12 minute read
Freshwater Fishing Report
ALAN HENRY: Water clear; 58 degrees; 5.39’ low. Largemouth bass are very good on crankbaits, spinner baits and plastic worms. Crappie are fair on jigs. Catfish are fair on live bait, cut bait and stink bait.
AMISTAD: Water lightly stained; 68 degrees; 45.05’ low. Largemouth bass are good in 6 feet or less on skinny worms with longer tails. Catfish are fair on chicken livers and stink bait.
ARLINGTON: Water lightly stained; 63 degrees; 0.69’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits, chatter baits and finesse worms. Crappie are fair near boat docks and timber on minnows. Catfish are fair on punch bait and live bait.
ATHENS: Water lightly stained; 56 degrees; 0.47’ high. Largemouth bass are good on jerk baits, worms, crankbaits and skirted jigs. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in standing timber, creeks and boat docks. Catfish are good on cut bait.
AUSTIN: Water clear; 56 degrees; 0.74’ low. Largemouth bass are good on finesse jigs, spinner baits, brush hogs and shad-like lipless crankbaits. Catfish are good on punch bait, chicken livers and earthworms.
B.A. STEINHAGEN: Water stained; 63 degrees; 0.29’ low. Largemouth bass are very good on plastic worms and jigs. Crappie are fair in timber on jigs. Catfish are good on cut and prepared bait.
BASTROP: Water clear; 61 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on suspended jerk baits, crankbaits and soft plastics. Crappie are fair on minnows. Channel and blue catfish are fair on punch bait and live bait.
BELTON: Water clear; 59 degrees; 0.77’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on stick baits and chatter baits. White bass are good on spoons, silver slabs and white swimbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on chicken liver, punch bait and cut bait.
BENBROOK: Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 1.47’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on poppers, crankbaits and jerk baits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Hybrid striped bass are fair on live bait. White bass are good on swimbaits and spoons. Catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait.
BOB SANDLIN: Water lightly stained; 58 degrees; 0.24’ high. Largemouth bass are good on top-waters, finesse jigs and skirted jigs. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait and punch bait.
BRAUNIG: Water lightly stained; 63-66 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on top-waters, plastic worms, spinner baits and jigs. Striped bass are fair on live bait. Catfish are good on live bait and cheese bait. Red drum are good on live bait.
BROWNWOOD: Water stained; 57 degrees; 3.15’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on jerk baits, bladed spinner baits, crankbaits and skirted jigs. Crappie are fair on minnows. White bass and hybrids are good on spoons and swimbaits in the creeks. Catfish are good on punch bait, chicken livers and cut bait.
BUCHANAN: Water clear; 56 degrees; 6.95’ low. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits, finesse jigs and suspended jerk baits. Striped bass are good on live bait and swimbaits. White bass are good on silver spoons and swimbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Channel catfish are fair on punch bait. Blue cats are good on cut bait.
CADDO: Water lightly stained; 61 degrees; 1.66’ high. Largemouth bass are good on square-billed crankbaits, skirted jigs and drop shots. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on punch bait, chicken livers and cut bait.
CALAVERAS: Water stained; 65-68 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on plastic worms, smaller crankbaits and topwaters. Hybrid striped bass are good on lipless crankbaits. Catfish are good on stink bait, chicken livers and cut shad. Red drum are good on live bait.
CANYON LAKE: Water clear; 59 degrees; 5.98’ low. Largemouth bass are good on lizards, crankbaits, and shaky heads. Striped bass are good on live bait. White bass are good in creeks and wind-driven points on swimbaits, silver spoons and rooster tails. Crappie are good on live minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on prepared baits and cut bait.
CEDAR CREEK: Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 0.01’ high. Largemouth bass are good on spinner baits, football jigs and lipless crankbaits. Hybrids and sand bass are good on swimbaits, slabs and jigging spoons. Crappie are excellent on minnows and jigs under boat docks. Catfish are fair on cut bait and live bait.
CHOKE CANYON: Water lightly stained; 66-68 degrees; 23.01’ low. Largemouth bass are very good on long-tailed jigs and plastic worms. White bass are fair on small crankbaits and plastics. Catfish are good on larger live bait, cut bait and stink bait.
CONROE: Water stained; 64 degrees; 0.01’ high. Largemouth bass are very good on plastic worms and spinner baits. Crappie are good on minnows. Hybrid striped bass are good on lipless crankbaits. Catfish are good on stink bait and cut bait.
COOPER: Water stained; 55 degrees; 0.79’ high. Largemouth bass are good on shallow-diving crankbaits, spinner baits and skirted jigs. White bass and hybrids are good on slabs and spoons. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait and punch bait.
CORPUS CHRISTI LAKE: Water stained; 67 degrees; 8.23’ low. Largemouth bass are very good on soft plastic worms and spinner baits. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are fair to good on cut bait and cheese bait.
EAGLE MOUNTAIN: Water clear; 59 degrees; 1.87’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on creature baits, suspended jerk baits and jigs. White bass are good on swimbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on earthworms, cut bait and punch bait.
FALCON: Water stained north and clearer south; 66 degrees; 42.72’ low. Largemouth bass are very good on soft plastics and spinner baits. Crappie are good on slabs. Catfish are excellent on live bait and stink bait.
FAYETTE: Water lightly stained; 62 degrees. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits, spinner baits and wacky worms. Catfish are fair on earthworms and cut bait.
FORK: Water lightly stained; 61 degrees; 0.15’ low. Largemouth bass are good on spinner baits, crankbaits, jerk baits and curly-tailed worms. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait.
GIBBONS CREEK: Water stained; 66 degrees; 1.96’ low. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits, worms and top-waters. Crappie are fair on jigs. Catfish are fair on live shad.
GRANBURY: Water clear; 62 degrees; 0.04’ low. Largemouth bass are good on chatter baits, suspended jerk baits and finesse worms. Striped bass are good on live bait. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are slow.
GRANGER: Water lightly stained; 63 degrees; 0.46’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits, chatter baits and white spinner baits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. White bass are good on small swimbaits and spoons. Catfish are good on punch bait and cut bait.
GRAPEVINE: Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 0.75’ high. Largemouth bass are good on jerk baits, hair jigs, wacky worms and square-billed crankbaits. White bass are good on slabs and white swimbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait.
HOUSTON COUNTY: Water stained; 65 degrees; 0.12’ high. Largemouth bass are good on Carolina rigs and jigs. Crappie are fair on jigs. Catfish are fair on live and cut shad and boiled deer corn.
HUBBARD CREEK: Water stained; 59 degrees; 2.85’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits and plastic worms. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are fair on live and cut shad.
JOE POOL: Water clear; 60 degrees; 0.78’ low. Largemouth bass are good on football jigs, jerk baits, craws and lipless crankbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on prepared baits and cut bait.
LAKE O’ THE PINES: Water lightly stained; 56 degrees; 1.42’ high. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits, jigs, top-waters and jerk baits. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are fair on cut bait or punch bait.
LAVON: Water lightly stained; 55 degrees; 0.82’ high. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits, drop shots and lizards. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. White bass are excellent in the creeks on silver spoons, rooster tails and small swimbaits. Catfish are good on cut bait, nightcrawlers and punch bait.
LBJ: Water clear. 61 degrees; 0.60’ low. Largemouth bass are slow. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. White bass are good on jigging spoons and slabs. Catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait.
LEWISVILLE: Water lightly stained; 56 degrees; 0.47’ high. Largemouth bass are good on jigs, finesse worms, chatter baits and crankbaits. White bass are excellent on small swimbaits and spoons in creeks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on chicken livers, cut bait and punch bait.
LIVINGSTON: Water lightly stained; 65 degrees; 0.46’ high. Largemouth bass are good on Carolina-rigged worms, spinner baits and jigs. Striped bass are slow. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. White bass are excellent on small spinner baits and live bait. Catfish are fair on live bait.
MEDINA: Water lightly stained; 67 degrees; 35.55’ low. Largemouth bass are good on soft plastics. White bass are fair on spoons and small crankbaits. Catfish are fair on live bait, chicken livers and blood bait.
MILLERS CREEK: Water stained; 52 degrees; 0.33’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on plastic worms, jigs and spinner baits. Crappie are fair on minnows. White bass are fair on minnows. Catfish are fair on live bait and liver-prepared baits.
NACONICHE: Water lightly stained; 63-66 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on Carolina-rigged skinny plastic worms, spinner baits and smaller crankbaits. Crappie are fair on jigs. Catfish are good on dough balls, cut and live bait.
NASWORTHY: Water murky; 60 degrees. 1.10’ low. Largemouth bass are good on soft plastics. Crappie are fair on jigs. Catfish are fair on live and prepared baits.
NAVARRO MILLS: Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 0.18’ high. Largemouth bass are good on chatter baits, spinner baits and crankbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. White bass are good on small swimbaits and spoons in creeks. Catfish are good on punch bait and cut bait.
O.H. IVIE: Water clear; 59 degrees; 13.22’ low. Largemouth bass are good on jigs, swimbaits and thick worms. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are good on stink bait, live and cut bait.
OAK CREEK: Water lightly stained; 60 degrees; 4.22’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on plastic worms and jigs. Crappie are fair on live bait under docks. Catfish are fair on trotlines, nightcrawlers, live bait and cut bait.
PALESTINE: Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 0.27’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on jigs, lizards and chatter baits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. White bass are good on rooster tails, swimbaits and spoons in creeks. Catfish are good on earthworms, punch bait and cut bait.
POSSUM KINGDOM: Water clear; 60 degrees; 0.55’ low. Largemouth bass are good on plastic worms and small crankbaits. Crappie are fair on jigs. White bass are fair on crankbaits. Catfish are good on cut bait, live sunfish and stink bait.
PROCTOR: Water lightly stained, 57 degrees; 0.34’ low. Largemouth bass are good on top-waters, suspended jerk baits and skirted jigs. Hybrid stripers are fair on swimbaits and live bait. Crappie are fair on minnows. Catfish are good on cut bait and punch bait.
RAVEN: Water stained; 64 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on plastic worms and spinner baits shallow. Sunfish are fair on cutworms.
RAY HUBBARD: Water clear; 57 degrees; 0.07’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on top-waters, flukes and lipless crankbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait and punch bait.
RAY ROBERTS: Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 0.10’ high. Largemouth bass are good on lipless crankbaits, jerk baits, craws and football jigs. White bass are fair on slabs and swimbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait.
RICHLAND CHAMBERS: Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 0.04’ low. Largemouth bass are good on flukes, red/white skirted jigs and silver crankbaits. White bass and hybrids are good on live bait, slabs and spoons. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait, punch bait and nightcrawlers.
BURN: Water stained; 65 degrees; 0.53’ low. Largemouth bass are good on spinner baits, worms and top-waters. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in creeks. Catfish are good on live and stink bait.
SOMERVILLE: Water lightly stained; 62 degrees; 1.96’ low. Largemouth bass are good on spinner baits, crankbaits and skirted jigs.White bass and hybrids are good on silver spoons and swimbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait and punch bait.
STILLHOUSE HOLLOW: Water clear; 61 degrees; 0.23’ high. Largemouth bass are good on chatter baits, skirted jigs and spinner baits. Crappie are good on minnows. White bass are good on slabs. Channel catfish are fair on earthworms and chicken livers. Blue cats are good on fresh cut bait.
TAWAKONI: Water stained; 56 degrees; 0.70’ high. Largemouth bass are good on buzzbaits, lizards and jerk baits. White bass and hybrid stripers are good on swimbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Blue catfish are excellent on fresh cut bait. Channel catfish are good on punch bait.
TEXANA: Water lightly stained; 68 degrees; 1.08’ low. Largemouth bass are very good on soft plastics and spinner baits. Crappie are good on jigs. Catfish are good on stink bait, cut bait and live bait.
TEXOMA: Water lightly stained; 55 degrees; 2.11’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on swimbaits, lipless crankbaits and finesse worms. Striped bass are good on swimbaits and live shad. White bass are good on swimbaits, rooster tails and spoons. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on punch bait and cut bait.
TOLEDO BEND: Very clear south, stained north; 58-62 degrees; 2.47’ low. Largemouth bass are good on plastic worms. Crappie are good on jigs. Channel and blue catfish are fair on cut bait and stink bait.
TRAVIS: Water clear; 61 degrees; 22.49’ low. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits, top-water plugs and lizards. White bass are good on slabs and swimbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and black/chartreuse jigs. Catfish are good on cut bait and prepared baits.
WACO: Water lightly stained; 58 degrees; 0.42’ low. Largemouth bass are good on jigs, lipless crankbaits and chatter baits. Crappie are fair on minnows. Channel and blue catfish are fair on punch bait and cut bait.
WORTH: Water clear; 58 degrees; 1.95’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on finesse jigs, lipless crankbaits, craws and chatter baits. Crappie are good on minnows. Catfish are good on live bait and punch bait.
WRIGHT PATMAN: Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 7.80’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on crankbaits, lizards and finesse worms. White bass are good on swimbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on chicken livers, punch bait and live bait.