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Calaveras: Manny Martinez of fishingwithmanny.com reports the blue catfish bite is excellent. He said big schools of blue catfish are roaming in 15-25 feet of water and fish up to 15 pounds can be caught in a variety of ways, but trolling artificial baits is among the best techniques. The fish also can be caught drifting live bait or using prepared baits or cut baits from the bank around points and coves. He said he expects the fishing for blue cats will continue to be good throughout the hotter temperatures.
Sam Rayburn: Chance Burton of etxbackwateroutfitters.com reports the bass fishing to be pretty good. He said some smaller bass can be caught shallow early in the day on top-water baits like frogs, but the better bite has been offshore after the sun gets up. Carolina rigs and Texas rigs fished in 20-25 feet of water around points and creek channel swings are producing the better fish. Deepdiving crankbaits and big plastic worms, along with windier days are helping with the offshore bite.
Alan Henry: Randy Britton on Facebook at Lake Alan Henry Crappie Guide said the crappie fishing has gotten better as the lake level settles after a recent rise of about 10 feet. He reports that most of his fish are being caught over brush piles coming up to about 17 feet deep in 30 feet of water. He said minnows are outproducing jigs and the fish can be spooky at times on calmer days.