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Getting to Know the Golden Horseshoe Board: Tom Gallinger
Getting to Know the Golden Horseshoe Board
Tom Gallinger
Q – What is the most interesting aspect of working in the condominium industry?
A – Driving downtown and impressing friends and family by rhyming off the names and corporation numbers of all the condos you pass along the way!
Q – How did you first get involved in CCI?
A – Have always been a big supporter of CCI as I think they provide board members and unit owners’ great access to education and information directly from industry professionals. I had thought about running for the CCI board, but Sandy Foulds was instrumental in twisting my arm to get me involved.
Q – What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
A – Run to problems – not away from them.
Q – What person living or dead, would you most want to have dinner with?
A – Chris Farley
Q – What was your first job?
A – “Lot boy” and car detailer at a car dealership.
Q – Is there a charitable cause you support? Why?
A – Crohn’s & Colitis Canada, and Canadian Cancer Society, both diseases that have impacted my family and hope to one day have them gone for good.
Q – What are you most grateful for?
A – Family and health.
Q – What is one sound you love to hear most?
A – The old school hockey night in Canada theme song, we gotta bring that back!
Q – Last movie you saw in theatres?
A – Oh geez, its been a while. Was likely something with my kids, maybe Frozen 2.
Q – What’s the last country you visited?
A – Jamaica, glad I got some sun down there before COVID changed everything.
Q – Are you a spring, summer, fall, or winter? Please share why.
A – Love the summer: swimming, sunshine, shorts, flip flops
Q – What advice would you give your younger self?
A – Don’t be afraid to take a risk.