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Unit Reference Number D/617/6017 Unit Title Management and Organisational Behaviour Unit Level 4 Number of Credits 20 Total Qualification Time (TQT) 200 hours Guided Learning Hours (GLH) 80 Mandatory / Optional Mandatory Unit Grading Structure Pass / Fail
Unit Aims
The aim of this unit is to introduce to students to the role of manager, and to provide knowledge of and exposure to concepts, theories and their application in the field of management.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes-
Assessment CriteriaThe learner will: The learner can:
1. Understand organisational 1.1 Explain the concept and nature of organisational behaviour behaviour. 1.2 Assess the challenges and opportunities in organisational behaviour in Management and Organisational behaviour. 2. Understand the functions of 2.1 Evaluate the principles of management influencing management in relation to organisational behaviour. organisational behaviour 2.2 Analyse the impact of management on strategic decision making. 3. Understand the use of 3.1 Explain the planning process used in the management planning management of organisational behaviour. 3.2 Evaluate the contribution of scope and objectives in the management planning process. 4. Understand group behaviour 4.1 Understand the role of group dynamics in group in organisations. behaviour. 4.2 Evaluate the stages of group development in organisational behaviour.
Indicative Content:
Learning Outcome 1
Fayol's 14 Principles of Management • To plan and forecast/Planning • To organise/Organising • To command/Commanding, Leading • To coordinate/Coordinating • To control/Controlling
Learning Outcome 2
Operational, tactical and strategic planning process.
Four primary actions related to the scope planning process: • Scope Planning • Scope Definition • Scope Verification • Scope Control
Objectives: minimizing expenses, expanding internationally, or making a profit.
Learning Outcome 3
Concept and nature of organisational behaviour • Decision-making • Teams • Job-related attitudes and emotions • Leadership • Managerial roles • Motivation • Organisational culture
Challenges and opportunities in organisational behaviour • Counterproductive work behaviour • Employee mistreatment • Abusive supervision • Bullying • Incivility • Sexual harassment • Occupational stress
Learning Outcome 4
The role of group dynamics • Group membership and social identity • Group cohesion • Black sheep effect • Group influence on individual behaviour • Intergroup conflict
Stages of group development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing - Bruce Tuckman’s (1965) four-stage model.
To achieve a ‘pass’ for this unit, learners must provide evidence to demonstrate that they have fulfilled all the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by all assessment criteria.
Learning Outcomes Assessment criteria Type of Word count (approx. to be met to be covered assessment length of coursework) 1 – 4 All under LO 1-4 Coursework 2500
Indicative Reading list
Robbins, De Cenzo and Coulter, (9th Edition, 2016). Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications, Pearson Education
Robbins and Judge, (18th Edition, 2018). Organisational Behaviour, Pearson.