again.
fact of citing the original work.,
Examiners usually have a good ‘nose’
Many people who plagiarise do not even
for plagiarism, and plagiarism-detection
A few points to remember:
realise that they have done something
software is increasingly sophisticated.
• All text quoted directly from another
source must be indicated by the use of
posters are displayed around the School,
You will not be able to receive your
quotation marks, with page references
and further information is available from
results if you owe the School or University
to the source
the Teaching and Learning Develop-
any money. Official confirmed results will
• You do not escape this requirement by
ment Officer.
be mailed to your permanent home ad-
changing particular words if the sense is
dress and published on LSE for You.
the same as the original on which your
If you have any special requirements for
text is based
your examinations as a result of a physi-
• If you summarise or paraphrase sen-
cal, mental or psychological disability or
For those who wish to experience an
tences or passages from a source you
condition you can contact the Disability
exam environment before stepping into
must give exact page references
Office up to seven weeks before the
the real thing, the Students’ Union offers
• You must not give the impression that
your first exam.
a number of mock examination sessions
you have read works which you have
If you have mitigating circumstances
in the Summer Term. You must bring
only seen cited elsewhere?
such as a temporary illness, personal
along your own exam paper and writing materials, but we will provide a room,
EXAMS Most of the examinations at LSE are held during the Summer Term. Towards the end of the Lent term you will receive an examination timetable via LSE for You which
will inform you of the room, your candi-
examination paper and an invigilator for an authentic examination room feel. These run parallel to sessions that are offered within departments. Mock exam sessions offered by the
date number and seating details. You
difficulties, or bereavement, which you
Students’ Union do not provide a facility
must take a copy of this to all of your ex-
feel may have affected your examina-
for the papers to be marked but those
aminations. Your candidate number must
tion performance which you bring to
taken within the department are often
also be written on all of your assessed
the attention of the Board of examiners
marked by your class teacher. Answer-
work as well as the examinations books
then you must write to the Student Ser-
ing questions on past papers tends to
themselves. This is to ensure anonymity
vices Centre within seven days of your
be a good revision method and many
during the exam marking process.
last examination. It is possible, in very
students tend to bring these to the ses-
exceptional circumstances, to sit the
sions. They’re useful to practise with and
Before any exam you should familiarise
examination before or in the following
allow you to try different approaches to
yourself with when and where the exam
Michaelmas Term. However, a number
the exam.
will be held. Make sure you take only
of conditions must be that your met in
permitted materials into the examination
order to be eligible for this and the provi-
For examination papers dating back to
room. You will be told before the ex-
sion only applies to students who cannot
1994 go to
amination period exactly what you are
otherwise graduate or progress because
protected-exam but bear in mind and
allowed to take into the exam. Smoking
of the missing exam(s).
the course may have changed since
is not allowed but you can take in drinks
those papers were written.
and sweets as long as you eat them
Results for undergraduates and gradu-
quietly. LSE offers a series of lectures and
ate students on a 9 month programme
follow-up practical/ clinic sessions on
are published in mid July. Results for
different aspects of study and learning.
graduate students on a 12 month pro-
In addition to the website, information
gramme are published in late November.
ber to include dates of when things
Failing a course or even your entire year
The grounds for appeal at LSE are
happened, and supporting evidence
is not the end of the world. There is a
extremely limited. There are a number
(i.e. a letter from a doctor). Your letter
whole list of options open to you if you
of options you have when appealing a
will need to explain why you did not
find that you did not do as well as you
mark for an examination.
submit mitigation earlier, and should de-
had expected in exams. If you want
scribe in detail how your circumstance
advice and information on what to do
You can ask for a re-calculation of your
affected your exam performance. A
if you fail, contact the Education and
marks. If you would like a recalculation,
letter of mitigation tends to work best
Welfare officer.
please note that a re-calculation is not
for borderline marks i.e. 49 as the board
the same as a re-mark, as LSE is quite strict
of examiners may choose to exercise
in that you are not allowed to question
discretion and push up your grade in
During your time at the School you may
the academic integrity of the examiners.
light of your circumstances. In your letter
become ill or experience other personal
This is simply an administrative check to
you need to include your name and
circumstances such as bereavement
ensure that the marks given to you were
contact address.
or an accident, which may affect your
added up properly. You should be aware
academic performance when complet-
that if the original calculation of marks
The Education and Welfare Officer will
ing coursework or sitting examinations.
was higher than the recalculated mark
be able to help you once you have
These are mitigating circumstances
than it will be replaced by the recalculat-
drafted an initial letter.
which are unexpected, significantly
ed mark that you will be given, therefore
disruptive and beyond your control. If
it is possible for the mark to go down after
It is possible for you to submit a request
you wish to make the examining body
a recalculation. You could can also sub-
under the Data Protection Act to see
of LSE aware of your mitigating circum-
mit mitigation reasons late, and request
your exam transcripts; however they
stances then you must complete a
that the Exam Board re-considers your
might contain examiners notes on them.
mitigating circumstances form or write a
classification in light of them.
This can be a useful indication of what
letter detailing your circumstances and
marks you received for your questions.
attach detailed documentary evidence
If you would like to do this then it is pos-
Please note that you would not be able
(e.g. a doctor’s letter) and submit it
sible for you to send a letter stating the
to use this information to appeal your
to the Course and Assessment team
reason and the fact that you do not
exam marks. You will need to make a
within the Student Services Centre on
believe that the mark you were given
request via the Data Protection Officer
the ground floor of the Old Building. In
was an accurate reflection of your per-
in the Examinations Office to request this.
your letter you should explain how the
formance in the exam.
Contact r.e.maguire@ You may
circumstances have affected you and
wish to note there is a charge of £10 for
you may wish to consider detailing how
To make an appeal, you need to write to
it has affected your studies during the
the Academic Registrar, Simeon Under-
year, your preparation for an assessment
wood ( within
or examination and the assessments/
a month of receiving your official marks.
examinations themselves. If you have an
You need to state which mark you are
existing medical condition for which you
appealing and the course code.
receive special examination arrangements (e.g. rest periods), then you do not
If you are submitting a letter of mitigat-
need to submit mitigation.
ing circumstances late, please remem-
check LSE Training (http://training.lse.
extensive teaching experience with a
The Teaching and Learning Centre pro- for full details of resources and
strong academic background in one
vides support on teaching and learning
courses to support their learning.
of the specialisms offered at LSE.
across the School helping to improve the quality of teaching at the School and enabling both staff and students get the
most out of the LSE experience.
The Language Centre can help you to learn or improve a second language
The Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC)
or take a language as part of your
offers study support to all students. There
degree. The LC offers English for Aca-
is a series of lectures and workshops
demic Purposes. They also offer French,
throughout the academic year covering
German, Russian, Spanish as well as
essay writing, time management, prepar-
English Literature degree options. You
ing for exams and dealing with stress
can if you wish take one of the many
etc. One-to-one appointments can also
certificate options in Arabic, French,
be booked with a TLC study adviser to
Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, Italian,
discuss strategies for quantitative/quali-
Turkish, Greek, Russian, Portuguese and
tative subjects or with the Royal Literary
German. These courses run from about
Fund Fellow to improve writing style.
October to June. The LSE Language
Email or call
Centre is in many ways unique; no
020 7852 3627. Students are encouraged
other centre specialises in creating
to register on the TLC Moodle course
courses targeted at the needs of
Learning World (LW) from the beginning
social science students. All teachers
of the Michaelmas term and to regularly
are native speakers and combine
LSE’s Library – to some, it’s the jewel
Once you have registered and have your
the staircases are way too narrow, with
in the crown. To others, it is a place of
LSE ID card track down a couple of books
the steps too far apart, making it hard to
academic revelations. But to many, it is a
on a reading list just for practice. Most stu-
walk up or down without looking like a
big, beautiful place where you get fined
dents rarely feel the need to go outside
one-legged pirate. Even the Wikipedia
a lot of money for hiring books you never
of the Library for undergraduate reading.
article about LSE mentions students’ an-
read. But, without a doubt, LSE’s Library
noyance at this fact!
is an unique and amazing resource. And
it’s not just any old library – it’s only the
To get into the Library, you use your LSE
There are, of course, lifts. In the past, these
world’s largest social sciences library to
ID Card to swipe through the turnstiles.
haven’t worked terribly well, but they
There are over 450 computer worksta-
have recently been replaced and should
tions in the Library, as well as over 200
be fine from now on. For many, this is a
The British Library Of Political and Eco-
laptop points. As with all of LSE cam-
shame, as the malfunctioning voice in
nomic Sciences (as it is otherwise known)
pus, the Library is covered by wireless
one of the lifts is quite amusing.
is in fact effectively two libraries in one,
internet. In Michaelmas Term (first term),
the Course Collection and the Main
there will be an Information Point near
Collection. The Course Collection is the
the entrance where you can get an
Michaelmas Term
smaller but the more useful of the two
audio tour of the library (also available
Monday - Sunday, 8am - midnight.
as it houses multiple copies of the core
online as a podcast). There are numer-
Christmas & Summer vacations
reading texts along with other books
ous guidebooks available, especially the
Monday - Friday, 9am-8pm
on the reading lists. The different floors
Student Library Guide and the Floorplan
Saturday - Sunday, 10am-8pm
can be accessed by a lift or architect
and Location Tips guide.
Lent Term, Easter vacation and Summer Term
Norman Foster’s famous staircase which is unique and nothing like the circular
It may not be the world’s most pressing
staircase in the Reichstag in Berlin.
injustice, but many LSE students think that
Monday –Sunday, 24 hours
However, you’ll probably mostly use the
didn’t scan your book out properly. All
The easiest way to find books is to use
Self-Service Machines on the Ground
you do is hand the book to the very kind
the online Library Catalogue to search
Floor and in the Course Collection. It
staff who de-magnetise it and let you
by title, author or keywords. You can see:
is debatable whether the automated
out (unless you have actually tried to
process is actually faster, but it does ac-
steal a book, in which case you should
• Whether books are available (or when
celerate the decline of human interac-
keep running).
they will be returned) – you can reserve
tion in post-modernity.
books for when they’re returned, except for Set Texts (and you can only reserve 6
To use the machines, you need to scan
Set texts have orange labels on their
at a time)
the barcode on your LSE ID Card, and
spines. These books are most in demand.
• Whether they are in the Course Col-
type in your Library PIN (available on
They can be taken out for 24 hours. Up to
lection (Ground Floor, for most popular
your LSE for You space). Just follow the
three set texts may be borrowed at one
books, and only accessible via a turnstile
simple instructions and you’ll be able to
time and carry a penalty of 50 pence
to LSE people) or Main Collection (the
walk out of the Library with your books
per hour if not returned on time. Set texts
rest of the Library, including journals and
without setting off the security detectors
cannot be renewed of reissued.
– however, it is highly likely that you will
• The classmark of the book (its unique
be forced to blush on at least one oc-
alphanumerical code) – A-G on the
casion during your time here as you pass
One week loans have red labels or red
Third Floor, H-JV on the Second and
through the gates and hear that excru-
strips on their spine. Up to 6 one week
JX-Z on the First.
ciating beep that tells you the machine
loans may be borrowed at one time. One week loans may be renewed, unless
Then you go find it! You can also search
a hold has been placed by another
for Journals, ebooks and electronic re-
user. A fine of 30p per day is charged on
sources (many journal articles are avail-
overdue one week loans.
able online). The Library also has Closed Access Materials available on request
by filling out a Fetch Request and giving
Three day loans have blue labels or blue
it to staff who then, rather kindly, fetch it!
strips on their spines. Up to 6 three day
There is also an Archives and Rare Books
loans may be borrowed at one time.
collection for PhD and MSc dissertation
Full-time student can borrow them for
students. See
3 days, Part-time students can borrow
archive/default.htm for more.
them for 1 week. A three day loan may be renewed, unless a hold has been
placed by another user. A fine of 50p
Libraries contain books that you can
per day is charged on overdue three
borrow, and LSE’s is no different in that
day loans.
respect. To borrow a book at the Library, you can just take a book to the Help
Desk on the Ground Floor, show your LSE
Normal loans have white labels. Course
ID Card to the helpful staff and have
students can borrow them for 3 weeks
it scanned as borrowed in your name.
while Staff and Research students can
THE LIBRARY borrow them for up to 105 days. A fine
and off campus using the various Library
keep it down! You will hear horror stories
of 30p per day is charged on overdue
Passwords you can find in your LSEforYou
of massive arguments and even fights
normal loans.
account. See
in the Library, especially at stressful times
elelib.htm for more.
such as exam time. Many of these stories
are exaggerated but to avoid getting
Recommended texts carry yellow labels
into heated exchanges, follow some
or yellow strips on their spines. These are
Don’t Feed the Mice – Don’t Bring
simple rules that reduce tension:
books recommended as background
Food into The Library! • Don’t hog study space – try not to
reading on LSE course reading lists and can be borrowed for 1 week. A fine of
If you see anyone on Facebook in the
spread your books, papers and belong-
30p per day is charged on overdue
Library, they are probably setting up an-
ings across whole tables, as this stops
recommended texts.
other group to complain – like the one
others using that space. And if you leave,
about mice in the Library.
please take your stuff with you – if you
Recently, there has indeed been a
make it any better! Especially at exam
• Taught students: 20 items
vermin problem – and that’s all the
time, space is precious.
(undergraduate and taught course
more reason for you not to bring food
postgraduate students)
into the Library, because that’s what
• Don’t hog computers – yet another
• Research students: 30 items
the little creatures are after! So please
Library-related Facebook group has
(MPhil and PhD students)
don’t feed the mice by eating in the
been set up to protest again “BRB” mes-
• Staff: 40 items
Library – take a break, leave the Library,
sages being put on computers when
A combination of certain amounts of
have some food in a relaxed environ-
people leave without logging out. Again,
the following materials may be bor-
ment, and come back to your work later.
computers are prime real estate, but if
rowed totalling 20, 30 or 40 as above.
After all, you’ll work better if you factor in
you’re not using them, others could be.
breaks, and it’s an issue of welfare and
If you’re looking for computers, check
You can renew your loans online by
care for other students, who probably
out the boards in the Library lobby and
using the Self-Service option on the
don’t appreciate mice running over
computer room C120 that tell you where
Library’s online catalogue. You will need
their hands while they type away on
there are computers free in the School.
to enter your Library card number and
Senate House Library
puter you can telephone 020 7955 7229
Keeping Quiet, Not Hogging Study
As an LSE student you can use any
(Monday-Friday, 9.00-17.00).
Space or Computers and Respecting
of the libraries of the various institu-
tions and colleges of the University of
leave a note saying “BRB”, that doesn’t
PIN. If you do not have access to a com-
Renewals and further borrowing is not
London. However in most cases you will
possible once you have accumulated
Beyond not bringing in food, good library
not be allowed to borrow books. One
£10 or more in fines on your account.
etiquette is pretty simple – try to keep
exception is Senate House Library lo-
the noise down, don’t talk on your mo-
cated on Malet Street which is about 15
bile (except in designated mobile areas,
minutes walk from LSE. It uses a different
There is now an extensive Electronic
like toilets) and show respect to others.
system from the BLPES, and the fines are
Library, with Electronic Journals and
The Library is a large, open building, and
cheaper as well.
Article Finders that can be accessed on
noise travels – so please try extra hard to
IT FACILITIES Not just for geeks...
usual host of Microsoft Office software
of that facility. You can arrange meet-
There are public computers -computers
and some specialist tools.
ings, synchronise with your phone and
for use by students and staff -located
laptop, look up the name of any student
around campus and in halls of resi-
You can talk, drink and eat in some
of staff member and organise your entire
dence, and plenty of spaces to plug
computer rooms; but not in others.
life -check out the IT Services website for
in your computers or connect to the
Check out the signs and be considerate
help guides and details of their excellent
wireless network. On arrival you will need
to your fellow students! Some computers
training sessions.
to activate your LSE account, which will
have notices that they are reserved for
generate a user name and password
students with ISSAs. If you haven’t got
used to log on to computers, the wireless
one, don’t waste your time trying to log
This is the name given to your personal
network, email and electronic resources.
in! Opening times vary.
folder on LSE’s servers, available at every
Most computers are located in the
even on your personal computer (see IT
Library, but there are computer rooms in
Email is the most important communica-
Services web-site). Taught students get
each major building, usually the base-
tion tool at LSE. Your department, teach-
200MB storage, research students and
ment. At peak times it can be a struggle
ers, societies and friends will all email
staff get 500MB.
to find an available computer station,
you with alarming frequency, so get
but there are always spare computers
used to reading and replying to them.
somewhere. Use the plasma screens in
The School runs on Microsoft Exchange,
LSE for You is the School’s way of dealing
the lobbies of some buildings to find out
which works very well with Microsoft
with the huge administrative nightmare
PC availability around campus, or go to
Outlook and less well with other email
of thousands of students in countless de- on your WAP-
clients. You can check your email online
partments on hundreds of courses. It is an
enabled mobile phone. Computers are
at, too, but you will
online facility that harnesses the School’s
kitted out with Windows XP, Internet, the
need Internet Explorer to get full use out
administrative systems and enables stu
public computer you log on to and
IT FACILITIES Not just for geeks...
dents and staff to view and update their
it to suit their needs, though you will
bars and even public streets. Upper
personal details. You can: view your class
probably never need to worry about this.
Street, in Islington, has a free municipal
attendances, exam results, certificate of
Not all courses use Moodle, if yours does
wireless facility along the entire street.
registration (use this to print proof of your
you will be notified of this in the course
Other universities around the UK and
student status) and class reports. You can
introductory lecture.
Europe also allow you to log on to their
also pay your fees, apply for accom-
wireless networks as a guest with your LSE
modation and book rooms (if you have
credentials: see for
been granted booking rights for your
There are black and white printers
society). It will be a very important facility
in most computer rooms, and colour
during your time at LSE.
printers in the Library and C120. It costs
A great service LSE offers is the Laptop
4p per A4 side in black and white print,
Surgery. It is a completely free service lo-
30p for colour. To save paper, LSE printers
cated in S198, St Clement’s Building. They
The Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
print on both sides by default.
offer advice and hands on assistance
Learning Environment or Moodle as it
to students with problems connecting
is better known is a free open-source
To print, you will first need to top-up
to LSE resources from personally owned
course management system designed
your printing account using either the
laptops and mobile devices. They will
to create a sort of online learning com-
coin value loaders (located in major
configure, diagnose, retrieve data,
munity. Moodle is somewhat distinct
computer rooms) or at the Library Copy
disinfect and fix most problems you can
from Web–CT as it gives the opportunity
Shop. Next, click print on your document
have with your laptop.
to view information such as resources,
at a public computer, and then log in to
documents, images etc along with
one of the special computers next to the
providing opportunities to discuss that
printers. Select the document you want,
If you’re having problems, IT Services of-
information in wiki-style one click forums,
and then click print.
fer a range of support including virtual IT
and chat spaces
assistance, face to face support, in halls
support and a range of online guides to
It is designed to help universities and
There are two public scanners on cam-
common problems.
colleges create an opportunity for
pus: one on the lower ground floor of the
interaction. Moodle was created on the
Library, the other in the print room of C120.
If you’re worried about your IT skills,
principle that people actively con-
Instructions are located near the scanner
there are also a number of free training
struct knowledge as they interact with
and also on the IT Services website.
courses available for students. IT Training
their environment as well as when they
offers all students hour-long supervised
construct something for others to experi-
workshops in Microsoft Office and HTML.
ence. Therefore Moodle is not merely just
LSE is a very laptop friendly place. Almost
There is an LSE certification scheme for
another source of information; it is an
everywhere on campus is covered by
students who have attended supervised
arena for collaboration, discussion, and
a wi-fi signal, and there are an increas-
workshops, and the European Computer
debate. More and more colleges, univer-
ing number of ‘plug in points’ where you
Driving Licence is available to students
sities, and even businesses, are turning
can plug your laptop in to power and
at a reduced rate.
to Moodle to host and deliver courses
Ethernet sockets. Some halls offer wireless
online. Moodle’s open sourced software
facilities, too, and every room in halls has
means that people can also develop
an Ethernet socket. Off campus, you will
additional functionality and customise
find plenty of wireless hotspots in cafes,
PHOTOCOPYING Cheapest in London...
With some essential course books only
of the card reader when you’ve finished
available to borrow for 24 hours, you will
become very familiar with photocopying machines during your time at LSE.
It also offers colour copying, laminating and if you’ve got a dissertation that
Unless you’re interning for Boris Johnson
needs binding this is place to come. Just
you won’t get cheaper photocopying in
ask the friendly Print Shop staff for more
London than at the Students’ Union. We
information. Copy cards cost £1, and
even beat the LSE library by a penny for
include 10 copies.
every sheet, so over the course of the year you’ll have saved yourself enough
money to afford a Movida cocktail. Just
Term time
don’t forget to take your copy card out
Monday – Friday: 8.45am – 7pm
9.000 STUDENTS ONE LSE International, Visas, Timeless, Equality and Diversity, Liberation
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS In a city of over 300 languages, 270 nationalities and where 1 in 3 people are born overseas, it’s hard to feel out of place. Throw in a university which has been ranked as having the best international student experience in the world by the Times Higher Education Supplement, and where 53% of student body is international- you may have just found yourself a second home. London is the melting pot of the world and LSE is wham bam in its centre. Oxford Street. Covent Garden. The Thames. Trafalgar Square. They’re all within 10 minutes from campus. You’ve read about them - now you can experience them yourself firsthand. But does the city live up to the hype? Well, a lot depends on you and what you do in your time here. But one thing is for sure though-London has something for everyone, no matter what you’re looking for- be it history, sport, fashion, food
where the Students’ Union’s International
Go out and mix with students from all
or nightlife- it’s almost impossible to get
Students’ Officer comes in. As Interna-
over the world! Attend the Sushi dinner
bored of London.
tional officer, I aim to be your first point of
night; go and try out Capoeira; dance to
contact for ANY problem you face as an
Bhangra music; watch the Arabic movie;
international student.
learn how to play the bagpipes; develop
LSE boasts of a very high academic reputation but it is still often said that LSE
a passion for baseball!
students learn more from sitting among
It’s my responsibility to ensure that you
friends and debating a topic, than they
have a truly memorable and enjoyable
What makes LSE special is our international
ever do during lectures and classes. All of
experience from the moment you set
student body. What defines LSE, however,
this combines to make studying at LSE a
foot in halls/flats to the moment you’ve
is our close bond with each other’s views,
brilliant experience,in its own unique way.
completed your final exam in June. It’s
cultures, religions, and experiences. So,
difficult adjusting to a new environment
once again, welcome to the beginning
all of a sudden, so we hope this section –
of a new chapter. Your time here will be
and the guide in general - proves useful.
amongst the best in your life.
For all the exciting aspects of an LSE
This city creates, stages and lives culture
student experience- there are bound to
with a passion, and this is reflected in our
be difficulties. Visa complications. Culture
Students’ Union. Being at LSE, amongst
Shock. Accommodation problems. Crav-
such a diverse student body, is a unique
ings for ‘home food’. You name it. This is
countries to apply for their student visa
cate showing you have taken the X-ray
UKvisas is the Government depart-
online. To see which countries currently
at home. During peak times (especially
ment responsible for visa matters arising
support Visa4UK visit www.visa4uk.fco.
September) the queues for X-rays are
huge. You could be held at the airport for
Its main aim is to make travel and migra-
For the countries that do not support
tion work for Britain. In most cases, que-
on line applications, they have to be
ries can be answered from information
made on paper and submitted to the
available on the UKvisas website:
visa application centres in your country
of residence. To find the website for your
If you are given a visa which is expiring
office in London is unable to process visa
country’s visa application centre, see
before you complete your current course
of study , you should contact the Student
Union Advice and Counselling Centre
many hours!
The first step for all international students
to discuss the ‘Visa Correction Scheme’.
is to read through this website:
This Scheme allows applications to be
It will cost all students a fee of £99 for
made to the UK Border and Immigration
a visa. This fee is subject to review and
Agency to correct the visa.
change, depending on local application This site provides a detailed FAQ section
centres. It is not refundable, unless you
If you wish to continue studying after your
applicable to all international students
refuse to submit the required biometric
current visa expires, then you will need
who need a visa.
data with your visa application.
to apply to extend your visa prior to it’s
For more information about UK’s biomet
You will need a visa if you:
ric data policy, please see www.ukvisas.
If you wish to continue studying at LSE,
• are not an EEA (European Economic
the LSE Visa Office operates a ‘Batch
Area) national
Scheme’ where applications for an ex-
• are stateless (you don’t have a nation-
tension of your visa can be submitted on
Students applying for UK visas valid for
your behalf. You should contact the Visa
• hold a non-national travel document, or
longer than six months in certain coun-
Office at least 2 months before your visa
• hold a passport issued by an authority
tries now require a certificate to show
is about to expire.
that is not recognised in the UK.
that they are free from infectious pulmo-
(Source: UKvisas)
nary tuber culosis (TB). The screening pro-
If you wish to continue studying at
cess is a chest X-ray, which will determine
another institution, you should contact
whether signs of infection are detected.
that institution about the assistance they
We strongly recommend that you get
an X-ray done from home BEFORE you This website has all the necessary infor-
come to the UK, and make sure you get
Detailed information on applying to
mation on where and how to apply for
a valid signed and authorised certificate
extend your Tier 4 (General) Student Visa
your UK student visa. In some countries,
to bring with you to the UK. You will not be
can be found on the Border and Im-
it is possible to apply for your visa online.
allowed into the country without having
migration website www.bia.homeoffice.
‘Visa4UK’ allows applicants in many
an X-ray taken, or without a valid certifi-
need to apply for your National Insur-
are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Repub-
ance (NI) number. This number is neces-
lic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Most students will be eligible to work in
sary to ensure you get charged the right
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy,
the UK. Whether you are permitted to
level of income tax and is for national
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The
work will be detailed on your visa.
insurance contributions (paid by every
Netherlands, Nor way, Poland, Portugal,
worker in the UK to fund contributory
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
UKCISA advises ‘Check what your
benefits such as Job Seeker’s Allowance
passport sticker (entry clearance or
(JSA),and state pensions).
residence permit) or identity card says. If
If you are travelling to countries outside of the Schengen area, you should contact that country’s embassy in the UK for in-
tion permission and your identity card
says “Restricted work, p/t term time, f/t
Some students can now remain in the UK
there. For a list of foreign embassies in the
vacations” or your passport sticker says
for up to 2 years after completing their
UK visit
“Work (and any changes) must be au-
studies to gain work experience under
thorised” or “Able to work as authorised
the Tier 1 (Post Study Work) rules. Find out
by the Secretary of State”, you are al-
how you can remain in the UK as a post-
For an extensive FAQ section on the
lowed to work during your studies. If your
study worker by having a read through
Schengen visa, see
passport sticker or identity card says “No
work”, you must not work in the UK’
If you have student immigration permis-
Alternatively, an employer with a licence
• Students’ Union Advice and Counselling
sion that allows you to take employment,
can apply for Tier 2 visa if they wish to
Centre: ,
you can work up to 20 hours a week
employ you. The Student Union Advice
(+44) (0)20 7955 7145
during term-time and full-time during your
Centre provided detailed Advice on
• The Council for
holidays or do a work placement which is
the Tier 1 (Post Study Work) and other
International Student Affairs (UKCISA)
part of your course.
immigration applications.
provides excellent, detailed advice to all
Detailed information on working in the
you are in the UK with student immigra-
formation about immigration procedures
international prospective and current students (and their families, and teachers). •
UK during studies can be found on the UKCISA website;
If you are not a European Economic
tion_sheets.php link that provides useful
Area national and want to travel to
information (advice) sheets on topics
Europe, you may be required to apply
ranging from ‘Culture Shock’ to Financial
If you have already been issued with
for a ‘Schengen’ visa before you travel.
Support for all international students.
a student visa that will not allow you to
This scheme will allow international
• HM Revenue and
work, contact the Students’ Union Advice
students wishing to visit countries within
Customs: responsible for tax, customs
and Counselling Centre. They will be able
the European Economic Area (EEA) to
and excise duties, frontier protection and
to assist you in making an immigration
travel between these countries using
National Insurance
application that will allow you to change
only one visa.
• UKvisas contact details:
your condition regarding work.
(+44) (0)20 7008 8308 The 21 countries that partake in the
If you wish to work in the UK you will
scheme (forming the Schengen space)
SETTLING IN Studying abroad is both exciting and
join, the wider range of people you are
overwhelming. Unfortunately, you will
likely to meet. Select a few societies you
be away from the comfort of home.
are particularly passionate about and
This, coupled with adjusting to a brand
run for positions on their committees.
new environment can often take some
There’s no better way of making friends
time to adjust to. ‘Culture Shock’ affects
than working together with those with a
most international students, in a variety
common interest (committee positions
of different ways. What is important to
will look great on your CV too!)
remember is that you’re all in the same boat and it will pass with time. There is no
- Make the most of the Student Induction
fool-proof method to overcome this, but
Programmes. They’re designed to ease
there are certainly measures that can be
the transition from life at home to here
taken to minimise it.
Street at university. (Be sure to attend the International Students’ Induction, which
- Keep in regular contact with family
I’m hosting!)
and friends from back home. You will find that it will in fact help you to make new
- Your student mentor, school and
friends here.
departmental representatives and your academic advisor are all there to assist
- Find out places where you can find
you in any way possible. If you’re facing
some familiarity. The LSE Students’ Union
problems with fees or visas, you can
website provides some links for restau-
also talk to the Student Services Centre.
rants serving food from your country, and
Never ever hold anything in – if you’re
other sites like Timeout London and Up-
facing ANY sort of trouble, talk to some- will be useful. Check them
one. It will undoubtedly be of help.
out and see where you can find cultural activities taking place around London.
to be a volunteer during freshers’, and
- Link with a faith community if appropri-
participate firsthand in the organization
ate. The LSE chaplaincy locates local
- Put yourself out there- remember,
of events. And if you’re staying in halls,
Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, or
everyone is on the same boat! Undoubt-
don’t miss out on the events organized
Temples. There are also several active
edly the best way to meet people is
at your halls (welcome parties etc.), es-
religious societies (for example – the
through the freshers’ festival. There is
pecially during the first couple of nights.
Islamic Society have allocated a Prayer
something for everyone here in terms
It’s a particularly good idea to get to
room on campus for Friday prayers).
of events during the festival. Watch
know the people you are going to be
out especially for the International Film
living with for the next year!
Festival and Unwind where you are most
- Don’t forget that if feelings of isolation or disorientation persist and are affecting
likely to bump into international students.
- Go to freshers’ fayre and check out
your studies, there are people here who
You don’t have to participate in every
LSE’s 150+ societies yourself. Chances
can help you. We want you to enjoy your
event during the festival (but then again,
are there will be your national society
time at LSE, as well as get the most out of
there’s nothing stopping you!). If you’re
there. But don’t restrict yourself. Remem-
it. Like I said – never keep your thoughts
feeling like being extra active, sign up
ber, the more diverse the societies you
and feelings bottled up.
£2.80!) , paying for a pint in rupees at an
end up being insanely busy, with the last
- Dress sensibly- You can never hear too
authentic Punjabi pub-‘Glassy Junc-
thing you want to be doing is hunting
many complaints about the weather
tion’ in Southall, dropping by the Brixton
around for familiar food. Its always best
in London, and there is a reason for
market for an Afro-Caribbean shopping
to be prepared before those hunger
this. British weather definitely lives up to
experience(and jerk chicken!) or smoking
pangs for home food kick in.
expectations and is as unpredictable as
away apple shisha over mint tea to the
you are told. Don’t wait for temperatures
beats of Arabic pop on Edgeware road.
to drop - get coats and warm clothes in
- Make careful selection of your courses. It will be prudent to attend lectures on
advance. The last thing you want is to be
- Travel (once you’ve gotten used to
different courses in the first few weeks,
unprepared for an unexpectedly cold
London, of course!)-Your international
to make up your mind on which course
day. And one of your first investments
experience doesn’t have to be restricted
to ultimately select. Attend the initial
should be an umbrella- which you should
to just London or the UK. And trips don’t
few lectures and classes so you have
carry around at all costs.
necessarily have to burn holes in your
the chance to change if you don’t
pockets! Cambridge, Lake District, Edin-
enjoy them! LSE lectures (in every single
- There is more to London beyond
burgh, Paris, Rome, Sharm-el-Sheikh- its all
course) are there for all students, regard-
Holborn. While it might be tempting to
about how far you’re willing to go! Check
less of whether they take it or not.
stick to the areas around LSE, remember
out STA travel (,
you’ve come this far away from home,
Expedia (, mega-
- Register with the doctor and dentist
there is no harm in venturing out a little bit
bus (, Easyjet
-this shouldn’t be left till needed! St. Phil-
further. London is a world within a world
( and Ryanair (www.
ips unfortunately cannot register every
and if you want a truly global experi- for cheap travel ideas!
student at LSE. It only registers you if you
ence, don’t miss grabbing a won-ton
live within a certain area. Go have a
noodle soup which is rumoured to be
- Bring instant food from home. Although
chat with them to see which NHS centre
as good as Hong Kong at ‘Wong-Kei’ in
pretty much everything is available in
you are eligible to register with.
Chinatown(for the unbeatable price of
London, your first couple of weeks may
PHONING HOME There are various mobile phone networks
difficult to keep up with the latest deals..
everything else, but there is always a
in the UK. The biggest ones are T-Mobile,
To keep updated, have a look at
hidden cost attached, which is usually
3, Orange, O2 and Vodafone. You can or
extremely high! For example: You need
buy a ‘pay-as-you-go’ mobile, or one that
to pay for the cost of calling the UK
comes with a fixed contract.
access number (which you pay in the Carphone Warehouse is definitely
normal way from your phone) as well as
Pay-as-you-go (as the name suggests)
the bigger and more popular choice.
paying for the international part of the
is a pre-paid phone which needs to be
However, many students go directly to
call (which you pay using the credit on
topped up with credit before you make
the mobile network shops (e.g. an actual
the telephone cards). So you’re actually
calls. The fixed contracts usually require
‘3’ shop) and buy phones from there –
paying a lot! Some cards have prices
you to take out a fixed term contract with
but note that this method will limit your
that are pretax. You usually have to add
the mobile network provider, and each
choice of deals and networks, and
another 17.5% VAT on top of those call-
month you will be charged a nominal
hence from one international student to
ing rates.
amount and given a certain number of
another, I would advise that you check
free calling minutes and texts. (For ex-
out either of the 2 websites above
Rates are often rounded to the nearest
ample: £35 a month for 500 minutes and
before settling for purchasing a contract
penny, so for example if it says 5p per
500 texts). Usually this option is cheaper
directly from a network.
minute, it may cost 5.5p per minute (10%
PER call/text message. However, the main drawbacks of this form of contract for international students are: firstly that the minutes are strictly limited to UK numbers only, so other means of calling home from your mobile phone will need to be
LANDLINES Another facility that LSE Residences provide is landline calling. Every room in LSE halls of residence has a telephone (from
looked into. Secondly, since the contract
Also, some networks often have affiliated
which all LSE students in halls and other
will require a standing order payment
international pay-as-you-go mobile con-
LSE extension numbers can be called
every month deducted from your bank
tracts. For example – www.mobileworld.
for free). This telephone can be used to
account (direct debit), the network is s a network offering a sim card
make local and international calls as well.
companies are usually reluctant to set
that allows international and local calls
Pick up a ‘PRIMUS’ leaflet from the recep-
contracts up for international students un-
and text messages for cheap rates. Alter-
tion of your halls, and this will have all the
less they pay a refundable deposit (e.g.
natively, what a lot of students like to do,
details on the service, including how to
£150-£200), which will be credited back
is to purchase ‘Calling Cards’. However,
activate it and charges per call.
into your account after 6 or so months.
be careful if you buy calling cards from
The reason for this is that all new students
newsagents and other shops.
will not have a credit history/rating in UK
Finally, to keep in touch with friends and family back home, you needn’t spend
yet, and a deposit is a bit like insuring that
This industry is not well regulated - many
any money at all! There are many online
you will be able to pay the contract for
advertisements which you may see are
applications, which allow unlimited voice
the period of the time.
misleading, and some of the compa-
chatting (pc-to-pc) for absolutely free.
nies do not provide a good service to
Some examples are MSN messenger, Ya-
Now there are many different combina-
customers! Also, be wary of calling cards
hoo Messenger, Gmail Talk and of course,
tions and deals that mobile networks
given to you (for free) by people on the
the much loved, Skype!
devise and offer every day, and it’s quite
streets. They seem to be cheaper than
tural and artistic traditions to be found
one big musical, packed full-to-bursting
The largest explosion of colour and
within the walls of LSE. Last year, more
with LSE talent! So TIMELESS! provides
culture and chaos on campus- the one
than 150 students from across the globe
a night of mind-blowing, heart-thrilling,
week where LSE truly lives up to its name
were united in an unforgettable evening
soul-stirring entertainment… but apart
as the most international university in the
of Dance, Drama, Music and Film, put
from all that, just what is it all for?
UK! There’s just about something for ev-
together entirely by students from LSE,
eryone- from massive international food
and staged at the prestigious Sadler’s
TIMELESS! has always been about having
festivals- where you get to sample every-
Wells Theatre in Islington (the home of
a great time, making amazing friends
thing from ‘Moussaka’ to ‘Nasi Lemak’ at
‘West Side Story’).
and creating an awe-inspiring show,
dirt cheap prices, film screenings from
WHILE giving something back to those
around the world, dance workshops,
Now we’re no experts, but by our reck-
around us, AND those further away who
lectures on third world development to
oning, that probably makes TIMELESS! the
could do with a bit of help. Building on
international themed club nights. This
biggest and most global student show
the £10,000 raised for CARE Education
year promises to be bigger, better, louder
in the world. But don’t fool yourself into
and the Prince’s Trust in 2008, last year’s
and more vibrant- so be sure to run for
thinking this is some good-for-nothing,
show raised almost £10,300 for World
a position on the Global Week taskforce
wise guy, Talent Show. Of course we love
Vision and Happy Home Orphanage,
(which is open to anyone!)
talent, but we don’t do Talent Shows.
Kenya. This year, of course, we’re looking
TIMELESS!, unlike many of its rivals, is not a
parade of self-aggrandising adolescents
Let’s face it: students at LSE come from
strutting their stuff in a London ‘mega-
So if you’re interested in getting involved,
all over the place. But if there’s one thing
theatre’, orchestrated by some out of
artistically, technically or spiritually, in this
that brings us all together while celebrat-
date and out of work C-List celebrity.
singing, dancing, screaming, (moaning?)
ing our distinctiveness, it’s art. The LSESU
At its heart, there’s always a story. There
musical extravaganza, find us (it really
Global Show, TIMELESS!, was created in
are always charming characters and
won’t be difficult) at Freshers’ Fayre.
2007 to celebrate the vast array of cul-
enchanting worlds... it is, to put it simply,
to go one better.
GENERAL COURSE & MATURE STUDENTS The General Course is a year long, study
man, via to
source of inspiration for us to change,
abroad programme for visiting students,
find out more.
learn and grow.
were taking an undergraduate degree.
LSE attracts an intelligent, diverse and
All LSE services and facilities – and the
Mature and part-time students often
international range of people. Your
Students’ Union – are open to General
face intense pressures different to those
classes are likely to be both welcoming
Course students.
faced by other students. These include
and challenging. You will have oppor-
higher expectations in terms of effort
tunities to interact with fellow students
The first General Course students came
and performance as well as extra
in the various cultural, sporting, religious,
to LSE way back in 1910, and its modern
burdens in the form of childcare, work
national, international, political or intel-
day equivalent sees over 300 students
and accommodation. Moreover, with
lectual societies of the students’ union.
come to the School for a year of study
fees rising and the government freezing
and fun, and to see what it’s like at a
all student grants and loans, in the midst
Extra-curricular activities are also pur-
British, yet international, university.
of recession, mature and part-time
sued in the bar or in cafeteria, or, occa-
The Students’ Union has a General
students will come up against problems
sionally, the library itself. The crèche too
Course Representative, elected in Mich-
both in their academic and non-aca-
has created bonds among both parents
aelmas Term Elections in Week 4 of
demic lives.
and children.
I will work hard to make your stay as safe,
who undertake study at LSE as if they
Michaelmas Term (the first term!). They are elected exclusively by General Course students, meaning that they are non-trustees and thus non-voting members of the Exec. However, they are gen-
enjoyable and carefree as possible. I will also endeavour to put you in touch and work with other bodies like trade unions or professional associations to raise
erally treated as full members who input
It is important in these circumstances
concerns you may have or conduct joint
into the entire workings of the Students’
to maintain that mature and part-time
Union – and long may that continue!
students, despite differences, are not an isolated minority. Academic demands
There is, however, no substitute for the
Previous Students’ Union General Course
exist on all students in the form of access
weekly Union General Meeting in terms
Representatives have worked to provide
to reading lists, books, quality lectures
of having your individual and collective
top quality services and events for
and seminars, essays and presentations,
voices heard. I will attend every week
students, as well as helping to integrate
exams and theses, job searches and
and hope to meet many of you there.
“Gen Course” students into the rest of
career decisions. Balancing academic
LSE life.
work with paid work or family obligations or extra-curricular activities is also no
If you are an aspiring activist in your
longer alien to most undergraduates.
home university, or just think you can do a good job of providing a loud voice
We all face an uphill struggle as we
for the Gen Course population, then
choose do nothing less than the whole-
consider running for the General Course
sale reconstruction of our entire life as
Rep position in Michaelmas Term Week 4
we enter university. Yet it is precisely our
– email our Returning Officer, Shanti Kele-
colleagues who can be the greatest
EQUALITY & DIVERSITY with Disabilities Officer and Women’s Officer all ensure representation for the diverse groups among the student body, and campaign to fight against injustice and intolerance. See p52 Within LSE, there is a Diversity Adviser, Carolyn Soloman-Pryce, and an Equality and Diversity Committee. Students can approach the Diversity Adviser for advice. The Students’ Union has representation on the Equality and Diversity Committee through Education and Welfare Officer Emmanuel Akpan-Inwang and Ben Jones, Anti-Racism Officer. They can feed in any student concerns directly to the School when it formulates its strategies on equal opportunities. The School also runs a Disability and Diversity Consultative Forum to hear issues related to disability, gender, race, age, religion and belief, and sexual orientation. Members from each of these groups are included and issues can be raised there. The Students’ Union has representation here again through the Education and Welfare Officer and other officers on the LSE is the world’s most diverse student
discrimination on the basis of age, dis-
Executive who can feed in concerns to
body – and probably the most diverse
ability/ability/impairment, sex/gender,
this committee on the student’s behalf.
community in Britain. However, respect to
transgender, medical status, nationality/
Indeed, any student can come along
equality and diversity are never a given,
language, physical appearance, politi-
to this Forum, so if you feel you have an
and the Students’ Union and School
cal opinion, religious belief or sexuality is
issue you want to raise yourself, contact
strive hard to make sure that equal op-
the Students’ Union Officers stating that
portunities are defended and extended
you want to attend. If you feel equal op-
in all areas. In short, we seek to make
The Students’ Union has officers respon-
portunities are being breached within the
sure that diversity on paper is translated
sible for ensuring that equality and diver-
Students’ Union, contact the relevant of-
into integration and respect in reality.
sity are at the heart of our campaigns,
ficer on the Executive. Within the School,
services and operations. The Anti-Racism
there are procedures for harassment and
The Students’ Union has a clear Equal
Officer, LGBT Students’ Officer, Mature
tackling other issues that relate to equal
Opportunities Policy that states that
and Part-Time Students’ Officer, Students
The Students’ Union Students with Disabili-
Luke’s priorities for 2009-10 are:
ties (SWD) Officer for 2009 is Luke Moore
• to encourage participation of nondisabled students through societies and
• to co-operate with the Disability &
a forum.
He can advise about accessibility at
Wellbeing Office, LSE Circles Network
• to hold accessible, weekly surgeries
the LSE or point you in the right direc-
and LSE Students’ Union Disability &
• to chair termly Students’ Union SWD
tion for support. Luke says “ I have found
Well-being Society to listen to the
forums before the School’s Disability &
the support I receive at LSE invaluable.
concerns of students
Diversity Consultative Forum
I was pleasantly surprised by how good
• to organise Disability Awareness Week
• to petition for more awareness training
the provisions and understanding are
• to raise the profile of disabilities &
for all staff to work with the academic
when I first arrived. Nonetheless, this does
wellbeing issues at LSE
departments to provide the greatest pos-
not mean that there are not frustrations
• to publicise resources available
sible provision for students with disabilties.
which I’m sure many of you will meet
• to increase awareness & motivate
with. Please feel free to come and talk
disability friendliness with articles, posters,
to me at any time, about any type of
workshops & Students’ Union recognition
problem, and I will do my best to help.”
DISABILITY & WELL BEING OFFICE trying to make timetable arrangements more accessible to you; additional services at the library; access to rest rooms; informing teaching staff of particular requirements; setting out Special Exam Arrangements…Your ISSA has to be based on current medical documentation and will only be sent to people you agree to, once you’ve given your signed consent. See Nicola early – some exam arrangements need to be organised months in advance! LINDA KELLAND Room U604 | 020 7955 7422 If you are dyslexic, or think you may be,
The Disability & Well Being Office is the
lar problems, if it’s not something she
strategies to help you make the most of
first point of contact for all LSE students
can sort out herself.
your studying.
Linda is the advisor to ask for. She can provide a screening and referral service, and/or work with you on a range of
with disabilities. Its brilliant staff can help you acclimatise to life at the LSE, access
further services you may require and ar-
Room A41 | 020 7955 6523
range reasonable adjustments, making
Jane works in School and in Residences,
teaching and learning more accessible
assessing and referring students in crisis
for you. It’s based in A40, in the Old
and monitoring progress and well-being,
in order to help students stay on course. Mental ill health can be as debilitating
as other illness/medical conditions/dis-
Every year, the Disability & Well-being
Office have a placement for a Community Service Volunteer who is on hand to
offer varied practical personal and study
Room A40 | 020 7955 6034
Nicola is the main person who sorts out access arrangements for students with
long-term medical conditions or disabili-
Room A40 | 020 7955 7767
ties. Book a meeting with her as early as
Sue is the friendly person usually behind
possible to discuss an Individual Student
the main desk. She is very helpful in
Support Agreement (ISSA). This will detail
knowing who to approach with particu-
other services you may require, like:
ment to the Speakers’ Bureau is done by
Our experienced team comes from a
The LSE Circles Network is a peer support
Circles and the Disability & Well-being
diversity of backgrounds and provides
network for students with disabilities,
Office. Hopefully this is something you
services and support covering many
to support others and be supported
might like to consider getting involved
areas - including:
with and would find an invaluable experience.
The Disability & Well-being Office may re-
• Internship and placement scheme opportunities with top employers within
fer you to Circles, but you can also con-
the investment banking, legal, chemicals,
tact them by email (see above). Circles
Leaving the secure environment of the
media, public and other sectors
aims to make it easier for students with a
LSE and entering the world of work can
• Recommendations of disability
range of disabilities, medical conditions
appear an extremely daunting prospect
inclusive employers
and/or special needs to study, survive
as a person with a disability. Will my
• Help with CV and application form
and succeed at LSE, through practical
employer be willing to pay for the adjust-
assistance and support groups.
ments that I need? Should I disclose my
• Mock interview opportunities with key
disability on my CV or at all? How can I
Practical assistance can range from
account for the gaps in my education?
• Advice on how to perform well at
reading aloud to being a ‘human
What about assessment centres, online
interviews and assessment centres
alarm-clock’ to phone someone in the
tests and telephone interviews – this is all
• Invitations for you to attend specialist
morning. Whatever assistance comes to
new to me, will I fall at the first hurdle?
recruitment events and workshops
mind that you can offer or require – get in touch with Circles. Success of support groups differs depending on need for the group and membership that year. A couple of examples are: a mental well-being group to reduce isolation and get to know other students experiencing and coping with mental ill-health at the LSE, and study groups for any Circles
• Information, advice and guidance on
disability issues such as disclosure of a disability, reasonable adjustments and any other issues. This list is not exhaustive! Please get in touch with us if there are any employment and disability services you require!
members to plan study time. EmployAbility exists to answer these
questions and ease your transition from
Students who are experts in their own
education to employment. A not-for-
disability are an invaluable asset in
profit organisation, we support disabled
promoting disability awareness and
undergraduates and graduates, provid-
contributing to staff training. Through
ing practical advice and guidance
participation in the Speakers’ Bureau,
through the entire recruitment process.
you’ll receive training to confidently and clearly describe the realities of living
We also work with employers to break
and studying with a disability, helping
down barriers to employment, creating
cultivate an appreciation of the diversity
a more inclusive working environment for
of experience within disability. Recruit-
people with disabilities.
STUDENT ACTIVITIES One of the best ways to get really stuck into the university experience and meet students with similar interests is to take part in Students’ Union activities. Sometimes, access can seem awkward at first sight. There are often ways round but if in doubt contact Students’ Union Students with Disabilities Officer, Luke Moore .
MEDIA GROUP Unfortunately due to the nature of the East Building, the offices of The Beaver, LooSE TV and Pulse Radio are not wheelchair accessible. If you wish to get involved, contact the appropriate person for the media you are interested in or contact Luke .
SOCIETIES Please note on the membership lists if you have an access requirement (e.g. rooms accessible to wheelchairs/ rooms with induction loop etc) or you can email Luke with a list of societies
its members. Help form Students’ Union
Students’ Union Students with Disabilities
you join and he will notify societies of
policy by proposing and voting on mo-
Officer in the Lent Term, so do get in
requirements, keeping you anonymous.
tions. Luke can lend a hand drafting a
touch! You can help make a difference
To improve accessibility, students with
motion about accessibility/disability and
to the lives of students with disabilities/
disabilities/medical conditions may
rally extra backing from other supportive
medical conditions through all these
enter Freshers’ Fayre half-an-hour early
students. Also contact him if you find the
areas, so contact Luke for more informa-
with a special card – see Luke or collect
UGM inaccessible to you.
tion & guidance!
In Student Union terms, you’re repre-
Next year we will build on the work of
sented at three different levels: the LSE
the Disability and Well Being Society by
The Athletics Union has welcomed stu-
Students’ Union, University of London
setting up a Disability and Well Being
dents with various disabilities before. Con-
Union (ULU) and the National Union of
Forum. The approach of this forum will
tact Luke if you need specific help/info.
Students (NUS).
be one of relaxed discussion, leading to
Luke Moore is willing to share some tasks
people as possible to come along,
The LSE Students’ Union is unique in still
and insight with students who might be
whether they have a disability or not. Dis-
holding a weekly democratic forum for
interested in standing for the post of LSE
ability rights are far from boring!
a card from the Disability & Well-being Office!
campaigning. We encourage as many
TIPS AND LINKS TIPS • Get involved with the Circles Network. • Ask many questions, the smallest things can make all the difference to your experience at the LSE. • Arrange an ISSA nice & early – you may find that Jean will think of help you require that you haven’t even thought of! • If you need more help than you’re getting, go back to the Disability & Wellbeing Office and let them know you’re struggling. • Circles Network is great for friendship, support and help from those who know what it’s like coping at LSE with a disability/illness. • If you have a problem with mobility, it’s worth checking out alternative routes to the LSE. There can occasionally be obstructions. • Use spare time in your initial days at the LSE to explore the buildings, familiarise yourself with accessibility and locate key venues. • Take part in the Disability & Diversity Consultative Forum – you can really help make a change for you and others.
Ouch student:
• If you’re a British citizen who requires
Circles Network
more help than can be met through the
RADAR – the disability network:
School’s provisions, then contact Social
Disability & Well-being Office:
National Bureau for Students with
• Check out the mind-mapping software
installed on PCs on the LSE campus. It has
LSE Learning World:
helped many students plan essays and
Working Without Hearing:
prepare presentations.
• Don’t be discouraged by the highly
competitive atmosphere with people
Disability Rights Commission:
chasing internships etc, we’re not all like
London Theatre Access:
that! Find the people who can help you
and enjoy making the most of the univer-
Tourism for All UK:
sity experience.
WOMEN At LSE we aim to raise awareness of cur-
taken from the Fawcett society.
rent issues that specifically affect women
A rape is reported to the police in the UK
and encourage everybody, regardless
every 34 minutes. Yet only 14% of cases
of gender, to join us in our campaigns
which are reported to the police ever
fighting for gender equality - on and off
reach a courtroom and only 6.1% lead to
conviction. The threat and reality of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment
There is a vibrant group of students at
continue to restrict women’s ability to use
LSE who campaign throughout the
public spaces without fear. The reclaim
year on gender-related issues. Last year
the night march offers an opportunity for
we focused, amongst other issues, on
us to claim back this human right.
a woman’s right to choose (abortion rights), opposed the Miss university of
This year LSE students will be walking
London beauty pageants, and marched
through the streets of London on Saturday
through the streets of London on the
21st November. It is a women-only march
Reclaim The Night march.
against rape and male violence, which will be followed by a mixed rally. Join us
for a truly empowering experience.
Many women who graduate from LSE
go into careers in the business world, yet they are often unprepared for the inequalities they face there.
The Students’ Union operates a Women’s an extremely active Women in Business
Forum designed to enable like-minded
society which aims to expand its mem-
students, regardless of gender, to col-
Currently women working full-time earn
bers’ understanding and awareness of
lectively decide on a campaigning
on average 17% less an hour than men
industry across various disciplines.
agenda and which events to hold. It is a
working full time, and out of the 27 Euro-
great opportunity to make the Students’
pean Union countries, the UK continues
Union more representative as well as
to have the largest pay gap
Data from the National Management
getting to know more of your fellow stu-
Salary Survey in 2001 revealed that
dents. Women need a strong voice and
The Students’ Union is committed to rais-
the average female manager earned
everybody’s input is welcome. To make
ing awareness of this inequality and put-
£34,789, while the average male man-
sure you don’t miss a meeting sign up to
ting pressure upon both businesses and
ager earned £40,289. Women managers
the Women’s mailing list during Freshers’
the government to rectify this inequality.
therefore earned around 86% of the aver-
Fayre and look out for our posters.
The Careers Service at LSE can provide
age annual managerial salary of men.
you with information and support if you
The Women’s Officer is there to provide
want to pursue a career in business,
The Equality and Human rights commis-
where the glass ceiling frequently blocks
sion estimates it will take 73 years before
women from attaining senior executive
equal numbers of women are in the
positions. The Careers Service office can
boardroom of the FTSE 100 and it wont
be found at W610 in Tower 3. In addition,
be until 2225 before parity is realised in
the Students’ Union funds and supports
all of the UK’s boardrooms. * Information
help and support for female students.
LGBT STUDENTS Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
The LSE Students’ Union wishes to ensure that all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, feel accepted and safe during their time at the school.
LGBT SOCIETY The LGBT Society is a forum for students to meet new people, share their experiences, and attend social and careers events. London is world-renowned as a gay capital. Through the LGBT Society, students can discover and explore this in a safe and friendly environment. The society regularly goes on socials, bar crawls, and nights out to Soho to help to
someone about it, if you have worries
and an extra special Mind the Gap. If
introduce students to the scene. The LSE
regarding coming out to friends and
you’d like to get involved then drop the
SU hosts the only regular student LGBT
family, or if you’re interested in becoming
LGBT Officer an email or simply turn up
night in London in the form of Mind the
more involved in LGBT campaigns, he is
to the LGBT forum.
Gap (MTG) which takes place on the
your first point of contact. His office hours
first Monday of every month. This attracts
are advertised on the LSE Students’ Union
a large number of students from all Lon-
website. If you’d prefer to meet outside
If you have any questions regarding your
don Universities.
office hours, feel free to contact Scott.
sexuality, a good service available is the
Anyone is welcome to join the LGBT
Their helpline operates from 10am-11pm,
Society at Fresher’s Fayre, online at the
The LGBT forum offers students an
seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. The
Students’ Union website, or by emailing
opportunity to discuss the progress of
number is 020 7837 7324, the recruitment Be sure to drop by
ongoing campaigns, to coordinate
hotline for volunteers is 020 7837 7606, and
the Society’s Annual General Meeting
the activities of different societies, and
their textphone number is 020 7689 8501.
in Freshers’ week to meet the outgoing
to propose and plan individual events.
Their information website provides 24
committee members and help elect the
Would you like to see LGBT Pride Week
hour access to a database of informa-
new committee.
host a specifically LGBT-Straight alliance
tion and resources relevant to the LGBT
event? Inquire about cooperation with
community -
London Lesbian and Gay switchboard.
the Amnesty Society on an informational
Scott MacDonald, the Students’ Union
event regarding LGBT rights worldwide?
The NHS has a wide variety of free and
LGBT Officer, is here to ensure that your
This is where to show up.
confidential sexual health services for
experience at the LSE is a positive one. He
LGBT people in London. Similarly, the
will be holding weekly office hours during
GMFA, the gay men’s health charity,
term time. Whether you’ve encountered
This year will see the first ever LSE Stu-
also provides a number of great services
homophobic or transphobic sentiments
dents’ Union LGBT pride week. It will en-
across the capital; their website is
on or off campus and want to talk to
tail a week of political events, debates,
It don’t matter if you’re black or white
You’ll have heard words like diversity and multiculturalism tossed about with LSE’s name, but you don’t really get an idea of what those words mean until you get here. Only after walking a Houghton St. busy with students do you get a feeling of how 150 countries could share this central London university. Whether it’s through a drinking game or sharing the answers to your first problem set you’ll almost certainly get to know people of all imaginable nationalities and backgrounds. And after spending some time here, we’re sure you’ll agree with us that LSE’s multiculturalism tag was both well deserved and a good thing. Consider having your class discussions with people who’ve all gone to different secondary school systems. Imagine receiving an answer to the generic freshers’ week question ‘where
one another – this is to be expected. But
budget to the current situation in Gaza
are you from?’ which you actually find
there is always a risk of impenetrable
and West Bank. Discussions of the sec-
interesting! Last but not least think of all
cliques forming which do not promote
ond type can cause tension between
the great places you’ll be able to stay in
a friendly open atmosphere and it is
groups on campus, and given that no
your 3 months of summer holiday.
up to us at the union to think of ways to
topic is off limits, the union is active in
avoid this such as a fund for joint-society
ensuring all debate is carried out in a
So where do I fit in? As anti-racism
events. However the vast majority of
tolerant and respectful manner.
officer, the most important part of my
groups are friendly and inviting and the
role is to be the first point of contact
many nationality societies are all too
Finally the only thing to do is to wish you
any student who feels they are being
keen to share their country’s culture and
a warm welcome and to say I hope you
discriminated against because of their
ways of enjoying it with anyone and
enjoy being a student at the London
nationality, race or skin colour. There
School of Economics as much as I have
have not been a great number of
so far. Given the qualities and opportu-
people who feel this way at the school,
Giving the variety of our students’
nities of LSE, I hope you can make the
and we hope it continues like this. My
backgrounds it is no surprise that there
most of your time here and leave with a
role is two fold and does not only involve
is an extraordinary range of views on
set of friends, opinions and experiences
dealing with these rare occurrences, but
the political, social and economic issues
that is truly international.
preventing them in the first place. For
of today. This undoubtedly creates an
example, students who share the same
impassioned atmosphere of debate on
first language or country of origin might
campus, and you’ll find yourself discuss-
feel more at ease spending time with
ing everything from how to spend the
Advice and Counselling, Work, Financial Support, Safety, Fun Stuff
The Students’ Union Advice and Counsel-
renewal. If you believe your application
to Remain
ling Centre, based in Room E297, East
is complex, you do not have the support-
• Nationality
Building, provides a professional advice
ing documents or for any other reason,
and counselling service to LSE students
please come to our office and talk to
and can help you with a wide range
our advisers.
• mobile phone contracts
of issues. We provide legal advice and
• Visa correction: if the British Embassy
• fitness club contracts
assistance in a number of areas, which
or High Commission has made a mistake
• other consumer issues
includes, but is not limited to:
and given you the wrong end date for your visa, you can get it corrected. Post-
Please feel free to contact us for any
graduate students should have been
other issues not listed.Our experienced
• contract checking
given a visa which is valid for the length
advisers can see you during drop-in
• illegal eviction
of their course plus 4 months, for under-
hours or by appointment outside of
• harassment
graduates, the length of their course plus
these times if necessary. The service is
• disrepair
2 months.
free, independent, impartial and confi-
• rent arrears
• Appeal : for those whose visa ap-
dential. The Counsellor is available to see
• possession action
plication has been refused, The Advice
students on Fridays by appointment.
• tenancy deposits
and Counselling Centre can advise on
• homelessness
procedure and policy on appealing to
• other landlord/tenant issues
the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal.
Term time drop-in hours:
• Working in the UK: the Advice and
Mondays and Fridays: 10.30am til 4pm
Counselling Centre can advise you on
Tuesdays - Thursdays: 10.30am til 1pm.
• Entry clearance: for Prospective
your legal rights to work in the UK, both
Vacation drop-in hours:
students who are abroad and in need
as a student and after completion of
Mondays to Fridays: 10.30am til 1pm.
of advice on policy and procedure in
your studies.
obtaining a student visa.
• Tier 1 (Post Study Work Visa) Tier 1
• Extension (Renewal) of Student Visa:
(General) Formerly HSMP
the Advice and Counselling Centre
• Work Permits
offers advice on complex cases of visa
• Settlement Visas and Indefinite Leave
PART-TIME WORK With the increase to the costs of studying
area and with key words relevant to the
back is frustrating. Ask your employer to
at University, many students find it neces-
kind of job you want.
complete form P38(S) which means your
sary to take up part-time jobs in order to
wages will be paid gross.
fund their studies. It can be difficult to bal-
Check out the Careers Service Job Shop
ance work and study, ensuring you do not
4) Part time workers are entitled to
over-commit yourself. It is recommended
jobshop/Page23.asp for more.
holiday. Their entitlement to holiday is
that you avoid working more than 16
pro rata -so if you normally work three
hours a week during term time so that it
days a week, you get 12 days a year (the
does not affect your study.
If you work outside the Union, be careful!
equivalent of four weeks’ working days).
Students can get a raw deal if you are
not vigilant, so you should know your
5) Under the Working Time Regulations,
The Students’ Union is committed to em-
rights, particularly if you’re in temporary or
you are entitled to at least a 20 minute
ploying students as part-time casual staff.
agency work.
break if you work more then six hours in
Please ask at Students’ Union Help Desk
one shift, and you shouldn’t be asked to
(Ground Floor, East Building) for informa-
Advice on employment is available from
work longer than eight hours in 24 if you
tion about vacancies, or look out for post-
the Students’ Union Advice and Coun-
work at night. However, there is no re-
ers. The jobs are worth having because
selling Centre or from Unite the Union’s
quirement under the minimum standards
the LSE Students’ Union pays its casual
Student Worker Campaign at www.unite-
that your employer must pay you for this
staff more than any other university’s Simple advice is to:
Union in the country! 1) Make sure you have a clear contract
6) Students are entitled and encour-
with your employers, and that they stick
aged to join trade unions, who can
There are jobs available at LSE for its
to it.
assist you with issues of wages, taxes
students. Some of these will be advertised
and conditions, bargain on your behalf,
through posters; some Departments
2) Make sure you are being paid at least
and protect your health and safety. You
send emails to their students looking for
the minimum wage – you should be paid
can join Unite the Union, the UK’s big-
workers. There are some excellent, well
a London Living Wage of over £7.45 per
gest trade union, for as little as £10. See
paid jobs open to LSE students within the
hour. Under the Employment Rights Act,
School. Departments will advertise of the
you are also entitled to receive a fully
aspx?page=3136 or www.uniteworking-
Careers Service Job Shop.
itemised pay slip. Make sure you read for more details.
yours carefully and question anything you The Careers Service Job Shop is a
don’t know.
valuable resource for finding part-time
The National Union of Students (NUS), of which LSE is a member, recently suc-
and temporary work in London. It is
3) Before you start working, ring the Inland
cessfully lobbied to get the Agency and
used by employers to find LSE students,
Revenue and get them to send you a tax
Temporary Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill
and employers specifically tailor their
code. All local tax office phone numbers
passed through parliament, one of the
advertisement to our students. You can
listed on the HM Revenue & Customs
biggest rebellions by Labour MPs against
use its search function to find jobs at the
website. Without the correct code, you
their government since 1997, which will
right time (morning, afternoon, evening or
will probably be put on emergency tax,
lead to changes to improve rights on
weekends), of the right type (from care
which is much higher than most students
these issues.
work to telephone sales) in a specific
should be paying. Waiting to claim tax
BANKS Most student bank accounts offer all
but in a couple of months it won’t be
Ways of transferring money from abroad
sorts of freebies and great deals. As an
able to pay for the shopping. The real
to a UK account include electronic
LSE student most banks know that you’ll
prize in student banking is getting the
transfer, a banker’s draft and travellers’
probably be earning a considerable
biggest interest free overdraft. Having
cheques. This will obviously depend on
amount of money after you graduate.
this larger safety net will ensure that
a lot of factors. Be sure to ask your bank
They also know that it is human nature
you are less likely fall into the territory
what their arrangements and charges
not to bother to change accounts once
of unauthorised loans, which will mean
are concerning sending money to and
you graduate. Because of this the Banks
huge penalties (roughly £30 a day).
from home. The overdrafts on many
want you, ‘banking’ on the fact they’ll be
Even if you’re “minted” and unlikely to
student accounts may not be available
able to get any money they lose on your
need to worry about overdraft limits it’s
to international students.
account back (with interest) when you
worth considering the company with the
end up buying one of their crappy fixed
biggest 0% overdraft. It is effectively free
Each branch of each bank will have
rate mortgages in twenty years’ time.
money after all – why not take most of it
a sort code. When providing details for
out then dump the money in a high inter-
standing orders/direct debits, you will of-
As a result, you should make sure you
est account for your three years at uni?
ten be asked to provide your sort code
get the best student account possible.
• Multiple accounts – this student clas-
and account number. The sort code
Here are a few tips so that you avoid
sic is currently on the wane as banks
would look something like “11-22-33”
potential pit-falls:
have tightened up the application
whereas the account number is a simple
processes for student accounts. You now
8 digit number.
• An advertisement isn’t an endorse-
have to guarantee your only account is
ment - bear in mind that over the
with them, bringing an end to the days
British banks have introduced strict
summer a number of high street banks
of the £4000 overdraft... the bastards.
regulations about opening bank ac-
will have visited Students’ Unions all over
counts. Security procedures have been
the country, exchanging briefcases full
implemented which can lead to delays
of nonsequential, unmarked fifty-pound
On your arrival in the UK you will need
for students who try to open an account
notes for a space at the university during
to open a bank account as soon as you
on arrival in the UK. Hence, processing
Freshers’ Fayre. This has been known to
can. Although many banks offer student
the required documents, and allowing
impair the judgement of cash strapped
accounts certain benefits and free
for your account to be set up could take
Unions and they have even been known
perks, most of these are not the same
anything from 2-4 weeks!
to accept offers from banks that don’t
as an international (or international stu-
provide the best deal for students. It
dents) account. Each bank has different
So make sure you come prepared with
could even happen at a university you
policies when dealing with international
some cash in hand (for daily expen-
are attending…
students. A few handy notes about the
diture, at least until you get your bank
• Forget freebies – don’t ever go for a
banking system:
account sorted out), or apply for a
bank account based on the goodies, a
‘gift card’ (an instant pre-paid card on
free railcard sounds like a great idea
In central London, there are ‘cash-points’
which money can be transferred from
but just remember they’re trying to bribe
everywhere. A cash-point is basically an
home). The bank will probably ask for
you for a reason….
ATM machine, and allows free cash with-
documentation that confirms things like
• All about the overdraft – when things
drawals. Some ATMs however, charge you
your identity (passport), student status,
get tight this will be your lifeline. A few
up to £2 for a withdrawal. We advise you to
London address and overseas perma-
free cinema tickets may look great now
walk a few more steps and find a free one!
nent address.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT Living in London is expensive, especially
Students who have registered with
if you’re paying international fees! Get-
Undergraduate students in particular
sufficient funds for the duration of their
ting a part time job can be one answer
must ensure that they have secured
programme of study where something
but you will also need to budget your
sufficient funds to cover the cost of leav-
unexpected has subsequently occurred
expenditure carefully as it is very easy to
ing LSE accommodation after the first
to disrupt these arrangements or to
run up massive debts. Try and maintain
year of study and the annual increase
cause additional expenditure. The un-
a daily or a weekly budget of allowable
in tuition fees. There are no scholarships
expected circumstances must have oc-
expenditure, and separate them into
available for subsequent academic
curred after the date of first registration
categories. It will be hard preparing for
years of study.
at the School. The School can not assist
your budget now, but within a month or
students who have knowingly registered
two, I’m sure you will become proficient
without sufficient funds for their fees and
in keeping a budget!
Taught Postgraduate students who are
living costs; Students who require as-
studying on a two year programme may
sistance with an emergency, one off cost
apply for a scholarship for their second
(e.g. a plane ticket home). Please note
The School expects students to have suf-
year of study, providing they meet the
that there is a separate application form
ficient funds to study, but financial help
eligibility criteria for one or more of the
for emergency, one off costs.
is available from the Financial Support
scholarships being offered for the session.
Office and the Students’ Union Advice
Information about the scholarships to be
International students are expected
offered for a particular session is avail-
to ensure they have additional funds
able on our website from the preceding
to cover disability related costs before
beginning their programme.
If you do not fall into any of these
Postgraduate Research students may
categories (e.g. you are an Overseas
A Drop-in service is offered between 1
apply for a scholarship for a subsequent
student experiencing financial difficulties
and 2pm Monday to Friday, in the Stu-
year of study, providing they meet the
which may have been foreseen), you
dent Services Centre (Monday, Wednes-
eligibility criteria for one or more of the
are unlikely to be eligible for support.
day and Friday during vacations) where
scholarships being offered for the session.
students are able to consult a member
For 2008/09 overseas students may be
of FSO staff. Students are advised to
particularly interested in the Overseas
An emergency Short Term Loan facility
ensure they have visited the FSO website
Research Student Awards Scheme (OR-
is available for students. Students may
before attending.
SAS) amongst other awards. Information
apply for a loan of up to £500, repayable
about the scholarships to be offered for
within four weeks. Students must provide
a particular session is available on our
evidence of how they will repay the
Once the academic session has started,
website from the preceding November.
loan. All application forms are avail-
The Financial Support Office (FSO) is responsible for administering a range of scholarships and hardship funds.
no further scholarships are generally
able from the Student Services Centre
available. Students are expected to
website at
ensure that they have sufficient funds to
For students experiencing financial dif-
cover both their fees and living costs for
ficulties which could not have been fore-
the full duration of their programme.
seen. These funds provide assistance to
support the following groups of students:
STUDENTS’ UNION FUNDS The Students’ Union Advice and Counselling Centre administers a number of annual hardship funds. Each fund is subject to annual review. Only LSE registered students can apply for these funds.
WOMEN’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE FUND For students who are pregnant and need help with maternity costs or the cost of a termination. This fund is available all year round.
REPEATING STUDENT FUND For students who have re-sit examinations or re-register for an academic year without adequate funding. This fund is avail able from the second term.
and whose funding is limited available
A Welfare Panel interviews all applicants
For full and part-time students who incur
from the second term.*
except for the Women s Right to Choose
a council tax liability. This fund is avail-
fund and the Students with Disabilities
Fund in those cases where attending an
The Fund is intended to assist students
All applicants are means-tested, except
For unexpected medical costs; available
who are homeless or at the risk of
for the Disabled Students and the Women
all year round.
becoming homeless due to hardship in
s Right to Choose Funds. General advice
meeting housing costs. This fund is avail-
is also offered on debt, grants, loans and
able from the second term.*
other possible sources of financial help.
landlords for deposits; available from the
second term.*
The fund is intended to assist students
able from the second term.
interview would cause undue hardship.
For court issue fees for students suing
who incur extra additional cost as a
result of disability. This may includes the
The fund is intended to assist students
cost of equipment and travel. Available
who incur financial hardship through
all year.
making an ‘in-country’ postal application for extension of their student visa.
*Although these funds run from the sec-
In addition the fund is also intended to
ond term, emergency payments may be
assist students who are seeking asylum
possible from the first term.
You need a TV Licence to watch or re-
If you’re unwilling to rip off someone
cord TV programmes, irrespective of what
else’s internet – the best way to get the
channel you’re watching, what device
best deal is to get a phone/broadband
you are using (TV, computer, laptop, mo-
bile phone or any other), and how you receive them (terrestrial, satellite, cable, via
the Internet or any other way). If you use
For most students a mobile phone or
television-receiving equipment without a
Skype is perfectly adequate for keeping
valid TV Licence, you risk prosecution and
in touch with friends and family. You will,
a fine of up to £1,000, plus court costs,
however, have to pay line rental if you
and you will need to buy a TV Licence if
want the internet. At the time of going to
you still need one. A colour licence costs
print the best deal for an internet/phone
£142.50. Students requiring further infor-
package was from Tiscali. Always remem-
mation should contact TV Licensing on
ber that if you terminate the contract
0844 800 6734. To find out about the many
before the end of the stipulated period
ways you can pay for your TV Licence,
you will pay a cancellation charge.
including Direct Debit, visit www.tvlicens-
Always check your meter when you
move in and out of any new place, just
if you do get a job during your time at
only temporary so be prepared for a rise
to make sure you don’t get ripped off.
University you will no doubt be hit by
back up to 17.5% once we’ve ridden out
Given the ongoing rises in fuel costs it
income tax and National Insurance. If
the credit crunch!
might be worth trying to sign up with a
you don’t work for the entire year it’s
company which caps its prices.
extremely likely that you will be over-
taxed (due to HMRC cunning pro rata
With banking, shopping and paying your
system) – always remember to apply for
bills online this is something you’re going
Yup, you can’t live without it but you will
a tax refund at the end of the tax year –
to have to sort out early once you’ve
have to pay for it. Again, always check
which in the UK is April.
moved into a new house.
the meter when you move in. For both
try to “estimate” the amount you have
Because poor people, like students,
There are a number of municipal and
used instead of collecting a proper me-
do not contribute enough money to
localised free wi-fi services. Upper St,
ter reading. Always double check and
the running of the country through the
Islington, many bars, cafes and libraries
complain if they’re over charging you. In
income tax system -15% tax is added to
offer free wireless internet access. It is
London it’s typical for water companies
everything sold in the UK except chil-
not advisable to ‘steal’ wireless internet
to apply rates; an unmetered charge
dren’s clothes (so if you’re short you’re
without permission from your neighbours.
based upon the property and the num-
quids in). This is almost always already in-
Although many people leave their wire-
ber of occupants.
cluded in the price, so usually you don’t
less box unprotected, you may be break-
even notice. The current rate of 15% is
ing the law.
water and energy companies will usually
example, keys or a can of deodorant),
and cover the top with your thumb or an
When you go to a cash point try to go
but you may not carry a weapon. Be
anti-spiking lid when walking around. If
in daylight if possible. Always be aware
aware that your attacker might be stron-
you suspect your drink has been spiked,
of people standing too close to you and
ger than you, or may take what you are
contact a member of staff or tell a
always conceal your PIN when you enter
using in self-defence and use it against
trusted friend. Always take care when
it into the key pad. There are many cash
you. It is often better just to shout fire’,
point thieves operating in London, often
‘police’ or ‘who are you?’ loudly and run
in pairs, one distracts you while the other
away or use an attack alarm rather than
steals your money so please be vigilant.
‘help’ as it can get more results.
Mark your personal property with your postcode, or your parents’ postcode. Use
OUT AND ABOUT Try not to go about on your own at night, but if you have to walk near groups of people. You will be safest in bright, well lit and busy areas. Look and act confident – look like you know where you are go-
ing and walk tall.
an ultraviolet pen. For mobile phones, note your IMEI number and your phone number and keep them in a safe place away from your phone. On most phones, the IMEI number (15 digit serial number) will be
Try not to listen to a personal stereo
displayed when you key in *#06#, if not,
You might like to spread your valuables
when out jogging. It will help you to stay
look behind the phone battery. Register
around your body. For example, keep
more aware of your surroundings. If you
your phone with your network operator.
your phone in your bag, your house keys
think you are being followed, check by
in your trouser pocket and your money
crossing the street – more than once if
Make a note of all relevant security
in your jacket. Carry bags with clasps
necessary – to see if they follow. If you
numbers for your phone, video, laptop
facing inwards, or the strap over your
are still worried, go to the nearest place
and any other valuables that might be
shoulder. Ensure it is shut at all times.
where there are other people – a pub or
targeted if you were to be burgled. Do
When you are sitting place the bag
anywhere with lights on – and call the po-
you know the number to call to cancel
between your feet.
lice. Don’t call from a phone box where
your cards if they were stolen? Keep the
the attacker could trap you inside.
emergency number for your credit card
If someone tries to take something from
company, bank, and your mobile phone
you, it may just be better to let them take
If a car slows down or stops beside you
it rather than to get into a confrontation
and you feel threatened, shout to gain
and risk injury. You can use reasonable
other people’s attention. If you have a
Make sure that your belongings, such as
force in self-defence. Don’t give people
personal attack alarm, set it off. Get away
your television or radio cannot be seen
the opportunity to steal from you. Make
as quickly as you can. If you can, make
through a window and never leave cash
sure you keep a close eye on your prop-
a mental note of the number plate and
or credit cards lying around. Try not to
erty – especially mobile phones, money,
description of the car and write down
use a computer case when carrying a
and laptop computers – when you are at
details as soon as possible afterwards.
laptop, use a less obvious bag and never
home or out and about.
company where you can find it quickly.
display items of high worth in public.
DRINKING You are allowed to protect yourself with
Never leave drinks unattended in pubs
something you are carrying anyway (for
or clubs. Try to have your drinks in bottles
If you see fire or smoke:
In the UK, the emergency number to
den. The location of the fire assembly point for each building is displayed near
call for police, fire or ambulance is 999.
• Sound the alarm immediately by
each fire call point. Fire call points are to
Please make sure your call if a real emer-
pressing a fire call point
be found near each entrance/exit.
gency before phoning.
• Leave by the nearest exit • Do not use lifts
The LSE emergency number is 666 from
• Only try to tackle a fire if you can
If you decide to work in any School build-
any internal phone.
do so without endangering yourself or
ing during the evening or at the week-
end, remember that you can only enter
• Go immediately to the fire assembly
and exit the School via the Old Building
The School has sophisticated fire safety
entrance. Fire exits may be locked. Make
systems installed in its buildings. These
• DO NOT re-enter the building until told
sure that you know two different open
systems vary from building to building.
that you may do so by an LSE Fire War-
routes out of the building.
per cent of callers to the Rape Crisis
vetted by the police. They also have a
Reported incidences of sexual harass-
Federation Wales and England knew
meter showing the cost of the journey.
ment at the School are low but they
their assailant. Women are not the only
Private hire cabs should be pre-booked.
can happen to both male and female
victims of sexual assaults. Men are also
Use a reputable company. Avoid cabs
students. Harassment covers a wide
sexually assaulted, or experience violent
that tout for business at bus stops or
range of unsolicited behaviour from
relationships in their lives. Sexual assault
outside venues.
unwanted comments and gestures of
and rape are more likely to happen in
a sexual nature to demands for sexual
less busy areas. You can reduce the risk
favours and sexual assault. In short is is
of this type of attack by following the
behaviour which violates an individual’s
general guidance earlier in this section.
dignity, and/or creates an intimidat-
ing, hostile, degrading, humiliating or
If you are attacked, you must decide
offensive environment. Harassment
whether to defend yourself, which may
can cause distress and harm to those
put you at risk of further injury. Or it may
If you are at all uneasy about the cab
on the receiving end. Other forms of
not be possible to defend yourself.
or the driver, don’t get in. If you get in,
harassment include racial harassment,
Either way, you did not ask to be raped
always sit behind the driver. If still un-
harassment on the grounds of sexual
or assaulted. It is not your fault. You did
easy, ask to be let out where there are
orientation, bullying, age harassment
not deserve it.
lots of people in a well-lit area.
Such conduct is unacceptable and you
If you have been raped, you may or may
See p121 On Friday nights the LSE
do not need to stand for it.
not want to report it to the police, or to
Students’ Union runs an hourly night bus
see a nurse or counsellor. The police are
from the Peacock Theatre to the halls.
and harassment of disabled people.
Many people are often unsure if what
specially trained to work with those who
they have experienced constituted
have been sexually assaulted.
harassment but any incident can be reported to the Education and Welfare
If you want to report the crime straight-
Officer, Women’s Officer, LGBT Officer
away, whether you get medical help or
or Anti-Racism Officer. You can also
go straight to the police, try not to wash
choose to resolve the issue informally
or change your clothes. If you want to
and will not become formal until you
report the crime at a later date, this is
okay too.
We can all prevent inadvertently
harassing others by being sensitive to
If you are going to be out late, try to
the reactions and needs of others and
arrange a lift home or pre-book a cab.
making sure that our words and actions
Cabs in London are either Private Hire
do not cause offence.
or Taxis.
By law, only taxis can display an il-
Despite popular beliefs, rape by a
luminated Taxi sign. They are insured,
stranger is very uncommon. Around 97
mechanically sound and drivers are
YOUR PROPERTY Property lost and found can be a problem. Over 5,000 items are lost and found every year at LSE. There is a Property Office in Room A050 which is open at rather erratic intervals throughout the week, although a timetable is placed on the door to A050– outside these hours speak to Reception staff. Laptop computers are the HOTTEST items at the top of every thief’s list of property to take. Do not leave a laptop unattended – even for a moment – it will go! Even locked rooms at LSE are not safe places to leave a laptop. Look after it or lose it. Laptop locks are available at the Students’ Union shop. Bicycles are always parked on and around the campus. Over 100,000 bicycles are reported stolen every year in the UK and these parked bikes attract thieves like a magnet. Thieves will especially target bikes which look expensive. If you use a bike, be careful where you park. Do not leave your bike unattended for hours. Make sure that it is secured
overnight will be removed by security
it – talk to each other and watch out for
with a substantial lock and preferably
staff. When you have found your locker,
each other in a sensible way.
two locks wherever it is parked, particu-
secure it with a strong lock of at least six
larly if left in racks around the campus.
millimetres thickness.
We would advise using a sold secure
The campus is very open, especially
It is a good idea to insure your belong-
gold rated lock, see or
during the working day. In common with
ings against theft and damage. If you
all other large cities, ‘walk in’ type theft
are in halls of residence some of your
is a feature of the environment. ‘Walk
belongings are insured, read your policy
Lockers are widely used inside the
in’ thieves are trespassers who walk into
to find out which ones. Endsleigh are the
School. Do not put valuable items into
any buildings from the street looking for
only insurance provider recommended
lockers, particularly wallets, purses and
chances to steal.
by the National Union of Students, and
laptops. Please do not use the lockers in
have a number of products and services
or near the changing facilities as perma-
‘Walk in’ thieves thrive in a relaxed envi-
nent storage lockers – anything left there
ronment. Don’t let them get away with
geared towards the needs of students.
HEALTH & SWINE FLU If you thought Freshers Flu wasn’t enough…
ommended that you register with your
The St Philips Health Centre offers a
local medical centre. If you return home
Swine flu, a new strain of influenza A
comprehensive service for LSE students
on holidays or weekends you can be
H1N1, has managed to spread over 100
and staff within the local catchment
seen by your home GP as a temporary
countries world wide leading the World
area and covers more medical prob-
resident. If you have never lived in the
Health Organisation (WHO) to declare a
lems that the Students’ Union Advice
UK and/or do not have a NHS (National
pandemic. The virus, first reported as an
centre can. You will be required to
Health Service) number you will need
outbreak of flu in Mexico, quickly spread.
register before your first consultation, so
to register with the medical number to
have some documentation with you.
receive one. NHS Medical care is free
You can phone to book an appoint-
and available to anyone residing in the
ment with a doctor any time between
UK for more than 6 months.
Symptoms within the U.K have tended to
9am and 5pm. The health centre is staffed by 3 profession-
be mild with most suffering nothing more For NHS Registration – Please register
than a common cold and recovering
within a week. Symptoms include: fever,
al GPs who provide 24 hour care for their
cough, headache, fatigue, sore throat
registered patients. Other students and
Medical Centre is on LSE campus. Your
staff can use the Medical centre during
registration will be processed within
the day but should contact their own GP
seven working days. If you need to see
for home visits and out of hours requests.
a doctor/nurse urgently please contact
the medical centre on 0207 955 7016.
The Flu virus is spread by coughs and
Appointments with the Medical Centre are
and a runny nose.
sneezes so ensure you have those tissues
available every weekday but it is advised
Please do not wait until you are ill
handy. After coughs and sneezes re-
that you book a few days in advance. It
before registering.
member to ensure the tissue is disposed
is possible for the GP to visit you at home
of and you’ve washed your hands. Remember to Catch It, Bin It, Kill It!
should you become to ill to come in. If
St Philips run a Contraception Clinic
you require a home visit you should call
Monday to Thursday during term time
at the first available opportunity. Clinics for
and an Osteopath clinic on Thursdays.
urgent medical appointments are held at
You can also make appointments for
11.00am & 3.00 pm, each day Monday -
the Dental Service by telephoning 020
If you suspect your suffering from Swine
Friday. A Saturday morning clinic emer-
7955 7444.
Flu check your symptoms online at www.
gency clinic is available at the University of London Union. If your symptoms fit the bill then Nurses and osteopaths, are available
phone NHS Direct on 08454242424. They’ll
at the surgery by appointment. Dental
be able to provide advice on relieving
There is also an urgent clinic every day that
treatment is provided. The fees payable
your symptoms and the next steps you
is suitable for medically urgent problems,
are specific for staff and students of the
should take. Avoid visiting hospitals or GP
requiring immediate attention. These are
LSE but are no longer National Health
surgeries unless you are advised to do so.
operated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Service (NHS) fees.
There are two sessions, 11.00am to 11.30am and 3.00pm to 3.30pm. If you are a UK citizen it is strongly rec-
ALCOHOL & DRUGS If you thought Freshers Flu wasn’t enough…
lieve that you should know what you’re
Although it is socially acceptable,
getting into. Please remember that igno-
aka. Skunk, Weed, Hash, Marijuana.
alcohol can be just as powerful as any
rance is not an excuse when it comes to
Comes in either the form of dried leaves
other drug. The health guidelines on al-
drugs and the laws that cover them.
(Marijuana) or a resin (Hashish). The drug
cohol consumption are that as a rough
itself induces feelings of relaxation, hilarity,
estimate, a pint of ‘normal’ beer(‘lads
Drugs also vary widely in terms of legal-
introspection and paranoia. Long term
sauce’) is two units and a measure of
ity and social acceptability as well as
smoking can cause lung cancer and the
spirits(‘banter juice’) or a single small
the experience and, as a result, we’ve
current strength of the drug available
glass of wine is one unit. A unit is the
assembled this ‘cut out and keep’ guide
on the street is believed to trigger serious
amount of alcohol that your body can
so you’ve got a reference guide so you
mental health problems. Street price:
process in 1 hour. These guidelines sug-
know what you’re being offered the next
From £15 an ‘eighth’ of an ounce for resin
gest that men should consume a maxi-
time you go to Camden. Please note, all
and £25 an eighth for marijuana.
mum of 21 units a week and women
the drugs we have mentioned here (with
around 14. If you drink a lot more you
the exception of alcohol) are illegal.
may be causing damage to your body.
COCAINE aka. Coke, Charlie, Showbiz Sherbert Cocaine most commonly sold as a white
Alcohol acts as a relaxant and reduces
Before we start it’s worth remembering
crystalline powder: cocaine hydrochlo-
feelings of anxiety and inhibitions making
that any drugs related experience de-
ride. The drug is often finely chopped
you feel more sociable. Alcohol will often
pends greatly on a number of things:
with a razor blade or NUS card, and then
exaggerate the mood you were in when
snorted through a rolled banknote. This
you start drinking. Long term excessive
• Quantity and quality of said drug
produces an instant feeling of elation,
consumption can cause liver dam-
• Your own mental and physical health
confidence and indifference to pain, as
age, heart disease and other illnesses. If
• Your mood and expectations of
well as an imagined sense of competen-
you are concerned about your own or
the drug
cy. Frequent use affects your libido and
someone else’s drinking then there are
• Where you are and who you’re with
regular use could lead to the membrane
specialist helplines who will discuss any
between your nostrils falling out – not
matters with you. They are confidential
pretty. Street price: now stabilised at
and you do not need to have a serious
aka. Speed
between £30-£60 per gram.
problem before you contact them. You
An off-white powder that can be swal-
can also contact the doctors at the
lowed, snorted, injected or smoked,
Health Centre for help and advice.
‘dodgy’ drug dealers some times mix it
aka. Rock, Pebbles, Bam Bam
with chalk or talcum powder. Popular
Crack is cocaine made into a smoke-
around exam time due to stimulant
able form which means you can transfer
Let’s face it we all take drugs, even your
effects. But what goes up must come
a high dosage very rapidly to your brain.
mum takes drugs. From the caffeine in
down and you’ll be feeling pretty low
Smoked in a pipe, its highs and lows are
your iced frappuccino to heroin in your
for a number of days after taking this
similar to those of cocaine but due to
school playground: drugs are every-
substance. Be warned; it places strain on
increased purity are far more intense. As
where. It would be a lie to say that no
the heart and can trigger latent schizo-
a result, the come down can vary from
students experiment with drugs and
phrenia. Street Price: £8-£12 per gram
headaches to panic attacks with most
although the Students’ Union does not
of powder – purer versions are obviously
users ‘binging’ to reduce the effects. On
condone taking illicit substances we be-
more expensive*
top of respiratory problems, binge use
can be hard to finance. Street price: these vary considerably depending on the size of the ‘rock’ but average price is between £12-£20
ECSTASY aka. E, Dolphins, Pills Available in pill form and despite word on the street often contains little or no MDMA. Its effects are a mixture between those of LSD and amphetamine creating a feeling of euphoria, followed by calmness. When under the influence judgment is greatly impaired. As well as a possible immediate feeling of nausea, raised body temperature can in a club situation cause dehydration which is fatal in extreme circumstances. Also, large doses can lead to anxiety, panic and confusion. The long term effects of use are currently uncertain. Street price: the price of one tablet can vary between £3-£8.
gus ergot and usually is taken as tabs
tion, sometimes described as “an out of
aka. Smack, Gear, Golden Brown
(squares of paper). A “trip” begins within
body experience”. Side effects include
Pure heroin is a white powder but it usu-
30 minutes and can last for 12 hours. Bad
being physically incapable of moving,
ally comes in the form of a brown pow-
trips are of course more likely if the user
and high doses can make it difficult to
der containing caffeine as well as other
is either unhappy or anxious. Paranoia,
breathe which can cause heart failure.
delightful ‘cuts’ such as stone and glass.
depression and dizziness also accompa-
Street price: £15 – 40 a gram
Injecting heroin into your system delivers
ny the more well known hallucinations.
a short feeling of “orgasmic” pleasure.
Reliving previous trips when not on the
Mixing with other drugs like alcohol
drug can also take place. Street price:
makes the risk of an overdose far more
Between £1-£5 for a tab
likely. Large doses can also make an individual fall into a coma. Street price:
As a result of the invasion of Afghanistan,
aka. Special K, Vitamin K, or just old K
has now dropped to £40 per gram.
Most of the Ketamine available on the street, which comes in form of a white
powder, is illegally produced. It causes
aka. acid, also by the print on the tabs
both changes in perception and hal-
LSD is made from the parasitic fun-
lucinations as well as a floating sensa-
CONTACT NATIONAL DRUGS HELPLINE: 0800 77 66 00 RELEASE: 020 7729 9904 QUITTEL: 0800 00 22 00 ALCOHOL CONCERN: 020 7928 4644 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: 020 7833 0022 DRINKLINE: 0800 917 8282
SAFER SEX There are many myths (and some leg-
and progestogen pill which, if taken
5 days after intercourse as ‘post-coital
ends) surrounding sex at University and
regularly, stops ovulation. It’s easy to use,
contraception and is about 96-98% ef-
you can rest assured not everyone is hav-
does not interfere with intercourse and
fective. No protection against STIs.
ing sex all the time at LSE so you should
is 99.9% effective. However there are
not feel pressured into doing something
side effects such as headaches nausea
you do not feel comfortable with.
and possible weight gain. It is unsuitable
This is a hormonal device that is placed
for women those with a family history
in the uterus and works by releasing pro
Condoms are available for free from the
of strokes and high blood pressure. No
gestogen. It also needs to be fitted by a
Education and Welfare Officer, Womens
protection against STIs.
Doctor. If it is fitted in the first five days of
and LGBT Officers and hall of residence
the menstrual cycle it works immediately.
The IUS is proven to be over 99% effec-
Containing progestogens only it makes
tive in preventing pregnancy. It normally
Safe sex is sex using barrier methods of
it difficult for the sperm to enter the
works for up to five years. No protection
contraception (such as condoms) to
womb and also for the womb to accept
against STIs.
reduce the risk of sexually transmitted
a fertilised egg. Once again it is easy to
diseases (STIs). Without these there is an
use and no interference with intercourse.
increased risk of exposure to a number
Side effects include irregular periods.
The most popular forms of contraception
of STIs, including the Human Immuno-
It is estimated to be 99% effective. No
it is a thin latex sheath that is put over
deficiency Virus (HIV), the virus that can
protection against STIs.
the penis prior to intercourse. It works by
welfare reps.
lead to Acquired Immune Deficiency
trapping the sperm during climax. When
Syndrome (AIDS). Different people prefer
used properly and with spermicide it is
different methods of contraception. If
This form of contraception is an emer-
99% effective. Oil-based lubricant, such
you are unsure which to use you can visit
gency measure to stop you becoming
as Vaseline, creams or lotions can make
a family planning clinic where advice on
pregnant if contraception fails or was
holes in latex condoms. There may also
sex and contraception are free. Below
not used. It contains a high dose of
be problems if the sheath comes off
is some information regarding different
hormones and although it is referred to
ruptures and some sensitivity is often lost.
methods of contraception.
as the ‘morning after’ pill it can be taken
However it offers consider able protec-
up to 72 hours after intercourse but the
tion against STIs during vaginal or anal
earlier it is taken the more likely it is to
The male withdraws his penis shortly be-
work. No protection against STIs.
fore ejaculation. Simple, highly unreliable
and not recommended. No protection
against STIs.
A coil (intrauterine device or IUD) is a
are made of polyurethane, and not
small flexible plastic and copper device,
latex. So it is unlikely to provoke allergies,
sometimes T-shaped, which is inserted
and should not be damaged by oil-
About 100 million women worldwide
by doctor into the uterus. It works by
based lubricants. When used correctly
use this method. In the UK roughly 1/3 of
prevent ing the egg from settling in
they are about 95% effective. Although
women of reproductive age take the pill.
the womb. There is no interference in
not as popular as the male condom
Although there are several types of pill
intercourse but is unsuitable for women
some women are keen on using it as a
available in Britain there are two main
with heavy periods or a history of pelvic
way to control their own fertility.
types of pill. Firstly there is the oestrogen
infections. The coil can be inserted up to
Often referred to as the Femi-Dom they
tions. The patch can also fall off without
You can also make your own dental
The Diaphragm is soft rubber device,
this being noticed thus ceasing to act
dam by vertically cutting open a con-
fitted into the vagina before intercourse
as a contraceptive. No protection
dom and spreading it flat, or by cutting
to cover the cervix. It must be used in
against STIs.
the fingers off a rubber glove and slitting
conjunction with spermicide which is a
open the little finger side, leaving the
substance that kills sperm. The cap need
thumb finger on the glove to be placed
not interfere at all with intercourse and
Also known as the rhythm method, now
in the vagina. Remember to check all
may protect against cervical cancer.
a widely discredited theory, it works
barrier methods, including condoms and
The Diaphragm itself can be slightly
on the principle that ovulation can be
dental dams, for holes or perforations
messy and will initially need to be fitted
predicted and intercourse avoided at
before use.
by a Doctor. It offers little or no protec
this time. How ever it can be up to 90%
tion against STIs however it is 97% effec-
effective if you have a highly regular
tive when used properly.
cycle. No protection against STIs.
Sharing sex toys, for example vibrators,
toys before using them on your partner
Known as ‘the jag’ in Scotland this form
A dental dam is a thin latex sheet used
or your self, especially if they have come
of contraception is injected into the
to limit transmission of bodily fluids dur-
into contact with vaginal fluid, sperm, or
muscle (usually the arm). The Injec-
ing oral sex or mutual masturbation. In
menstrual blood. Barrier methods such
tion contains hormones which, like the
cunnilingus or analingus, a dental dam
as condoms and dental dams can also
pill, prevent a woman from becom-
covers the vulva or anus to allow oral
be used on sex toys.
ing pregnant. In Britain there are two
stimulation of these areas. In female-
types the first is Depo-Provera (medrox
female genital contact, also known as
yprogesterone), which is by far the more
tribadism, the use of a dam as a barrier
commonly-used. It protects you almost
inhibits the transmission of genital fluids
Trust us, you don’t want these! STIs are
fully against pregnancy for 12 weeks. The
and thereby offers protection from STIs.
prevalent amongst sexually active
other is Noristerat (norethisterone) which
During tribadism with another body part,
young people. The best way to avoid
provides contraceptive protection for
a dental dam can be used as a barrier
getting one (or more!) is to use a barrier
eight weeks. The Injections are about
to decrease the risk of transmission, es-
contraception. Condoms are the most
99% effective. No protection against STIs.
pecially if a woman’s partner has open
common and effective, but using more
cuts or sores on the applicable body
than one form of contraception is even
part, for instance leg or stomach, or if
A relatively new form of contraception
the woman has vaginal cuts or sores.
is always a bad idea. Be sure to clean
See for more infor-
it often described as the skin version of the pill. It comes in the form of a self
Lubricant can be used between the
mation, support and advice on sexual
adhesive patch. The patches last about
stimulated area and the dam to create
a week at which point it will need to be
a higher level of sensation. When used
replaced with a new one. Because it is
correctly and consistently, dams de-
so new there is not much information as
crease the risk of HIV and oral-to-genital
to what the potential side effects are.
or genital-to-genital herpes transmission,
About 2% women’s skin reacts badly to
as well as genital warts and a number of
the patch causing them to suffer irrita-
other STIs.
WELL BEING Lectures, Classes, Essays, Debt, Homesick-
ensure that the counselling service is ap-
ness, Jobs, Late Nights, Early Mornings…
Counselling involves talking, thinking and
propriate and effective, the counsellor
sometimes at LSE it can seem like it’s just
doing. The counsellor may prompt you
meets regularly with a trained supervisor
one thing after another! Life as a student
by asking questions and making obser-
external to the institution. From time to
at LSE can be a difficult and stressful
vations that will help you to look at things
time it is necessary for students to be
experience. Just as it is important that
in different ways in order to help you to
referred to another agency either within
you work, it is just as important that you
find alternative ways to deal with your
or outside LSE. If this occurs, the counsel-
relax and take time out when necessary.
problems. You will be actively involved in
lor will ask for the student’s consent.
This year student welfare is a top priority
all aspects of the counselling. WHAT IF I FEEL EMBARRASSED?
so the Students’ Union will be providing regular enrichment activities to improve
People sometimes feel embarrassed
your experience as a student here. The
A counsellor is a trained professional
talking about intimate matters. The
Students’ Union is always there to provide
experienced in dealing with a wide
counsellors are trained to respect your
help, support, information and advice or
range of emotional and personal
feelings and discuss any topic you may
just somebody to listen. What follows is
problems. Sheila Gill is a nationally ac-
raise without judging or criticising you.
some information and advice that may
credited counsellor and trainer. She has
make your time here a little less stressful.
co-authored a number of books on the
theory and practice of counselling. She
Students, both undergraduates and
subscribes to the ethical code of The
postgraduates, from diverse national
People sometimes experience emotional
British Association for Counsellors and
groups and academic disciplines seek
or personal problems that they find hard
counselling. Problems and difficulties
to cope with by themselves. These prob-
students in the past have sought help
lems may be to do with changed circum-
with include:
stances (setting into university life), difficul-
Counselling may take less time than you
• Settling into LSE/London
ties in relationships, unexplained changes
think. This will depend on the nature of
• Loneliness and homesickness
in mood, such as feeling low, anxious or
your problem and will be discussed with
• Depression
stressed. When this happens, you may feel
you during the first session. Sometimes
• Unexplained change in mood such
it useful to see a professional counsel-
one session will be enough to restore
as feeling miserable/tense/tearful
lor. For students with deadlines to meet
your confidence in order to solve your
• Anxiety/panic
and the constraints of the examination
problem. At other times several sessions
• Exam stress
system, such difficulties can at times feel
may be needed up to a maximum of 6.
• Harassment
overwhelming and have a serious impact
A session lasts about 45/50 minutes. Stu-
• Issues about sex and sexuality
on their ability to sustain academic
dents will be invited to arrange a review
• Unplanned pregnancy
performance. Counselling can help by
date to ensure progress is maintained.
• Self harm
exploring with you the problems you ex-
• Suicide (If you have suicidal thoughts/
perience and your attempts to solve the
thoughts of self harm/currently self harm,
problem. New ways of coping will also be
The service is absolutely confidential,
it is advisable to make contact directly
explored. The approach to counselling at
which means your identity and anything
with your doctor.
the Students’ Union is based on system-
you talk about with the counsellor will
• Acute concern on behalf of another
atic and cognitive behavioural therapies
not be shared with anyone. All docu-
and is focused on problem solving.
mentation will be kept locked away. To
• Disability
dealing with a range of emotional and
personal problems. She is available on
London Nightline has offered a tele-
Note: It is advisable for every student to
Fridays at the Advice Centre, between
phone helpline, and now an email
be registered with a general practitioner.
the hours of 10:00 – 15:00. For details
service, to students in London since
Students who live in the catchment area
of the LSE Student Counselling Service,
1971. They are a confidential listening,
of St Philips Medical Centre can register
please see TLC website or http://www.
support and information service. Night-
with a doctor there.
line receive thousands of calls each
year from students like you, from all over
• Serious medical conditions
the city who are looking for information
or just someone to talk to. Calls can be
If at any point during you time at LSE you
about anything and everything, includ-
become ill, develop a disability, mental
ing academic work, relationships, health
The Advice and Counselling Centre at
health problem or become aware of a
and depression.
the Students’ Union. See p99
possible learning difficulty, contact the
The counselling service is free to LSE students.
Disability and Well Being Office. They will HOW DO I MAKE CONTACT?
be able to help! They will talk through any
Either telephone or drop into the Advice
problems you are having and help you find
and Counselling Centre. The counsellor
solutions. If you suspect you might be dys-
is available on Fridays 10am-3pm. Sheila
lexic they will be able to test you and then
Gill is a trained counsellor experienced in
help put into place the relevant provisions.
Welcome to London, Idiot’s Guide to living on your own, Where to go.
LIVING IN HALLS LSE offers a portfolio of ten halls and
ing or new events, possibly expanding
In addition to these, Sustainability
private flats, spanning a range of prices,
the horizons of individual halls then
Champions within each hall volunteer
facilities, sizes and locations. The variety
don’t be afraid to raise them with the
to promote particular simple changes
means that all first year undergraduates
President or other committee members
and ideas which can make a big dif-
and most new postgraduate students
in your hall.
ferent to the carbon footprint of the
are guaranteed a place, with the best
hall. If you would like to get involved,
ratio of students to hall places of any
In addition to your committee, the War-
gain some great experience and meet
London university. Your time in halls
dens team is responsible for ensuring the
new people within your hall talk to your
should be enjoyable experience for all.
general safety and security of residents,
hall Environment Officer, or Hero, the
as well as acting to enable pleasant
Students’ Union Environment & Ethics
As well as the committees in place in
relations between residents. You will be
each hall, there is a large support net-
introduced to your team of Wardens
work helping you to settle in to London
shortly after arrival, and again these are
and everything being at LSE brings. The
friendly and approachable people who
In addition to the diverse collection of
team of wardens and hall staff will be
live on site and can signpost you to par-
halls offered by LSE, many students find
ale to point you in the right direction
ticular services including contraception,
their home in London within one of eight
when it comes to advice, maintenance
health services, and counselling.
intercollegiate halls.
est pub or local attractions. You’ll be
It’s important you feel at home in
The opportunity offers a more varied
introduced to them shortly after arrival,
whichever residence you are in. No
student body than the social scientist
but their details can all be found on
student should feel intimidated by either
dominated LSE with the chance to
the Accommodation Office website.
their fellow residents or hall staff on any
interact with musicians, linguists, engi-
Remember if you have any queries or
issue whether race, language, culture,
neers and scientists and enable you to
issues during your time in halls, talk to
sexuality etc. If you are experiencing
expand your network in London. If you
your wardens or the Students’ Union
any problems within your residence, do
do encounter any difficulties during your
Residences Officer.
approach the committee and Warden
stay in UL halls, do let the Residences
if possible.
Officer or Education and Welfare Officer
issues, or even identifying the near-
know, and the matter will be taken up.
elected committee, consisting of current
students, already in their second or third
Both the LSE Students’ Union and the
year of study who possess a wealth of
School have made huge steps forward
knowledge about the hall, its location,
in terms of environmental success over
local area and facilities available to
the past few years. We are committed
new students. In order to do this, every
to changing the way in which residents
hall charges a termly common room
and students think about the environ-
fee of between £10 and £15 funding film
ment, and our halls play a big part in
nights, boat parties and other activities
this. A number of different initiatives are
throughout the year. Remember, this
in place across the halls, including a na-
is your money, and your committee, so
tional Student Switch Off campaign and
should you have any ideas for interest-
Zero Waste Management programmes.
Each residence will have its own
RENTING Although LSE accommodation is
so there’s no real rush once your hall
ing a deposit. Details on the scheme
guaranteed for all new undergraduate
contract finishes. Spend some time
can be found at:
students, and for most postgraduates
looking around – visit different areas and
it won’t be long before you are thrown
discover what you really want.
into the London property market and
Expect to pay at least £100 per week
the trials and tribulations it brings. For
The Students’ Union Advice and Coun-
per person anywhere in London. Obvi-
many it’s the first time away from home,
selling Centre offers a FREE contract
ously the further in to the centre, the
living in a private property, and whilst the
checking service. The University of Lon-
more you’ll pay, though it will depend on
experience is both enlightening and en-
don Housing Service also offers contract
how many people you share with, living
joyable for most, it also brings a number
checking and advice.
space and how few mice as flat mates
of important areas to think about.
you want to live with!
GUARANTORS If you are a student without a regular
Searching for a flat in London can be a
income, you will need to show your
Council tax is a regressive tax payable
time-consuming and tedious job. Most
landlord proof of how you will pay your
to your local council in order to satisfy
flats are advertised through letting
rent. Usually, this will take the form of a
local services and amenities such as re-
agents and various property websites.
guarantor: a person willing to cover your
fuse disposal, libraries and street lighting.
Letting agents will usually charge an
liabilities and provide proof of their in-
Each property is placed in a particular
administration fee of between £30-100
come. Often, it is a requirement to have
band, with prices ranging depending
per person when you sign a contract.
a UK national as your guarantor. This is a
on the size of the property, however cal-
particular issue for international students:
culations of value are generally based
Good websites include www.gumtree.
please seek advice at the Advice and
on inaccurate and out-of-date data,
com,, www.find-
Counselling Centre if you have any
which often leads to the individual pay- and http://housing.
problems. The Students’ Union is current-
ing significantly more than they should.
ly developing a Rent Guarantor scheme
The average annual levy on property in
for international students which hopes to
England was £1,175 in 2009.
be in place for September 2010.
Most letting contracts for shared flats
Registered full-time students are exempt
will be Joint Liability Assured Shorthold
from paying council tax assuming all
Tenancies. Bit of a mouthful, but essen-
Rent will almost always be paid monthly,
individuals in your property are students.
tially it gives you some legal protections
in advance. You will also be expected to
If you happen to be living with non-
(landlord can’t just chuck you out) and
pay a refundable deposit of approxi-
students, unfortunately council tax is
also some responsibilities. If one person
mately six weeks rent in advance. This
payable (with a 25% discount if there is
doesn’t pay up, everybody in the flat is
means you will have to pay around 10
just one non-student in the household).
jointly liable. Do get contracts checked
weeks rent when you sign a contract
Students cannot be held liable for coun-
before signing, and look out for further
on a new place. Wave goodbye to your
cil tax in this situation, but would normally
information about rent, guarantors and
Student Loan! Make sure your landlord
be expected to make a contribution.
landlord obligations when considering
subscribes to the Tenancy Deposit Pro-
private accommodation. Due to the
tection scheme, which provides protec-
To ensure your council tax exemption,
high turn-over of property within London,
tion to you by preventing landlords and
you will need to print off your certificate
contracts can be started at any time
letting agencies from unfairly withhold-
of registration from LSE for You and take
it along to Student Services with your LSE
the worse it will get. When you move in
sion. Visit for
ID card to get it stamped. Only after
remember to check the current meter
more information and to pay online.
this can you send it to your local council
ratings for water, gas and electricity if
to achieve the exemption. Don’t put
you haven’t got a top-up meter in your
it off! Many LSE students have ended
house. Most bills can be paid by direct
Squatting is a free, but often very
up with court hearings over council tax
debit, straight to the utility company –
insecure way of living. Whilst the price
bills they weren’t even liable for. There
at least this way you’ll know it’s been
difference can seem incredibly tempt-
are particular issues around council tax
paid (assuming there’s money in your
ing, there are many legal risks which
and students undertaking PhDs. Again,
you should be aware of. London has
if you encounter any problems, contact the ACC.
many squats often illegally attained and In addition to utilities, you’ll probably
inhabited, and the Students’ Union does
also find yourself entering into contracts
not advise students to squat in proper-
for phone lines and internet access, all
ties which are not legally empty.
Remember that unlike in LSE accom-
of which can add up, so make sure you
modation, living privately comes with
budget properly and know your exact
For more information on squatting in
the added bonus of lots more bills to
outgoings each month. Despite ideas to
London, see
pay. Don’t ignore the letters landing on
the contrary, you do still have to buy an
your doormat – the longer you leave it,
TV licence if you’re watching live televi-
positive effects on all aspects of your life,
If you want to avoid that embarrass-
from concentrating in class to bending
ing phone call home to ask for more
better during your yoga workout.
money, then budgeting might be worth the loss of kudos. Having said that, the
Orientation Festival 2009 is where your
Learn how to use a washing machine!
budget should be spent, from joining the
Someone in halls will have expertise in
Hummus Society to getting your ticket
this field…Watch and learn (or persuade
for the biggest student night in London,
them to take on your washing as well).
Crush! When your account says you are
Either way, no-one will like you if you’re
overdrawn to the tune of £250, and the
stinking the place up. Apparently you
parents have said “no”, then perhaps
shouldn’t mix colours with whites, and
it’s time to politely ask your bank for an
reds should be washed on their own.
extension to your overdraft. For the more
Cottons adds a whole new dimension
prudent students you can follow our
of confusion to the situation. Although it
SU Treasurer’s advice, to make a list of
might be tempting to take your sweaty
income for the term, as well as necessary
shirts to a charity shop and then buy
expenditure (fine dining, beer, designer
them back for £2.50, all nicely washed
clothes), and luxury expenditure (statio-
and ironed, you’ll be much better off
nery, coursebooks, rent).
buying some detergent and learning how to use the machine. If you are
already an expert at washing, try and
Fast food = good food. At least, that’s
help out a novice.
what the faceless Multi National Corpo-
You may think moving out and living
rations tell you with their zombifying pro-
on your own is a fantastic opportunity
paganda. If you can’t cook, then learn.
Travelling in London is at first a nightmare,
to party late, get up to mischief, and
There are hundreds of recipes online,
but quickly becomes easier. First thing to
leave your room as untidy as possible.
and getting cooking equipment can
do is make sure you pick up your student
In reality it’s an up heaving experience
be surprisingly cheap. Although buying
oyster card, available during Orientation.
which means you have to grow up – fast.
food out means no cooking, washing up,
If you’re not sure how to get somewhere,
Tempting as it may be to stay at home
or waiting, being able to get creative
head to and it will plan
(where you can expect a nice meal
with your new found culinary skills is as
your route around the city for you. If
ready for you after a hard day’s study-
rewarding to the body as it is to your
you are looking to expand your cultural
ing, your clothes are miraculously re-
wallet. Fortunately, food on-the-go in
horizons by exploring some of Europe’s
moved from the bathroom floor, cleaned
London isn’t all that bad: there has been
finer destinations there are many low
and ironed, and appear in your ward-
a recent boon of fresh and healthy
budget airlines who offer incredibly low
robe, and some magic person makes
eateries that sell a good lunch at a
fairs across Europe, so keep your eyes
your bed for you while you are away)
reasonable price. Just remember, like
peeled! (Try to find
the reality is that the time has come to
Mrs. Pritchard told you at primary school:
the cheapest flights around).
look after yourself. In all, moving out puts
“It is important to maintain a healthy,
an end to the gravy train.
balanced diet.” Eating right will have
TRANSPORT London is a very congested city, and
journeys, you should get an Oystercard.
When traveling on a bus using an Oys-
given LSE’s very central location, almost
A typical tube journey, which costs just
tercard, touch it once against a card
everyone commutes. Running a car in
£1.50 with an Oystercard, will set you
reader. It is not necessary to touch again
London is unaffordable and impractical.
back £4 if you are paying cash.
before you leave the bus. If you do,
It is advisable to walk whenever possible.
you’ll be charged for the price of two
When that isn’t possible, London’s public
If you are paying for your travel with your
journeys! Most buses have a front door
transport system is one of the best in the
pay-as-you-go credit, the Oystercard
and a middle door. As you will soon find
world (when it works). However, it tends
has a nifty thing called ‘daily capping’.
out, you should enter the bus through
to get overcrowded during peak times.
It means that however many journeys
the front and leave through the middle.
The main forms of public transport are
you make in one day (4AM to 4AM), you
The exception to this are the long, articu-
the Tube, Buses, Trams and Docklands
will not be charged more than the price
lated ‘bendy’ buses. On these, you can
Light Railway. London is separated into
of the Day Travelcard or Bus Pass for the
enter and leave through any door.
‘zones’ by Transport for London. The
zones you have traveled through. To
closer to central London you are, the
get even more out of this, present your
lower the zone number. There are 9
Oystercard and your 16-25 Railcard (see
The Tube or ‘underground’ is the world’s
zones in total, spanning the whole of
below) to a ticket office at any tube sta-
oldest and longest underground railway
London. The prices of fares and travel-
tion. They will then register your Oyster-
system. Using the tube is extremely easy
cards reflect how many zones you are
card for an additional 30% discount on
and usually quick, reliable and safe. It
travelling through.
the daily cap (off-peak only). Bargain!
is best for medium to long journeys but
You can check the balance on your
An Oystercard is an electronic card
Oystercard and add credit at any tube
which can be loaded with credit to
stations as well as many newsagents.
Tube services run from 5am-12am
spend on travel. It is undoubtedly the
When traveling by bus and tube, every
approximately. Often, servicing and
cheapest and most convenient way to
time you touch your Oyster card before
planned engineering works make the
travel on public transport, so get one!
travel, the remaining credit balance is
tube unavailable for public use. These
Most students are entitled to apply for a
displayed. If your balance is too low to
are usually carried out at weekends
Student Oystercard, which entitles you
make a journey your card will be refused
or on public holidays. During these
to a 30% discount on Travelcards or Bus
at the entrance and you will need to
times, replacement bus services should
Passes (for one week or more). However,
add more credit.
operate, but journey times may be
can sometimes end up taking longer if
you cannot obtain a discount on 1-day-
used for short journeys.
longer than normal. The Tube network
is separated into various lines – each of
Buses are often the easiest and cheap-
which has a specific route. Many stations
Applications for Student Oyster Cards
est way of getting around. London’s bus
are interchanges between lines. Often,
can be made online at
system is very well designed, and you will
to reach your desired tube stop, you will
tocard or alternatively a form can be
usually find a bus going where you want
have to change lines within the under-
picked up from the Students’ Union Help
to. Some buses run 24 hours, while others
ground network – at no additional cost.
Desk. There is an application fee of £5.
change from a day bus to a night bus.
Oystercards can electronically store Bus
Night buses are prefixed with an N, have
When traveling on the Tube, you must
Passes, Travelcards and pay-as-you-go
the same number but sometimes slightly
place your Oystercard on the reader both
credit. Even if you plan to make very few
different routes.
at the start and end of each journey.
Travelcards or pay-as-you-go journeys.
TRANSPORT There are a few stations which have no
A 16-25 Railcard (available to 16-25 year
Last year over 200 women were sexu-
ticket barriers. At these stations, it is impera-
olds and all university students) allows all
ally assaulted in illegal minicabs. Often
tive that you find the card reader and
tickets to be reduced by a third of the
these situations start off with a random
place your card on it. Otherwise, you may
price. In 2009 this card cost £26 for a year.
stranger asking whether you’d like a lift.
have to pay a fine of £20 or face prosecu-
The only restriction is that if you travel at
Never accept these offers: they may be
tion. The Tube gets very crowded and
or before 10am Monday to Friday (ex-
criminals in disguise.
hot during the summer, so always carry a
cept during July and August) a minimum
bottle of water.
fare will apply.
Maps of the Tube are available for free
travel around London. But most certainly
at Tube stations and online. Unfortunately
Taking a taxi will probably get you to
not the safest, so take precautions. After
we are unable to reproduce them in this
your destination quicker than any other
years of cycling around London you’ll
guide due to copyright restrictions. Tube
form of public transport, and is definitely
learn a few facts, but for those not in the
services within the zones shown. There is
the safest option to take when traveling
know here’s the low down. If it is big, red,
also a Tube Access map, which details
home late at night. There are three types
moves a lot faster than you and fills you
the 48 stations which have step-free ac-
of taxis in London: Black cabs, minicabs
with fear, chances are it’s a bendy bus.
cess to the platform.
and unlicensed taxis. Black cabs can
Best not get into a race with it, it’ll always
be hailed on the street. They are reli-
win. Make sure you are always in sight
able, safe and driven by expert drivers
of the driver, watch the bus indicators
You can travel outside of London by
who have taken extensive training
and never ever try and pull in front of
train or by coach. Though coaches are
(‘the Knowledge’). They are also quite
a moving bus. Those green tracks scat-
cheaper, trains are much faster and
tered around London are cycle-lanes,
CYCLING The healthiest and greenest way to
deliver a more comfortable journey.
they’re for you. Stay in them and you’ll Alternatively, you can opt to travel in a
be safe. Be aware of your surroundings
licensed minicab. They are cheaper than
constantly – a pot-hole is no problem for
Booking in advance (sometimes up to
Black cabs, but not as reliable. A minicab
the four-wheel drive, the same is not true
12 weeks for maximum savings) on to
must be booked in advance. A minicab
of the cyclist.
specific journeys will save you incredible
driver is not allowed to pick up custom-
amounts on train fares. Buying two single
ers directly from the road. You can order
Never ever drink and cycle. It is against
tickets may sometimes be cheaper than
a minicab by telephone, or from outside
the law and a danger to everyone on
a return. and
the Minicab company’s office. Make
the road, yourself included. offer very cheap
sure you agree the fare before starting
fares on certain routes. For example, a
the journey. You can find a list of local
Despite being about as unfashionable
standard open return to Manchester can
companies from Yellow Pages, which is
as possible – a cycle helmet can save
cost £230. Booking in advance, you could
available online at (under
your life – make it a rule that you never
pay as little as £2 for the same journey.
the category “taxis and private hire
get on your bike without it on.
Currently, only some of the National Rail
stations in London accept Oystercards. If
Traffic lights apply to all road users.
you plan to use some local London train
Never get into an unlicensed illegal mini-
Red means stop and is applicable to
services as part of your journey it may be
cab. A licensed minicab should have a
everyone. So don’t speed through a red
must be booked in advance.
yellow licensing disc on its windscreen.
light dodging innocent pedestrians. Not
only is it dangerous, but it damn well annoys everyone else. If you are stuck at traffic lights, your best bet is to position yourself ahead of all the traffic, that way you are making everyone aware of your presence. Always carry a bike lock/chain. The most effective way to secure your beloved two wheeled transport is by using two different types of lock, this is certain to deter a would-be-thief. Always attach the cable lock around the wheel as well as onto the main frame of the bicycle. And for your own sake attach it to something secure. There are several places around the LSE campus for safe securing on your bike. If you cycle during the dark evenings, remember you are legally obliged to have lights attached to your bike and to wear something bright. Despite the many horror stories, cycling in
as well.
and Netherlands (via Channel Tunnel).
London is getting better and is an excel-
• Megabus – cheaper than national
lent way to keep fit. For the best cycle
express. A limited number of tickets on
• RailEurope - railway service to the
routes from your hall/residence to the
each bus are available at £1! However,
following places – France, Germany,
LSE visit
the cost rises as more people book
Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal,
and edit the search options so that only
seats and as the date of travel gets
Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Bel-
‘Cycling’ is selected. This will chose the
closer. Tickets can be booked starting
gium, Luxembourg, Hungary and Croatia.
route most recommended by cyclists.
about 6 weeks before the date of travel.
You can also get cycling maps of London
From London, coaches depart from the
• International Rail - for travels to other
delivered to you, for FREE. Again, simply
Greenline Coach Station (nearest tube is
European cities.
go to
from London throughout Europe.
The two main coach company networks
Once again, the two main ways (ex-
that provide for travel all around UK are:
cluding air travel) to travel to and from
• Eurolines -operated coach services
Europe is by train or by coach: • National Express -the largest coach
NOTE: To travel outside of UK – you may require a ‘Schengen’ visa. This will de-
company. Students have the option
• Eurostar -direct railway service from
pend on your nationality (passport). For
of buy a Young Person’s Coachcard
London St. Pancras to France, Belgium
more information, see ‘VISA’ section.
FOOD AND MARKETS You can’t eat out every night
its original price. Every supermarket
Caribbean food markets that has local
The cheapest place to buy food in Lon-
branch has specific days on which most
art displays and reggae music in the
don is usually from one of the big super-
of their edibles expire and hence those
market chains such as Tesco,Sainsburys,
days are usually busy with customers
• Greenwich Market: Church Road,
Morrisons and Asda. These stores can be
buying reduced food in bulk! For ex-
Greenwich, SE10. Open Thursday-Friday
found in most places around London.
ample, Sainsbusy’s usually bring in fresh
7:30am-5:30pm and Saturday-Sunday
Several also offer online shopping in
stock on Mondays. Therefore Saturdays
9:30am-5:30 pm. Pretty undercover
case you feel like lazing around at home
and Sundays are ideal to grab some
market packed with handcrafted items,
instead of going shopping. The nearest
cheap food.
collectables and antiques.
supermarket to LSE is a mid-sized Sainsbury’s, located opposite Holborn tube
Fruit and vegetables are usually cheap-
• Portobello Road Market: Portobello
station – 5 minutes walk from LSE.
er and fresher if bought from a market
Road, W10 & W11. Open Saturday 5:30
or at a greengrocer rather than from a
am – 5pm. (Shops are open Monday-
There are also discount supermarkets
supermarket. In most of the busy streets,
Saturday). The largest market in London
scattered around London. They usually
there are fruit-sellers that sell fruit for very
selling everything from antiques and
stock unknown or own brand goods at
low prices. In fact, there is one right next
clothes to food, books and bric-abrac.
very good prices. These goods are quite
to Holborn tube station.
often of the same or higher quality than
• Shepherd’s Bush Market: Uxbridge
known brands (usually produced in the
Road & Goldhawk Road, W12. Open
same factories). Aldi and Lidl are the
There are over 300 markets in London
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and
kings of this market and are particularly
selling a vast variety of goods (food and
Saturday (8:30am-6pm) and Sunday
good for cured meats, alcohol and con-
more!). These markets are located away
(8:30am-3pm). Go there and feast your
tinental ingredients. Netto and Iceland
from the bustling high street branded
money on exotic fish, Halal meats, Afro-
are best avoided.
shops and hence are ideal for students
Caribbean vegetables and lots more.
to find bargains on fresh food, and other Learning to cook will be a good skill to
goods such as plants and antiques too.
have during your time at university. Not
Also, be sure to visit a Farmers’ Market. These are places where the farmers and
only will you save loads of money and
• Billingsgate Fish Market: Trafalgar
growers come along to sell a wide variety
eat the food you want to, but you’ll also
Way, Isle of Dogs, E14. Open Tuesday –
of produce directly to the public. They
find yourself extremely popular, too!
Saturday (5 am – 8:30 am). Almost every
offer fresh, seasonal and often organic
type of fish and seafood sold! www.
food that are high in quality. Everything
If you use the same supermarket regularly,
from meat, cheeses, fish, fruits, vegetables,
you should apply for its loyalty card. Show
• Borough Market: 8 Southwark Street,
breads and vegetables are sold.Be sure
this each time you shop to collect “points”.
SE1. Open Friday 12pm-6pm and Satur-
to visit, www.
The more you shop, the more points you
day 9 am-4pm. One of the city’s oldest
accumulate and eventually you will be
and largest (sheltered) food markets
granted free shopping coupons based on
selling food from all over the world.
how many points you have. • Brixton Market: Brixton Station Road,
Most supermarkets sell food that is
SW9. Open Monday to Saturday (9am-
near its expiration date cheaper than
sunset). Visit one of Europe’s largest
ETIQUETTE Britain is a green and pleasant land,
on your left hand side. Your glass should
you in shops, bars and restaurants.
where the monarch rules with an iron
be on the right hand side.
• Shake hands, but beware that some
fist and the lower classes look up to their
• At very formal occasions, it is com-
religions prohibit women from having
masters. In fact, Britain is no longer any
mon to start the meal with a toast to the
contact with men.
of these things (apart, perhaps, from
the class hangup), but there are certain
• Ask to be excused to go to the toilet.
norms and customs which every one in
• When you get your bill, if it says “service
Britain should be aware of, if only for the
not included”, you should add around
sake of amusement.
10% for a tip, unless the food or service has been particularly bad. Waiting staff
earn very low wages and depend on
The cliché is true: the Brits love to talk
these tips to supplement their income, so
about the weather. If you are ever stuck
don’t penny pinch!
for something to say, a polite comment
about how rainy or sunny it is often goes
It’s not nice!
down well. There are certain things that
• People in Britain tend to buy drinks in
• Invade someone’s’ personal space
the British don’t like to talk about with
rounds when you go for a drink it is com-
unless you know them very well. Hugging,
people they barely know. Topics to avoid
mon to ask those you are drinking with
kissing and touching are off limits, sorry!
include, but are not limited to: money
what they would like. When it is their turn,
• Reserve study or computer spaces then
(especially earnings), age, appear-
they should do likewise.
disappear for hours. It’s so annoying.
ance, sex and anything personal. Really,
• If you spill someone’s pint, offer to buy
• Speak loudly in the Library it’s not a
it depends on context and how well
them another.
common room!
you know someone: at dinner parties,
• You don’t need to tip at pubs and
animated conservations about politics
most bars. If you are at a flash venue,
are considered bad manners.
your drinks are delivered to your table or you get your change back in a little silver
At LSE, there are many students from
plate, then tipping is at your discretion.
a variety of national, cultural, religious,
• One of the most annoying parts of
political, economic and parental back-
going out in Britain is the toilet attendant.
grounds. Bear this in mind when speak-
They stand by the sinks in clubs and bars
ing to people: it’s not nice to offend, so
waiting for you to wash your hands,
tread carefully!
expecting a pound tip for giving you a squirt of soap and perfume. Tipping is usu-
ally expected if you use their goods.
• Don’t talk with food in your mouth it’s very bad manners.
• If there are several knives, forks and
• Stand in line. The Brits love to queue.
spoons set out at your place, use the
• Open doors for people, especially those
outside cutlery first, then work your way in
with disabilities or mobility problems.
for each course.
• Say please and thank you lots, especial-
• If there is a plate for bread, use the one
ly to people who are nice to you or serve
EATING Around campus
The Quad, East Building
On the site of the former ‘Columbia Bar’
Term time: Monday - Friday: 9am – 9pm
the Garrick is the LSE’s premium catering
The prices may fluctuate with the weath-
experience. It was also paid for by an
If you’re looking for fine dining, look
er but without a doubt this is an LSE
LSE alumnus who met his future wife in
elsewhere. However, the Quad Cafe
institution. This is the favoured venue to
the Brunch Bowl and wanted to create
is the home of affordable, healthy
pick up lunch for a huge spectrum of LSE
another social space on campus where
and tasty lunches. There’s also a huge
societies, from some of our most famous
students could meet in an alcohol-free
range of hot and cold drinks on offer
professors to our cleaners. Maria and
environment, and also meet future
-and they can even make smoothies
Giuseppe may not be serving traditional
on demand. The Students’ Union cafe
Italian cuisine but at these prices you
offers breakfast, and serves pani-
can’t complain. Their all day breakfast is
If the intention was to bring people
nis and other hot food until the early
the stuff of legend...
together it’s equally certainly true that
evening. The food is reasonably priced,
the Garrick divides the LSE population
and there’s a good range of healthy
into two. Those who eat in the Garrick
food as well as some cakes for when
and those who think its horrendously
you’re feeling particularly decadent.
Under going extensive redevelop-
overpriced. Having said that the Garrick
Filled bagels cost about £1.50, salad
ment last summer the space has been
comes into its own when you’re look-
boxes and sandwiches around £2
transformed from a school canteen
ing to get an all expenses paid meal
and hot meals for under a fiver. As of
into a school canteen design by IKEA.
courtesy of the Bank of Mum and Dad.
this year the Café is going a little up
This multi-purpose space will be home
The ‘grab and go’ option in the morn-
market, you’ll order hot food from the
to your lunchtime meal as well as your
ing is also a godsend for early morning
counter and we’ll deliver it to your
graduation reception.
lectures in the Old Theatre.
Fulfilling all your dietary needs when you
Just before 1 o’clock you may notice
need a quick five minute break from the
Clement’s Inn (outside Tower 1)
groups of students milling around on
library. The best thing about the plaza is
Term time: Monday - Friday: 8am - 3.30pm
Houghton Street pretending to look busy.
that it’s open every day of the week, so
No matter how they try to dress it up
you can always nip in for a coffee if your
If you’re looking for the best pure grade
they’re only waiting for one thing and
mind starts to wander during a Saturday
A Colombian on campus this is the
that’s free food from the orange Krishna
revision session. There’s a good range of
place to go. With new seating and
tricycle. Whilst visually not the greatest
fair trade teas and coffees although the
umbrellas, this is the smoker’s choice and
advertisement for vegan food, it is all
sandwiches are a bit on the expensive
the tastiest coffee on campus. You can
organic and has certainly built up a cult
side. One top tip to remember is that
also enjoy the finest Monmouth coffee
following amongst masters students.
if you’re on campus on a Sunday its
whilst soaking up the “architectural
However, not everyone’s happy with the
usually worth visiting the plaza before it
beauty” of the three Towers. It’s a great
Krishna’s free food peddling -expect a
closes at four because they give away
place to go if you’ve missed breakfast
continuation of last year’s turf war with
all the sandwiches which they haven’t
and have to dash to an early morning
Wright’s bar.
been able to sell for free.
table whether your in the Quad or in the Tuns (we’ll even provide cutlery!!!)
Russian class in one of the Towers.
salads and drinks for LSE students be-
in a Neapolitan brick oven. Very quick
tween 11am-12 noon and 2pm-10pm.
service, very cheap prices (around £5
Most students will probably spend their
each) and huge portions make this
entire time at LSE without ever finding
out where Cafe Pepe is. This is not surpris-
ing given the fact that it’s hidden on the
Nice pizza place with a twist: the top-
3rd floor of Clement House - its not even
pings for each pizza is based on a differ-
An all-you-can-eat vegan Indian place,
open early making it useless as a venue
ent country. Some weird ingredients, but
very popular with Rosebery residents
to get your pre-class caffeine fix. It does,
it usually works. Check their website for
due to the attractive price tag: just £3.50
however, serve hot soup and panini and
special offers: every lunchtime you can
the fact no one goes there makes it the
get a beer and a pizza for £5.50.
place incredibly busy every lunchtime.
perfect spot for dangerous liaisons. BIERODROME - 67 KINGSWAY
Belgian bar and restaurant with an amaz-
Family run Greek meze restaurant. £10
Despite the Italian name their pasta is
ing selection of (expensive) beers and a
per head for an enormous meal of what-
average, go for the baked potatoes
couple of good offers on food. Beat the
ever they’ve cooked that day! Too many
instead which are always fantastic.
Clock is the one to go for: arrive between
courses to remember, let alone eat. They
5.30pm and 7.30pm and pay for the time
will cater for veggies and vegans.
you order (e.g. 5.30pm = £5.30). Try the
mussels or the spitroast chicken.
Extremely close to High Holborn Hall and about 10 minutes walk from campus is
One of countless Turkish places around
this great little pizzeria where you can
Stokey/Dalston. Good food cooked in
pick up a fairly authentic 11” pizza for
Healthy noodle place. Check their
front of you. Try the lahmacun (turkish
around £4. The furniture’s a little weird
web-site for frequent buy one get one
pizza, £1.40) or one of the grilled kebabs.
but this place is a little gem.
free offers.
The best ribs in London. Sit upstairs in
Their ‘club sandwiches’ are made right
the diner and go for the ‘pig out for a
in front of you and are always a good
Part of the Wetherspoons pub chain,
tenner’: full rack of babyback ribs, fries,
option for lunch. The fact this place stays
does standard pub grub at ridiculously
slaw and unlimited soft drinks for £10. Go
open ridiculously late make it the ideal
low prices. Toilets are award winning; the
on Tuesday nights for half price steaks.
destination after Fresh or a late night
decor is amazing. Go on Tuesdays for
library session during the exam period.
Grill Night.
You probably don’t want to go there if you’re on a diet.
HAWKSMOOR - 157 COMMERCIAL ST, E1 The best steak in London. Hugely expen-
sive but worth it! Ginger Pig meat, triple
cooked chips and huge desserts.
The UK’s first (and only) hummus bar.
The best pizza in London. Organic buf-
Eat in or takeaway their yummy topped
fallo mozzarella, home made lemonade
hummous at very low prices. Half price
and gorgeous sour dough pizzas baked
HALAL & KOSHER HALAL Holborn, being located right in the commercial centre of London, has a variety of Halal food outlets that you wouldn’t find in greater London. Here are the reviews of places to eat, courtesy of the Islamic Society, close to LSE: • Chicken Cottage – This is your regular Halal fried chicken and chips shop (one of many all over London), at reasonable prices. This is located on High Holborn, opposite Sainsbury’s, just past the RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) cash machine. • Subway – There are 2 subway branches
Temple station.
traditional DD’s sandwiches.
within 5 minutes walking distance from
• Tinsel town: American style halal diner
• Tesco’s on Goodge Street (tube to
each other, on Kingsway, around the cor-
which serves great food and milkshakes.
Goodge street tube station, or 15 minutes
ner from LSE. They do not serve Halal subs,
The nearest train station is Farringdon.
walk from LSE) has a Kosher section
but you can still make your own sand-
• Brick Lane – Known as the ‘Curry Mile’
where one can buy dips etc, but does
wiches using tuna or veggie fillings. There
around some parts of UK. It’s a massive
not have a dry Kosher food section.
are also countless Subway branches, all
line of Bangladeshi restaurants serving
• Euston Hillel -situated on Endsleigh
over London.
great curries and South Asian delica-
Street, near UCL, sells a variety of
• Ola Café and Bristo – Located at the
cies for reasonable prices. A lot of the
Kosher foods at lunchtimes, ranging
end of Shaftesbury Avenue (and just
restaurants are Halal, but make sure you
from sandwiches to hotdogs and
around the corner from High Holborn
ask before you eat, just to be on the safe
vegetarian burgers (nothing meaty).
halls). It’s good for a bit of variety, and
side. It’s reachable by hopping onto the
• Ruebens -Kosher restaurant situated
the quality of the food is high, but so
District Line or Hammersmith and City Line
on Baker Street, a few minutes walk
are the prices.
and stopping off at Aldgate East Station.
from Baker Street station. Downstairs is
• Café Pepe – In Clement House (D
• Edgeware Road – Mini ‘Middle East’
a somewhat expensive restaurant, whilst
building), which serves great paninis. The
with rows of Arabic restaurants and super-
upstairs is a cheaper deli selling a wide
Quad and the Students’ Union shop also
markets, providing excellent kebabs (and
range- of Kosher traditional meaty foods.
serve Halal food – wraps and paninis.
sheesha too!). It can be a bit expensive,
• Six-13 - Kosher restaurant on Wigmore
Aside from that the Brunch Bowl also
hence students avoid going there on a
Street, with a wide range of delicious
serves some Halal sandwiches and wraps.
regular basis. Reach by getting the tube
food, but is extremely expensive.
to Edgware Road tube station. Also, you
• Bevis Marks is a large fancy restaurant
Outside Holborn:
can have a glance at www.citymuslims.
situated in the East End of London. It sells
• East London (Whitechapel and Green
mainly ‘meaty’ dishes, and the food is
Street): There are lots of Halal Indian
delicious, but it doesn’t fit most students’
Restaurants and fried chicken shops,
budgets. It is right next to Be-vis Marks
and its very cheap as well! All you need
Courtesy of the Jewish Society
Synagogue, on Bevis Marks Road.
to do is hop on the district line from
• The Quad Cafe sells all types of the
DRINKING On campus & elsewhere
definitely worth a visit. Here’s the low
tremely cheap drinks there may be very
Clare Market Building, Houghton Street
down on the ‘spoons in our local area:
little room to move when it is busy (which
Term time: Monday - Thursday: 11AM -
is often) but this is one of the best pubs THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR - CAREY STREET
in London. Just get there early, grab a
Is the classier if more expensive option,
booth and enjoy the sumptuous sur-
In the beginning this WAS the Students’
with high ceilings and fancy decor. It’s
Union. Things have moved on a little bit
the favoured option as venue for LSE
since those days but ‘the Tuns’ is still a
Students’ Union society events.
11PM, Friday: 11AM - 2AM
focal point on campus. At the time of going to print the Students’ Union was
Hidden away, just off Fleet Street this pub
preparing to bring you a new look Three
is what the word ‘quintessential’ was
Tuns. Unconfirmed reports suggested all
The more traditional Wetherspoons of
invented for. With sawdust on the floor, a
change. The Tuns will however still play
the area with gratuitous use of “mood
myriad of small rooms on different floors
host to the regular Quiz Night, AU Night
lighting” to hide how disgusting the
and in winter an open log fire, this is the
and not forgetting Crush!
furniture is. A number of students have
classic English pub. A must visit.
also had purses and wallets stolen here THE UNDERGROUND
as well. Avoid.
Opening hours: various
CITTIE OF YORKE - 22 HIGH HOLBORN With its cosy cellar bar and train com-
The Underground is also the venue for
partment style booths, this is a great pub
the hugely successful Postgrad party, as
to go to with a small group of friends.
well as great number of society events.
Surly staff but it’s open till 1AM everyday.
The Students’ Union has recently invested in a decent sound system and will be
redecorating this bar over the summer to
The yin to Wetherspoons yang – these
make this into the ultimate events venue
pubs are packed full of character and
for societies on campus.
charm. If you’re looking for the traditional English pub experience you can’t go
far wrong with visiting of these pubs. Also,
Or ‘spoons for short, this is the ultimate
most of them are concentrated in Lon-
pub chain, with at least one pub in every
don’s theatreland which is in LSE’s back
town in the UK – which means there a
garden. Sam Smiths also make all their
hell of a lot of these in London. Whilst the
own drinks which is the reason they’re
typical Wetherspoons feels like a soul-
able to sell you the cheapest pint in
less warehouse exclusively dedicated
London. Don’t be put off by the lack of
to ensuring the inebriation of manic
brand beers; their Sam Smith incarna-
depressants, the ones close to LSE aren’t
tions are far better. Here’s the top three
actually that bad. They’re also open late
in the local area:
which is fantastic for those of us who like to practice “Mediterranean style” drink-
ing. With daily meal deals and a huge
selection of ales, wines and spirits their
With its Victorian partitions and ex-
CLUBS Get your rave on!
social networks. But the best finds are
Every Friday from October we’ll be host-
often spotted by those keen-eyed party
ing what we modestly believe will be
animals who scan the city’s walls for
the best students’ night in London. For all
fly-posters detailing the most secret and
Tiger Tiger (Haymarket):
the music that’s currently topping the hit
special events, or just by simply meeting
£5 entry, £3 double vodka red bull
parade as well as a few student classics
and chatting to likeminded clubbers
Cheapskates (Soho):
head on down to The Quad. If it’s fresh
when you are on a night out.
£4 entry, all drinks £1 Tuesday:
new sounds you’re after pop down to the Underground where there will be new monthly residencies in this new look venue. And for those who want a break from the music there’s you can always chill out with friends in the Three Tuns. It is hard to describe just how much
London has to offer for those that enjoy
Sports Café (Haymarket): Free for students, £1 per pint, a home away from home for Americans Wednesday: Zoo Bar (Leicester Sq): 50p entry, £2.50 double vodka red bul Walkabout (Shaftesbury Avenue): £5 entry, £1.50 per pint
a late night. The party scene on your
Clubs can cost anything up to £20 to
new doorstep makes vibrations in club
get in, depending on the venue, day of
Onanon (Piccadilly Circus):
and music circles all around the planet.
the week, and acts on that night. Most
£5 entry, £2.50 double vodka red bull
Whether you are into techno, salsa,
of the big clubs charge in the region
hip-hop or dub-step, there is a place
of £12-15 on a weekend night, whilst
Crush (LSE Students’ Union):
that caters for your tastes. Friday and
smaller places on a weeknight may only
Free before 10pm, best deals in town
Saturday are usually when the big nights
charge £3-4. Drinks will almost certainly
are on at the major clubs, but there are
be more expensive than the pub, but
plenty of cheap student nights through-
there are some good offers at some of
out the week to keep your feet moving
the more student focused nights during
until the weekend.
the week.
It can be difficult at first to find nights
Whilst it is very rare to hear of bad
and clubs that are up your street. A
incidents at clubs, do be aware that
good starting point is to pick up a brown
you will normally be around people who
‘Don’t Panic’ pack from the Three Tuns,
are drunk and using drugs, so be a little
in which all the upcoming month’s par-
wary and make extra-sure that all your
ties are listed and advertised and info on
personal belongings are safe. Some
where to find out more about the club
people go out and take things too far,
scene – plus, you get a cool poster for
so just make sure that you have a good
your new room.
bunch of mates with you if you plan on going over the edge. Similarly, be sure
Checking online on your favourite clubs’
you know how to get home should you
website or going to fanzines and forums
need or want to at any point.
is really useful, as is browsing events on
SHOPPING On campus
Downstairs is the place to go if you want to pick up adapter plugs as well as most other things to make your stay in London easier. You can also find newspapers and magazines, like the LSE favourites the FT and The Economist, at discounted rates. There’s also a good selection of stationery, cold drinks, sandwiches and other snacks.
NEW ACADEMIC BUILDING SHOP Ground Floor, NAB Corner of Kingsway and Sardinia Opening hours: 8.45am-6pm The New Academic Building plays host to Students’ Union’s second shop. Just pop in when you’re looking for newspapers, magazines, sandwiches, ice-cream, stationery and cigarettes. The NAB shop also houses the new Copy Shop where you can drop off and go as well as copy materials yourself.
ALPHA BOOKS Quad Mezzanine Floor, East Building Term time: Weekdays, 9.30am – 6pm, Holidays: Weekdays, 10.30am – 5pm You’ll find Alpha Books at the top of the spiral stair case of the mezzanine floor
Split between two floors this is the Stu-
of the Quad. All the books are reduced
E68, East Building - Entrances on Hough-
dents’ Union’s very own mini-market. On
from their published price, including core
ton Street & in the Quad
the top floor (level with Houghton Street)
texts for the many courses on offer at LSE.
there’s the full range of LSE branded
They’ll purchase books throughout the
Term time:
products from mugs to hoodies and
year, particularly after your exams.
Monday - Friday, 9am – 5.30pm
caps. You can also find diaries and an
impressive selection of greetings cards
Monday - Thursday, 10am – 5pm
for whenever you forget a family mem-
Friday, 10am – 4pm
ber or friend’s birthday.
..or how I blew my student loan in one afternoon.
the scenesters amongst you, veritable
gander at Dover Street Market, which
Oxford Street has everything that you
cornucopias of fashion. With everything
exhibits everyone from Christopher Kane
could possibly desire in terms of High
from the so-called ‘low street’ of young
to Valentino and has super marked
Street names, including the massive flag-
designers featured at The Laden Show-
down sample sales on occasion. Then
ship stores of: Topshop, House of Fraser
room and Lik + Neon to probably the
of course if you’re just Ab Fab Dahhhh-
(which closely resembles Nordstrom’s),
highest concentration of retro/vintage
ling, then you must go to Harvey Nic’s in
H&M, Benetton, Niketown, and if you’re
shops in London.
It’s also home to more tourist souvenir
Camden will fulfil the needs of anyone
shops than you could shake a stick at, so
who’s still wearing punk/goth fashions
Apparently shopping isn’t just about
you’ll never be at a loss for shot glasses
but is handy to pick up obscure posters,
clothes. You may find yourself in need of
with Tower Bridge on or ‘I<3 London’ T shirts
trinkets and less savoury parapherna-
things like bookcases, saucepans and
lia type things… A word of warning,
lamps as well. If so, places like Ikea and
Covent Garden is like a mini, closer Ox-
pretty much as soon as you step out of
Argos are great. Both have online stores,
ford Street, but if you’re not a high street
Camden station you will be approached
and you can get stuff delivered to, and
person, it also houses lots of vintage
by people selling ‘cannabis’. Unless you
signed for in, halls. Ikea tends to have its
shops nearer to Endell Street or designer
want to be sparking up a joint full of
branches out past even the suburbs, but
boutiques towards Seven Dials.
oregano, don’t buy it.
there are branches of Argos everywhere.
If you’re feeling a little more flush with
A short bus ride will bring you to Spit-
cash than is normal for students, then
alfields and Brick Lane, which are, for
head over to West London and take a
on more of a shoestring budget, Primark.
Stop Press! There’s more to life than Covent Garden...
new jobs and 4,000 new homes. Home
relatively expensive housing not many
Perhaps an area of London which is
to many notable galleries such as the
students from LSE choose to live here.
rough around the edges, but with its
White Cube and the Whitechapel Art
However it has traditionally fashionable
many parks and open spaces along with
Gallery many Young British Artists live and
areas such as Notting hill which is also
interesting and affordable market places
work in this area and this gives it a cut-
the scene of The Notting Hill Carnival, an
coupled with affordable rents, North
ting edge feel.
annual event attracting 1.5 million peo-
London is becoming an increasingly
ple making it the largest street festival in
popular place to live amongst students.
the world. It also contains the principle
Home to both Arsenal and Tottenham
While you are at LSE: visit Brick Lane,
operating centre of the BBC and a vast,
football clubs you may find that you will
London’s curry capital with a vibrant art
brand new shopping complex.
be forced to ally yourself with one or the
and fashion student area. It also contains
other. Many trendy bars and restaurants
some of the city’s most fashionable
West London is one of the most economi-
line the streets from Angel Islington all
nightclubs such as 93 Fleet East and
cally active areas outside of central Lon-
the way to Old Street and which tend to
Cafe 1001.
don with much of London’s office space
attract a mixture of people.
located here as well as Heathrow airport.
South London is generally the area south
Some of London’s best museums such as
While you are at LSE: Visit Camden
of the River Thames. The world famous
the Victoria and Albert Museum as well
Market, one of the most popular visitor
Ministry of Sound can be found near to
as the Natural History Museum are in this
attractions in London, which sells craft
Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre, a
part of the city so it is well worth a visit.
and clothing amongst other items.
great place to find cheap deals on food and clothing.
MUST DO IN WEST LONDON While you are at LSE: Visit the Natural His-
One of the most diverse places in the
Alternatively there are a number of mar-
tory Museum. The NHM is a place which
world; over 300 languages are spoken
kets such as Borough or Brixton Markets
promotes the discovery, understanding,
here on a daily basis. An incredible
which sell food from all over the world.
enjoyment, and responsible use of the
range of food is available for the many
If you wish to relax you could check out
natural world.
restaurants that line its streets. This part
one of South London’s ‘commons’. Al-
of London has a rich and fascinating his-
though there are not many underground
Explore their world-class collections,
tory playing an intricate role in shaping
stations it does have an extensive
fantastic exhibitions and cutting-edge
modern Britain from its involvement in
tramline and overground suburban rail
research at their landmark buildings.
the formation of the Labour Party to the
enfranchisement of women. East London was traditionally one of London’s most
deprived areas but now the area is in a
While you are at LSE : Head down to the
state of regeneration and the Canary
Royal Observatory in Greenwich and
Wharf development (a destination for
stand on both sides of the meridian line.
many LSE students) is testimony to that.
WEST LONDON The 2012 Olympic Village will be based
A leafy relaxing part of London contain-
in East London creating at least 3,000
ing many residential suburbs. Due to its
ETHICAL LONDON Living in London can be a challenge – and trying to live ethically and environmentally friendly even more so. All the shopping opportunities; all the waste and packaging. Recycling in the street? Consuming ethically? Even volunteering or getting involved in your local community? Sounds harder than it is. But sometimes it can be cheaper! Use the Route Planner at to get around to some of the addresses below.
CYCLING AND CRITICAL MASS In order to keep fit and benefit the environment, you could consider cycling! Several Boroughs, such as Camden Council, offer free cycling training. One great way Vegan London offers
• Mildred’s – vegan, organic, interna-
to have fun, exercise and take political
a directory at
tional, with beer/wine and take-away
action at the same time is the monthly
Other guides for organic and vegetar-
available. 45 Lexington Street, Soho, W1F
Critical Mass Bike Ride through London
ian/ vegan options include www.aloto-
(not only bikes, but also wheelchairs, skat- and www.happycow.
• Fresh & Wild - Soho – wholefood store
ers etc). See www.criticalmasslondon.
and cafe. 69-75 Brewer Street, W1R 3FL. for more. of the main organic shops, like
Organic Shops, Cafes and Restaurants
Planet Organic, are listed here by Lon-
• Planet Organic Torrington Place – 22
Organic food is not only much healthier
don region:
Torrington Place, WC1E 7HJ.
helps keep farmland in a healthy condi-
tion, instead of risking erosion and the
• Alara Wholefoods – 10-15% student dis-
• Beatroot Vegetarian Café – 92 Berwick
loss of rich soil due to intensive, industrial
count and hot food within 10 minutes of
Street, W1F OQD.
LSE. 58-60 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AB.
• Wholefood Butchers – organic Butch-
• Neal’s Yard Wholefoods – 21-23 Short
ers. 31 Paddington Street, W1M 4DR.
Lots of information on organic food can
Gardens, Covent Garden, WC2H 9AS.
• Villandry Foodstore & Restaurant – 170
be found at the Soil Association’s web-
• Food For Thought – renowned vegan
Great Portland Street, W1N 5TB.
site ( The Soil
and organic café with takeaway avail-
• Planet Organic Westbourne Grove – 42
Association provide an online directory
able. 31 Neal Street, Covent Garden,
Westbourne Grove, W2 5SH.
of organic outlets at www.whyorganic.
• Dayles Ford Organic – raw food and
For a directory of London organic shops
organic. 400 Oxford Street, W1A 1AB.
• Planet Organic Islington - 64 Essex Road,
and food outlets, see www.infolondon.
London, N1 8LR.
due to the lack of pesticides, but it also
• Antimony Balance Organic Juice Bar –
across London. 020 8355 8597. 24 Old
47 Farringdon Road, EC1M 3JB.
Dover Road, SE3 7BT.
Social Centres are a good way to get
• Saf Restaurant – vegan, organic, inter-
• Well Bean Health Foods – shop and
involved and meet like minded people:
national, with beer/wine and takeaway
home delivery within 3 mile radius. 020
available. 152-154 Curtain Road, EC2A
8858 6854. 9 Old Dover Road, SE3 7BT.
• London Action Resource Centre
3AT. Near Old Street. Islington
• Dayles Ford Organic – café. 44B Pim-
– hosts weekly meetings of climate
• Mother Earth – 282 St. Pauls Road, Lon-
lico Road, SW1W 8LP.
change organisations like Rising Tide
don, N1 2LH.
and Social Ecology Reading Group. 62
• Tony’s Hemp Corner – vegan and or-
• Orgasmic Organics – organic store. 020
Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, E1 1ES.
ganic cafe, with salad bar and takeaway
8297 5225. 26 Staplehurst Road, SE13.
available. 10 Caledonian Road, N1 9DU.
• G. Baldwins & Co. – organic shop and
• The Autonomy Club – Angel Alley, 84b
North East
mail order. 020 7703 5550. 171-173 Wal-
Whitechapel High Street, London, E1.
• Mother Earth Health Food & Organic
worth Road, SE17 1RW.
Nearest tube: Aldgate East.
Market – 5 Albion Parade, Albion Road,
• RampART: an occupied building in
Stoke Newington, N16 9LD.
• SMBS Foods – Traidcraft produce and
East London hosting cultural and politi-
• Food For All – 3 Cazenove Road, Stoke
wholefoods. 75 Lordship Lane, SE22 8EP.
cal events, including a community cin-
Newington, N16 6PA.
Though organic food is certainly ex-
ema, exhibitions, benefit gigs, discussions,
pensive, many organic shops have bins
meetings and workshops.
where packaged food in perfectly good
• inSpiral Lounge – 250 Camden High
condition can be found and taken for
• 56a Infoshop – a resource for local
Street, Camden Lock, NW1 8QS.
free. It sounds weird but the art of ‘Skip-
people, campaign groups and proj-
• Organic Pizza – 404-406 Finchley Road,
ping’, as it is known, is very environmen-
ects as well as selling books, music and
NW2 2HZ.
tally friendly, since perfectly good food is
clothing. Includes a radical archive of
• Wild Organic – 73 Prince of Wales
often mistakenly taken to landfill. More-
international info, a seed trading project,
Road, NW5 3LT.
over, there are weekly free food actions,
Fareshares whole foods co-op and a DIY
• Earth Natural Food – 200 Kentish Town
such as Food Not Bombs, an interesting
bicycle repair workshop. Open Thursdays
Road, NW5 2AE.
group at
2-8pm, Fridays 3-7pm & Saturdays 1.30-
SE17. - great
• Futures Vegetarian Take Away – vegan,
‘Veg Box’ schemes are boxes of organic
resource for various groups.
organic and international, and do deliv-
vegetables and fruits delivered weekly –
eries. 8 Botolph Alley, EC3R 8DR.
a great way to get your healthy vitamins
• Rootmaster – vegan, pan-Asian, inter-
delivered to your door. Here are some
• Clothworks – 020 8299 1619.
national and organic. Just off Brick Lane
good examples:
5.30pm. 56 Cramp-ton Street, London
and in a converted bus! Elys Yard, Old
• Greenfibres – 01803 868001.
Truman Brewery, E1 6QL.
• Abel and Cole – free delivery. 020 7737
• POGO Cafe –vegan, organic and
• Natural Collection – 0870 331 3335.
international, with live music on some
• Farmaround Ltd – 020 7627 8066.
nights. Open Wed-Sat 12.30pm-9pm, Sun
11am-9pm. 76 Clarence Road, E5 8HB.
• Fresh Food Company – 020 8969 0351
• Sparkes GG – also do home delivery
LONDON ON THE CHEAP No matter the size of your overdraft or
this slot their restaurant next door serves
how rich mummy and daddy are, you’ll
pretty cheap food all day. The only
Just because you’re poor doesn’t
find living in London an expensive past
downside is, with its metal plates and
mean you have to be unhealthy.
time, with things inevitably getting tight
(surprisingly) miserable staff this isn’t a
as the end of term approaches. To help
very good venue for a date.
aspx?voucher=1daypass and you’ll a
you out during the lean times we’ve put
one day free pass to an LA fitness gym
together a list of all the things it’s pos-
Conferences and Events join the LSE
of your choosing. Our local LA fitness at
sible to get for nothing or nearly nothing
gravy train! To pull in the best speakers LSE
the Waldorf also runs free Pole Dancing
in London. If you are experiencing genu-
has to put on the best spread. Plenty of
sessions every Wednesday evening. The
ine financial difficulties, we recommend
LSE events have food related after parties
mind boggles…
you apply for financial support.
usually in the atrium (where the Student Services Centre is) or the Shaw library.
If Tim Henman’s woefully poor perfor-
All you need to do is flirt with one of the
mances at Wimbledon achieved any-
Boris Johnson may hate them but
stewards guarding the entrance and
thing it was scaring politicians so much
students and poor people love them. If
you’ll get access to all the free wine and
about the future of British tennis that
you’re willing to take the risk the ‘bendy’
hummous related dips you can consume.
they actually let people play on public
articulated bus could be your free ride home. Some less savoury members of the LSE Students’ Union have been known to not touch in on their Oystercards when they get on the bus (which is extremely easy due to the number of doors). Please
tennis courts for free. Unfortunately most
note that ticket inspectors do periodically
of the central London courts don’t do this but check out www.tennisforfree. com to see if your Borough Council is signed up. With Andy Murray not even getting passed the Semi’s this offer might continue for a while now.
get on these buses, and the fines are
Also, never underestimate the power
extremely heavy if you get caught and
of the departmental party. Although
you could face a court order. Ouch.
some (like Government Department) are
The iTunes Festival: this festival has only
underperformers never, ever turn down
been running for two years but it’s
an invitation to an IR party.
already extremely popular fixture of the
The Students’ Union does not condone fare evasion, and students should
London festival list. For the whole of July
beware that they could end up with a
Plaza Café on Sunday evenings it has
Apple give anyone with an iTunes store
criminal record if caught.
been known for sandwiches to be given
account the chance to win tickets to
away for free with your tea in a desper-
see a huge variety of bands playing at
ate bid to ensure that they aren’t binned.
the Roundhouse in Camden. During this
FOOD Free Hare Krishna food not only do they
marathon 31 days of music you could
drop by campus, if you’re away from LSE
If all else fails Sainsbury’s 8p noodles are
see anyone from Paolo Nutini to Flo Rida.
you could visit them outside SOAS. Their
the poor man’s (or woman’s) staple food
All you have to do is go to this website:
central London temple on Soho Street
of choice. Also, if you want free ‘Jelly from the 1st of June
which is just off Oxford Street also serves
Beans’ check out the Jelly Belly website:
to apply for tickets and then sit back
free vegetarian meals. All you need to and click on the
and wait to find if you win. Even for those
do is get there between 12.30 and 13.00
‘samples’ link. Everyday they send out
who don’t apply 200 tickets are held
every Monday to Saturday. If you miss
100 free sample packs to a lucky few.
back to be given out on the door.
Rota held ever Saturday this is a free
free. The only catch is that you’ll have
• Wella Studio London
club night held at the Notting Hill Arts
to find a child to go with you (who pays
Mortimer Street – (0) 20 7637 7172
Club (nearest tube Notting Hill Gate) in
£1.50) and you’ll have to watch some
which up and coming bands selected
uber dross like Hannah Montana. Only
If, however, you don’t want to take the
by the Rough Trade label play their lat-
really worth it if you actually have kids.
risk of the Training academy there’s al
est songs. Although some bands don’t to pre-book.
ways: Hair by Fairy which offers an excel-
make the grade the inti mate nature
lent hair cut and blow dry for £12.50. It’s
of this venue makes this event. The only
also near by LSE in Neal’s Yard, Covent
problem is the extortionate drinks prices
Swap-a-rama at Thursdays at Favela
Garden which makes it doubly nice.
although the regulars seem to get round
chic – ok, so it does cost money to get in
this by smuggling in hip flasks.
(£3 before 9pm , £5 after) but this night
has to be the most cost effective way of
dramatically overhauling your wardrobe.
On the series of forum websites which
London is essentially where the vast
Its like any normal club night but when
are part of the freecycle network mem-
majority of the UK’s television shows are
the klaxon sounds you have to swap an
bers offer items which they no longer
produced. And as TV license holders why
item of clothing with the person nearest
want or can request things that they’d
not go and see shows being recorded?
to you. By the end of the night you’ll be
like to have. These forums are organised
The following websites provide a good in-
wearing a completely different outfit,
on a local basis so you can easily track
troduction to this world of free entertain-
although bear in mind it’s harder to tell
down items in your local area. Students
ment but you will have to check these
when clothes clash in the darkness.
have managed to pick up all kinds of
website regularly as tickets tend to come
furniture and huge TVs on there.
up fairly sporadically. Bear in mind this is
TV so there’s a lot of dross out there.
Training academies hairdressers in Lon-
don are either expensive or awful. You
Run by former LSE Students’ Union
The Applause Store: www.ap-
could do what some students do and
General Secretary, Martin Lewis, this is an
let the hair grow till the holidays or you
amazing and resource for, as the name
BBC Shows:
could visit one of the training acade-
suggests, money saving. Discounts, cou-
Be On Screen:
mies. The training academy haircuts vary
pons, loopholes and all sorts of other tips
from free to the low sum of five pounds.
are outlined in loving detail. Sign up to
Lost in TV:
There can of course be problems, these
the weekly email newsletter to as many
SRO Audiences:
people are training after all, but as long
of the tips are time sensitive.
TV Recordings:
as you don’t mind having your hair
styled to match whatever is currently in
vogue you should be fine.
The Scoop every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in June this “amphitheatre”
• Toni & Guy Training Academy
right next to City Hall has free open air
New Oxford Street - (0) 20 7836 0606
screenings of a number of film classics
• Vidal Sassoon Advanced Academy
such as Withnail and I and The Sound
Grosvenor Street – (0) 20 7491 0030
of Music. Kidsam at Vue Cinemas every
• Vidal Sassoon
weekend you can watch films absolutely
Brook Street - (0) 20 7399 6903
020 7405 7686 or 0 from a internal phone
NHS Direct
Nurse-led helpline providing confidential
020 7250 5700
healthcare advice and information.
Accommodation Office (V210)
0845 4647 - 24 hour service
Deals with everything related to LSE Halls
of Residence, and can assist students in
UKCOSA The best advice service for international
finding private-sector accommodation.
020 7955 7531
Offers confidential emotional support to
any person who is suicidal or despairing.
LSE Financial Support Office
08457 909090 - 24 hour service
Meningitis Research Foundation
Research to prevent meningitis and sep-
Financial hardship help for students
ticaemia, and to improve survival rates
020 7955 7751
and outcomes. They promote education
Confidential listening support and infor-
and awareness to reduce death and
mation for students in London
disability, and give support to people
020 7631 0101
080 8800 3344
+44 (0)20 7955 6392
British Council
Advice about relationships. Check the
More information about studying in the UK.
website to find your local centre.
0161 957 7755
0845 1 30 40 16
University of London Accommodation
private accommodation in London.
Sexual Health
The Department for Education and
020 7862 8880
Family Planning Association- the UKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Skills (DFES)
leading sexual health charity working to
Information about fee status and govern-
improve the sexual health of all people
ment policy on international students.
throughout the UK.
Provides advice about all housing issues,
0845 310 1334
including homelessness.
LSE Nursery Parish Hall, St Clements Lane
Office Information and advice about
LEGAL AFFAIRS Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB)
0808 800 4444 - 24 hour service National Aids Helpline
Free, confidential, impartial advice. To find
T 0800 567123
your nearest CAB, consult the website.
Alone in London
Find out what service near you will be
LSE Student Counselling Service
able to offer support if you are thinking
about living in a squat.
020 7278 4224
CounsellingService/ 020 7852 3627
Equality and Human Rights Comission
National Express Coach Services
Know Cannabis
Provides advice and assistance in cases
08705 808080
This website can help you assess your
of racial discrimination.
cannabis use, its impact on your life and
0845 604 6610
Black Cabs
how to make changes if you want to.
0871 871 8710
Drinkaware - Unit calculator Drinkline
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender
National Rail Enquiries
Students London Lesbian and Gay
24 hour information on fares and time-
Switchboard 24-hour information, support
tables for mainline trains
Victim Support
and referral service.
08457 484950
national charity which helps people
020 7837 7324
affected by crime. We provide free and
The Pink Practice
National Express Coach Services
with your experience, whether or not you
A counselling and psychotherapy prac-
08705 808080
report the crime.
0800 917 8282
confidential support to help you deal
tice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-
020 7268 0200
gender people in Leeds and London.
Black Cabs
Lines open Mon-Thur 9am-7pm.
0871 871 8710
07005 968 111
Student Loans Company
provides information on a wide range of
General enquiries - 0800 40 50 10
drug related topics
The Campaign Against Living Miserably
Your account - 0870 24 222 11
020 7520 7550
is targeted at young men aged be-
tween 15-35. The campaign offers help, information and advice via a phone and
National Debt line
web service. Anyone, regardless of age,
Advice about dealing with debt.
Talk to Frank
gender or geographic location can call
0808 808 4000
0800 776600 - 24 hour service
the line.
Students with Children
National Drugs Helpline
The Daycare Trust - campaigns for high
0800 776600 - freephone
0800 585858 Mind
quality affordable childcare for all. Great source of information.
020 7840 3350
Help in dealing with the police, the courts
or drug problems. 020 7603 8654
Transport for London
For the families and friends of drug users
All the information on buses and tubes.
0204 7405 3923
020 7222 1234 - 24 hour service
Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is a
A national charity promoting opportuni-
campaigning public health charity that
ties for young people and adults with any
works to eliminate the harm caused by
kind of impairment in post-16 education,
training and employment.
0800 328 5050
OTHERS Support line
The British Dyslexia Association
Work with callers to develop healthy, posi-
tive coping strategies
0845 251 9002
020 8554 9004
Dyslexia Dyslexia Action is a national charity and
Cruse Bereavement Care
the UK’s leading provider of services and
Promote the well-being of bereaved
support for people with dyslexia and
literacy difficulties.
The Muslim Women’s Helpline Provide confidential information and
advice to women of the Muslim faith.
0181 9048193
Harmless is a user led organisation that
0181 9086715
provides support, information, training and consultancy to people who self
National AIDS Helpline
harm, their friends and families and
0800 567 123 - freephone
professionals. 0115 928 2468
Terence Higgins Helpline
0207 242 1010
Young Person’s freephone helpline
QUIT helpline
Anyone bereaved by death to under-
0800 776600
stand their grief and cope with their loss. 0808 808 1677
Smoking cessation 07980 308620
24, Sumner Street, SE1 9JA
up to £143
Butlers Wharf
11 Gainsford Street, SE1 2NE
up to £105
18-24 Fitzroy Street, W1T 4BN
Grosvenor House
141-143 Drury Lane, WC2B 5TD
£169 - £229
High Holborn
178 High Holborn, WC1V 7AA
£157 - £165
Lilian Knowles House
50 Crispin Street, E1 6HQ
£129 - £141
Northumberland House
8a Northumberland Avenue, WC2N 5BY
£140 - £180
Passfield Hall
1-7 Endsleigh Place, WC1H 0PW
£132 - £160
Rosebery Hall
90 Rosebery Avenue, EC1R 4TY
£90 - £117
Sidney Webb House
159 Great Dover Street, SE1 4WW
11 – 18 Cartwright Gardens, WC1H 9EE
College Hall
Malet Street, WC1E 7HZ
£167 - £199
1-11 Cartwright Gardens, WC1H 9EB
£138 - £148
Cartwright Gardens, WC1H 9EF
Brunswick Square, WC1N 1AS
£126 - £150
Lilian Penson
Talbot Square, W2 1TT
£112 - £140
Nutford House
Brown Street, W1H 6AH
20 20