Term Dates 2016-17 Autumn term:
12 September to 16 December (half term break: 24-28 October)
Spring term:
5 January to 31 March (half term break: 13-17 February)
Summer term: 24 April to 16 June (half term: 1 May and 29 May)
The May half term dates are the bank holiday dates only. In independent sixth form colleges it is customary not to have a full week as half term break as the summer term finishes early.
Tuition Fees £5,950 per term for two-year AS and A level programmes £5,500 per term for one-year A level programmes Registration fee: £200
Please note: one and two year AS and A level tuition fees are not dependent on the number of subjects being taken. However, tuition fees for Retakes and Easter Revision courses may vary depending on subjects. Please contact the school’s admissions department for further information. All LSI Independent Sixth Form College terms and conditions apply.
Heath House 13 Lyndhurst Terrace London NW3 5QA T. +44 (0)207 794 8111 E. admissions@lsi.edu