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Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio Newsletter
Looking Forward
Summer Quarter
Inside President’s Message pg. 2 Putting Survivors in Control pg. 2 Linden vs. Hunger pg. 3 Together We Move Forward pg. 3 Reducing Waste While Helping Others pg. 4
You might say that the mistakes of youth led 21-year-old Romero to Faith Mission. Impatient to leave his hometown of Tyler, Texas, he immediately hopped on a plane for Orlando, Florida after his high school commencement ceremony. He found work at a company that sold magazines door-to-door. Unfortunately, the company wasn’t reputable. They confiscated all of Romero’s identification and eventually left him stranded with only $100 to get to the nearest city. He ended up in Columbus and called Faith Mission for help. Romero has found Faith Mission’s assistance to be invaluable. “When I came here I didn’t have anything,” said Romero. “They link you to sources you’ll need in order to live successfully.” His case manager, who he describes as “pretty cool,” immediately helped him obtain replacement identification and a bus pass and subsequently a job. He’s waiting for housing now and is set to start classes at Columbus State soon. “I like Faith Mission because they actually look at what you want to do with your goals and career,” said Romero. “The staff wants you to feel better about yourself and improve in education, finance and housing, and they want you to build a better person inside. They don’t look down on you.” Romero also appreciates how Faith Mission is helping him develop as a person. “My case manager is teaching me to control my life as an adult. Being young, I never had any type of responsibilities. So now I have responsibilities I have to take care of and she’s teaching me how to do so.” With Faith Mission’s assistance, Romero has crafted a very definite vision for his life. He said, “My goal is to get on my feet, go to school, get a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and open a recreational center for special needs kids.”
Romero finds help at Faith Mission that will aid him in his life moving forward.
Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio Lutheran Social Services of Northern Ohio · Lutheran Social Services of Southern Ohio
Creating a Better World by Serving People in Need
President’s Message
Sign up to Receive The Leader by Email In an effort to be better stewards of our resources - both monetary and natural - LSS is now offering The Leader newsletter in email format. If you would like to receive the quarterly Leader by email, please go to www.lssco.org/ leaderform-optin. asp. Thank you for your support! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Dear Friend, Instead of planning summer fun, many local families and individuals will be forced to think about how they are going to eat…or if they will be able to stay in their homes…or how they’ll make it from one day to the next. With your support, Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio offers practical help for our neighbors in need. Through the LSS Food Pantries, families can receive groceries so that children will not go to bed hungry and seniors won’t have to decide between paying bills and buying groceries. Through Faith Mission, clients experiencing homelessness can take a shower, get warm, nutritious meals and most importantly find emergency shelter and
supportive services like medical care and job search assistance to really turn their lives around. At CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence, victims and their families find safe shelter, supportive services, and legal and community advocacy services so that they can find the strength to rebuild their lives. Many families and individuals fall on hard times. It’s up to us as a community to help them get back on their feet, but unfortunately, the summer months are often the hardest. As the temperature increases, donations and support typically decrease. That’s why I’m thankful for you. You support families and individuals in need year round. With your care and compassion you will make a difference in the lives of many this summer. Sincerely,
The Rev. Larry A. Crowell President and CEO
Putting Survivors in Control Oftentimes, victims of domestic violence feel their independence has been taken away. LSS’ CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence hopes to change that through The Community Advocacy Project, an evidencebased program designed to help women survivors of intimate partner violence regain control of their lives. This project, which is strengths-based and survivor-driven, will be incorporated into CHOICES programming. It has been shown to decrease a woman’s risk of re-abuse and to increase quality of life, level of social support and ability to obtain needed community resources. Financial,
legal, housing and employment support are also provided. “No other domestic violence programs in Ohio have incorporated this model, and we are very excited to bring this innovative approach to our community,” said Sue Villilo, CHOICES executive director. “In addition to CHOICES staff, we’ve invited other domestic violence service providers to participate in the training.” CHOICES’ participation in the program will be tracked and monitored over at least a year to ensure success for clients and fidelity to the model.
For information on retirement living, please visit our website www.kensingtoncolumbus.com
The Leader is written, designed and produced by the Communications Department of Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio. Copyright © 2016, Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio. 500 W. Wilson Bridge Rd., Ste. 245 • Worthington, Ohio 43085 (614) 228-5200 • www.lssco.org
Linden vs. Hunger For thousands of children in Columbus, the meals they receive through school breakfast and lunch programs are the only ones they can count on during the school year. Imagine how tough it can be when it’s time for summer vacation. While their friends and classmates are looking forward to barbecues and picnics in the park, some kids are not sure where their next meal is coming from. This summer the LSS Food Pantries are focusing on providing additional support in the Linden neighborhood of Columbus, where roughly half of the population lives below the poverty line. Two distributions, each serving 500 families, will provide wholesome, nourishing food. “The reality is that providing three healthy meals every day is beyond the reach of many local parents,” said Brad Draper, LSS corporate director of food pantry services. “Tough
Congratulations to LSS’ The Good Shepherd Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Campus for
choices—between food or medicine, food or utilities, food or transportation, and even food or housing—mean that many of our neighbors find it difficult to put food on the table, but hopefully these distributions will help make the lean summer months a little easier.”
receiving the Ashland Area Chamber of
LSS Food Pantries
Commerce 2016
Nourishing Our Neighbors
Health and Medical
Linden vs. Hunger
Services Business of
Together We Move Forward Stand down is a military term used during the Vietnam War to describe a safe retreat for units returning from combat where they could get medical care, personal hygiene items, a warm meal and clean uniforms. At the second annual Fairfield County Stand Down on May 25, co-hosted by LSS and Fairfield County Veterans Service Commission, veterans and others who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness were invited to attend the event and receive medical screenings, legal aid, haircuts, clothing, hot lunch, access to local social service agencies and more. The LSS Fairfield County Food Pantry also distributed nourishing food, including peanut butter, cereal, and canned fruit and vegetables. “This event is great,” said Edward, a former Marine who is disabled. “I wouldn’t have my apartment without LSS and having access to these services is helpful. It makes you feel special.”
the Year award!
LSS offers transitional and emergency housing for veterans in Fairfield County. Veterans and their families who are homeless or on the verge of homelessness can also receive assistance through our Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, which serves Fairfield, Hocking, Perry, Ross, Fayette, Pickaway, Highland, Adams and Brown counties. For more information, please visit lssco.org.
Support for certain LSS programs is provided by:
For the most up-to-date information, please visit our website at www.lssco.org
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Reducing Waste While Helping Others Inspired by her aunt who volunteers at a homeless shelter, 10-year-old Lilli Brandt, a student at Sanderson Elementary School in Lancaster, came up with an idea to help her neighbors in need. She realized there was a constant need to feed homeless individuals in Lancaster,
not just when people volunteered to bring food to local shelters. Lilli’s school provides a free breakfast to every student, but there was always a lot of waste at the end of the meal. So with the help of her mother, Kerry Brandt, and principal, Mrs. Shannon Burke, Lilli organized a food drive to collect all the unused, unopened food that was just being thrown away after breakfast. Each classroom was given a box to collect the food, and LSS’ Fairfield County Emergency Shelter will periodically pick it up. This partnership is planned to continue through at least the end of next school year. “Lilli’s ingenuity will certainly help us provide balanced meals to residents of our shelter,” said Eddie Rapp, director. “It’s great to see a fourth grader so concerned about the wellbeing of homeless individuals.” The Fairfield County Emergency Shelter provides housing to 24 men and women each night. Volunteer meal providers for shelter residents are always needed. For more information or to become a meal provider, please call 740653-2265.
Lilli Brandt, making a difference for homeless individuals in Lancaster.
Tracing its roots to 1912, LSS is a nonprofit social service agency affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and recognized by the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. LSS provides human services for all people according to their needs. These services include food pantries, emergency shelters, affordable senior housing, retirement living, skilled nursing care and other services that strengthen communities.
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Creating a Better World by Serving People in Need.
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