Livewire Vol. 12 Issue 2 April 2021

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Small Town with Big Changes Needed by macie brown and tawney noyes Mount Washington is a fairly small town with a medium population. Many people in Mount Washington are happy with the town they live in, but some residents don’t think the businesses that move into this town, and what is built here, really represent what the population wants. Cierra Herman, a sophomore at Bullitt East, says that she thinks Mount Washington accommodates more to the older population than the younger. “I think they do a good job of keeping our basic needs met, but I don’t think we have near enough activities for the younger people and it gets relatively boring,” Herman said. She said that she doesn’t think Mount Washington is a bad town to live in, but that it needs more entertainment.

Mt. Washington was established as a city in 1833. This sign sits on highway 44 and welcomes people into the city coming from the Taylorsville area. “We have lived in Mt. Washington for 18 years and I’ve always liked living here. I’m glad we moved here when we did,” said Natalie Brown. Photo: Macie Brown

there isn’t much for teens to do in the town. “We don’t have anything fun to do out here anymore, not like what I had growing up,” Noyes said. Noyes also pointed out that there is an abundance of dollar stores and banks.

Herman pointed out the fact that there used to be a skating rink and movie theater and that those were the only two things we really had to do here for fun, but they were taken away. “It’s like they aren’t really considering what the people here really want. Especially the younger population,” Herman said.

With that being said, Noyes wholeheartedly believes that Mount Washington is a good town to live in. “Yeah there are things that i miss, but it is an overall good town. The school system is great and everyone knows everyone. It’s safe,” Noyes said. Things like the bowling alley or skating rink were fun for Noyes growing up, but the town has stayed relatively small and quiet.

Another thing that a lot of people don’t think is fair is that there are multiple churches in Mount Washington for people who are religious, but that there aren’t buildings for other people’s interest. Some people think the church buildings could be used in a better way. “I would say yes there are too many churches. Having a variety of religious buildings is a good thing, but there are other things this town needs besides churches,” Herman said. Herman said we could use more medical facilities or other things that could benefit the town.

Having things for teens to do is one thing, but safety and comfort is another. Resident Anna Cox has lived in Mount Washington for 50 years and prioritizes safety and comfort over activities. “Mount Washington used to be smaller and quieter. Everyone helps each other out when they need it and I fear it turning into a big city,” Cox said. Things have been getting a little more crowded in Mount Washington since more people want to get away from the city. “I’m pretty worried about a rise in crime if our town gets too big,” Cox said.

Chloe Reidinger, a sophomore and Bullitt East, had similar ideas to Herman. “I don’t think there are enough places where families and friends can get together and socialize,” Reidinger said. She said that if you want to go hang out with friends or family, there aren’t really any places to do that. Reidinger also said that she feels like the majority of the population in Mount Washington is older people, so that is why there are so many businesses that appeal to them, but that there still needs to be places for all groups of people in town to enjoy.

Mount Washington has grown a lot over the years, but it usually creates a safe and comfortable living space for its residents. Even if there aren’t a lot of entertainment options, it still makes most of its residents happy.

Much like the students, resident Chiquita Noyes believes that 9

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