Monthly Communications Update: November 2023

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Monthly Communications Update November 2023 Note to all Managers: Please ensure that this communication is readily available, in both electronic and hard copy, to all teams and use it for discussion at your team briefing meetings. Hello. I hope that these monthly staff briefings are proving useful. Going forward, we plan to supplement these with video messages from Peter, supported by various Directors, plus a commitment from us to get out and about as much as possible. That way, you will be able to start putting faces to names and, hopefully, will feel assured about reaching out at any time. In the interim, here is this month’s update:

Staff Survey

Employee benefits update:

Once again, a huge thank you to everybody who participated in the staff survey.

We continue to look for affordable ways in which we can enhance the range of benefits available to you.

The outcomes have now been analysed and we have prepared a briefing for you which you can find by clicking here. You will see that we had some very positive and high scores, as well as some lower ones which we will, obviously, need to work on.

I am pleased to confirm that, in December, we will be launching a new app which will include an enhanced range of discounts at stores and restaurants, easier access to resources such as our Wellbeing Hub, more ‘real time’ communications and a social media page through which we will be able to connect, chat and recognise good practice.

The document attached outlines samples of the highest and lowest scores in each particular section – but your Manager will have a more comprehensive update which they will share with you at team briefing meetings.

This will be a fully accessible platform for everybody across the Iris Care Group and will, I am sure, significantly enhance our connectivity and networking capacity. Please watch this space next month for further detail.

I will continue to update you on progress against actions in the coming months.

Following that, and in January, we will launch the Wagestream benefit which will allow people to have access to a portion of their pay ahead of pay day.

Christmas bonus - a reminder We informed you last month that everybody (apart from people still in probation) would receive a one-off, discretionary bonus of £250 (subject to tax deductions). Following this we heard that some people who may be in receipt of ‘in work’ benefits may not be able to accept this payment due to the adverse effect it may have on their benefits in future months. I must stress that the Directors feel very disappointed and frustrated that something designed to be a positive gesture resulted in some team members being unable to accept the payment. They, subsequently, carefully considered a range of other options for people who have found themselves in this position but, regrettably, were prevented from doing anything else due to a range of complex DWP and HMRC legislative rules. We, therefore, asked that you email if you wished to opt out of receiving this bonus. Please note that your email must be received by 15th November in order to prevent it from being paid.

Personal email addresses Unfortunately, not everybody has an Iris Care email address (this will be addressed in the next year or so). In the interim, we will continue to use your personal email address for communications, payslips and things like the new benefits platforms being introduced (see above). If you do not wish to receive these messages simply use the opt out option at the bottom of one of the emails.

A request for help! The Gloucester County Council ‘Proud to Care’ team have asked for some support in relation to a survey they are doing with care staff in relation to recruitment, retention, and development. They would love to speak to you directly to hear how those areas of work affect you and your role. Their questions would not take long to answer but will be very valuable. If you are happy to speak to them, please contact directly to let her know. Thank you!

Annual Awards Thank you to everybody who took time to nominate colleagues for our inaugural Annual Staff Awards, the ceremony for which will be held in December. We received more than 150 nominations and a judging panel, comprising a mix of employees and people that we support, will be meeting next week to determine the finalists. We shall keep you updated!

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Some training updates (EDIwillNetworks) You know from last month’s briefing that new appraisal paperwork has now been rolled out. Adam We mentioned in the last update about our intention Pitt (Head of L&D) and team will, shortly, be rolling to set up EDI Networks (Multi-cultural; Pride and out some support training around appraisals which Disability & Accessibility). The extension for will include the essential skills needed to conduct a submissions of interest has now been extended to successful appraisal, that not only recognises 15th September – so please email achievements but also fosters growth, motivation, if you would and career development and will be useful whether like to join one of these groups! you're an experienced manager looking to enhance your appraisal skills or brand new to line The input required will be minimal but the outputs management. will add significant value to our organisational culture. Adam will email dates out shortly. All staff will receive an appraisal in the very near future (if not already completed since May) with the aim that we will align completion of these across March, April and May in 2024. For attention of all nurses! As an Iris Care Group nurse, you will soon have access to RCNi Learning. This valuable, online learning resource will help you to enhance your clinical skills and meet your personal CPD requirements for revalidation. RCNi Learning consists of 175 interactive learning modules covering 43 specialties. All content is evidence based and peer-reviewed by industry experts to ensure it promotes best practice and is up to date. A separate email will be forthcoming. FAO Wales staff only: Physical Intervention (PI) training is mandatory and needs to be refreshed annually. We have noted an increasing number of people failing to arrive for this training which creates significant, unnecessary cost but which also means that people may be non-compliant. It may not always be safe to allow people to continue working in service in such cases. We have, therefore, adopted a new process which allows us to effectively manage this. Please make every effort to attend so that we can eliminate unnecessary costs and ensure ongoing compliance.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDIdeveloped Networks) We recognise that working together is not always easy, so we have a new document which Workplace Etiquette

provides some hints and tips on working well together. Click here to read the document. We mentioned in the last update about our intention to set up EDI Networks (Multi-cultural; Pride and Do please have a read as even the smallest gestures can often make a big difference to workplace dynamics. Disability & Accessibility). The extension for submissions of interest has now been extended to 15th September – so please email if you would like to join one of these groups!

Some recognition...

Estates team changes

A huge shoutout to Sam Evans and team at Conway House on maintaining their three Qs following a recent inspection. Great work!

Wayne Farmer has taken the decision to step out of his managerial role, returning to a job ‘on the tools.’ Jamie Thanks toProut Wayne for his support in that role.

Well done to Su Hua, Clinical Psychologist, and the teams at St Peter’s Hospital for using the week of 23rd October to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. They did daily activities including fundraising and information sharing – and had some fun as they did so. Huge thanks all.

We then conducted a mini restructure, splitting the Manager role into two separate jobs – an Estates Office Manager and an Estates Works Manager. Pam Dollimore and Adam Kakouris were, respectively, appointed to each of the new roles. Congratulation to them both!

Also, well done to the St Peter’s therapy Team for being shortlisted as a finalist in the Therapy Provider of the Year Category in the NeuroRehab Times Awards. Sadly, they did not win, but it was great to see their amazing team work and the outcomes they achieve for their patients recognised at a national level.

We couldn’t send a briefing out this week without mentioning Halloween. Our lovely Liz Clubbe, Payroll and Financial Operations Manager at Iris England, dressed up for the occasion! The winners of our Halloween competition will be announced in the next few days.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Employee Wellbeing (EDIwellbeing Networks) Your is important. We now have a newly designed wellbeing support role – HR, Wellbeing We mentioned in the last update about our intention and Projects Officer. to set up EDI Networks (Multi-cultural; Pride and Disability & Accessibility). The extension for The focus of this role has changed to ensure that submissions of interest has now been extended to the emphasis going forwards is on information15th September – so please email sharing, signposting to resources (whether internal if you would or external), running awareness initiatives, and like to join one of these groups! ensuring that new staff are supported in their early moths with the Iris Care Group. The input required will be minimal but the outputs will add significant value to our organisational Rachel Macmillan is our HR, Wellbeing and Projects culture. Officer and is busy working up a plan of support for the year ahead. Current initiatives include a series of stress awareness/management briefings for International Stress Awareness Week (w/c 30th October) and ‘Movember’ (taking place throughout the month of November). To read all of these useful resources, please click here.

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Yvonne Murray People Director

As always, please do forward ideas, suggestions and feedback to - this is your comms update - we’d love to hear from you!

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