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Brooke Sivek, 17, of Boerne, harvested her first axis at her family ranch near Sonora. Beams measured 33 1/2 and 34 1/2 inches and she used a 7mm08. Greg Gray caught this 6-pound bass while fishing at this family’s ranch in East Texas with his friend, Charlie Humphreys. Jackson Ware, of Midland, was hunting with his grandfather, Lee Shetler, in San Saba County during the youth weekend where this super jake was harvested. This is Ware’s first turkey, shot with his 20-gauge Benelli Nova. Jason Thomas came down from Wisconsin to go on a blackbuck hunt. He scored a 22-inch buck on a ranch near Royse City using a Browning .25-06.

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Jeremy Griffis and his wife, Amiee, had a fun day fishing near Rockport. Sandra Perez caught this 30-inch redfish off the Mustang Island South Jetty using fresh cut-bait.

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