R. Wayne Rieley
or the tens of thousands of people Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida cares for, the biggest news about 2009 was that, unfortunately, there was little new to report. For the second year in a row, food banks across the United States, including our own Second Harvest North Florida, reported a 30 percent increase in requests for emergency food assistance. The current recession and the continuing rise in unemployment are having a profound effect on our ability to feed the growing numbers of people living at risk of hunger. Most notable are the increased numbers of new men, women and children who never thought they would need food assistance. Increasingly, we are hearing stories from people who once donated to our food bank but now find themselves needing food from us. Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hungerrelief charity of which Second Harvest is a long-time member, reports the following: • 63 percent of those responding to a public opinion poll reported that in 2009 their food didn’t last and they could not afford to buy more. • 40 percent ate less than they felt they should. • 36 percent cut the size of meals or skipped meals because there wasn’t enough money for food. • 40 percent reported that they have had to choose between paying for food and utilities in the past year. This news is more remarkable when we consider that we have delivered a record-breaking amount of food this past year – 10,337,446 pounds – which was an increase of 26
percent compared to the previous year. And still, there is more need than we can meet. For the first time in our history, we have included money in our budget to purchase food in the coming year to supplement the donated surplus food that we receive. Economists project that unemployment lags behind the return of economic stability following a recession by one to two years. History also warns us that the aftershocks from deep recessions reverberate for years, even decades. Workers who’ve lost their jobs will see their incomes reset to a permanently lower level once they’re able to find work again. Young people who entered the workforce this year can expect to earn substantially less during their careers than those who start work during booms. As state and local governments slash spending, some children will lose educational opportunities. Others will be weakened by untreated physical and mental illnesses. The good news in the midst of all the current doom and gloom is that our agency is positioned better than it has ever been in its 30-year history to seek and obtain funding, volunteer help and community leadership to meet the needs of the people we serve. Last year, we received $1,482,677 in contributions from individuals, businesses, foundations and fundraising events to support our mission. We are most grateful for this increase in support during a time when nearly everyone is feeling financial pressures. Our programs continue to receive commendations for the excellent service they provide, and funding from the
government for our programs remains steady. With the addition of Jerome Crawford as vice president for operations and Thomas Mantz as executive director of our food bank, all of our programs are creatively strategizing about ways to serve more people and meet more needs. Our volunteer leadership is strong and growing. In addition to our dedicated board of directors and enthusiastic JetSet group, we created a strategic development council of local business leaders to help us fine-tune a five- and 10-year vision for Second Harvest. The group met several times in 2009 and is now working in teams to research, analyze and propose new directions in which it can help lead Second Harvest in the future. Our success is inextricably tied to the many partners that support us, advocate for us and work beside us. I encourage you to read about our challenges and accomplishments in this annual report and visit our Web site, www. lssjax.org, to read the names of all the individuals, companies, foundations and other organizations that have helped us this year. May 2010 be a good year for us all.
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
ncorporated in 1979, Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida was formed by a consortium of Lutheran churches and Jacksonville community leaders who sought to address the gaps in service to poor families. Lutheran Social Services’ first program was the Nourishment Network, a small food pantry, which has grown to become the only food bank in this region — Second Harvest North Florida. In the fall of 1980, the Refugee and Immigration Services Program was created in response to the influx of Southeast Asian Refugees into the Jacksonville area. AIDS Care and Education (ACE) was created in 1992, followed by the Representative Payee
Services program in 1995 after the Social Security Administration and the Florida Department of Children and Families approached LSS for help with managing the fiscal affairs of people receiving Social Security and disability benefits. The Sharing Place Thrift Store opened its doors for business in January 2008. Lutheran Social Services has grown tremendously during its 30 years of service to the First Coast area and enjoys an excellent reputation for providing innovative, effective and credible programs within the community. Below is a synopsis of the programs operated and funded by the agency.
Second Harvest North Florida through a network of more than 500 non-profit member agencies n Leverages government resources, as well as corporate, business and other private donations to secure large volumes of surplus food n Shares more than 10 million pounds of food annually, which translates to more than 8 million meals per year served to people in need
AIDS Care and Education n Provides assistance to people and families who are HIV-positive or
living with AIDS through case management, counseling support and education services n Assists clients in becoming more active in their medical and social care issues, helping them to maintain their independence, improving their self-esteem and coping skills, and finding housing
The Sharing Place Thrift Store n Sells a variety of household goods, furniture, office equipment,
collectibles, appliances, clothes, toys, jewelry and other items n Generates revenue that helps fund the programs and services of LSS n Provides items to help resettle refugees and their families who have arrived with few possessions, as well as people helped through the LSS AIDS Care & Education program
Lawrence Huser, Chairman Kem Siddons, Vice Chair Jack Parker, Secretary Ted Carter, Treasurer
Senior Staff
Agency Profile n Distributes food to hungry people in an 18-county service area
2008-09 LSS Board of Directors Officers
Refugee and Immigration Services n Provides important services for people who have come to
the United States and cannot return to their country of origin n Helps with initial resettlement, integration assistance, employment assistance and youth/family services n Assists newcomers in achieving acculturation to American society n Assists individuals and families in reaching self-sufficiency
Representative Payee Services n Provides clients with counseling and financial management of their
disability benefits (Social Security and Supplemental Security Income) by ensuring that the funds are used to meet basic needs n Serves people who suffer from chronic alcohol or substance abuse, are mentally handicapped or have been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, as well as those who are too young or old to manage their own finances
Our Mission:
Motivated and guided by the compassion of Christ, we serve and care for people in need.
President/CEO R. Wayne Rieley V.P. for Operations Jerome Crawford V.P. for Advancement Karen Rieley Executive Director, Second Harvest North Fla.
Thomas Mantz Controller Richard Mochowski Human Resources Eileen Nelson
Program Directors AIDS Care & Education Heather Vaughan Refugee & Immigration Barbara Carr Representative Payee Jerome Crawford The Sharing Place Lanny Schulz
Julie Buckingham Brenda Ezell Marie Friedsam The Rev. Sharon Dorr The Rev. William Reister Melissa Ross Dwane Tyson
2008-09 JETSET
(Junior Executives Today Setting Examples for Tomorrow)
Mark Stevens, President Melissa Ross, Past President
Yinka Ajirotutu Barrett Cook Liz Hartman Carter Henderson Bill Laird Matthew Parks Tracy Sadeghian Kimberly M. Sole Alan Verlander Mike Wachholz Kevin Wallquist
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
LSS Property Management 4.8% $169,726 Advancement $354,101
Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $1,189,055 Cash and cash equivalents - restricted $955,224 Accounts receivable - service fees $34,564 Accounts receivable - funding sources $545,378 Pledges receivable - short-term portion $9,352 Available from endowment fund - current portion $30,331 Food Bank inventory $42,287 Investments $0 Prepaid expenses $35,674 Total Current Assets $2,841,865 Property and equipment, net $2,753,714 Other Assets Cash and cash equivalents - restricted $337,853 Pledges receivable - long-term portion $74,650 Available from endowment fund - long-term portion $90,994 Total Other Assets $503,497
The Sharing Place Thrift Store $117,542
ntative ee ,569
AIDS C & Educa are ti $643,24 on 3
Second Harvest North Florida $3,287,061
Administratio $669,183
Refugee & Immigration Services $1,733,032
Total Assets
GENCY EXPENSES BY PROGRAM Agency Expenses by Program
Agency Revenue by Source 3.4%
Special Events $259,849
Program Fees $362,204
Misc./Investments $54,364
LSS Property Management 4.8% $169,726 Advancement $354,101
The Sharing Place Thrift Store $117,542
Representative Payee $394,569
Re n 6 $4 tal % 46 Inc ,75 om 0 e
13.9 %
Fo Co 15 un nt .9 d r $1 ati ibu % ,17 on tio 2, G ns 54 ra , 3 nt s
/ Sha r $1,02 ing Fees 4,750
Federal, State and Local Grants $4,049,797
AIDS C & Educa are ti $643,24 on 3
Second Harvest North Florida $3,287,061
Administratio $669,183
Refugee & Immigration Services $1,733,032
Current Liabilities Accounts payable $131,068 Accrued retirement expense $35,425 Accrued compensated absences - current portion $33,369 Deferred revenues $20,050 Deposits held for others $958,590 Other accrued expenses $67,432 Notes Payable - current portion of long-term debt $0 Total Current Liabilities $1,245,934 Long-term Liabilities Notes Payable $0 Accrued compensated absences - long-term portion $64,776 Total Long-term Liabilities $64,776 Total Liabilities $1,310,710
Unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted net assets Total Net Assets
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
$3,816,768 $971,598 $4,788,366
Tyson Foods helps First Coast
Lift Up America and the Jacksonville Jaguars teamed up with Tyson Foods, Inc. to help bring the gift of food to the First Coast’s less fortunate on Tuesday, Dec. 16. Second Harvest distributed 902 cases of frozen chicken to 29 local agencies that help fight hunger on the First Coast. The chicken donation totaled 31,218 pounds. The distribution took place at Jacksonville Municipal Stadium, with selected Jacksonville Jaguars team members and front office personnel assisting with the distribution.
Mayor Peyton visits Second Harvest
Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton made a visit to Second Harvest North Florida prior to Thanksgiving, using the shelves with diminished supplies as an illustration for his growing concern about the increasing demand for assistance for services from area non-profits as reserves of cash, food and supplies decrease. Second Harvest provided a backdrop
Food For Families Mobile Pantry
Second Harvest North Florida hosted a “Food for Families” Mobile Pantry distribution on Friday, Oct. 24, 2008, at Gerdau Ameristeel in the Baldwin community. The employees of Gerdau Ameristeel, who consider themselves as “Neighbors Helping Neighbors,” partnered with Second Harvest as the event sponsor for the fifth consecutive year. Gerdau volunteers packaged 25,000 pounds of food and children’s educational items for the day’s activities. “Family Boxes” were designed to supplement what may already be in clients’ kitchens, as well as to provide complete meals for families of four. Approximately 1,000 Family Boxes were distributed at the event.
Jaguars Family Food Drive
The Jacksonville Jaguars Family Food Drive once again proved to be a big score for Second Harvest North Florida and the hundreds of thousands of people it serves in north Florida. More than 45,000 pounds of food was collected from the event, in addition to more than $3,100 donated by Jaguar fans. Of that food collected, 32,000 pounds came directly from Winn-Dixie, which sponsored the event.
A special kickoff event highlighted the drive at a local Winn-Dixie store – an event that featured Jaguars players and members of The ROAR, who signed autographs and posed for photographs. The drive continued at Winn-Dixie stores for three weeks before concluding with a gameday collection on Nov. 23.
24th Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon
The 24th Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon attracted more than 1,200 attendees and raised more than $75,000 for Second Harvest North Florida – both record numbers in a year when people needing assistance from the agency reached an all-time high. The Nov. 18 event at the Prime Osborn Convention Center – presented by Bank of America – was designed to place a spotlight on the issue of hunger and its effects on people within communities throughout north Florida. School children, senior citizen groups and other community organizations crafted ceramic bowls for the event. Each attendee received a bowl as a memento for his or her attendance and as a symbolic reminder of the struggle hungry people confront each day.
for Peyton’s press conference and a strong visual for the increased need throughout Jacksonville. “The residents of our city, like those in cities across this nation, are facing very difficult economic times,” he said. “The tough environment is causing people in our community to make extremely difficult choices.”
BackPack Program launched
Second Harvest North Florida launched its BackPack program in December 2008 with a pilot including 150 kids. The Second Harvest program grew to include more than 400 children in January 2009 and provided healthy snacks and meal items for children through the end of the school year. Backpacks are filled with food that children take home on weekends. Food is child-friendly, nonperishable, easily consumed and vitamin fortified. Backpacks are discreetly distributed to children on the last day before the weekend or holiday vacation. The Grainger Foundation donated $20,000 in July 2009 in support of the Second Harvest BackPack Program, and the Wachovia Foundation contributed $10,000. The cost for the program is $100 per child – which provides a weekend backpack for the entire school year (36 weeks).
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
8th Annual Canstruction
The 8th Annual Canstruction competition at the Jacksonville Main Library once again generated important resources for Second Harvest North Florida and focused creative attention on the issue of hunger in Jacksonville. Local architects and building professionals created structures made entirely of nonperishable food items, with awards being offered for design creativity and overall appeal. The hands-down winner among local voters was the “Cat In The Can,” a structure made in the form of Dr. Seuss’ timeless classic, The Cat In The Hat. The structure was created by the Skanska USA Building with Ghyabi & Associates using 1,725 cans of soup, tuna and tomato sauce. While the general public preferred the design creativity of the “Cat In The Can,” Canstruction judges selected “Wall-E,” designed by Haskell, as the winner of the Best Meal, Best Use of Labels and Juror’s Favorite awards. “Shining A Light On Hunger” won the Structural Integrity Award, while the “Hole-y Grail” won honorable mention. Nearly 4,000 pounds of food was produced from the structures – bringing the eight-year total for the event to nearly 100,000 pounds of donated food to Second Harvest.
Second Harvest distributes 3,900 Safety Net family boxes
Second Harvest North Florida distributed 3,900 Family Boxes at no cost to its member agencies from February to May 2009 through a $140,000 grant provided by The Community Foundation Safety Net Fund, initiated by the Jesse Ball duPont Fund. A Family Box provides a four-day supply of healthy, protein-rich food for a family of four. Each box contains 37 items and weighs between 35 and 40 pounds. Family Boxes are beneficial to food pantries that hand out food to people in their neighborhoods who are struggling but not yet homeless. The boxes were distributed in parts of five counties in north Florida. In addition, Second Harvest provided more than 14,000 pounds of food resources to the five primary feeding sites in Jacksonville – Clara White Mission, Sulzbacher Center, Salvation Army, Trinity Rescue Mission and City Rescue Mission.
LSS helps to celebrate International Women’s Day
The Lutheran Social Services Refugee & Immigration Services program teamed with the Women’s Center of Jacksonville to host the Ninth Annual International Women’s Day Celebration on March 6, 2009. The event was the local function of a global effort aimed at celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women. A luncheon was held at Arlington Congregational Church and featured a potluck lunch, special dance performance, a silent auction to benefit the LSS Refugee Youth Scholarship fund, games for children and door prizes. LSS’s Rachel Obal was the featured speaker at the event.
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
NALC Food Drive produces another record year
For the second consecutive year, the First Coast community responded in a big way and shattered the record for food collected in the annual “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive. Second Harvest North Florida received more than 325,000 pounds of donated food from a four-county area as part of the 17th Annual National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive on Saturday, May 9. The record total is more than 12 percent higher than what was raised in 2008.
19th Annual Jacksonville FOODFIGHT
The 19th Annual Jacksonville FOODFIGHT™ presented by EverBank on June 4 was once again a record-setting event for Second Harvest North Florida. The annual gathering of the First Coast’s top restaurants, caterers and drink distributors at Jacksonville Municipal Stadium produced record yields of more than 1,200 patrons and nearly $75,000 raised to help fight hunger in north Florida.
Summertime Express Camp
The Refugee & Immigration Services program held its ninth annual “Summer Express” camp for refugee youth from June 15-July 31, 2009, at San Jose Elementary School. The six-week camp attracted 79 children from various age groups. The children represented refugee families from eight countries (Bhutan, Burma, Burundi, Cuba, Ethiopia, Iraq, Tanzania and Vietnam). Activities included cultural activities, art; acculturation and diversity lessons; tutoring in English, reading and math; mentoring; computer instruction; photography workshops; swim lessons; health workshops; career planning; hands-on experience with vegetable and flower gardening; and lots of recreation and fun.
World Refugee Day
The Jacksonville refugee community gathered for a celebration of World Refugee Day on Friday, June 19, at Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church, Lakeshore Property, as part of a weekend of activities surrounding the annual celebration. Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida teamed with World Relief and Catholic Charities to promote the gathering, which allowed refugees in the Jacksonville community to mix and mingle while celebrating their various journeys to America. Winn-Dixie generously donated refreshments for the event. Included in the day’s schedule of events were games, outdoor activities for children and special art projects. World Refugee Day is an annual global occasion to remember the tens of millions of refugees and others who have been forcibly displaced and to recall what makes them different. More than 300 refugees were settled by LSS in the Jacksonville area in 2009.
Panera and Second Harvest team up with Lemonade For Hunger Aid
Panera Bread helped publicize the issue of child hunger during the summer in 2009 by linking a traditional summer drink — lemonade — with a fund-raising campaign that helped feed hungry children in our community. The children-helping-children summer campaign concluded at the Lemonade for Hunger Aid wrap-up, on Aug. 20, when pre-teens at Girls Inc. gathered at the Jacksonville Landing to offer free lemonade for donations. The $38 raised that afternoon topped off the nearly $5,500 raised for Second Harvest from June through August. Panera Bread initially launched Lemonade for Hunger Aid in June. Panera Bread donated $1 for each of its new Frozen Lemonade treats sold in their 12 Jacksonville area locations as well as matched dollar-for-dollar sales generated from community Lemonade for Hunger Aid lemonade stands.
7 2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
Wine In A Warehouse attracts new supporters
Be A Hero Food Drive
First Coast News teamed with Second Harvest North Florida July 17-18 to put on the Be A Hero Food Drive – an event designed to draw awareness to the issue of hunger in our community while encouraging people to take action to
help feed their neighbors who are in need. The event shattered the record for local food drives – with First Coast residents donating more than 95,000 pounds of food at the two primary dropoff sites, St. Johns Town Center and the Orange Park Mall. United Way provided volunteers for both days, and numerous local businesses contributed giveaways to the successful event. First Coast News promoted the event for a full week prior to the food drive and told numerous stories of First Coast residents who were in need of assistance.
Refugee youth art gallery
The Lutheran Social Services building was transformed during the final week of August 2009 when mixed media, artwork and photography created by refugee youth were placed on display – adding life, color and excitement to the central lobby area of the building. The display was unveiled to the general public on Aug. 13 with a special event and will remain in place through the end of the 2009-10 school year. The art and photography were created during the Summertime Express Camp for refugee youth that is held each year by LSS. Duval County Public Schools teamed with LSS to make the resources for the gallery and the learning experience possible.
Hunger Action Month – 30 Ways in 30 Days
September marked the second Hunger Action Month, a month-long effort to place a spotlight on the issue of domestic hunger while creating opportunities for people to participate in the ongoing battle against it.
The effort was sponsored by Feeding America to raise awareness and to show people how big a contribution can be made when they consider how much they spend each month on certain non-essentials, then donate an equal amount of money to provide meals. The month also showcased ways people can get involved through volunteering and advocacy. As part of the local effort, Second Harvest created a “30 Ways in 30 Days” campaign educating people on various ways to associate with Second Harvest. Local media stories also highlighted the issue of hunger, as did participation in the First Coast Phone Bank, a community wide food drive effort and a partnership with the St. Johns Town Center to create visibility opportunities.
Second Harvest North Florida ended the fiscal year with a series of “friend raising” events aimed at exposing influential people on the First Coast to the work that Second Harvest performs each day. The Second Harvest warehouse on Jessie Street was put on display during the informal affairs – allowing attendees to ask questions about the operation, take a tour of the facility and learn more about how Second Harvest reaches the hundreds of thousands of people it does each year. In addition, guests were able to mix and mingle with Second Harvest staff.
Launch of new Second Harvest Web site
The Second Harvest North Florida Web site received a much-needed facelift and update in September 2009. Through the efforts of On Ideas, a local advertising and public relations firm, the site WeNourishHope.org now sports a much more user-friendly, interactive feel. Users can comment on all information posted on the site.
25th Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon
The 25th Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon once again placed a spotlight on hunger awareness in the Jacksonville community on Nov. 17 and provided an official kickoff to the holiday season in the Silver Anniversary celebration for the popular event. More than $75,000 was raised for the second consecutive year, and a sold out crowd of more than 1,200 participated in the simple luncheon at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. Each attendee took home a ceramic bowl that was crafted by local school groups, senior citizen centers or other community organizations. During the event, attendees are served a simple meal by local celebrities and hear a message about one of the nation’s most solvable social issues – food insecurity. All proceeds from the event are donated to Second Harvest North Florida.
“Walmart Gives Back” program donates new vehicle to Second Harvest
The “Walmart Gives Back” program, a holiday giving initiative coordinated through the Walmart Foundation, resulted in the donation of a refrigerator truck to Second Harvest North Florida that will help feed north Florida families in need. The truck was one of 35 donated to Feeding America food banks across the country. Valued at $85,000, the new truck and 12 pallets of Great Value-branded products and fresh apples arrived in Jacksonville in time for Thanksgiving. Feeding America estimates the new trucks will help the food banks – including Second Harvest – transport up to 52.5 million pounds of food, the equivalent to 41 million additional meals, per year. Second Harvest rolled out the new vehicle with a food distribution for low-income families in November.
Bank of America awards $200,000 grant to Lutheran Social Services
Bank of America’s Charitable Foundation provided a $200,000 unrestricted grant to Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida in November as part of the Neighborhood Excellence Initiative program. LSS was one of 14 nonprofits in Florida communities to receive a grant from the pool of $2.8 million set aside by the bank to address critical issues within the community. In addition to the financial gift, members of the LSS leadership team were selected to participate in the bank’s Neighborhood Excellence Leadership Program with other nonprofit leaders from 45 communities and London.
Jaguars team with Second Harvest to provide holiday meals
In the spirit of the “season of giving,” the Jacksonville Jaguars organization, on behalf of its fans, made a donation of $25,000 to Second Harvest North Florida to provide holiday meals for less fortunate families. Winn-Dixie partnered with the Jaguars by donating $10,000 and supplying all of the food at cost – helping Second Harvest feed 2,000 families. Each box included mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, corn, sweet potatoes/yams, cranberry sauce and a $10 WinnDixie gift card toward the purchase of a turkey, ham or other meat. Second Harvest distributed the holiday meal food boxes to more than 25 non-profit agencies in north Florida, which donated the food directly to families experiencing need. The program kicked off with a distribution at the NFL YET (Youth Education Town) Center Boys and Girls Club. Team owners Delores and Wayne Weaver joined Jaguar players, ROAR cheerleaders and other team employees to distribute food boxes to more than 200 families.
Be A Hero Toy & Food Drive
The Be A Hero Toy & Food Drive, held in conjunction with First Coast News on Dec. 4 and 5, produced more than 22,000 pounds of food and 4,000 individual toys during the twoday event at Orange Park Mall, St. Johns Town Center Mall and various Watson Realty offices. The food collected generated nearly 18,000 meals for people in need, while the toys were distributed to low-income children throughout the First Coast to help bring joy during the holiday season. The event was a collaborative effort between Second Harvest, First Coast News, United Way of Northeast Florida, Watson Realty, Simon Malls, Suddath Moving Systems and the Florida Times-Union. More than 50 volunteers donated their time and energy to help make the Be A Hero weekend a success.
9 2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
1 – The 2009 Jaguars Family Food Drive produced more than 45,000 pounds of food for Second Harvest North Florida and individual donations totaling more than $4,500. 2 – The Grainger Foundation donated $20,000 to be used in the Second Harvest BackPack program, joining Wachovia and Chartwells as corporate sponsors of the inititative. 3 – In August 2009, LSS honored its many volunteers with an appreciation event at the Haskell Building downtown.
4 – The Wachovia Foundation donated $10,000 to Second Harvest North Florida and provided a team of 150 volunteers for a day of service at the food bank in June 2009. 5 – Shepherd of the Woods Community Care Committee members were honored in August for their more than 1,000 hours of service to the Refugee & Immigration Services program.
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
ometimes it is impossible to provide a frame to put around the picture that tells the story. We often use statistics to tell our story, citing meteoric rises in the population we are serving. We also try to humanize the matter by offering stories that seek to personify the crisis. In short, we do whatever we can to connect our story and its urgency to our community – delivering, we hope, a lasting impression that too many people are hungry, too many children are facing life-affecting nutrition issues and there is a way to help if we all join together. The questions for us are: • Are we loud enough? • Do you hear us? • Does our community know what dire straits many neighbors are in? Sometimes I wonder. Recently I was interviewed on the radio, talking about hunger in our community. The program included a call-in feature where people asked questions, amplified points or suggested a different thought. Of the four or five callers that contacted us, several of them noted, with some degree of emphasis, that hungry people have often made bad choices that have placed them in this predica-
ment. According to those callers, the purchase of unnecessary items, poor budgeting or a lack of will to accept responsibility for their lives is, by implication, the reason they are hungry. This is a point we hear often. I would say this, however. In some cases this is surely true, but perhaps a poor choice shouldn’t lead to being hungry. They are a neighbor in need. They are a friend in a tough spot. Bad choices or not, they deserve for us to show them compassion and treat them with dignity. Our role at Second Harvest is to feed the hungry. Every day we focus on that single idea – that there is a person who is hungry today, and our goal is to find them a meal. But there is much more to the story – and it is something we all need to hear. We have been reviewing the latest national hunger study, set
Sometimes it gets hard trying to pay bills and keep adequate food on the table for my family.” – LeQuila
to be released in February 2010. The numbers confirm what we already knew – that hunger is rising in huge proportions and is affecting a greater percentage of our community than ever before. Really, it’s staggering. However, it isn’t just the “poor people” who need food anymore. It is now nurses, car mechanics, teachers – folks of all professions who are in need of food sustenance. There is a really good chance that someone you know is on a type of food assistance, and you aren’t even aware of it. That person who administers health care, teaches children or makes the car safe might not have eaten yet today. Food insecurity is reaching all of us, in ways, places and people we never would have suspected. That is a loud message, and one I hope all of us can hear. The time for us to rally is now. The opportunity to change the equation is right before us.
Thomas Mantz Executive Director Second Harvest North Florida
My husband deserted me and our children and left me homeless without any support. We have been staying with relatives, but I can’t afford to feed us all. Second Harvest is helping me get by.” – Michelle
transformed into a charming gathering spot – with the appropriate backdrop of food, which is at the core of our mission. Other outreach events in 2009 included the formation of a member agency advisory council to help Second Harvest learn how it can more effectively meet the needs of the more than 500 member agencies to which resources are distributed; the launch of a new interactive Web site that allows feedback from the community and the people we serve; and the development of multiple direct-distribution events that place healthy food into core parts of town where it is needed most; and two highly successful and visible public outreach “Be A Hero” food drives with First Coast News and Simon Malls, which resulted in more than 120,000 pounds of food donations and visibility in the community.
Second Harvest North Florida enjoyed a strong and productive 2009 – and by many standards the most successful year in agency history. Numbers illustrate it best: • 10.3 million pounds of food were distributed in 2009, generating more than eight million meals for people in need. It marked the first time in agency history that food distributed exceeded 10 million pounds. • The average distribution per day from Second Harvest now sits at 50,000 pounds. • $1.28 million was raised through fundraising, special events, grants and special gifts – the highest total in agency history. • Growth in corporate partnerships resulted in surplus food donations increasing more than 60 percent over the final two months of 2009. Second Harvest’s local donor list now includes Winn-Dixie, Wal-Mart, Target, BJ’s, Whole Foods, Sam’s Club, Food Lion and others. • Volunteers donated their time and talents to Second Harvest like never before, with more than 4,300 individuals working 17,187 hours. While these achievements reflect the strength of Second Harvest and the difference it is making, they also bear out a harsh realization – that more people are hungry now than at any other point in the agency’s 30-year history. Simply put, more is never enough when it comes to fighting hunger – and yet that is Second Harvest’s mission. Find more food. Reach more people. Fill more empty stomachs. What the future holds for Second Harvest Studies have shown that Second Harvest will need to increase its annual distribution to more than 25-30 million pounds over the next five years to adequately meet the needs of people in our area who are experiencing food insecurity or hunger. The last census showed that 250,000 people live below the federal poverty level in the 18-county area served by Second Harvest. Those numbers are certain to rise dramatically when the results are published from the 2010 census later this year. So, what is Second Harvest doing to improve its capacity and help more people? The answer is
simple – building relationships. While nurturing strong relationships has always been a priority, doing so took on added significance in May 2009 when Thomas Mantz was hired as executive director. His stated mission from Day One has been to build friends for the agency and engage them in the work being done – meaning that if more people understand Second Harvest’s mission, and its importance, the hunger needs of all can be met. What Second Harvest is doing In that regard, a Strategic Development Council of local leaders was assembled during the fall to help craft a long-term vision for Second Harvest. The group brings knowledge and experience from many different industries to the table and has already begun its work. This group will help move Second Harvest into the next decade and beyond, helping build the future for those that come in need of help. Outreach to the general community also began in earnest this past fall, with two Wine In a Warehouse events and an Open House held in an effort to expose the general public to the reach Second Harvest has and the number of people it impacts each day. On these nights, the warehouse was
Relationships already paying dividends And while new relationships are being cultivated daily – from the addition of corporate food donors, to financial donors, to groups using Second Harvest’s volunteer program as an opportunity for teambuilding and community involvement – existing relationships are being strengthened as well. Several of those longstanding alliances produced significant resources in the last year – led by the Bank of America Foundation, which awarded a $200,000 grant to Second Harvest to assist in its effort to build capacity at the food bank. A $140,000 grant from the Community Foundation for the purchase of food allowed Second Harvest to make a direct impact on surging numbers of people seeking assistance during the spring. More than 3,900 family boxes of food were created and distributed by this funding – in addition to more than 14,000 pounds of bulk food items that went directly to Jacksonville’s major feeding sites. As a new decade begins, Second Harvest will continue to perform its unique task in the north Florida community and to draw others into the discussion. For a complete list of the organizations and individuals who have contributed to our success, or to learn more, please visit us online at www. WeNourishHope.org.
Second Harvest North Florida’s mission is to distribute food and grocery products to hungry people and educate the public about the causes and possible solutions to problems of domestic hunger.
Second Harvest Profile
Executive Director: Thomas Mantz (tmantz@WeNourishHope.org) Program Founded: 1979 2008-09 Expenses: $3,287,061 2009-10 Budget: $3,405,043 Employees: 19
The program began as the Lutheran Social Services food program in 1979 and was known as the Nourishment Network. It became the LSS Food Bank in 1981 as its services expanded. In 1984, the Food Bank became a certified member of the national organization America’s Second Harvest, which is now called Feeding America. The program took on its name, The Second Harvest Food Bank of North Florida, in January 2008, which was shortened to Second Harvest North Florida in summer 2009.
How It Works
There are two basic components to the Second Harvest operation: 1) rescuing surplus food and purchasing food, and then redistributing it to local nonprofit organizations serving the hungry; 2) providing nutritious meals and healthy snacks to children from low-income families through community-based Kids Cafe sites. Second Harvest is the link between food and agencies serving children, families, individuals and senior citizens in need. The majority of surplus food would be thrown away without this link.
Pounds of Food Distribution: • 2008: 7,650,409 • 2009: 10,337,448 Volunteer Info: • 2008 Volunteers: 4,051 • 2008 Hours: 14,060 • 2009 Volunteers: 4,332 • 2009 Hours: 17,187
the food banks come from private donors, public and private food drives, corporate donations, restaurants and grocery stores and from grocery wholesalers. By establishing relationships with large food suppliers like ConAgra, Second Harvest is also able to purchase a large volume of food.
Key Programs
Kids Cafe - Works in conjunction with agency host sites, such as Boys and Girls Clubs, faith organizations and after school programs, to offer children in low-income For more information or to volunteer, donate food neighborhoods a safe place to find or host a food drive, call 904.353.3663 (FOOD) nourishment, meet role models and participate in positive activities. Mobile Pantries - Distribute Financial contributions from individuals, business- donated food directly to families in need in their es and special events enable Second Harvest to own neighborhoods. A sponsoring group assists rescue and store donated food for pick up by more in identifying a distribution point and recruiting than 500 nonprofit organizations in 18 counties. volunteers to assist in low-income neighborhoods. These organizations, which include homeless BackPack Program - Designed to meet the shelters, senior centers, youth and adult daycare needs of hungry children at times when other facilities and church pantries, save millions of dolresources are not available, such as weekends lars each year by making use of Second Harvest and school vacations. Backpacks are filled with North Florida. This allows agencies to spend more food that children take home on weekends. Food money on services to individuals in Jacksonville is child-friendly, nonperishable, easily consumed and surrounding areas and meet more than just and vitamin fortified. basic needs. Emergency Relief - Second Harvest North Second Harvest receives food in many difFlorida works within the structure of the Emergenferent ways. The Temporary Emergency Food cy Operations Center in Jacksonville in the event Assistance Program (TEFAP) through the U.S. of a disaster. Second Harvest is responsible for Department of Agriculture (USDA) is one key food providing water, ice and food products to distribuassistance program. Other food contributions to tion sites that are established by the EOC.
SecondHARVEST HarvestNORTH NorthFLORIDA: FloridaHow : How serve people in need SECOND wewe serve people in need 1. Food Arrives
2. Food is sorted/stored
3. Food is distributed
►From donations Local grocery store partners Regional food wholesalers Restaurants Local food drives Individuals Farmers & farmers markets ►From Government Resources TEFAP (from USDA) ►As Purchased Resources Children’s Programs Senior’s Programs Homeless Shelters/Feeding Sites
►In our warehouse facility 33,000-square-foot facility ►Perishable foods Stored in on-site industrial freezers or refrigeration units ►Nonperishable foods Sorted and shelved for distribution ►Second Harvest staff 19 employees direct operation ►Volunteers 4,332 volunteers worked in 2009 totaling 17,187 hours donated
►To 500+ Member Agencies Soup kitchens Food pantries Medical clinics Homeless shelters Senior Citizen Centers After-school and summer programs ►Through Mobile Pantries ►Through Special Programs Kids Café Program Summer Lunch Feeding Sites BackPack Program Healthy food distribution programs
2007-09 Poundage Distribution Comparison
2009 Notables • Second Harvest distributed 10.3 million pounds of food to its more than 500 member agencies in 2009, which was a nearly 30 percent increase from 2008. That equates to nearly 250,000 pounds distributed per week and more than eight million meals over the course of the year. • Second Harvest’s children’s programs enjoyed one of their most successful years to date. The Kids Cafe program operated at 65 combined sites during the school year and at 37 sites during the summer months. The Kids Cafe after-school snack program served 324,974 snacks from September-May. The Summer Meals Program served 101,009 lunches and 24,331 snacks. The BackPack program, which provides children with meals and food resources for weekends and holidays when school is not in session, grew from 150 in January to more than 650 by year’s end. • The National Association of Letter-Carriers “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive was a rousing success — resulting in the collection of a record 325,000 pounds of donated food that was left by mailboxes around the First Coast and collected by postal workers (increase of more than 38,000 pounds from 2008). • Second Harvest benefited from two special fundraising events in 2008-09 — producing record returns at the 24th and 25th Annual Empty Bowls luncheons in November 2008 and 2009 and the 19th Annual Jacksonville FOODFIGHT in June 2009. Each of the three events generated more than $75,000 in proceeds and 1,200 in attendance.
Second Harvest North Florida Service Area Nassau Hamilton Madison Duval
• Second Harvest held eight Mobile Pantry distributions in 2009, providing 140,027 pounds of food combined at the events, effectively helping to reach out to those in need by taking resources to their neighborhoods for direct distribution.
Suwannee Columbia
Union Lafayette
Bradford Gilchrist
Clay St. Johns
Putnam Flagler
• Second Harvest was a popular destination for local volunteers, with 4,332 individuals donating a total of 17,187 hours in 2009. • Of the $3,413,313 in revenue generated by Second Harvest in 2008- 09, 32.9 percent was from federal/ state and local grants, 28.4 percent from fees for services, 31 percent from foundations, private grants and individual donations, and 7.6 percent from special events. • Physical improvements in the Jessie Street facility – including the addition of new inside lighting, new sharing floor refrigeration units, a new industrial quality freezer and freshly painted walls from end to end – enhanced the ability of staff members to operate more efficiently, member agencies to gain access to resources and the overall capacity of the facility to increase.
n homes, workplaces and schools across north Florida, tens of thousands don’t know where they will find their next meal. At the same time, choices are being faced by thousands of families that they never thought possible: Prescriptions or food? Utilities or meals? Gas or supper? The answers do not come easy, but Second Harvest North Florida is managing to offer hope to many who otherwise would do without. For the past 30 years, Second Harvest has given sustenance, security and hope to people and families struggling with hunger in north Florida. As the area’s only full-service food bank, Second Harvest has a unique capacity—and responsibility— to meet the challenge of hunger in our community. Need increases each day throughout the community – requiring bold action. Second Harvest is leading the fight as it has for the last 30 years, working to ensure that those among us who are
hungry receive the nourishment they need in order to get back on their feet. Consider that the economic crisis has catapulted the number of Americans who lack enough food to the highest level since the government began tracking such numbers – with nearly 50 million people, including almost one in four children, struggling to get enough to eat as 2009 concludes. One in six adults will go hungry each day in 2010 – a number also on the rise. U.S. Department of Agriculture reports show that dependable access to adequate food has especially deteriorated among families with children. In 2008, nearly 17 million children, or 22.5 percent, lived in households in which food at times was scarce — 4 million children more than the year before. And the number of youngsters who sometimes were outright hungry rose from nearly 700,000 to almost 1.1 million. At the same time,
millions of older Americans quietly struggle with hunger amid a combination of fixed incomes and health care expenses. Second Harvest’s distribution network, programs and community partnerships make it possible to conceive of a community in which no person or family lacks access to nutritious food and all surplus food reaches those homes in need. In the neighborhoods with the greatest need, the greatest obstacle to adequate and healthy food is the lack of grocery stores. These neighborhoods are known as food deserts, areas with no real grocery stores, but instead, an abundance of fastfood and convenience stores full of over-processed, high fat content, high calorie foods. In 2009, Second Harvest launched a variety of programs designed to help address the lack of nutritious food in these areas, highlighted by the ones that are detailed below:
Schell-Sweet Center Food Distribution
Food resources are distributed once per month at the Schell-Sweet Community Resource Center to prescreened seniors and families experiencing significant need. Each month, 170 bags of food are distributed from the center through a collaborative effort of Second Harvest, PSI Family Services and the New Town Success Zone. Senior citizens living on low, fixed incomes are primarily served through the program. The major goal is to improve nutrition for the people served. Each month, new households are served. Residents in the area are almost always living on a fixed income, meaning that their food supply can run low by the end of the month. Fresh fruits and vegetables are often distributed, along with nonperishable food items and bread.
Healthy Food For Mothers, Nutrition For Babies Program at Shands Hospital
Second Harvest partnered with Shands Jacksonville beginning in October 2009 to provide nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to expectant mothers. Beginning Wednesday, Oct. 14, new patients were given a 10-pound bag of nutritious food following their first obstetrics appointment at the Shands Jacksonville OB/Gyn Clinic courtesy of Second Harvest North Florida. This initiative was the direct result of a 2008
JCCI study on infant mortality in Jacksonville. According to the study, there is an exceedingly high death rate among children under the age of one in Jacksonville. The city’s infant mortality rate is the highest in Florida, exceeding the U.S. average and sadly those in many third-world countries. The program initially targeted new obstetric patients, but the organizations hope to expand it to serve the more than 100 expectant mothers seen daily in the clinic.
Fresh Food For Families EBT/SNAP Program at Jacksonville Farmers Market
Second Harvest launched the “Fresh Food for Families” program at the Jacksonville Farmers Market in November 2009. The program helps vendors accept Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards from low-income people to purchase food and plants and seeds to grow food for their households.
Living on a fixed income means that their food supply can get very low by the third or fourth week of the month. The fresh fruit and vegetables we are providing are hot items. You should see the happy faces.” – Marie Heath, executive director Schell-Sweet Resource Center
With funding from The Chartrand Foundation, Fresh Food for Families is the collaborative effort of Second Harvest, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and Beaver Street Fisheries, which owns the Jacksonville Farmers Market. The purpose of the program was to improve access by low-income families to fresh fruit and vegetables sold by local vendors at the Jacksonville Farmers Market as one significant way to improve their nutrition level and health, especially women of childbearing age and their children living in the New Town Success Zone including zip codes 32206, 32208 and 32209. The Jacksonville Farmers Market, located at 1810 W. Beaver Street in zip code 32209, is well located to provide healthy, nutritious food to these families, but, prior to the program’s launch, almost no vendors at the market accepted any form of payment other than cash, which prevents low-income people eligible for food stamp benefits from patronizing the market. Second Harvest worked with interested vendors to sign them up for free wireless point-ofsale terminals and pin pads that enable them to accept EBT, credit and debit cards for purchases. Each day Second Harvest works to find new and innovative ways to provide resources to those who are hurting. The newly implemented fresh food initiatives are a growing portion of the overall approach. The numbers show that the effort is working and advancements are being made – though the road ahead remains a challenge.
“It is hard for me right now. Second Harvest doing a program like this means my kids can eat healthy. I want them to eat right, but sometimes I can’t always afford to get what they want.” – Stephanie
he Sharing Place Thrift Store offers the northeast Florida community an opportunity to find great buys while helping people in need. The Sharing Place offers household goods, furniture, office equipment, knick-knacks, collectibles, appliances, clothes, jewelry, toys and more for sale. Purchases provide much-needed revenue to fund programs and services of LSS to help the people we serve. Many of the items donated to The Sharing Place are used to help refugees and their families who have arrived in the United States with little or nothing, in addition to people helped by Lutheran Social Services’ AIDS Care & Education Program.
2008-09 Notables
n The Sharing Place provided $31,484 in merchandise to the Refugee & Immigration Services program to assist in resettling incoming refugees during the 2008-09 fiscal year. The items provided by The Sharing Place included mattresses, box springs, bed frames, kitchen tables, kitchen chairs, sofas, love seats, side chairs, cribs and lamps. n The Sharing Place continued to place an emphasis on marketing in 2009, adding addi-
tional roadside signage to the area, in addition to enhanced Web-based marketing techniques – including the development of an e-newsletter that is distributed monthly to a client database and placing a listing of items on Craig’s List, a free Web-based classified advertising service.
Hours of Operation: Tuesday-Saturday — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To Make a Donation: Call Linda Hale at 904.448.5995 Location: 4615 Philips Highway (between University Boulevard and Emerson Street; entrance is off Hudnall Road)
The Sharing Place Thrift Store is like a helping hand in a time of need. I often come to the store to purchase items that I cannot find anywhere else. They have nice, gently used merchandise, great prices, the store is clean and the staff is one of a kind. I feel blessed to have a store that I can go to where I can buy the things my family needs.” – Frank, customer
Program at a Glance
Program Director: Di Lanny Schulz (lschulz@lssjax.org)
2009-10 Budget: $136,262
Program Founded: 2008
Employees: 2
2008-09 Expenses: $117,542
n Provides an affordable shopping
Services Provided:
option for residents in Jacksonville
For more information, call 904.446.9560
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
When I was introduced to the people at the ACE program, I was paying more than $1,100 a month (in insurance copays). After five minutes of being on the phone, my case worker had gotten that amount down to less than $50 per month. The workers are always helpful and show real concern for me. They make me feel like this is not just a job or a career for them, but an important part of their lives.” – Forrest, client
n 1992, Lutheran Social Services expanded into addressing health-related issues in the Jacksonville community. Through a program called AIDS Care and Education (ACE), LSS provides assistance to people and families who are HIV-positive or living with AIDS through case management, counseling support, rent and utility assistance and education services. Through these efforts, great strides have been made in the overall impact of AIDS in Jacksonville’s most at-risk communities. The goal of the program is to improve the quality of life and health for those who are living with HIV, empower them to become active in their care decisions and to build self-esteem. Case managers work to meet needs and secure access to services for consumers, which inlude medical and dental care, identification, food stamps, emergency food and clothing, housing assistance, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, furnishings, medications, legal assistance, support groups. educational materials, job placement, vocational rehabilitation, GED and continued education.
Program at a Glance Program Director: Heather Vaughan (hvaughan@lssjax.org)
Employees 10
Program Founded: 1992
2008-09 Clients 660
2008-09 Expenses: $643,243 2009-10 Budget: $764,983
Services Provided:
n Ryan White Case Management n Medicaid PAC Waiver Case Management n Ryan White Mental Health Program n Ryan White HOPWA and
Shared Housing Program
For more information, call 904.448.5995
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
2008-09 Notables n The ACE program provided services to more than 600 clients during the 2008-09 fiscal year. These clients received services through Ryan White and Medicaid Waiver case management, mental health counseling and the ACE housing program.
n All members of the ACE Men’s Support Group volunteered at least once during the year to assist in distributing food from the Community Food Pantry. Additionally, the members of the group helped to distribute Christmas presents to the ACE program’s HIV infected or affected clients.
n The client mix consisted of people living in rural areas,
n Through two internal grants provided by Lutheran
single women, women with children, men, racial/ethnic minorities and communities of color, the homeless, gay, lesbian and bisexual adults, incarcerated persons, people in need of mental health counseling, injection drug users and other substance abuse users. Of the 600 people served, 515 were in the case management program; 253 were 45-64 years old; 223 were 25-44 years old; 23 were between the ages of 19-24; and 16 were 65 and older. The race and ethnicity breakdown of those in case management was: 65 percent black or African-American, 31 percent white or Caucasian, and less than two percent Hispanic, Asian or other/unknown.
n Regarding income, 351 clients had household incomes at, or lower than, the federal poverty level of $10,400. To stretch their income, ACE clients, when necessary, sought rental, mortgage and utility assistance from the Housing Program or were referred out to other agencies. Additionally, clients received food assistance from the ACE Community Food Pantry. n During the 2008-09 fiscal year, the ACE Community Food Pantry served more than 750 households with canned and packaged food items. The pantry was able to assist these households with the assistance of eight volunteers, who generously donated more than 600 hours to the effort of feeding those in need. n The Housing Opportunities for Women and Children With AIDS and the Shared Housing programs assisted a total of 170 individuals/families with their rent, mortgage and/or utilities.
Social Services, the ACE Program was able to provide roofing for an elderly client; 70 clients with personal hygiene items; 12 clients with space heaters, electric blankets and warm bedding; three clients with warm clothing, coats and shoes; and five clients with utility/fuel assistance for their homes. n The Survivors Support Group at LSS volunteered and participated in the 12th Annual Positive Living Conference in Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
n The ACE Program was awarded a grant through the MAC AIDS fund for at-risk women who have tested positive to receive mammograms. In 2008-09, ACE received 124 referrals for the program and successfully completed 69 baseline mammograms. These services include 43 baseline mammograms, 10 bilateral mammograms, four unilateral mammograms and 12 ultrasounds. Through this program, four women were identified to have breast cancer, after which the ACE staff was able to assist them in receiving treatment and care. n In December 2009, ACE employee Priscilla Roberts was named Case Manager of the Year at a luncheon held during World AIDS week in downtown Jacksonville. n In September 2009, longtime director Dick Niemann
retired from his position as program director of the ACE Program. His assistant, Heather Vaughan, was hired to replace him.
n The majority of the services that the ACE Program offered were funded by the following government contracts:
• Ryan White Case Management and Mental Health • Jacksonville Transitional Grant Area (Ryan White) via the City of Jacksonville Behavioral and Human Services Division of the Recreational and Community Services Department, which receives the funds as a Transitional Grant Area Part A from HSRA • Housing Opportunities for Women and Children / Shared Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS • Via the federal government to the City of Jacksonville, Housing Services Division, Housing and Neighborhoods Department
AIDS: Some Facts Behind the Disease
n Every 10 minutes an American is infected with HIV. n Approximately 300,000 people in the United States are infected with HIV and don’t know it. n The Southern United States has the highest number
of AIDS cases (17,083 in 2008) with Florida leading the entire region (4,530 in 2008).
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
Being in a new country, everything is totally different from the place I grew up. The tree’s shade cannot be used any more as a shelter, nor the tree’s root as a pillow. The tree’s leaves cannot be used as a bed as I used to do in my jungle life.” – Thae, former refugee resettled by LSS
he Refugee & Immigration Services program is the second oldest program of Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida. It was created in the fall of 1980 in response to the influx of Southeast Asian refugees into the Jacksonville area. The program provides critical support for people who come to the United States and cannot return to their country of origin. Of the more than 50,000 refugees resettled annually in the United States, most have been forced to leave their native countries due to political or religious persecution, famine, war, natural disasters or other instability. They arrive in foreign countries seeking a new start. The refugees enter through and are referred to LSS by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) or Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), two national voluntary agencies. The RIS staff members speak a total of 17 languages and come from 14 countries. They work to pave the way for refugees to learn about the American culture, government requirements, banking and employment processes. Their goal is to promote long-term economic self-sufficiency and effective resettlement for refugees, entrants and asylees.
Resettlement Services Newly arriving refugees are introduced to their new community. Staff members help refugees secure safe housing, food, cash assistance, public health screenings, health care and Social Security cards. Children are enrolled in school, and acculturation begins for all entrants. Employment Services Eligible refugees are assisted for as many as 60 months in an effort to help them achieve economic self-sufficiency and effective resettlement as quickly as possible by helping them find gainful employment. Staff members help refugees search for jobs, write resumes and learn how to complete job applications. Emphasis in services is directed to new arrivals – defined as individuals who have been in the country for less than a year. Career Laddering This program assists refugees who have professional experience in their previous life in developing an individual career track based on agreed-upon career goals. Refugees are encouraged to target specific jobs and
identify professional growth objectives, including further education needed, skills training and credentialing necessary before moving to the next step on the career ladder. Refugee Youth & Family Services These services assist eligible refugee youth and their families in achieving family stability and integration into the Jacksonville community. School liaisons work within six Duval County public schools to help refugee youth with all aspects of the public school educational system, such as development of good study habits and tutoring. Integration Assistance Integration Assistance Services (IAS) provides intensive case management to refugees who face significant social and cultural barriers in becoming self-sufficient. IAS also provides survival English classes for six weeks for all new refugee arrivals, with each week featuring a different acculturation issue, such as health care or education. Participants may enter and exit as needed.
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
2008-09 LSS Refugee Resettlements Country of origin
2008-09 LSS Total RIS Clients
Afghanistan Bhutan Burma Burundi Colombia Cuba Ethiopia Iran Iraq Morocco Somalia Ukraine Total
14 30 197 9 2 4 4 2 25 1 1 6 295
Afghanistan Albania Bhutan Burma Burundi Central Africa Rep. Colombia Congo Cuba Dominican Republic Eritrea Ethiopia Haiti Iran Iraq Ivory Coast Liberia Moldova Morocco Nepal Nigeria Russia
Farsi/Dari Nepali Burmese/Chin/Karen Kirundi Spanish Spanish Amharic/Oromo Farsi Arabic Arabic Somali Ukrainian
Country of origin
32 1 198 606 63 3 11 2 145 1 5 15 19 20 136 1 13 2 3 1 1 10
2008-09 Notables
n RIS provided resettlement, integration, employment and youth services to 1,337 individual refugees who spoke 32 different languages and came from 33 different countries.
n The program again received a significant grant from the Department of Education to augment services provided to refugee youth for summer camp and computer access.
n A World Refugee Day was held at Shepherd
of the Woods Lutheran Church’s Lakeshore Property on June 19, 2009. The event brought together new arrivals from all three resettlement agencies working in Jacksonville (LSS, Catholic Charities and World Relief) in a cooperative venture. Each year at the event, refugees are able to network and visit with other refugees from Jacksonville.
n The RIS youth and family services program continued to generate funds in support of the
refugee youth scholarship fund through its annual sale of an international cookbook featuring recipes from its staff and former refugees, in addition to a silent auction held at International Women’s Day, private donations and its scholarship lunch program held monthly at LSS.
n RIS once again participated in multiple special
events throughout the year, including The World of Nations festival, the Jacksonville Jaguars Honors Row program and Faces of Jacksonville. LSS also co-sponsored the International Women’s Day celebration in the community, a day that celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women worldwide.
Farsi/Dari Albanian Nepali Burmese/Chin/ Kirundi/Swahili French Spanish French Spanish Spanish Arabic Amharic/Oromo Creole Farsi Arabic French Liberian English Moldovan Arabic Nepalese English Russian
Siera Leone Somalia Sudan Tanzania Togo Ukraine Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Total
3 7 10 3 3 7 8 2 6 1,337
English Somali Arabic/Dinka French French Ukrainian Uzbek Spanish Vietnamese
2009 LSS Youth Summer Camp Country of origin Bhutan Burma Burundi Cuba Ethiopia Iraq Tanzania Vietnam Total
27 21 11 2 2 12 3 1 79
Nepali Burmese/Chin/Karen Kirundi/Swahili Spanish Amharic/Oromo Creole Kirundi Vietnamese
Program at a Glance
Program Director: Barbara Carr (bcarr@lssjax.org)
Number of Employees: 34
Program Founded: 1980
2008-09 Employment, Integration and Youth Clients: 1,337
2008-09 Expenses: $1,733.032 2009-10 Budget: $1,955,149 2008-09 Refugee Resettlements: 295
Services Provided:
n Initial Resettlement n Integration Assistance n Employment Assistance n Youth/Family Services
n The program managed eight contracts with
multiple performance outcomes in 2008-09, as well as multiple MOUs (Memorandums of Understanding, which are partnership agreements) and monitorings.
For more information, call 904.448.5995
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
The people in the Rep Payee program are always excited about helping me budget, and they make sure that I pay all of my bills on time. Through the help of this program, and the lessons they teach me, one day I hope I can be self sufficient.� – Kris, Age 17, client
he mission of Lutheran Social Services Representative Payee Services is to provide clients with prudent financial management and counseling from qualified fiscal coordinators. The program is the only one in Northeast Florida that manages Social Security checks for people not capable of spending their money appropriately. Those helped include the mentally ill, the homeless, persons diagnosed as HIV positive, children and the elderly residing in assisted living facilities. All of the people served last year are considered low income, according to the Federal Poverty Guideline. The people whom this program serves are especially susceptible to making bad spending decisions and are often easily manipulated by others. Before they were required to have a Representative Payee, these people would often spend most or all of their Social Security checks on alcohol, drugs or non-essential items without regard to shelter, food and other basic needs. They were then forced to turn to other community resources as well as federal monies to survive the rest of the month, using the resources of other community services to house, feed or otherwise care for themselves after their money was gone. The staff members in the program worked to meet a series of objectives designed to keep the people with whom they worked off the streets and ensure that their basic needs were met. The program ensures monthly payments of rent and utilities as well as regular and appropriate purchases of food, medicine and other necessities. To help establish a healthy environment, clients also receive assistanc with employment opportunities, training programs and living arrangements.
Program at a Glance
Program Director: Jerome Crawford (jcrawford@lssjax.org)
Employees 7
Program Founded: 1995
2008-09 Clients 918
2008-09 Expenses: $394,569 2009-10 Budget: $496,909
Services Provided:
n Financial counseling n Management of social security
and supplemental security income benefits
For more information, call 904.448.5995
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
2008-09 Notables
n Out of more than 900 clients served by the program, 98 percent were helped to secure and maintain housing in 2008-09.
n The program handled clients who receive
Veterans Administration benefits (10), railroad retirement (4), private pensions and widow annuities (2) — in addition to Social Security.
n The program assisted the majority of its
clients to secure additional medical insurance through a Medicare supplemental program.
n More than 95 percent of the client-sat-
n The number of assisted living facilities serv-
isfaction surveys returned provided positive feedback regarding services and management of their finances through the program.
ing the program’s clients grew by 10 to reach a total of 100.
n Through the resources provided by an inter-
n The program received more than 120 refer-
rals for new clients in 2008-09.
nal grant, the program was able to provide its clients who have children with $25 gift cards to Walmart during the Christmas holidays.
25 2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
Lawrence Huser, Chairman
2008-09 Board of Directors Officers
Lawrence Huser, Chairman Kem Siddons, Vice Chair Jack Parker, Secretary Ted Carter, Treasurer
Julie Buckingham Brenda Ezell Marie Friedsam The Rev. Sharon Dorr The Rev. William Reister Melissa Ross Dwane Tyson
he Board of Directors and staff of LSS take two things very seriously. First is the mission of our agency, “Motivated by the compassion of Christ, we serve and care for people in need.� This describes who we are and why we do what we do. Second is our fiduciary responsibility to the agencies and clients we serve, to the organizations that fund our programs and to those who, in their generosity, contribute their finances in support of our agency. In serving our local community we look to meet the needs of those who are not served by other agencies. We do not feel it is efficient or proper to duplicate efforts of other agencies in our community. Through strategic planning and ongoing program reviews we ensure we are meeting the needs of all those we serve. We also continually look for other unmet needs in the community where we feel we can effectively work to fill gaps in necessary services. This is essentially what we are about, but we also feel it is very important that we manage our agency to most effectively utilize the funds entrusted to us.
The current economic climate has caused virtually everyone to reevaluate their finances. Government organizations, endowment funds and individual contributors want to be assured their contributions are efficiently meet ing the requirements of those in need. Although administrative costs are a necessity in an agency such as LSS, we feel it is our obligation to keep these costs to a minimum. In this way we maximize the funds getting to the end user of our services. Over the last several years we have substantially increased our focus in this area and have been successful in attaining a cost/service ratio comparable with the best performing agencies. In 2009, it cost us 40 cents to distribute one pound of food. On the other hand, one pound of food has an average retail cost of $1.49 per pound, while our member agencies only pay a sharing fee of 12 cents a pound. We can assure both our clients and financial providers that we are providing the best services to meet their needs and at the lowest cost. This is and will continue to be a primary focus.
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
March 1-5, 2010
9th Annual Canstruction®
Jacksonville Public Library – Main Library
9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
March 8, 2010 (Monday)
10th Annual International Women’s Day Celebration
Florida State College at Jacksonville
12-1 p.m.
May 8, 2010 (Saturday)
National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive
June 10, 2010 (Thursday)
20th Annual Jacksonville FOODFIGHT™
Jacksonville Municipal Stadium
June 20, 2010 (Sunday)
World Refugee Day
Aug. 26, 2010 (Thursday)
LSS Appreciation Event
Haskell Building (Downtown Jacksonville)
September 2010
Hunger Action Month
Sept. 23, 2010 (Thursday)
LSS Annual Meeting
Haskell Building
Oct. 14, 2010 (Thursday)
Inaugural Open Hearts/Open Arms Refugee Awareness Event
November 2010
Jaguar Family Food Drive
Jacksonville Municipal Stadium
Nov. 16, 2010 (Tuesday)
26th Annual Empty Bowls Luncheon
Prime Osborn Convention Center
Dec. 1, 2010 (Wednesday)
World AIDS Day
6-9 p.m. 6-7 p.m. 6-7 p.m.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
2008-09 Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida Annual Report
address service requested