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Getting to Know the Golden Horseshoe Board: Gail Cote

Getting to Know the Golden Horseshoe Board

Gail Cote, RCM

Q – What is the most interesting aspect of working in the condominium industry? A – Each day is unique, even if a situation repeats it is different than the last, and you meet a lot of amazing and interesting people. I love being able to resolve or work on large issues for Condominium Corporations and make a difference.

Q – How did you first get involved in CCI? A – I first became involved as a member, years ago, looking to find more quality information about Condominium Management and upcoming situations that Condominiums may be facing. This was my “one stop” shop for educating myself and making connections that would support my clients.

Q – What is the best advice you’ve ever received? A – Wherever the road leads you – find a mentor and do what they are doing.

Q – What person living or dead, would you most want to have dinner with? A – Walt Disney – if he started all THAT with a mouse – I need some solid advice!

Q – What was your first job? A – Produce and bakery worker at a grocery store.

Q – Is there a charitable cause you support? Why? A – Carpenters Hospice in Burlington – they not only support those who are terminal but provide a home for their family members as well until the very end. Everyone deserves to have something like this where they can spend their last moments together. They recently underwent severe water loss damages and have not been able to support community members in full capacity – they have provided help to so many in the community – its time they receive some back.

Q – What are you most grateful for? A – A place of employment that I look forward to going to each day and seeing everyone– they are like extended family. Q – What is one sound you love to hear most? A – My children’s laughter.

Q – Last movie you saw in theatres? A – Jumanji: The Next Level.

Q – What’s the last country you visited? A – USA - Florida.

Q – Are you a spring, summer, fall, or winter? Please share why. A – Summer – the sounds of wildlife around and the full growth of plants just brightens my day.

Q – What advice would you give your younger self? A – Hahaha, there is not enough room to write that here.

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