AY 20152016
Bulletin of Acquisitions Academic Year 2015-2016 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA CENTER High School Library
LOURDES SCHOOL OF MANDALUYONG High School Department AY 2015-2016
CIRCULATION PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY 100-199 Hibberd, J. (2014). Make you calm. London: Quercus. 160 p. 152.46 H521m 2014 Learn how to combat stress, tackle anxiety and boost energy to feel calm, in control and fulfilled.
Teo Aik Cher. (2015). Why procrastinate? a teenager's guide to overcoming procrastination. Malate, Manila: Shephered House Pub. xviii, 116 p. : ill 155.232 T264w 2015 A practical and entertaining book that helps teenagers overcome as well as eradicate the ills of procrastination.
Gladwell, M., 1963. (2013). David and Goliath : underdogs, misfits and the art of battling giants. New York, N.Y.: Back Bay Books / Little, Brown and Co. ix, 305 p. 155.24 G455d 2013 This book uncovers the hidden rules that shape the balance between the weak and the mighty and the powerful and the dispossessed. In it the author challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, or cope with a disability, or lose a parent, or attend a mediocre school, or suffer from any number of other apparent setbacks. He begins with the real story of what happened between the giant and the shepherd boy (David and Goliath) those many years ago. From there, the book examines Northern Ireland's Troubles, the minds of cancer researchers and civil rights leaders, murder and the high costs of revenge, and the dynamics of successful and unsuccessful classrooms, all to demonstrate how much of what is beautiful and important in the world arises from what looks like suffering and adversity.
Hibberd, J. (2014). Make you confident. London: Quercus. 160 p. 158.1 H521m 2014
Hibberd, J. (2015). Make you feel beautiful. London: Quercus. 176 p. 158.1 H521m 2015 Improve your body image and learn to combat self-doubt so you feel comfortable in your own skin.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Teo Aik Cher. (2015). Why take action?: a teenager's guide to achieving success. Malate, Manila: Shephered House Pub. xv, 124p : ill. 158.1 T264w 2015 Examines the importance of taking action and the essential qualities and skills needed to attain success. It is a practical guide that will make a great impact in your life. __________. (2015). Why be a leader? : a teenager's guide to take charge of yourself and your team. Malate, Manila: Shephered House Pub. xviii, 92 p : ill. 158.4 T264w 2015 __________. (2015). Why simplify: a teenager's guide to a simple and purposeful life. Malate, Manila: Shephered House Pub. xvii, 124p : ill. 179.9 T264w 2015 Provides reasons for why we live the life we have and shows us how we can make our lives simpler and more fruitful. __________. (2015). Why persevere? : a teenager's guide to going the distance in life. Malate, Manila: Shephered House Pub. xix, 98 p. : ill. 179.9 T264w 2015 Shows what you need to know to develop vision, grit and creativity of those who forge ahead in life, and make yourself stronger than any failure or setback.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
RELIGION 200-299 Mueller, D. (2015). God's story for all : children's Bible. [S. l.: Copenhagen. 352 p. : col. ill. 220.9505 M8872g 2015 Young readers will experience the wonders of God's amazing word based on 54 well known stories from the Old and New Testament. Realistic, authentic illustrations compliment a vivid retelling true to the Holy scriptures.
Catholic theological ethics, past, present, and future : the Trento conference. (2013). Quezon City: Ateneo De Manila University Press. 337 p. 241.042 C2869 2013
Warren, R., 1954-. (2012). The purpose driven life : what on earth am I here for?. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan. 361 p. 248.421 W255p 2012 Offers spiritual fulfillment through an understanding of God's plan for a meaningful life. Maxwell, J. C. (1999). Think on these things : meditations for leaders. Makati City: Church Strengthening Ministry. 157 p. 253.22 M4512t 1999
Francis, Pope, 1936-. (2013). On heaven and earth : Pope Francis on faith, family, and the church in the twenty-first century. New York: Image. xvi, 236 p. 261.83 F8476o 2013 For years Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Argentina-- now Pope Francis-- and Rabbi Abraham Skorka were tenacious promoters of interreligious dialogues on faith and reason. They both sought to build bridges among Catholicism, Judaism, and the world at large. This work, originally published in Argentina in 2010, brings together a series of these conversations where both men talked about various theological and worldly issues, including God, fundamentalism, atheism, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and globalization.
John Paul ll, Pope. (2004). Pastores Dabo Bobis : posty-synodal apostolic exhortation of his holiness John Paul II to the bishops, clergy and faithful on the formation of priests in the circumtances of the present day. Pasay City: Paulines Pub. 224 p. 262.9 J513p 2004
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Pope Francis : the vicar of Christ, from Saint Peter to today. (2013). New York, N.Y.: Life Books. 96 p. : ill. ; (chiefly col.) 271.11145 P8104 2013 Pope Francis heralds a new era for the Catholic Church, and all of the pomp and circumstance-and hope-is captured in this commemorative LIFE volume, that features all of the best photography from coronation day in Rome. In addition, LIFE's editors present a visual and anecdotal history of the Vatican and of the papacy itself, a narrative with triumphs and tragedies, saints and scoundrels. The same team that created the bestselling Pope John Paul II: a Tribute, and the recent Jesus: Who Do You Say the I Am? has now brings forth this lavishly illustrated and right-up-to-date volume on Francis, the Church in our day and the Church down the centuries, beginning with St. Peter. This is the complete story, in words and pictures.
Francis, Pope, 1936-. (2013). Pope Francis : conversations with Jorge Bergogli. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. xxxi, 265 p. 282.092 F8476p 2013 This book, first published in 2010, is the fruit of a series of journalistic interviews with Bergoglio when he was cardinal, consecrated by Pope John Paul II. They give insight into his core beliefs, his personal history, his widsom, intellect, compassion, humility, and ultimately his humanity. Here--in his own words--is an intimate look at the man who is now the leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
____________, 1936-. (2015). Reflections from Pope Francis : an invitation to journaling, prayer, and action. New York, N.Y. : Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, a member of Penguin Group. 291 p. 282.092 F8476r 2015 A little over a year into his papacy, Pope Francis is being hailed by the news media, Christians, and non-Christians alike as a refreshing figure in the Vatican. His humility, piousness, and forwardthinking ideas have been celebrated around the world. Reflections from Pope Francis features brief excerpts for reflection from Pope Francis' homilies, speeches, and addresses along with invitation to prayer, writing, and action. Complete with focusing statements and scripture passages, these excerpts highlight important themes for humanity such as care for the poor, mercy, forgiveness, and brotherhood.
Tolle, E., 1948-. (2004). The Power of now : a guide to spiritual enlightenment. Vancouver, B.C. : Namaste Pub. xvi, 236 p. 291.44 T578p 2004 To make the journey into The Power of Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. From the beginning of the first chapter we move rapidly into a significantly higher altitude where one breathes a lighter air, the air of the spiritual. Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language and a question and answer format to guide us. The words themselves are the signposts. The book is a guide to spiritual awakening from a man who has emerged as one of this generation's clearest, most inspiring teachers. Eckhart Tolle is not aligned with any particular religion but does what all the great masters have done: shows that the way, the truth, and the light already exist within each of us. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
SOCIAL SCIENCES 300-399 Clift, J. (2007). Greening your office : from cupboard to corporation : an A-Z guide. [S. l.]: Green Books. 93 p. : col. ill 333.72 C6131g 2007 Here's an A-Z guide for offices of all sizes, with tips on everything from reducing energy use and better supply purchases to recycling and reusing materials, plus summaries of a range of renewable energy options, commuting techniques, and more. Help your workplace save money while refusing environmental impacts, and boost employee morale in the process. Simple changes in your workplace can add up to a better world.
Save water. (2013). [S. l.]: Macaw Books. 24 p. : col. ill. 333.9116 Sa938 2013
Global warming: issues and challenges. (2014). New Delhi, India: Discovery Publishing House PVT. LTD. 192 p. 363.7387 G5108 2014 Covers the theme of global warming in the backdrop of issues and challenges relating to agricultural production, inflation, human health, waste management, technological transformation and pollution.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS 500-599 Williams, L. D. (2006). Earth science demystified. New York: McGrawHill. x, 390 p. : ill. 550 W6739e 2006 This book is for enyone with an interest in Earth Science who wants to learn more outside of a formal classroom setting. It can also be used by home-schooled students, tutored students, and those people wanting to change careers. This book is presented in an easy-to-follow way and can be best understood when read from beginning to end.
Molles, M. C. Jr., 1948-. (2014). Ecology : concepts and applications. New York: McGraw-Hill. xx, 567 p. 577 M7369e 2014 Emphasis on helping students grasp the main concepts of ecology while keeping the presentation more applied than theoretical. An evolutionary perspective forms the foundation of the entire discussion. The book begins with the natural history of the planet, considers portions of the whole in the middle chapters, and ends with another perspective of the entire planet in the concluding chapter. Its unique organization of focusing only on several key concepts in each chapter sets it apart from other ecology texts.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
TECHNOLOGY (Applied sciences) 600-699 Goel, R. (2014). Vocational guide to video camera servicing and trouble shooting techniques. New Delhi: Venus Books. 283 p. 621 .38834 G552v 2014 ______ (2014). Vocational guide to servicing TV, satellite, and video equipment. New Delhi: Venus Books. 292 p. : ill. 621.388 G552v 2014 Present readers with an overview of the impact of TV, satellite and video on social participation. ______ . (2014). Vocational guide to modern television, system and system servicing. New Delhi: Venus Books. 292 p. 621.3883 G552v 2014
Tapas : 100 everyday recipes. (2011). Manila.: WS. 208 p. 641.812 T161 2011
Good eating salads : your complete guide to making perfect salads every time. (2012). Bath: Love Food, an imprint of Parragon Book Ltd. 320 p. : col. ill. 641.83 G592 2012
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
THE ARTS 700-799 Teo Aik Cher. (2015). Why be a champion? : a teenager's guide to a sporting champion's mindset. Malate, Manila: Shephered House Pub. 107 p. : ill 796.019 T264w 2015
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
LITERATURE AND RHETORIC 800-899 Strunk, W., Jr. (2000). The elements of style. [Needham Hieghts, Mass.: Pearson]. xviii, 105 p. 808.042 St898e 2000
Maxwell, J. C. (2001). The power of influence. Manila: Lighthouse Inspirational Books. 157 p. 808.882 M4512pi 2001
__________. (2001). The power of leadership. Manila: Lighthouse Inspirational Books. 157 p. 808.882 M4512pl 2001
__________. (2001). The power of thinking big. Manila: Lighthouse Inspirational Books. 157 p. 808.882 M4512pt 2001
Secrets of the effective manager : wisdom & inspiration to help you excel in life. (2010). Manila: Lighthouse Inspirational Books & Gifts. 128 p. 808.882 Se256 2010
Great authors of nonfiction. (2014). New York, N.Y.: Britannica Educational Pub. with The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 184 p. : col. Ill. 809 G79812 2014
Great authors of classic literature. (2014). New York, N.Y.: Britannica Educational Pub. with The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 198 p. : col. Ill. 809.003 G79812 2014 Of the many millions of books written over the course of history, only a relatively small percentage have been deemed classics. Authors of classic literature are those who have penned works definitive of a style, movement, era, or ethos. Their works are timeless in message and scope. This essential volume chronicles the lives of many literary luminariesincluding Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, and Virginia Woolf-examining their early histories, journeys to success, and greatest tomes.
Great poets & playwrights. (2014). New York, N.Y.: Britannica Educational Pub. with The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 199 p. : col. ill 809.003 G79889 2014 As with novelists and short story writers, the job of poets and playwrights is to elicit emotion and generate thought. The difference is that the latter authors do so while adhering to rules different than those governing standard prose works. Where poets create rich verses loaded with subtext, playwrights rely largely on dialogue to create poignant scenes that become all the more powerful when performed onstage. This captivating collection of biographies profiles some of the greatest writers of poetry and drama, from Aeschylus to Diane Ackerman, Sophocles to David Mamet. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Chicken soup for the soul : miraculous messages from heaven : 101 stories of eternal love, powerful connections, and divine signs from beyond. (2013). Cos Cob, CT: Chicken Soup for the Soul Pub. ix, 380 p. 810.20237 C4329 2013 When our loved ones leave this world, our connection with them does not end. Their physical presence may be gone, but not their spirit. They send us signs from beyond, come to us in dreams, or deliver messages to us in a variety of surprising and heartwarming ways.
Chicken soup for the soul : answered prayers : 101 stories of hope, miracles, faith, divine intervention, and the power of prayer. (2011). Cos Cob, CT: Chicken Soup for the Soul Pub. ix, 373 p. : ill. 810.802 C4329 2011 A collection of 101 personal stories in which the contributors recount incidents in which their prayers were answered, for health, financial, social, or other desires.
Chicken soup for the soul : angels among us : 101 inspirational stories of miracles, faith, and answered prayers. (2013). Cos Cob, CT: Chicken Soup for the Soul Pub. ix, 367 p. : ill. 810.802 C4329 2013 Angels are among us, if we are open to seeing them and receiving their help. You'll be amazed by these 101 stories.
Creech, S. (2000). The Wanderer. New York: HarperTrophy. 280 p. 813 C8612w 2000 Thirteen-year-old Sophie and her cousin Cody record their transatlantic crossing aboard the Wanderer, a forty-five foot sailboat, which, along with uncles and another cousin, is en route to visit their grandfather in England.
Konigsburg, E. L. (2013). From the mixed-up files of Mrs. Basil Frankweiler. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers. 162 p. : ill. 813 K8368f 2013 Having runaway with her younger brother to live in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, twelve-year-old Claudia strives to keep things in order in their new home and to become a changed person and a heroine to herself.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Riordan, R. (2014). Percy Jackson's Greek gods. Los Angeles: Disney-Hyperion Books. ix, 318 p. : col. ill. 813.54 R4792p 2014 Percy Jackson, a modern-day demigod, tells the origin stories of the gods of Olympus and provides an insider's point of view - with plenty of attitude - in this illustrated collection. Magnuson, J. (1978). Orphan train. New York: Dial Press. 307 p. 823.91 M2755o 1978 In 1853, twenty-seven abandoned children travel west to find new homes and lives.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
GEOGRAPHY & HISTORY 900-999 Lee, K. Y, 1923. (2013). One man's view of the world. Singapore: Straits Times Press. 348 p. : ill. 909.83 L5137o 2013
Hitler, A., 1889-1945. (2007). Mein kampf : (My struggle) Two volumes in one. First volume : A retrospect. Second volume : The National Socialist movement. New Delhi: Indiana Publuishing House. 636 p. : ill. 943.08522 H638m 2007
Plate, T. (2013). Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew : citizen Singapore : how to build a nation. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Editions. 239 p. 959 .5705092 P6965c 2013
FILIPINIANA High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
GENERALITIES 000-099 Malinao, A. L. (2003). Journalism for Filipinos. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. xxiii, 497 p. F 070.4 M2954j 2003 Matienzo, N. V. (2002). Ang bagong pamahayagan sa Filipino. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. xi, 325 p. F 070.4 M4272b 2002
PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
100-199 Gonzaga, A. (2014). Dear Alex, break na kami. : paano?! love, Catherine. Quezon City.: ABS-CBN Pub. 142 p. F 152.4 G5891d 2014
Sala, H. J. (2013). Boredom, stress and burnout : paano ko iha-handle?. [Mandaluyong City, M.M.]: OMF Literature. [110] p. F 152.4 Sa311b 2013 Ito ay tungkol sa epekto ng boredom sa relationships, bakit nakakasama ang sobrang stress, at paraan para maiwasan ang burnout. Ito ay aklat na nagpapaalala na huwag hayaang sirain ng mga negatibong emosyon ang buhay dahil puwedeng mapagtagumpayan ang mga ito.
Gonzalez, B. (2014). Paano ba 'to?! : how to survive growing up. Pasig, [M. M.]: One Mega Group. 151 p. F 155.521 G5892p 2014
___________. (2014). Paano ba 'to?! : how to survive growing up. Pasig, [M. M.]: One Mega Group. 151 p. F 155.521 G5892p 2014
Salumbides, M. M. (2012). As you enter the race. Makati City: Church Strengthening Ministry. vii, 156 p. F 158.1 Sa381a 2012 Gives readers helpful navigational tools to guide young professionals who are just starting out in their careers. In this book the author also shares about the value of work, how to become a productive employee and how to norture healthy workplace relationship.
_____________. (2008). Smart steps for everyday workplace success. Makati City: Church Strengthening Ministry. xvii, 207 p. F 158.1 Sa381s 2008
Heussaff, S. (2015). Besties. Quezon City: ABSCBN Pub.. 169 p. : col. ill F 158.25 H486b 2015
Buenaflor, L. E. (2014). The art of critical thinking: logic for Filipino students. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. xi, 303 p. F 160 B8621a 2014
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
RELIGION 200-299 Lopez, M. V. (2015). Hit your life's rest button!: you can start again today. Quezon City: Lifedream Books. 196 p. F 248.2 L8816h 2015 This book will teach you how to reset your life, how to return to your original condition and start again. Anytime, anywhere!
Duterte, M. R. (c2014). Love yourself as God loves you. Quezon CIty: Shepherd's Voice Pub. 122 p. F 248.4 D951l 2014 This simple and inspiring book will help you truly love yourself, the way God does. Catholic Church. Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. (2004). Compendium of the social doctrine of the church. Manila: Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines. xxii, 557 p. F 261.8088 C2866c 2004
Catholic Church. Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. (2004). Compendium of the social doctrine of the church. Manila: Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines. xxii, 557 p. F 261.8088 C2866c 2004
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
SOCIAL SCIENCES 300-399 Crizaldo, R. L. (2014). Pinoy big values. Mandaluyong City: OMF Literature. 130 p. F 303.372 C8699p 2014 Munar, M. L. (2014). How to keep you hubby happy at iba pang tips para kay misis. [Mandaluyong City, M.M.]: OMF Literature. 125 p. F 306.872 M92h 2014 Discusses helpful tips for any woman who wants to bring happiness to her husband's heart.
Calilung, F. C. (2014). POLGOV: essentials of politics and government with the 1987 Philippine constitution. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. xii, 411 p. F 320.9599 C12899p 2014
Taba単ag, A. T. (2008). Kaya mo Pinoy! : 12 steps to build wealth on any income. Dasmari単as, Cavite: Pinoy, Smart Savers Learning Center. v, 274 p. : ill. F 332.02401 T111k 2008
De Leon, A. A. (2013). 88 things every professional should know or else.... [S. l.]: [s. n.]. 145 p. F 395 D3777e 2013
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
TECHNOLOGY (Applied sciences) 600-699 Bueno, D. C. (2014). Food microbiology and food society. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub.. xii, 248 p. F 664.001 B8623f 2014
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
THE ARTS 700-799 Outdoor & indoor games for teens : barkada gimmicks and dance parties. [S. l.]: Sound Pub. 72 p. F 790.1922 Ou84
Outdoor & indoor games for children : agawan panyo, balloon relay, paikot-ikot, guess me, etc. [S. l.]: Sound Pub. 72 p. F 790.1922 Ou84
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
LITERATURE & RHETORIC 800-899 Ang panitikan at kulturang Pilipino. (2014). Quezon City: C & E Pub.. 390 p. F 899.211 P1939 2014
Atalia, E. S. (2013). Tatlong gabi tatlong araw. Pasay City: Visprint, Inc.. 169, [4] p. F 899.2113 At15t 2013
Hernandez, A. V. (1969). Mga ibong mandaragit (nobelang sosyo-politiko). [Las Pinas, Metro Manila: M & L Licudine Enterprises], 416 p. F 899.2113 H4301i 1969 Isang kathang sosyo-politiko, na nagsasaysay at tumatalakay sa mga suliranin ng mga mamamayan, ng buhay ng madla at lipunan at ng kanilang kapaligiran.\The narrative, illustrates Hernandez's yearning for change and the elevation of the status of Philippine society and living conditions of Filipinos. The setting is in the middle of 1944, when the Armed Forces of the Japanese empire was losing.
Capili, N. (2014). Buti pa ang Roma, may bagong Papa. Mandaluyong City: Anvil Pub. 107 p. F 899.2114 C1721b 2014
Capili, N. (c2013). Parang kayo pero hindi. Mandaluyong City: Anvil Pub. 99 p. : ill. F 899.2117 C1721p 2013
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
GEOGRAPHY & HISTORY 900-999 Lacson, A. (2011). 12 little things our youth can do to help our country. Quezon CIty: Alay Pinoy Pub. House. xvii, 95 p. F 959.9 L1198t 2011
_______. (2012). 12 wonderful things about the Filipino & our motherland. Quezon CIty: Alay Pinoy Pub. House. xi, 130 p. F 959.9 L1198t 2012
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
FICTION Alexie, S, 1966-. (2009). The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian. New York: Little, Brown and Co. 229, 16 p. : ill. Fic Al279a 2009 Budding cartoonist Junior leaves his troubled school on the Spokane Indian Reservation to attend an all-white farm town school where the only other Indian is the school mascot.
Blyton, E. (2014). The Castle of adventure. London: MacMillan Children's Books. 260 p. Fic B6297c 2014 What is the secret of the old castle on the hill, and why are the locals so afraid of it? When flashing lights are seen in a distant tower, Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann, and Jack decide to investigate and discover a very sinister plot concealed within its hidden rooms and gloomy underground passages.
__________. (2014). The Circus of adventure. London: MacMillan Children's Books. 258 p. Fic B6297c 2014 When a young foreign boy, Gustavus, who is with them on holiday is kidnapped, Phillip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann, Jack, and Kiki the parrot follow the kidnappers to a strange land and uncover a plot to assassinate the king.
_________. (2014). The Island of adventure. London: MacMillan Children's Books. 275 p. Fic B6297i 2014 Something very sinister is happening on the mysterious Isle of Gloom and the children are determined to uncover the truth!
__________. (2014). The Mountain of adventure. London: MacMillan Children's Books. 270 p. Fic B6297m 2014 Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann, and Jack spend their holiday in the Welsh mountains in search of adventure as they try to discover the source of a mysterious rumbling in the mountain.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
_________. (2014). The river of adventure. London: MacMillan Children's Books. 224 p. Fic B6297r 2014 Four children and their parrot find adventure in a remote Middle Eastern country.
_________. (2014). The Sea of adventure. London.: MacMillan Children's Books. 254 p. Fic B6297se 2014 Marooned far from the mainland on a deserted coast, Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann and Jack find themselves playing a dangerous game with an unknown enemy. Will they escape with Bill, and their lives?
_________. (c2014). The Ship of adventure. London.: MacMillan Children's Books. 265 p. Fic B6297sh 2014 Another thrilling installment in Enid Blyton's Adventure series - with a stunning retro look to appeal to a new generation of readers.
_________. (2014). The valley of adventure. London: Macmillan Children's Books. 277 p. Fic B6297v 2014 Preparing for a trip by plane with Bill, the four children inadvertently go into the wrong plane, which takes off under frightening circumstances -- and find themselves stranded in an isolated valley scarred by war, and at the mercy of sinister men looking for a long-lost treasure.
Colfer, C. (2013). The land of stories : the enchantress returns. Boston : Little, Brown and Company. 517 p. Fic C68lse 2013 Against the will of their grandmother, twins Alex and Conner must find their own way into the Land of Stories to rescue their mother and save the fairy tale world from the greatest threat it has ever faced--the return of the Enchantress who cursed Sleeping Beauty.
_________. (2014). The Land of Stories : a Grimm warning. Boston : Little, Brown and Company. 469 p. Fic C68lsg 2014 After thirteen-year-old Conner returns to the Land of Stories and reunites with his twin sister, Alex, who is training to become the next Fairy Godmother, war breaks out in the fairy-tale world.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
_________. (2012). The land of stories : the wishing spell. Boston : Little, Brown and Company. 438 p. Fic C68lsw 2012 bk. 1 Through the mysterious powers of a cherished book of stories, twins Alex and Conner leave their world behind and find themselves in a foreign land full of wonder and magic where they come face-to-face with the fairy tale characters they grew up reading about.
Dashner, J., 1972-. (2011). The death cure. New York: Delacorte Press. 325 p. Fic D2609d 2011 As the third Trial draws to a close, Thomas and some of his cohorts manage to escape from WICKED, their memories having been restored, only to face new dangers as WICKED claims to be trying to protect the human race from the deadly FLARE virus.
______________. (2012). The Kill order. New York: Delacorte Press. 329 p. Fic D2609k 2012 Mark struggles to make sense of his new, post-disaster world in this prequel to The Maze Runner.
_____________. , 1972-. (c2010). The Scorch trials. New York: Delacorte Press. 361 p. Fic D2609s 2010 After surviving horrific conditions in the Maze, Thomas is entrapped, along with nineteen other boys, in a scientific experiment designed to observe their responses and gather data believed to be essential for the survival of the human race.
Gaarder, J., 1952-. (2007). Sophie's world : a novel about the history of philosophy. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux. xi, 518 p. Fic G11s 2007
Grant, M., 1954-. (2012). Fear : a gone novel. New York: Katherine Tegen Books. 509, [6] p. Fic G7675f 2012 bk. 5 As the young residents of Perdido Beach begin to better comprehend the truths of who they are and their relationships to one another, the Darkness finds a new way to be born, bringing their understanding of fear to a new level.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
_________., 1954-(2008). Gone. New York: Katherine Tegen Books. 558, 4 p. Fic G7675g 2008 bk. 1 In a small town on the coast of California, everyone over the age of fourteen suddenly disappears, setting up a battle between the remaining town residents and the students from a local private school, as well as those who have The Power" and are able to perform supernatural feats and those who do not.
_________., 1954-. (2009). Hunger : a gone novel. New York: Katherine Tegen Books. 590, 6 p. Fic G7675h 2009 bk.6 Conditions worsen for the remaining young residents of a small California coastal town isolated by supernatural events when their food supplies dwindle and the Darkness underground awakens.
_________., 1954-. (c2010). Lies : a gone novel. New York : Katherine Tegen Books. 447 p. Fic G7675l 2010 bk.3 As conditions worsen in the FAYZ, where supernatural forces have trapped children under the age of fifteen and resources are running out, it becomes tempting to heed the words of a prophet who says that only death will set them free.
_________., 1954-. (2013). Light : a gone novel. New York : Katherine Tegen Books. 413 , 13 p. Fic G7675l 2013 bk. 6 Answers to every mystery of the FAYZ are revealed, unexpected heroes emerge as sacrifices are made, and the Darkness is finally conquered by a force even more powerful than itself in this conclusion to the Gone series.
_________., 1954-. (2011). Plague : a gone novel. New York: Katherine Tegen Books. 492, 17 p. Fic G7675p 2011 bk. 4 A deadly, flu-like epidemic and a plague of flesh-eating creatures threaten the lives of the children at Perdido Beach while Sam, Astrid, Caine, and Diana each struggle with doubts and uncertainties.
Hiaasen, Carl. (2002). Hoot. New York.: A Yearling Book. 292 p. Fic H52h 2002 Roy, who is new to his small Florida community, becomes involved in another boy's attempt to save a colony of burrowing owls from a proposed construction site.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
James, W., 1892-1942. (2008). Smoky, the cowhorse. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks. 323 p. Fic J237s 2008 The experiences of a mouse-colored horse from his birth in the wild, through his capture by humans and his work in the rodeo and on the range, to his eventual old age.
L'Engle, M. (2007). A wrinkle in time. New York: Square Fish. 245 p. Fic L5471w 2007 Meg Murry, her brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O'Keefe become involved with unearthly strangers and a search for Meg's father, who has disappeared while engaged in secret work for the government. Includes "An appreciation" by Anna Quindlen and an interview with the author.
Lin, G. (2011). Where the mountain meets the moon. New York: Little, Brown and Co. 278 p. : col. ill. Fic L6303w 2011 Minli, an adventurous girl from a poor village, buys a magical goldfish, and then joins a dragon who cannot fly on a quest to find the Old Man of the Moon in hopes of bringing life to Fruitless Mountain and freshness to Jade River.
Lu, M., 1984-. (2013). Champion : a legend novel. New York, N.Y.: Speak. 369 p. Fic L9605c 2013 June and Day have sacrificed so much for the people of the Republic--and each other--and now their country is on the brink of a new existence. Just when a peace treaty is imminent, a plague outbreak causes panic in the Colonies, and war threatens the Republic's border cities.
______., 1984-. (2011). Legend. New York, N. Y.: Speak. 305, 13 p. Fic L9605l 2011 In a dark future, when North America has split into two warring nations, fifteen-year-old Day, a famous criminal, and prodigy June, the brilliant soldier hired to capture him, discover that they have a common enemy.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
______., 1984-. (2013). Prodigy : a legend novel. New York, N.Y.: Speak. 374 p. Fic L9605p 2013 June and Day make their way to Las Vegas where they join the rebel Patriot group and become involved in an assassination plot against the Elector in hopes of saving the Republic.
Nielsen, J. A. (2013). The runaway king. New York, N.Y.: Scholastic Inc. 331 p. Fic N5544r 2013 Young King Jaron has taken the throne of Carthya, but after enemies attempt to assassinate him, and a neighboring kingdom threatens invasion, he finds that he has no friends in the palace, not even his bride-to-be, princess Amarinda--and his regents think it would be better for Carthya if he just disappeared again.
___________. (2014). The shadow throne. New York, N.Y.: Scholastic Inc. 317 p. Fic N5544s 2014 Young King Jaron has had nothing but trouble with his advisors and regents since he ascended the throne of Carthya, and now King Vargan of Avenia has invaded the land and captured Imogen--and Jaron must find some way to rescue her and save his kingdom.
Paulsen, G. (1987). Hatchet. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. 186 p. Fic P2854h 1987 After a plane crash, thirteen-year-old Brian spends fifty-four days in the wilderness, learning to survive initially with only the aid of a hatchet given him by his mother, and learning also to survive his parents' divorce.
Zusak, M. (2005). The book thief. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 552, 14 p. Fic Z89b 2005 Trying to make sense of the horrors of World War II, death relates the story of Liesel--a young German girl whose book-stealing and storytelling talents help sustain her family and the Jewish man they are hiding, as well as their neighbors.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
________. (2005). I am the messenger. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 357 p. Fic Z89i 2005 After capturing a bank robber, nineteen-year-old cab driver Ed Kennedy begins receiving mysterious messages that direct him to addresses where people need help, and he begins getting over his lifelong feeling of worthlessness.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
FILIPINIANA REFERENCE SOCIAL SCIENCES 300-399 Hilario, Jose S.. (2014). Guide notes in food safety and the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) : a reference handbook. Mandaluyong City.: Books Atbp. Pub.. xi, 92 p. : ill FR 363.7296 H541g 2014 Aims to orient the students on the principles of food safety, sanitation, personal hygiene, basic housekeeping, health regulations and inspections related to the professional food service and hospitality industries. Also discussed including the use of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to identify chemical hazard.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS 500-599 Huxley, C. Goodwill's dictionary of mathematics. New Delhi, India: Goodwill Publishing House. 482 p. : ill. FR 510.3 H982g Covers the concepts and terminology of all the topics related to pure and applied mathematics and statistics. There are entries on eminent mathematicians of the past and the present as well. In this book the science of patterns, order and the study of measurement, properties and relationships of quantities along with numbers and symbols are also included. It is also intended to ba a reference source for all levels of learners -- students, teachers and research scholars.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
LITERATURE & RHETORIC 800-899 Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC). (2014). Agam : Filipino narratives on uncertainty and climate change. [S. l.]: The Author. xviii, 119 p. : col. ill. FR 899.21108 In745 2014
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY 100-199 Padilla, R. A. (2013). Philosophy made simple : a textbook on introduction to philosophy. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. xvii, 301 p. FTR 100 P134p 2013 Offers a unique overview of what has been thought and written about in the history of Eastern and Western thought. This book can also provide students with many opportunities to refine their own thinking and that they become actively involved in developing their own philosophical position. Pedrajas, T. P. (2014). Personality enrichment program workbook. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. vii, 152 p. FTR 155.2 P342p 2014
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
SOCIAL SCIENCES 300-399 Fundamentals of environmental science. Mandaluyong City: Books ATbp. Pub. 179 p. FTR 363.7 F9627
Chua, Q. N. L. (2014). A companion manual to helping our children do well in school : 10 successful strategies from the parent's best practices study of the Ateneo de Manila High School. Mandaluyong City: Anvil Pub. xiii, 178 p. FTR 370.19341 C4706c 2014 Contains strategies and topics such as spotting possible learning disorders, checklists of child and parenting styles, computer addiction, the truth about Chinese and math and more.
_________. (2014). Helping our children do well in school : 10 successful strategies from the parent's best practices study of the Ateneo de Manila High School. Mandaluyong City: Anvil Pub. xiii, 226 p. FTR 370.19341 C4706h 2014 Containsmore than 200 hands-on strategies, and dozens of real-lif cases culled from focus-group discussions and the authors' own parenting experiences.
Action research made easy : (a practical guide to preparation of action research in education). (2014). Quezon CIty: Lorimar Pub. x, 97 p. FTR 370.7 Ac853 2014 Designed to help teachers, school heads, and supervisors who are interested in conducting an action research to solve existing problems of gaps that hinder the attainment of educational goals and objectives. It also meant to improve current classroom-based educational interventions and activities and school-wide or division- wide programs and projects done for school improvement, or to make informed decisions on whether to adopt or disregard current programs and projects that do not in any way contribute to the academic performance of pupils and students.
LET: comprehensive reviewer based on NCBTS and table of specifications (TOS): professional education assessment, v. 2. (2013). Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. 72 p. FTR 371 .10076 L5678 2013
LET comprehensive reviewer based on NCBTS and table of specifications (TOS), general education, mathematics, v. 3. (2014). Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. 91 p. FTR 371 .10076 L5678 2014
Corpuz, B. B. (2015). Principles of teaching (with TLE) 2. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub.. 278 p. FTR 371.1 C8174p 2015
Lim, L. S. (2014). The teaching profession. Quezon City: Adriana Pub. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
xii, 199 p. FTR 371.1 L6286t 2014 (2 cps.) Provides future teachers a walkthrough of the process of outcome-based education which will better equip them with teaching designs, learning activities and varied of assessment for global learners.
Faltado, R. E. (2015). LET: comprehensive reviewer based on NCBTS and table of specifications (TOS) : specialization - Physical Sciences, vol. 7. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. 112 p. FTR 371.10076 F199l 2015
LET: comprehensive reviewer based on NCBTS and table of specifications (TOS) : specialization – MAPEH, vol. 6. (2014). Quezon City.: Lorimar Pub. 145 p. FTR 371.10076 L5678 2014
Bilbao, P. P. (2015). Field study 6: on becoming the 21st century teacher. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. xvi, 78 p. FTR 371.102 B49f 2015
Borabo, M. L.. (2015). Field study 4: exploring the curriculum. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. xvi, 112 p. FTR 371.102 B64465f 2015
Borabo, M. L. (c2015). Interactive and innovative teaching strategies: resource book for 21st century teachers, vol. 2. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. 82 p. FTR 371.102 B64465i 2015 (2 cps.) This book is dotted with teaching strategies which are in keeping with the standards and principles that served as guideposts in the crafting of the K to 12 curriculum. Also aligned to current trends in education such as constructivist, integrative, interactive, collaborative, inquirybased, brained-based, research-based and reflective teaching.
_________. (2015). Interactive and innovative teaching strategies: resource book for 21st century teachers, vol. 1. (2015). Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. 88 p. FTR 371.102 B64465i 2015 (2cps.) This book is dotted with teaching strategies which are in keeping with the standards and principles that served as guideposts in the crafting of the K to 12 curriculum. Also aligned to current trends in education such as constructivist, integrative, interactive, collaborative, inquirybased, brained-based, research-based and reflective teaching.
___________. (2015). Interactive and innovative teaching strategies: resource book for 21st century teachers, vol. 3. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016 33
86 p. FTR 371.102 B64465i 2015 (2cps.) This book is dotted with teaching strategies which are in keeping with the standards and principles that served as guideposts in the crafting of the K to 12 curriculum. Also aligned to current trends in education such as constructivist, integrative, interactive, collaborative, inquirybased, brained-based, research-based and reflective teaching.
Corpuz, B. B. (2015). Field study 5: learning assessment strategies. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. xvi, 122 p. FTR 371.102 C8174f 2015
_________. (2015). Field study 2: experiencing the teaching learning. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. xvi, 112 p. FTR 371.102 C8174f 2015
Lucas, M. R. D. (2015). Field study 3: technology in the learning environment. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. xv, 82 p. FTR 371.102 L9626f 2015
Lucas, M. R. D. (2015). Field study 1: the learners' development and environment. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. xv, 79 p. FTR 371.102 L9626f 2015
Cajigal, R. M. (2014). Assessment of learning 2. Quezon City: Adriana Pub. xii, 238 p. : ill. FTR 371.26 C124a 2014 Designed to help the teacher education students in developing understanding and gain skill in crafting and utilizing alternative forms of assessment and grading system for respective areas in the K to 12 program.
Cajigal, R. M. (2014). Assessment of learning 2. Quezon City: Adriana Pub. xii, 238 p. : ill. FTR 371.26 C124a 2014 Designed to help the teacher education students in developing understanding and gain skill in crafting and utilizing alternative forms of assessment and grading system for respective areas in the K to 12 program.
Hena, Lilia Jazmin. (2015). Classroom assessment 2. Quezon City: Great Books Trading. viii, 94 p. FTR 371.26 H38c 2015 This book is intended to help both teachers and students' have easy access to basic information about authentic assessment contained in the syllabus prepared by CHED, PAFTE, and PRC. It also provides a thorough discussion on the development and utilization of alternative forms of assessment in measuring authentic learning. The topics discussed are also meant o provide teacher education students the needed preparations in passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Hena, L. J. (c2015). Classroom assessment 1. Quezon City: Great Books Trading. x, 119 p. FTR 371.26 H38c 2015 This book is intended to help both teachers and students' easy access to basic information about classroom assessment and its application. The topics presented in this book are also meant to provide teacher education students the needed preparations in passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers.
Navarro, R. L. (2012). Assessment of student learning outcomes: (assessment 1). Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. vi, 109 p. FTR 371.26 N228a 2012 This book is dotted with activities and exercises which are in keeping with current trends in education such as outcomes-based, reflective, integrative, interactive, inquiry-based, brainbased and research-based teaching, constructivism, multiple intelligences, multicultural education, and authentic assessment. It also updates the readers on educational legislations including the universalization of Kindergarten.
Navarro, R. L. (2013). Authentic assessment of student learning outcomes: assessment of learning 2. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. vii, 113 p. FTR 371.26 N228a 2013
Bilbao, P. P. (2014). Curriculum development for teachers. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. vi, 184 p. FTR 375.001 B49c 2014 This book is dotted with activities and exercises which are in keeping with current trends in education such as integrative, interactive, inquiry-based, brain-based and research-based teaching, constructivism, and multiple intelligences.
Bilbao, P. P. (2014). Curriculum development for teachers. Quezon City: Lorimar Pub. vi, 184 p. FTR 375.001 B49c 2014 This book is dotted with activities and exercises which are in keeping with current trends in education such as integrative, interactive, inquiry-based, brain-based and research-based teaching, constructivism, and multiple intelligences. Dela Cruz, S. G. (2010). National development via national service training program – R.A. 9163 (CWTS1). Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. Corp. xxi, 366p. : ill FTR 378.103 D3703n 2010
Dela Cruz, S. G. (2015). NSTP : National development via national service training program (CWTS2). Mandaluyong City.: Books Atbp. Pub. Corp. xii, 182p. : ill. FTR 378.103 D3703n 2015
LANGUAGE High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
400-499 San Miguel, J. G. (c2013). Speak smart: creative worktext for oral communication. Quezon City: C & E Pub. 167 p. FTR 420.143 Sa587s 2013 Emphasizes the interaction approach, accentuating the role of learners by developing skills that they already possess and discovering those they never realize are there. It also provides situations and activities which students can try out new communication behaviors either individually or in groups.
English proficiency 1. (2013). Quezon City: C & E Pub. xii, 221 p. : ill. FTR 428.007 En367e 2013 This book is designed to enhance the communication skills of students in English. These skills will help them to communicate more effectively and efficiently.
De Castro, I. P. (2010). Kritikal na pagbasa at akademikong pagsulat tungo sa pananaliksik. Manila: UST Publishing House. xii, 304p. : ill. FTR 499.21107 D3556k 2010
De Leon, M. P. (2013). Modyul sa special Filipino 1. Manila: UST Publishing House. ix, 114 p. : ill. FTR 499.21107 D3778m 2013 Ang modyul na ito ay para sa mga nasa Intermediate at Advance level ng Special Filipino. May bahagyang kaalaman sa paggamit ng wika ang mag-aaral dito kaya't nangangailangan lamang ng kaunting pagpapabuti sa kanilang kasanayang pangkomunikatibo. Para sa kanilang antas ang dulog istruktural na may pokus sa gramatika.
Komunikasyon sa akademikong Pilipino. (2014). Manila: Mindshapers Co., Inc. v, 263 p. FTR 499.21107 K8363 2014 Ang modyul na ito ay pra sa lahat ng mga estudyanteng kumukuha ng Sining ng pakikipagtalastasan. Ito ay makapagbibigay ng bentahe sa mga estudyante sa larangan ng komunikasyon na ang wikang ginagamit ay Filipino. Ito ay makatutulong din ng malaki sa mga mag-aaral sa paghubog ng kanilang katauhan upang magtagumpay sa anumang larangan na gusto nilang pasukin.
Komunikasyon sa akademikong Filipino (FIlipino 1). (2014). Manila: Grandbooks Pub. v, 357 p. : ill. FTR 499.21107 K8363 2014
Komunikasyon sa akademikong Filipino (Filipino 1). (2014). Manila City: Grandbooks Pub. 306 p. FTR 499.21107 K8363 2014 c.2
Makabuluhang Filipino sa iba't-ibang pagkakataon: batayang aklat sa pagbasa, pagsulat, at pananaliksik sa antas pangkoleheyo (Filipino 2). (2015). Quezon CIty: C & E Pub. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
xvi, 369 p. FTR 499.21107 M2891 2015 Ang aklat na ito ay nakatuon upang iakma ang kahusayang pangkomunikasyon ng mga estudyante sa pangangailangan ng lipunang kanilang ginagalawan at ng industriya sakaling sila'y maging empleyado, propesyonal, o entrepreneur. Pinahuhusay din ng aklat na ito ang kritikal na pag -iisip, multilinggwal, pagkamalikhain, at kuryosidad sa bagong kaalaman ng mga estudyante.
Sanchez, R. A. (2014). Filipino 2 : masusing pagbasa at malikhaing pagsulat tungo sa pananaliksik. Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services & Pub. viii, 229 p. FTR 499.21107 Sa556f 2014 Ang aklat na ito ay makatutulong ng malaki sa pag-aaral para sa malawakang kaalaman at gayundin sa paraan ng pakikibahagi nila sa bagong henerasyon, upang maipakita at mailarawan nila ang mga pangyayari sa makabagong panahon gamit ang masusing pagbasa at malikhaing pagsulat.
NATURAL SCEINCES AND MATHEMATICS 500-599 High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Cadiz, Arlon P. (2015). Physical science : a modular approach. Manila: Mindshapers Co. x, 250 p. : ill. FTR 500.2 C1148p 2015 Aims to provide students with basic, fundamental, and significant understanding on the different learning areas in science specifically in Chemistry and Physics.
Worktext in college trigonometry. (2015). Quezon City: C & E Publishing. vii, 187 p. FTR 512.13 W89299 2015 Provides students an overview of the fundamental principles of trigonometry essential for higher mathematics courses.
Fundamental of statistics. (2014). Pateros, M.M: Grandbooks Pub. vi, 265 p. FTR 519.5 F9626 2014
Baylon, E. M. (2015). Workbook in physics. Mindshapers Co.: Intramuros, Manila. vi, 116 p. FTR 530 B344w 2015 This book introduces Physics as a pre-requisite skill necessary to understand other areas or fields of specialization. It also discusses some significant applications of physics.
Isabela State University Physics Committee. (2012). General physics: student workbook. Quezon City: C & E Pub. 87 p. FTR 530 Is16g 2012
Sayson, L. V. A. (c2015). Physics I : workbook. Intramuros, Manila: Mindshapers Co. v, 139 p. : ill. FTR 530 Sa998p 2015
TECHNOLOGY (Applied sciences) 600-699 Physical education 1: physical fitness and gymnastics. (2009). Mandaluyong City: Books High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Atbp. Pub. 229 p. FTR 613.7 P5692 2009 This book intends to broaden student's concepts in physical education, fitness, wellness, and gymnastics. It also aims to encourgae student's participation in physical education activities and to enhance their knowledge, motor skills,behavioral skills, and confidence which are necessary for a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
Surio, C. B. (2014). Physical fitness & basketball. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. 145 p. FTR 613.7 Su778p 2014 This book is divided into two units - Unit I - Physical fitness which focuses in the development and improvement of the potential, physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual skills of the students. Unit II - Basketball which discusses extensively about the game, the importance of its basic concepts and skills needed in the game that assist students to improve thier skills and to love basketball.
Arellano, E. I. (2012). AutoCad 2D for all : a complete, detailed, concise and self explanatory book for CAD users. Tarlac City: RMC Pub. Haus. xxiii, 323 p. : col. ill. FTR 620 .00420285 Ar32a 2012 This book is a practical CAD book that expound the basic to semi-advance method of computer drafting. It is graphically explained through the use of illustrations and figures plus the explanation and procedural technique that best explain the system of AutoCad.
Arellano, Ernesto I. (c2014). AutoCad 3D for all : a complete, detailed, concise and self explanatory book for CAD users. Tarlac City.: RMC Pub. Haus. vi, 349 p. : col. ill. FTR 620 .00420285 Ar32a 2014 This book is a practical CAD book that expound the basic to semi-advance method of computer drafting. It is graphically explained through the use of illustrations and figures plus the explanation and procedural technique that best explain the system of AutoCad 3D.
Munalim, Leonardo O.. (c2014). Business is business: a complete guide to effective business correspondence. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. xvi, 233 p. FTR 651.75 M92b 2014
Ong, Flocer Lao. (c2012). Fundamentals of accounting : textbook for beginners. Quezon City: C & E Pub. vii, 138 p. FTR 657 On3f 2012 This book continues its clear, succinct, and simple presentation of the accounting concepts and procedures involved in the accounting for sole proprietorship.
Ong, Flocer Lao. (c2014). Fundamentals of accounting : textbook for beginners. Quezon City: C & E Pub. vii, 138 p. FTR 657 On3f 2014
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
This book continues its clear, succinct, and simple presentation of the accounting concepts and procedures involved in the accounting for sole proprietorship.
Pereda, Pedrito Real. (c2014). Principles of marketing. Manila: Mindshapers. 275 p. FTR 658.8 P413p 2014 This book aims to help the students master the basic concepts and practices of modern marketing in the changing business environment. This will guide the students with challenging principles that will help them traverse the new field of learning that will make them better equipped in the field of business.
THE ARTS 700-799 High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Physical education 4: team sports. (2011). Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. 186 p. FTR 796.3 P5692 2011 This book serves as an instrument in the development and improvement of skills, particularly, in sports. The main purpose of this book is to provide comprehensive and useful guide activities for students taking up PE 4. It intends to broaden student's concepts in playing different kinds of team sports (Basketball, Volleyball, Handball and Futsal) and how the different skills execute correctly.
LITERATURE & RHETORIC 800-899 High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Badayos, P. B. (2014). Retorika: susi sa masining na pagpapahayag. Manila: Grandbooks Pub. 277 p. FTR 808 .0499211 B14r 2014 Ang aklat na ito ay inihanda upang matugunan ang mga pangangailangan ng mga magaaral sa antas ng tersarya hinggil sa mabisa at epektibong pagpapahayag maging ito'y sa pasalita o pasulat na pamaraan. Instruksiyong modyular sa pananaliksik. (2011). Mandaluyong City: Anvil Publishing. vii, 273 p. : ill. FTR 808 .0499211 In791 2011 Ang aklat na ito ay nakatuon sa modyular na pagdulog tungo sa pagkatuto at pagtuturo ng pananaliksik. Mahalagang makapagtamo ng mas malalim na pagpapahalaga sa pananaliksik sa Filipino ang mga mag -aaral lalo na't ang tuon ngayon ng edukasyon ay tungo sa pagpapataas ng antas ng kanilang kasanayan upang sila ay maging palabasa at mapagsaliksik. A worktext in English 2: writing in the disciplines. (2013). Quezon City: C & E Pub. viii, 271p. FTR 808.042 A99w 2013 It provides substantial information on idea generation, methods of organizing and developing paragraphs, and stages of the writing process, as well as useful guidelines, principles, and theories that underlie effective writing and research. Barrot, J. S. (2013). Reading to think, thinking to write: a guide to critical reading and writing. Manila: Rex Book Store. 330 p. FTR 808.042 B2789r 2013 Provides learners with ample reading and writing tasks that promote critical thinking and would unleash their sense of readership and authorship using the principles of reading-writing connection, integrated approach, schema theory, and interactive reading model. Menoy, J. Z. (2013). The simplified research and technical report writing. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. ix, 290 p. : ill. FTR 808.066 M5281s 2013 This book is a great help to its readers and it is user-friendly. Heritage of world literature. (2014). Madaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. x, 280 p. FTR 808.8 H4256 2014 Menoy, J. Z. (2014). Philippine literature for today's generation: a thematic approach. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Pub. xii, 279 p. FTR 899.211 M5281p 2014
Garcia, F. A. (2012). Surinaysay : wika, panitikan, malikhaing pagsulat, feminismo, midya. Quezon City: C & E Pub. 303 p. FTR 899.21104 G1653s 2012 High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
REFERENCES GENERALITIES High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
000-099 Guinness world records 2015. (2014). [London]: Guinness World Records Limited. 256 p. col. ill. R 032.02 G9485 2014 Chronicles the evolution of record breaking while incorporating thousands of new entries, hundreds of new photographs, highlights of classic records, and access to a bonus "See It 3D Augmented Reality" app of interactive digital content.
RELIGION 200-299 High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Isbouts, Jean-Pierre. (2012). In the footsteps of Jesus : a chronicle of his life and the origins of Christianity. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic. 367 p. : col. ill., col. maps. R 232.901 Is19i 2012
NATURAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS 500-599 DK science : the definitive visual guide. (2012). London: DK Pub. 512 p. : col. ill. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
R 503 D6493 2012 This reference book tells the story of scientific progress from the invention of the wheel to 21st century climate solutions. It captures every key moment of discovery, and shows how the concepts, the inventions, and the individuals behind them have changed our world. Through illustrations and accessible text, Science explains even the most complex topics clearly.
Mathematics : an illustrated history of numbers. (2012). New York: Shelter Harbor Press and Worth Press. 144 p. : col. ill. R 510.9 M4204 2012 Counting, measuring, and calculating are as old as civilization itself, as are many of the theorems and laws of math. This book tells the fascinating stories behind mathematical discoveries. The 12-page foldout timeline sets the saga of mathematics against the backdrop of world history. Our earth : the ultimate reference resource for the whole family, with over 500 photographs and illustrations. (2013). Bath, U.K.: Parragon. 256 p. : col. ill. R 550 Ou72 2013 Welcome to Our Earth. This beautifully illustrated family reference guide includes fantastic colour illustrations and is a comprehensive guide to our planet, its structure and systems and its place in the solar system. With annotated 3D illustrations and cut-away diagrams, every page is brought to life. Here is your key to unlock the secrets of our planet and the universe. Explore our incredible planet, its geology,rocks,natural phenomena,climate and plants. Our Earth has five sections, each written by experts in a clear,informative style,and includes: Our Solar System,Geology and Formation, The Power of Nature, A World of Plants, and Weather and Climate.
TECHNOLOGY (Applied sciences) 600-699 Brewer, Sarah. (2009). The human body : a visual guide to human High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
anatomy. London: Quercus. 176 p. : col. ill. R 612 B7586h 2009 The Human Body' provides a visual explanation of the human body and how it works, using three-dimensional computer-generated images to complement the text. The book is broken down according to different body systems to give easy reference.
The human brain book. (2014). New York, N. Y.: DK Publishing. 264 p : col. ill. R 612.8 H8801 2014 Combining the latest findings from the field of neuroscience with expert text and state-of-the-art illustrations, "The Human Brain Book" is a complete guide to the one organ in the body that makes each person a unique individual. Includes an interactive DVD.
American Medical Association handbook of first aid and emergency care. (2009). New York, N.Y.: Random House Reference. xix, 396 p. : ill. R 616 Am3563 2009 The ultimate first aid handbook from the experts! The AMA Handbook of First Aid and Medical Care is the go-to reference for emergencies that no home will want to be without. Full of practical, clear, and easy-to-understand advice, this resource ensures that every household is prepared for any type of medical situation. Includes line drawings and instructions to help people through emergency situations, as well as a medical information chart that everyone should have on hand. Includes information on: First aid procedures; CPR positions; When to call a doctor; Disaster preparedness; What to do in the emergency room; Sports injuries.
American Medical Association is the world's most respected and renowned authority in medicine. Founded in 1847, it is the largest and most prestigious professional association for doctors in the United States. The AMA is also the publisher of the acclaimed medical periodical JAMA, which features groundbreaking medical research studies.
THE ARTS 700-799 Peterson, B., 1952-. (2012). Bryan Peterson's understanding composition field guide : how to see and photograph images with impact. New York: Amphoto Books. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
288 p. : col. ill. R 770 P44263b 2012
Explains complex concepts in understandable and even humorous language. It offers tips, techniques and exercises to help amateurs in the field compose stronger, more compelling photographs.
The complete classical music guide. (2012). London: DK Pub. 352 p. : ill. R 781.68 C73861 2012 The essential listener's guide to more than a thousand years of Western classical music. Explains the elements and terminology of classical music in clear and simple terms ; Discusses the music and instruments of each period, from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras, to developments in modern music sine 1900 ; Explores the life stories, musical styles, and most popular works of almost 300 composers
The ultimate book of games : rules and ideas for over 250 indoor and outdoor games. (2011). Heatherton, Vic.: Hinkler Books. 192 p. : col ill. R 790.122 Ul8 2011
GEOGRAPHY & HISTORY 900-999 United States. Central Intelligence Agency. (2014). The CIA World Factbook 2015. New York: Skyhorse Pub. xxxiv, 938 p. : maps High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
R 910 Un328c 2014 Complete and up-to-date information on the world's nations, with details on geography, people, government, the economy, communications, transportation, the military, and transnational issues and comprehensive, country-by-country statistical information.
Grant, R. G. (2014). World War I : the definitive visual guide, from Sarajevo to Versailles. London: Dorling Kindersley. 360 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), col. maps R 940 .400222 G7676w 2014 This book describes and illustrates the war in all its many guises, from the brief colonial skirmishes in the Far East, when Japan seized Germany's Pacific colonies, to the slaughterhouses of the Western Front, which consumed millions of young men in four years of unabated combat.
World War II : the definitive visual guide, from Blitzkrieg to Hiroshima. (2015). London: Dorling Kindersley. 360 p. : ill. (chiefly col.), col. maps R 940.53 W89386 2015 Presents the visual history of the people, politics and events of the epic conflict that shaped the modern world, World War II. This work helps readers find out about key battles, political and economic forces, individual leaders and technological advances that influenced the course of the war.
TEACHER’S REFERENCES GENERALITIES 000-099 Davenport, K. (2015). C programming for the absolute beginner. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning PTR. 334 p. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
TR 005.133 D275c 2015 Jemma Development Group. (2012). Visual guide: spreadsheets and databases; MS excel 2010 & MS access 2010. [S. l.]: Jemma Inc. 232 p. : ill. TR 005.54 J399s 2012 The latest and up to date educational tool in studying computers. It is presented with full illustrations for the students to easily understand the technology that they are studying.
Starks, J. (2015). Adobe photoshop creative cloud : comprehensive. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 1 v. (various pagings) : col. ill. TR 006.686 St285a 2015 This book is intended for a course that offers an introduction to photoshop and image editing.
PHILOSOPHY & Psychology 100-199 Buckler, S. (2014). Psychology for teachers. Sage: Los Angeles. xxiv, 363 p. TR 150 B8565p 2014 This book explains how psychology can be intelligently applied to the classroom to meet the needs of different learners. It encourages you to High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
review your own practice to develop a personal teaching style, supported by research findings and an awareness of what goes into high-quality teaching.
Nay, W. R. (2014). The anger management workbook : use the STOP method to replace destructive responses with constructive behavior. New York, N.Y: The Guilford Press. x, 286 p. TR 152.47 N231a 2014 Out-of-control anger can destroy relationships, reputations, careers-even your health. But Dr. Robert Nay knows from extensive clinical experience that nearly anyone can learn to manage anger constructively--with enough practice. This systematic workbook builds core anger management skills using interactive exercises that readers can tailor to their own needs. Dr. Nay provides practical tools for identifying anger triggers, recognizing the different faces of anger, replacing aggression with appropriate assertiveness, and defusing conflicts. A wealth of realistic stories and examples invite the reader to step in" and practice the skills discussed until old habits are replaced with more productive new ones. When anger gets in the way of personal goals, this book provides a blueprint for change. Readers can download and print additional copies of the worksheets and forms"
Carducci, B. J. (2015). The psychology of personality : viewpoints, research, and applications. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. xxx, 630 p. : ill. TR 155.2 C1798p 2015 It introduces students to many important figures in the field, including Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, Erikson, Maslow, Allport, Cattell, Bandura, Mischel, and others. The book not only covers classic issues and research in personality, but also looks at genetics and personality, neurological considerations in personality, the evolutionary perspective, the Big Five model of personality, and other contemporary issues. It also reflects significant changes in the field but retains much of the information and special features that made it a textbook from which instructors found it easy to teach and students found it easy to learn.
Engler, B. (2012). Theories of personality. Andover.: Cengage Learning. 524 p. TR 155.2 En35t 2012 Provides accurate and thorough coverage of personality theories in an easily accessible text enhanced by pedagogical features intended to stimulate critical thinking. Bevenour, Vickie Condolff. (2015). Unleashing your inner leader : an executive coach tells all. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. xix, 236 p. : ill. TR 158.4 B4676u 2015 This book gives leader (and those aspiring to leadership roles) a blueprint for enhancing the overall leadership performance, becoming an authentic leader, and ultimately leaving a stellar professional legacy. The author also shows how to unleash the powerful leader inside you by identifying the elements that are key to success, practicing them regularly and making them habits. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
SOCIAL SCIENCES 300-399 O'Leary, Z. (2014). The essential guide to doing your research project. London: SAGE. 371 p. : ill. TR 300.7223 Ol24e 2014 This is a comprehensive, practical and engaging guide to understanding and embarking upon social science research. By adopting a High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
clear and accessible approach, the text encourages students to think about, and engage with, every aspect of the research process.
DeLamater, J. D. (2012). Social psychology. Andover: Cengage Learning. 603 p. TR 302 D3732s 2012
The Oxford handbook of sociology, social theory, and organization studies : contemporary currents. (2014). Oxford: Oxford University Press. xvi, 796 p. TR 302.35 Ox26 2014 Sociology and social theory has always been a major source of new perspectives for organization studies. Access to a series of authoritative accounts of theorists and research themes in sociology and social theory which have influenced developments in organization studies is essential for those wishing to deepen and extend their knowledge of the intersection of sociology and organization studies. This goal is achieved by drawing on a group of internationally renowned scholars committed in their own work to strengthening these links and asking them to provide critical accounts of particular theorists and research themes which have straddled this divide. This volume aims to strengthen ties between organization studies and contemporary sociological work at a time when there are increasing institutional barriers to such cooperation, potentially generating a myopia that constricts new developments. Used in conjunction with its companion volume, 'The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Organization Studies: Classical foundations', the reader is provided with a comprehensive account of the productive and critical interaction between sociology and organization studies over many decades. Highly international in scope, theorists and themes are drawn from both the USA and Europe in equal measure. Similarly the authors of the chapters are drawn from both sides of the Atlantic. The result is a series of chapters on individuals and key research themes and debates which will provide faculty and post graduate researchers with appreciative, authoritative and critical accounts that can be drawn on to design courses or provided guided reading to the field. Understanding economics. (2012). [S. l.]: [s. n.]. 273 p. TR 330 Un23 2012 Aims to develop basic analytical skills that can enable them to make objective and reasonable judgment about economic matters.
Zunker, V. G. (2016). Career counseling : a holistic approach. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning PTR. xxvi, 497 p. TR 331.702 Z872c 2016
Musgrave, F. (2015). Barron's AP microeconomics / macroeconomics. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
viii, 344 p. : ill. TR 338.5076 M9729b 2015 This book will help you learn the essential content in a clear and concise format. It highlights the important material to know based on a careful analysis of past AP economics exams, as well as provide tips for success on either the AP Macroeconomics exam, AP Microeconomics exam, or both.
Rae, T. (2015. Using positive psychology to enhance student achievement : a schools-based programme for character education. New York, NY : Abingdon, Oxon. 278 p. : ill. TR 370.15 R12u 2015 This unique resource will be of real relevance and benefit to both staff and students at upper primary and lower secondary level and will give students within a school environment the tools they need to achieve their full potential.
Classroom management & assessment. (2014). Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press, a SAGE Company. xii, 143 p. : ill. TR 371.1024 C5699 2014 If your goal is a smoother-running, participatory classroom and improved student achievement, you'll find essential best practices in this new resource, edited by a reowned education scholar, Robert E. Slavin. Dr. Robert E. Slavin, professor at John Hopkins University and the University of York, has gathered insights and findings from leading education researchers, presented in 27 succinct chapters focused on key aspects of teaching and classroom management practice.
Levy Shankman, M. (2015). Emotionally intelligent leadership : a guide for students. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley brand. xv, 264 p. TR 371.2 L5799e 2015 Explores the connection between emotional intelligence and effective leadership.
Lemov, D, 1967-. (2015). Teach like a champion 2.0 : 62 techniques that put students on the path to college. San Francisco, CA. : Jossey-Bass, a Wiley brand. xxxii, 468 p. : ill. TR 371.3 L5448t 2015 With ideas for everything from classroom management to inspiring student engagement, you will be able to perfect your teaching practice right away. Lemov's teaching strategies are simple and powerful, and this edition with updated content reflecting the latest best practices from outstanding educators.
Roffey, S. (2014). Circle solutions for student wellbeing. Los Angeles: SAGE. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
x, 130 p. : ill. TR 371.3 R6299c 2014 This book illustrates how the Circle Solutions philosophy and pedagogy can be used in all phases of education to build relationships and resilience for children and young people.
Drew, N. (2010). No kidding about bullying : 125 ready-to-use activities to help kids manage anger, resolve conflicts, build empathy, and get along, grades 3-6. Minneapolis, MN : Free Spirit Pub. viii, 288 p. : ill. TR 371.58 D8205n 2010 Instill the attitudes and practices, found in this book, in your students, and you can establish a peaceful classroom environment while teaching kids skills that will enable them to have positive, peaceful relationships throughout their lives.
Smith, P. K. (2014). Understanding school bullying : its nature & prevention strategies. Los Angeles: SAGE. vi, 229 pages : ill. TR 371.58 Sm637u 2014 Written by a leading expert on the topic of bullying, this book brings together the latest research findings, providing global perspectives from Europe, North America, Australasia and Asia.
Interventions for reading problems : designing and evaluating effective strategies. (2015). New York: Guilford Press. xii, 252 p. : ill. TR 372.43 In888 2015 This comprehensive, user-friendly guide meets a growing need for school psychologists and other practitioners called on to work with struggling readers and their teachers.
Carter, C. (2012). Keys to success : building analytical, creative, and practical skills. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. xix, 377 p. : col. ill TR 378.198 C2452k 2012 Offers information, exercises, strategies, and self-assessments to help students develop critical thinking skills and learn to manage time and resources, ask questions, solve problems, and prepare for the demands of college-level learning; and includes step-by-step guidance to help students develop a career and internship networking site.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
LANGUAGE 400-499 Cook, A., 1940-. (2012). American accent training book : a guide to speaking and pronouncing American English for everyone who speaks English as a second language. Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's. x, 226 p. : ill. TR 421.54 C7712a 2012 Discusses the psychology of accent acquisition, explain American voice quality, and present both students and teachers of American Engish with
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
detailed pronunciation overviews. Five instructive audio CD's use professional male and female voices to complement the text and present in-depth demonstrations of American English as it is spoken today.
Lester, M. (2012). English verb tenses up close. New York : McGrawHill. vi, 168 p. TR 425.62 L5674e 2012 Helps the reader better understand the nuances of stative and dynamic verbs, perfect tenses, and progressive tenses.
NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS 500-599 Tillery. (2008). Physical science. [S. l.]: McGraw-Hill Primis. xxi, 452 p. : ill. TR 500.2 T463p 2008 It introduces basic concepts and key ideas while providing opportunities for students to learn reasoning skills and new way of thinking about thier environment. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Poskitt, K. (2011). Everyday math tricks for grown-ups : shortcuts and simple solutions for the not-so-math minded. New York: Reader's Digest. 174 p. : ill. TR 510 P842e 2011 This book is for everyone who still secretly counts on their fingers or is lost without a calculator. It illustrates all the basics-- addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division--and advanced topics such as ratios, decimals, powers, and roots and it gives also a clear, practical and humorous guide to the shortcuts and simple solutions for tackling everyday maths such as working out discounts, interest rates and percentages, mileage and measurements - and some magic tricks with numbers.
Boaler, J., 1964-. (2015). What's math got to do with it? : how teachers and parents can transform mathematics learning and inspire success. New York, N. Y.: Penguin Books. xxii, 246 p TR 510.7 B6302w 2015
Hansen, M. (2015). Master math: algebra 2. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning PTR. xii, 354 p. : ill. TR 512.9 H1985m 2015 A comprehensive reference guide that explains and clarifies algebraic principles in a simple, easy-to-follow style and format. Beginning with the fundamental topics of solving linear equations and progressing with a functions-based approach through quadratic, polynomial, radical, exponential, and rational functions, this book helps clarify advanced algebra using step-by-step procedures and solutions, along with examples, and practice exercises with their full solutions. A complete table of contents and clear section headings enable readers to quickly find specific topics, and the approachable style and format facilitate an understanding of what can be intimidating and tricky skills. Perfect for students, teachers, tutors, or rusty professionals who want to brush up, Master Math: Algebra 2 will help you master everything from simple algebraic equations to conic sections.
Zegarelli, M. (2014). Basic math & pre-algebra for dummies. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons. xii, 366 p. TR 513.14 Z29b 2014 A fun and accessible guide to the fundamentals of math. Conquer your math anxiety forever with the easy-to-follow instructions and practical exercises in this guide.
Johnson, C. M.. (2015). Exploring mathematics : investigations with functions. Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning. xxi, 656 p. : ill. TR 515.7 J630e 2015 High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Exploring Mathematics: Investigations with Functions is designed for one- or two- term mathematics courses for humanities and liberal arts majors. This unique ten-chapter text covers modern applications of mathematics in the liberal arts and situates the discipline within its rich and varied history. Exploring Mathematics draws on examples from the humanities, including how math is used in music and astronomy, and features perforated pages for easy study and review. The student-friendly writing style and informal approach demystifies the subject matter and offers an engaging and informative overview that will pique students' curiosity and desire to explore mathematics further.
Bruce, P. C., 1953-. (2015). Introductory statistics and analytics : a resampling perspective. Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. xx, 285 p. : ill. TR 519.5 B8307i 2015 This book provides a brief but essential introduction to statistics for those with little or no prior exposure to basic probability and statistics.
Principles of technology. (2014). U.A.E.: 3G Elearning FZ LLC. 304 p. : ill. TR 530 P9359 2014 Introduces the mechanical, fluid, thermal and electrical principles that modern equipment uses.
Ibrahim, Imran. (2015). Integrated science physics: a topical course assessment for lower secondary levels: express and IP. Singapore : Singpore Asia Publishers Pte Ltd. 303, A22 p. : ill. TR 530.1 Ib7i 2015 (2 cps.)
Chiew, T. (2015). Advanced level physics: laws of physics made intuitive. Singapore : Singpore Asia Publishers Pte Ltd. 209 p. : ill. TR 531 C4349a 2015
Ibrahim, I. (2015). Integrated science chemistry: a topical course assessment for lower secondary levels: express and IP. Singapore: Singpore Asia Publishers Pte Ltd. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
224, A20 p. : ill. TR 542 Ib7i 2015
_________. (2015). Integrated science biology: a assessment for lower secondary levels: IP. Singapore : Singpore Asia Publishers Pte Ltd. 255, A22 p. : ill. TR 574.1 Ib7i 2015
topical course express and
TECHNOLOGY (Applied sciences) 600-699 Technical drawing. (2010). Jurong, Singapore : Prentice Hall/Pearson Education International. xxi, 875 p. : ill. TR 604.24 T2262 2010 c.1 (2 cps.) Is a comprehensive introduction and detailed reference for creating 2D documentation drawings. This editon includes even better integration of High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
illustrations with text and consistent navigational features to make it even easier to refer back of important information. It illustrates also the application of technical drawing skills to real-world work practice and integrates drawing skills with CAD use in a variety of disciplines.
Digital electronics fundamentals. (2015). [S. l.] : 3G Elearing. v, 238 p. : ill. TR 621 D5695 2015 This book is intended to provide a student with clear understanding of the fundamentals of digital electronics. It is also ideal for any engineering or science students who wishes to study the subject from its basic principles as well as serving as guide to more advanced topics for readers already familiar with the subject.
Epstein, L. (2015). Bookkeeping for dummies. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. xiv, 328 p. : ill. TR 657.2 Ep856b 2015 In this book you will learn how to "manage assets and liabilities; track business transactions accurately with ledgers and journals; prepare balance sheets, income statements, tax forms, payroll and more".
Scarborough, N. M. (2013). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management. Boston: Pearson. 648 p. : ill. TR 658.022 Sca72e 2013 This edition emphasizes the importance of creating a business plan for successful new venture, it also offers comprehensive coverage of how to conduct a feasiblity study for a business idea and then how to create a sound business plan for the ideas that pass the feasibility.
Small business management. (2014). U.A.E.: 3G Elearning FZ LLC. 248 p. : ill. TR 658.022 Sm182 2014 Offers a unique perspective and set of capabilities for instructors. It is a text that believers "less can be more" and that small business managament should not be treated as an abstract theoretical concept but as a practical activity. It emphasizes clear illustrations and real world examples. Lester, Mark. (2005). The big book of six sigma training games : creative ways to teach basic DMAIC principles and quality improvement tools. New York: McGraw-Hill. 250 p. TR 658.5 L5674b 2005 Provides an engaging way in which employees can learn Six Sigma and put its concepts into play. This book offers 50 experiential activities that teach the core improvement approach of Six Sigma, called DMAIC, as well as many of the popular statistical improvement tools, including Pareto charts and Failure Mode Effects Analysis. Marketing basics. (2015). [S. l,] : 3G Elearning. v, 272 p. : ill TR 658.8 M3414 2015 High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
This book will help you the basics of marketing. The book also comes with companion DVD for rich learning experience, and it is also useful tool for teachers to teach with digital resources in classroom and do a great job of illustrating skills and techniques that are otherwise difficult to explain.
Cruise, J. (2012). Adobe InDesign CS6 : classroom in a book : the official training workbook from Adobe Systems. San Jose, Calif.: Adobe Press. ix, 419 p. : col. ill. TR 686.22544 C8883a 2012 Creative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn InDesign CS6 choose Adobe InDesign CS6 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team. The 16 project-based lessons show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working with InDesign CS6. Readers learn what they need to know to create engaging page layouts using InDesign CS6. This completely revised CS6 edition covers the new tools for adding PDF form fields, linking content, and creating alternative layouts for digital publishing. The companion CD includes all the lesson files that readers need to work along with the book. This thorough, self-paced guide to Adobe InDesign CS6 is ideal for beginning users who want to master the key features of this program. Readers who already have some experience with InDesign can improve their skills and learn InDesign's newest features.
THE ARTS 700-799 Peart, F. (2014). Drawing and painting with water soluble media. Tunbridge Wells, Kent [England] : Search Press. 144 p. : col. ill. TR 741.2422 P319d 2014 Fiona Peart shares her beautiful and innovative painting techniques for watersoluble media. Whether you have pencils, paints or colour sticks, it can be used to stunning effect with this book. High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Digital photography made easy. (2015). London : Flame Tree Pub. 256 p. : col. ill. TR 775 D5696 2015 A guide aimed at beginner and intermediate photographers. It introduces the basics of taking, making, managing and sharing digital photos. It includes features on how digital cameras and smart phones work, taking great photographs and how to get the best from your computer, to creating photo libraries, and sharing images by email.
Gilbert, Anne Green. (2015). Creative dance for all ages : a conceptual approach. Reston, Va. : American Alliance for Health and Physical Educators. ix, 365 p. : ill. TR 780.8083 G3723c 2015 This book is filled with exciting dance activities. In part I of this book you will find updated information, including new warm-up activities. This book also includes updated appendixes as well as new lesson plans with more current music suggestions. The creative dance activities and lesson plans in this book help students become physically literate by meeting national standards and outcomes for dance, physical education and fine arts.
Peterson, M. (2014). Football drills & skills. Australia : Hinkler Books Pty. Ltd. 63 p. : col. ill. TR 796 .334077 P44283 2014
LITERATURE & RHETORIC 800-899 Malik, R. S. (2014). A new approach to literary theory and criticism. New Delhi: Atlantic. 210 p. TR 801.9520 M2952n 2014 This book will be useful for students and teachers of English literature and literary theory and criticism, and researchers in these field.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Yagelski, R. (2015). Writing : ten core concepts. Australia: Cengage Learning. xxxi, 850 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) TR 808 .066378 Y107w 2015 Focuses on ten fundamental lessons - the Core Concepts - that student writers must learn to become sophisticated writers. Emphasizing writing as an interaction between a writer and a reader, this book offers students guidance in three main aims of writing and a way to participate in the important conversations that shape our lives.
Geffner, A. B. (2013). How to write better business letters. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's. vii, 194 p. TR 808 .066651 G272h 2013 Updated to meet today's business needs and reflect the use of current technology, this book presents approximately 75 model letters that demonstrate correct formats and modes of expression used in business correspondence. Categories include credit applications, letters of inquiry, orders of goods and services, formal business announcements, letters of recommendation, letters dealing with complaints and claims, in-house correspondence, news releases, sales letters as used by direct marketers, and more.
Szuchman, L. T., 1948-. (2015). Writing with style : APA style made easy. Andover : Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 195 p. TR 808.06615 Sz71w 2015 (2 cps.) Helps you transition from writing for composition classes to writing for psychology classes. This workbook's format offers both a reference to APA style and interactive exercises that gives you a chance to practice what you've learned.
Das, B. K. (2014). Twentieth-century literary criticism. New Delhi : Atlantic. 507 p. TR 809.04 D2601t 2014 It is well research book on literary theory and criticism, which enables us to understand the theories and their application to literary text.
The Routledge companion to experimental literature. (2015). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge. xvi, 542 p. : ill. TR 809.9112 R7657 2015
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
GEOGRAPHY & HISTORY 900-999 Discovering our past : a history of the world: reading essentials & study guide: student workbook. (2013). New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill Education. vii, 360, 51 p. : ill TR 909 D6315 2013 This workbook helps you improve reading comprehension, understand key concepts, develop note-taking skills and engage more fully in social studies content. Also includes interactive notebook foldable activities, with complete template for every lesson.
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016
Duiker, W. J. (2013). History of the world. [Pasig City] : Cengage Learning Asia Pte. xxxi, 992 p. : ill. TR 909 D883h 2013
High School Library Bulletin of Acquisition AY 2015-2016