1 minute read
Rad Dullnig took this 13-point buck while hunting with his dad and twin brothers.
David Gomez and his son caught a limit of redfish while fishing in Port Mansfield with BDS Outfitters. Matt Spellman shot this 145-inch buck while hunting in Baylor County.
n Want to share hunting and fishing photos with other Lone Star Outdoor News readers?
Email them with contact and caption information to editor@lonestaroutdoornews.com. High-resolution original jpegs only. Mail prints to Heroes, Lone Star Outdoor News, P.O. Box 551695, Dallas, TX 75355.
Alyssa Elsberry, 6, shot her first deer with a .22250 in Caldwell County. Walker Michael Herrell, 9, shot a javelina in Pearsall with an AR-15.