1 minute read
Kayleigh Wright, of New Braunfels, caught this big blue cat on Canyon Lake.
Garrett Mikeal Anderson Comer took his first white-tailed deer, a 10-pointer, on the Freeman Ranch.
Dalton Jones, of Bedford, harvested his first “big buck” while hunting with his father on their family lease in Clay County. President of DSC’s Lubbock Sportsman’s Club, Tim Gafford, harvested this mountain lion while hunting with Heaven’s Gate Outfitters in Idaho.
Field Gatlin harvested this free-range Duval County buck. The family has watched the 6.5-year-old buck for several years, and it measured 145 inches. Cason Seahorn, 6, of Gilmer, took his first buck, a 19-inch wide 8-pointer, with a Remington bolt action .223 while hunting with family on their hunting lease in Mason.
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