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Complete Feeders • Digital Timers • Solar Panels For More Information Call or Contact Us eldprofeeders@coxinet.net 800-330-0017 www.eldprofeeders.com
TEXAS TROPHY WHITETAILS Axis, Blackbuck, Hogs Free range whitetail and exotic hunts in Sonora, TX www.HuntTexasWhitetails.com (717) 512-3582
NEED ARCHERY RANGE? www.TexasArchery.info STOCKERBUCK.COM Call now to order Texas Trophy Bred does and stockerbucks or check us out online at stockerbuck.com Call Jay (505) 681-5210
ANTLERS WANTED Buying all species, all conditions. Looking for large quantities Call Del (830) 997-2263
TDHA - JOIN TODAY Texas Dove Hunters Association TexasDoveHunters.com (210) 764-1189
DUVAL COUNTY South Texas Dove Hunting 65 acres, Lodging RV Power Available Huntershilton.com for more info (361) 244-0544 or (361) 443-9330
DECOYS WANTED WOODEN Duck and Goose. Top prices paid. Ask for David (214) 361-2276
DOVE HUNTING Special Season White-Wing South Zone Sept. 5,6, 12&13 and Regular Season (361) 701-4711
ARGENTINA DOVE SHOOTING 5 Star Lodge – Hosted by Owner 4 Days/3 Nts/6 Shoots - $1320/person (972) 769-8866
ARGENTINA DUCK HUNTING Lots of Birds!!! Hosted by Owner Partridge & Dove Shoots Included 5 Days/4 Nts/8 Shoots - $4250 Includes everything but shells and tips dagaradventures.com (972) 769-8866
QUALITY DOVE FIELDS OPENING DAY AND WEEKEND $150 for 1 day, $250 for 2 days and $350 for 3 days Brown and Coleman Counties Sunflowers galore Blastandcast@ sbcglobal.net or (214) 207-8871
AXIS HIDES Tanned axis hides Axis pillows gbroach@ktc.com (830) 896-6996
6 Hour Trip from $275 Port Isabel, TX
Four hunters looking for ponds that hold ducks Prefer north of Dallas References available
(214) 632-5417
SOUTH TEXAS DEER LEASE Duval County Low Fence 740 Acres 4-6 Hunters (361) 701-4711
WANTED PREMIUM FAMILY DEER LEASE 4 to 5 Experienced Trophy Hunters Year round–MLDP–2 hours max from Waco. Call Jim (254) 716-6227
JIM WELLS CO. 90.94 Acres For Sale Prime Hunting Electric Meter Fenced, Gated Rose Land, Realtor All City Real Estate (512) 924-2208
YOUNG PROFESSIONAL LOOKING FOR TEXAS MULE DEER LEASE No need for lodging and dining accommodations, I prefer to camp and hike. No antler size restrictions; will follow all agreed upon rules. Hoping to lease for one week of the season. Hunting industry references available. Call Carson (907) 460-4313
RANCH FOR SALE $665,000 - 2000 acres Coahuila, Mexico Big Deer, Quail, Water, Houses Beautiful Sierra Madre Valley (504) 236-8069
VEHICLES HUNTING JEEP 1995 Wrangler 4.0L, 6 Cylinder, Fully Loaded Many Extras, Automatic Transmission Winch and New Tires (361) 541-8420
FACILITIES MANAGER Port Bay Hunting and Fishing Club, Inc. Full-time position. Responsible for onsite operations and maintenance of a 108-year-old duck hunting and fishing club in Rockport. Duties include: Managing kitchen, housekeeping, and other contract staff; managing member activities and well-being while at the club. Compensation includes housing on site. Contact RMANESS@CRAI.COM
LEARN TO BECOME AN INSURANCE ADJUSTER https:onlinemediatraining.now.site
PART-TIME DELIVERY JOB 2 days a month Text Paul (361) 877-6028
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Lone Star Outdoor News, ISSN 2162- 8300, a publication of Lone Star Outdoor News, LLC, publishes twice a month. A mailed subscription is $35 for 24 issues. Newsstand copies are $3, in certain markets copies are free, one per person. Copyright 2020 with all rights reserved. Reproduction and/or use of any photographic or written material without written permission by the publisher is prohibited. Subscribers may send address changes to: Lone Star Outdoor News, P.O. Box 551695, Dallas, TX 75355 or email them to news@lonestaroutdoornews.com.
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Craig Nyhus Lili Sams C2-Studios, Inc. Hannah Bush Mary Helen Aguirre Mike Hughs Bruce Solieu Mike Nelson David J. Sams
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Page 30 September 11, 2020 LoneOStar Outdoor News LSONews.com R E CR U I TI N G H U N TE R S AN D AN G LE R S FO R A LI FE TI M E GIVE SOMEONE THE
OPPORTUNITY H E L P T H E L O N E S T A R O U T D O O R N E W S TO GO FISHING F O U N D A T I O N R E A C H P E O P L E A N D I N T R O D U C E T H E M T O O N E O F O U R P A S S I O N S — B A S S F I S H I N G . C O N T R I B U T E T O D A Y ! T H E L O N E S T A R O U T D O O R N E W S F O U N D A T I O N C R E A T E S H U N T I N G A N D F I S H I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S , B E N E F I T S Y O U T H E D U C A T I O N , S U P P O R T S W I L D L I F E R E S E A R C H A N D O U T D O O R J O U R N A L I S M . C O R P O R A T E S P O N S O R S UBATHI GLOBAL SAFARIS T O D O N A T E O R F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N C A L L M I M I S A M S , E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ( 2 1 4 ) 3 6 1 - 2 2 7 6 , M I M I . L S O N F @ G M A I L . C O M O R D O N A T E O N L I N E A T W W W . L S O N E W S . C O M / L S O N - F O U N D A T I O N T H E L O N E S T A R O U T D O O R N E W S F O U N D A T I O N I S A 5 0 1 ( C ) 3 C H A R I T A B L E O R G A N I Z A T I O N