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Introducing Tool Talk

Tool Talk Video Series

The mandate for the Professional Partners Committee has always been to promote and grow a network of trusted professionals for the benefit of all CCI members. To that end, much of our focus has been organizing networking events where we bring together our business partners with our CCI members. The majority of these events are planned as educational seminars where our professionals present on a wide variety of topics that the Committee feels will benefit our membership. Unfortunately, with the current pandemic conditions, we have not been able to host any in-person events. With that in mind, we are initiating a new series of short videos that we have dubbed “Tool Talk” which we hope will bring our members closer to our professionals (at least virtually).

The Tool Talk series of videos will provide some behind the scenes views of our professionals to highlight a few of the many services our experts provide to their condo clients. The idea is for these short videos (3 to 4 minutes each), to give our membership a behind the scenes look at our experts at work. Many of these clips will be a view of activities/operations which may never have been seen/witnessed by our members before. Some of the first videos will focus on engineering, contracting and emergency/disaster response.

The video clips will be uploaded to the CCI Golden Horseshoe website for easy viewing access and a library of multiple topics/insights will be created. We hope the clips will provide a fun and interesting look “behind the curtain” with our professionals, while also educating the viewers on the methods, materials, operations utilized to inspect, resolve and repair typical problems being faced by condominiums within our community.

As always, the committee welcomes input from our members. If anyone has a suggestion for one of our videos, please feel free to reach out to us at admin@cci-ghc.ca.

Behind the Curtain – A Water Leak Investigation

Episode 1 with Kevin Shaw, B.Tech. (Arch.Sc.), Cion | Coulter Engineers & Building Scientists....

View Tool Talk Video - Episode 1

Emergency Response Planning - Before a Water Disaster Strikes

Episode 2 with Bill Calhoun, Owner ServiceMaster Restore, Oakville...

View Tool Talk Video - Episode 2

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