1 minute read
Elle Pettitt’s first kill was this feral hog she took with her father, Tony. The hog weighed just under 300 pounds.
n Want to share hunting and fishing photos with other Lone Star Outdoor News readers?
Email them with contact and caption information to editor@lonestaroutdoornews.com. High-resolution original jpegs only. Mail prints to Heroes, Lone Star Outdoor News, P.O. Box 551695, Dallas, TX 75355. Demi Hebert, of Lockhart, hunted nilgai on the King Ranch.
Haden Krecek, 17, and his brother Mitchell, 12, enjoyed an afternoon bass fishing. Mitchell caught a 10 3/4-pound bass and Haden caught a 7 3/4-pound bass. They also caught this double and 15 others during the afternoon fishing with Ron Gard in East Texas.
Philip Glass took this 40-inch Cape buffalo in Zimbabwe with Dalton & York Safaris. Life member of Dallas Safari Club, Scott Bardreau took his first trip to Africa. He hunted multiple species in the Limpopo Province, including this sable.