2 minute read
Unit 2C14 – Contribute to Support Learning Disabilities to Access Healthcare
5. Be able to support individuals to overcome barriers to accessing healthcare services.
6. Be able to support individuals with a learning disability to use healthcare services.
Identify barriers to accessing healthcare services thatan individual with a learning disability may experience.
Identify reasons why an individual may be reluctant to access healthcare services.
Demonstrate ways to overcome barriers to accessing healthcare services.
Support the individual to access information about healthcare services in their preferred format.
Provide agreed support to enable the individual to use healthcare services.
Support the individual to understand the reasons why they are being offered treatment.
Support the individual to understand the short- and longterm effects of treatment.
Ensure the individual can give informed consent to their treatment in line with current legislation.
Record details of a healthcare visit in a format that the individual can understand.
Ensure that information is shared in line with agreed ways of working.
Assessment Guidance
This unit must be assessed in line with the relevant assessment principles. Learning outcomes 4, 5 and 6 must be assessed in a real work environment.
Unit 2C15 – Promote Positive Behaviour Support
Unit Code: D/617/8141 RQF Level: 3
Unit Aim
The aim of this unit is to provide the learner with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to promote positive behaviour and respond appropriately to incidences of behaviour of concern.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: To achieve this unit, the learner will: 1. Understand how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relate to positive behaviour support. 2. Be able to promote positive behaviour.
3. Understand the context and use of proactive and reactive strategies.
4. Understand the use of restrictive interventions. Assessment Criteria: Assessment of these outcomes demonstrates the learner can: 1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice.
Explain a range of factors associated with challenging behaviours.
Highlight, praise and support positive aspects of an individual's behaviour in order to reinforce positive behaviour.
Demonstrate how to model to others best practice in promoting positive behaviour.
Evaluate the effectiveness of proactive strategies on promoting positive behaviour.
Explain the difference between proactive and reactive strategies.
Identify the proactive and reactive strategies.
Explain the importance of identifying patterns of behaviour or triggers to challenging behaviour.
Explain the importance of maintaining a person or child centred approach when using proactive strategies.
Explain the importance of reinforcing positive behaviour with individuals.
Evaluate the impact of using reactive rather than proactive strategies on an individual's well-being. Define restrictive interventions.
Explain when restrictive interventions may and may not be used.
Explain why the least restrictive interventions should always be used when dealing with incidents of challenging behaviour.
Describe safeguards that must be in place if restrictive interventions are used.
Explain reporting and recording requirements of incidents where restrictive interventions have been used.