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Tiger Nation
David R. Cassidy (1972 BACH H&SS, 1972 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Tax.
Douglas Cross (1978 BACH H&SS,1982 DDS ) was named the 2022 Louisiana Dental Association (LDA) Humanitarian Award, which recognizes dentists who have distinguished themselves through outstanding dental service activities in the U.S. or abroad. He is a member the American Dental Association and the New Orleans Dental Association Vincent L. DiLeo, Jr., (1976 BACH H&SS) was installed as president-elect of the Louisiana Dental Association (LDA) for 2022-2023. He graduated from the LSU School of Dentistry in 1982 and achieved his master’s in the Academy of General Dentistry and Fellowships in International College of Dentists and the American College of Dentists. DiLeo is a member of American Dental Association and New Orleans Dental Association.
Murphy J. Foster, III (1979
JD), an attorney with
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Construction and Labor & Employment.
Gregory D. Frost (1977 BACH
H&SS, 1981 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area of Healthcare.
Michael D. Hunt (1974 BACH
H&SS, 1977 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar,
New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area of Construction.
Steve J. Levine (1977 BACH AGR, 1984 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Environment, Environment: Litigation.
Eve B. Masinter (1978 BACH
H&SS, 1982 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse &
Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers
USA in the area of Labor & Employment.
DEGREES BACH Bachelor’s Degree MAST Master’s Degree PHD Doctorate SPEC Specialist DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine MLIS Master of Library & Information Science JD Juris Doctorate (LSU Law School) LLM Master of Laws MD Medical Doctor (LSU School of Medicine) DDS Doctor of Dental Science (LSU School of Dentistry)
COLLEGES/SCHOOLS AGR Agriculture A&D Art & Design C&E Coast & Environment H&SS Humanities & Social Sciences SCI Science BUS Business HS&E Human Sciences & Education ENGR Engineering M&DA Music & Dramatic Arts MCOM Mass Communication SCE School of the Coast & Environment SVM School of Veterinary Medicine SW Social Work Van R. Mayhall, Jr. (1971 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Corporate/M&A.
E. Fredrick Preis, Jr. (1971
BACH BUS, 1974 JD), an attorney with Breazeale,
Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area of Labor & Employment.
Claude F. Reynaud, Jr. (1974
BACH BUS), an attorney with
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Litigation: General Commercial.
Randy P. Roussel (1977
BACH BUS, 1984 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar,
New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area of Real Estate.
James G. Wyly, III (1975 BACH BUS), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of – Litigation: General Commercial.
Richard Arsenault (1980 JD) was awarded the Top Lawyer Rating for 2022 in the AVVO Legal Directory. He was also nominated by his peers to be included in Acadiana Profile Magazine's 2022 list of Top Lawyers in Acadiana, selected as a member of the Nation's Top One Percent by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel, and selected for inclusion in the 2022 Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers guide.
Brian J. Borne (1984 BACH A&D) was appointed city manager of the City of Monroe, N.C. He began his career with the city in 2008, serving in roles centered on downtown economic development, revitalization, historic preservation, parks and recreation, and facilities management, and was assistant city manager for thirteen years. He holds an MBA from Nicholls State University. Borne and his wife, Tory, reside in Gastonia, N.C.
V. Thomas Clark, Jr. (1986 BACH H&SS, 1990 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Insurance. Warner Delaune (1986 BACH ENGR, 1991 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Intellectual Property.
Susan W. Furr (1986 BACH H&SS, 1989 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Labor and Employment.
David R. Kelly (1982 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Tax. John B. King (1981 BACH BUS, 1985 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Environmental.
Kevin LaVie (1981 BACH H&SS, 1984 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Transportation: Shipping/Maritime: Litigation-outside New York.
Alonzo Llorens (1984 BACH BUS) was named a partner in Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, Atlanta. He focuses his corporate practice on capital markets and finance.

mergers and acquisitions, securities compliance, corporate governance, and minority business enterprise (MBE) certification and transactions.
Jeffrey M. Barbin (1992
BACH BUS, 1998 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar,
New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area of Gaming and Licensing.
Miriam D. Childs (1992 BACH H&SS, 1993 MLIS) and Sara V. Pic (2014 MLIS) were elected officers of the American Association of Law Libraries. Childs, director of the Law Library of Louisiana, was named treasurer, and Sara V. Pic, Law Library head of public services, was elected AALL secretary/ treasurer of the Government Law Libraries Special Interest Section.
Charlotte Rigsby Conner
(1998 BACH H&SS) received the Dr. Annie Webb Blanton Scholarship from Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, which promotes excellence in education and personal and professional growth of women educators. Rigsby Conner holds a master’s degree in multicultural special education from the University of St. Thomas and is pursuing a degree in educational leadership at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.
Photo: Provine Photography
Paul Danos (1999 BACH BUS), owner and CEO of Danos, was elected chair of the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) board of directors.
Virginia Dodd (1993 BACH BUS, 1997 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Insurance. Nicole Gould Frey (1996 BACH BUS, 2000 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Tax.
Kelsey Funes (1994 BACH
H&SS, 1997 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar,
New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area of Construction.
Karleen J. Green (1994 BACH BUS, 1997 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation.
Emily Black Grey (1997 BACH H&SS, 2000 JD), a partner in the Baton Rouge office of Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson and manager of the firm’s healthcare section, was elected to the board of directors of the American Health Law Association (AHLA) for a three-year term. She serves on the Annual Meeting program planning committee and co-chairs the Online Dispute Resolution Working Group. She has served as chair and vice-chair of the Hospitals and Health Systems Practice Group and as a member of the Health Law Curriculum Task Force and the Mentoring Committee. She was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Healthcare.
J. Alan Harrell (1994 BACH
H&SS, 1997 JD), an attorney with Phelps Dunbar, New
Orleans, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area Environment: Litigation.
Charles Jones (1998 BACH BUS), a private wealth advisor with Ameriprise Financial in Dallas, was named to the list of “Best-in-State Wealth Advisors” published by Forbes magazine. The list recognizes financial advisors who have demonstrated high levels of ethical standards, professionalism, and success in the business. Jones is part of Luminate, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Lara Kaufmann (1990 BACH MCOM) was appointed executive director of the Greenville Chautauqua Society. She was previously public relations director of the Greenville Downtown Airport in Columbia, S.C.
Catherine Maraist (1998 JD), an attorney with Breazeale,
Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of
Chambers USA in the area of
White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations.
Colton Fontenot (2006 BACH BUS), internal audit director at PwC, joined the company partnership effective July 1.
Bea Gyimah (2004 BACH H&SS) was named the Greater Capital Area Champion and received a 2022 Champions of Service Award, which recognizes outstanding volunteers across the state. Gyimah formed the America My Oyster Association, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting multi-cultural awareness and understanding the diversity of individuals, communities, and cultures throughout America. Her volunteer service through the East Baton Rouge Parish Library led to the creation of an interactive program called “Building a Better America Today.”
Annie Morrison (2003 BACH MCOM) is cofounder and principal consultant at Rivet Education, an organization dedicated to improving professional learning in
schools across America. She was previously director of communications at the Louisiana Department of Education.
Douglas M. Stinson (2004 H&SS, 2008 JD) was elected district judge for the Louisiana 26th Judicial District Court, Bossier and Webster parishes. He was administered the oath of office in April by his father, retired District Judge Ford E. Stinson, Jr., (1974 H&SS, 1977 JD). His grandfather, Ford E. Stinson, received his law degree from LSU Law School in 1936.
Ally Byrd (2014 BACH H&SS, 2011 JD) joined McgGlinchey/ Stafford, New Orleans, enterprise litigation and investigations section.
Danielle Borel (2011 BACH BUS, 2014 JD), a partner Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, Baton Rouge, was sworn in as 2022-2023 chair of the Louisiana State Bar Association (LSBA) Young Lawyers Division Council. The recipient of numerous awards for contributions to LSBA and the American Bar Association, she is also a member of the Louisiana Hospital Association and participates in the Baton Rouge Bar Association’s Holiday Star Program. In the community, she serves on the board of directors and chairs the Baton Rouge advisory board for Lighthouse Louisiana and volunteers as a trial advocacy coach and judge for the LSU Law Center.
Alden Cartwright (2017 BACH BUS), president of Edelberg and Associates, Marietta, Ga., was selected as a member of the Forbes Business Council, an invitation-only organization for successful small-and mid-sized business owners. Cartwright played baseball for LSU from 2014-2016 and is member of the LSU Young Alumni Advisory Council.
SHARE YOUR NEWS Share news of your new job or promotion, your wedding, honors, awards, new babies, and other celebrations with fellow alumni. To submit an item and photos for publication, e-mail jackie@lsualumni.org or call 225-578-3370.

St. Pierre Fremin (2012 BACH BUS) was named the Danos 2021 Staff Employee of the Year. A commercial supervisor, she oversees the commercial process from bid inception to submittal and chairs GIVES, the Danos Foundation’s nonprofit grant program. She holds an MBA from Nicholls State University.
Catherine Moore (2015 JD), an attorney with Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, was listed in the 2022 edition of Chambers USA in the area of Healthcare.
Korey Ryder (2016 BACH H&SS) was named political director of the Baton Rouge Alliance for Students. After spending more than seven years with The Political Firm, he will be coordinating electoral programs, developing and managing a local candidate pipeline, and supporting fundraising efforts for the organization. Dario Scalco (2014 BACH H&SS) joined Guidehouse, an international private and public sector consulting firm, as a consultant. He previously served as the top political aide to then-New Hampshire Senate President Donna M. Soucy and as government affairs director at the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire. Scalco earned a master’s degree in public administration from the University of New Hampshire's Carsey School of Public Policy.
David J. Wesse (2012 PHD HS&E) was named interim vice president for finance and administration at California State University San Bernardino in March. He was previously vice chancellor for financial and administrative affairs at Purdue University Fort Wayne.
Chantelle George (2020 BACH SCI) was awarded the University of Houston’s 2022 Rising Star Award, which honors alumni who have made a significant impact early in their careers. Her firm, Chantelle George Consulting, helps school districts, institutions of higher education, and nonprofits prepare traditionally underserved students for postsecondary success. George earned a master’s degree in higher education from the University of Houston and is pursuing a doctoral degree at LSU.
Katherine Overby (2021 BACH H&SS) is one of seventy-five Americans selected to study and work in Germany as part of the 2022-2023 CongressBundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionals. She will take part in an intensive language course, study at a German university, and complete an internship in the career field of political science. Participants are placed with host families throughout Germany and act as citizen ambassadors, promoting a positive image of the U.S.

Eye of the Tiger Rising
“I love LSU football, but the distance between Ellensburg, Wash., and Death Valley makes it a real challenge to attend a game,” writes Keith McGowan (1977 BACH AGR). “Last week I decided to buy LSU football season tickets for the first time ever, expecting that the investment would encourage me to get back to my LSU roots, my friends, and the place where I met my wife of forty years.
Since moving to his horse ranch, family and friends have tagged Keith “Bronceaux.”
WHAT’S YOUR VOLUNTEER PASSION? Send a photo of yourself “in action” and tell Tigers Around the World how and why you share your time and talents with others.

Newlyweds Emily and Nicolas Schexnayder. The bride and her attendants.
Emily Millet (2020 BACH MCOM) and Nicolas Schexnayder (2020 BACH ENGR) were married in May at the Country Club of Louisiana. The wedding party included nine fellow LSU alumni, two of whom were the bride's Zeta Tau Alpha sorority sisters, Courtney Ragsdale Griffin (2020 BACH BUS) and Marissa Rovira (2021 BACH HS&E).
OOPS! The name of Sarah Holliday James (1984 BACH H&SS) was misspelled in the summer issue. She was pictured with LSU President William F. Tate IV at a spring meeting of the Press Club of Baton Rouge. LSU Alumni Magazine regrets the error.

In Memoriam
Marvin L. "Bud" Johnson, Jr.’s relationship to sports and athletes was his life's work and his life's story. His canonical knowledge of sports, specifically LSU sports, began by listening to games on the radio, collecting memorabilia, reading the sport's page, and consuming stats. His childhood obsession led to a career spent with Louisiana sports hall of famers, and his life's memories were punctuated with memories of the “game” or the “team” of the shared moment. The Cuban Missile Crisis? That distracted LSU fans from Coach Mac's first year and the fact that "three SEC teams – Alabama, LSU, and Ole Miss – were nationally ranked that year...." The birth of his daughter coincided with the momentous game where the Soviet Union defeated the USA in basketball.
The nickname “Bud” came from a middle school basketball coach. He was small and eager, and the nickname stuck as he found a way to pursue his passion without numbers on his jersey. Not to be deterred by his size, Bud pivoted in high school to writing about sports encouraged by Jim Corbett, then LSU athletic director and later NBC news director. Bud continued writing, covering the Tangipahoa sports beat and calling his articles into newspapers across South Louisiana. His teenage sports journalism mentors included Hap Glaudi of the New Orleans Item and Bud Montet of the Baton Rouge Morning Advocate. Later in his life, sports memories became stories that Bud needed to tell. And he had so many stories to tell. There was that time as Pistol Pete's handler when he accidently took him to a mob hangout to eat on the way home after a game and a presser in New Orleans. Shortly after dining there, the hangout was on the news after the mobster was arrested. That was a story he was too afraid to tell until after Press Maravich's death. Who selected a name for a pro basketball team? Bud, a life-long fan of Jazz, suggested it for a new franchise in New Orleans.
The capstone of his career was spent curating LSU sports history for the LSU Alumni Association’s Andonie Museum, publishing books and articles on sports, and ensuring the memories he held so dear were kept alive for future generations.
Bud earned a bachelor’s degree in history and journalism from Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU). During his professional career, he was an independent journalist covering Tangipahoa Parish sports, an SLU sports publicist, worked with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette sports information, LSU sports Information, and New Orleans Jazz sports information, and was assistant athletic director at Tulane University. He received the Distinguished Service in Sports Journalism Award from the Louisiana Sports Writers Association Professional Career in 2001. He was an independent consultant for Johnson Communications, a book packager and writer, served as director of the LSU Andonie Museum, and was a longtime contributing writer to LSU Alumni Magazine.
Janet Quinn Rhorer, 1945 BACH HS&E, April 30, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Charles Pierce Roland, 1948 MAST H&SS, 1951 PHD H&SS, April 12, 2022, Nicholasville, Ky. Wayne George Strickland, 1943 BACH SCI, May 23, 2022, Gainesville, Fla. Marjorie G. Thompson, 1945 BACH H&SS, June 16, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. José Enrique Torres, 1948 BACH H&SS, 1955 MD-NO, Professor Emeritus-LSU Health Sciences Center, April 22, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Elizabeth Joy “Betty” Olinde Wilson, 1946 BACH HS&E, April 8, 2022, Lafayette, La.
Johannes W. Aalders, 1955 BACH H&SS, 1957 MAST BUS, Feb. 22, 2022, New Orleans, La. Gertrude Marie Beauford, 1959 MAST BUS, May 8, 2022, New Orleans, La. Anne Byland, 1954 BACH H&SS, June 14, 2022, Zachary La. N.A. “Dr. Tom” Contine, 1959 BACH HS&E, Former Curator, Andonie Museum, June 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Patricia “Pat” Hester Crabtree, 1956 BACH HS&E, May 27, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. James Bert Daigle, 1957 BACH AGR, Retired Associate Director of LSU Rural Life Museum, Prairieville, La. James Hyde, 1958 BACH H&SS, May 13, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Graydon K. Kitchens, Jr., 1958 BACH H&SS, 1964 JD, June 12, 2022, Minden, La. Alonzo Dyer Lafleur, 1950 BACH SCI, 1952 MAST SCI, April 8, 22, Baton Rouge, La. Julia Katherine Stearns Levert, 1955 BACH H&SS, June 13, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Michael J. Lucia, Jr., 1959 BACH HS&E, 1961 MAST HS&E, April 29, 2022, New Roads, La. John D. “Don” Lyle, 1956 BACH ENGR, June 23, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Timothy John McNamara, 1959 BACH H&SS, 1961 JD, May 4, 2022, Lafayette, La. Ann Oliva Boudreaux Metzinger, 1958 MAST AGR, May 6, 2022, New Orleans, La. Arthur Jackson “Jack” Perrault, Jr., 1950 BACH ENGR, July 7, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Joan Carole Pourciau Prejean, 1955 BACH SCI, May 25, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Sara Clare Ritter Traylor, 1955 BACH H&SS, June 14, 2022, Baton Rouge, La.
Anita Goodman Barfield, 1960 BACH HS&E, May 17, 2022, Covington, La. Laurie Andrew Bertaut, Jr., 1969 BACH BUS, May 31, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Robert Lawrence “Bob” Cangelosi, 1961 BACH BUS, 1964 JD, May 28, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Carolyn Sue Sides Danburg, 1962 BACH HS&E, May 24, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Charles Phillip “Phil” Daspit, 1965 BACH H&SS, 1968 MD, March 26, 2022, Paradise Valley, Ariz. Sumpter Boyer Davis, III, 1964 BACH H&SS, 1968 JD, April 20, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. John Dickinson, 1967 BACH MCOM, June 9, 2022, Zachary, La. Marilyn Frank Knight “Sue” Ferrara, 1960 BACH HS&E, 1978 MAST HS&E, June 4, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Donald Ray Fuller, 1962 MSW, April 14, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Larry Cortez Glover, Jr., 1968 MAST HS&E, April 23, 2022, Walker, La. Benjamin C. Hablutzel, 1964 BACH H&SS, May 31, 2022, Durham, N.C. Allie Pierre Landry, III, 1969 BACH MCOM, May 23, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Earl C. Reynolds, June 17, 2022, 1964 BACH ENGR., 1979 BACH H&SS, Baton Rouge, La. Michael Edward “Mike” Schouest, former director LSU Computing Center, 1963 BACH ENGR, 1965 MBA, July 11, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Barbara Atkinson Stanfill, 1965 BACH H&SS, July 8, 2022, Sebring Fla.
Elizabeth “Liz” Walker, 1968 BACH BUS, May 18, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Ebba Day Wilson, 1965 BACH H&SS, May 13, 2022, Birmingham, Ala.
Mary Elise Baldwin, 1975 BACH HS&E, 1980 MAST HS&E, Estes Parks, Colo. David C. Blouin, Sr., 1973 MAST H&SS, 1976 MAST AGR, 1977 PHD H&SS, Retired Professor of Arts & Sciences, April 23, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Charles Raymond “Ray” Comis, 1972 MBA, June 19, 2022, Lake Charles, La. Keith Copponex, 1978 BACH AGR, June 29, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Ronnie Evans, 1972 BACH H&SS, April 20, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Jacques Bernard Favret, 1986 BACH BUS, 1979 JD, May 5, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Francis E. “Frank” Gremillion, Jr., 1972 BACH H&SS, July 16, 2022, Thibodaux, La. James Ford “Jim” Hanna, 1977 BACH M&DA, June 23, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Michael Edward “Mike” Hicks, 1971 BACH AGR, April 21 2022, Baton Rouge, La. William “Bill” McGrew, 1970 BACH H&SS, April 2022, Kansas City, Kan. Barbara A. Rau, 1972 BACH SCI, May 1, 2022, Atlanta, Ga. Kenneth Pope Wilbert, 1976 BACH H&SS, April 2022, Port Allen, La. Lee Wilson, 1975 BACH H&SS, 1986 JD, May 29, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. John Douglas “Dee” Tullier, 1970 BACH BUS, June 2, 2022, Baton Rouge, La.
Colin Shawn Cavell, 1982 BACH H&SS, April 5, 2022, Bluefield, W.V. Mark Steven Martin, 1989 BACH H&SS, April 26, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Erin Kathleen Kirby Molter, 1987 BAHC MCOM, 1995 PHD H&SS, May 19, 2022, Woodstock, Ga. Merietta Spencer Norton, 1984 BACH BUS, 1991 JD, April 19, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Maria Teresa “Terrie” Granier Stuart, 1984 BACH BUS, May 23, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Lynn Hugh Wallace, 1981 BACH H&SS April 9, 2022, Nashville, Tenn.
Edgar Leon Cretin, III, 1994 BACH BUS, June 15, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. David Scott Halphen, 1992 BACH ENGR, April 20, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Charles “Brennan” Kean, 1999 BACH H&SS, April 19, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. John C. Maher, Jr., 1994 MBA, March 6, 2022, Zachary, La. Karen Basham Moody, 1999 PHD AGR, May 20, 2022, Baton Rouge, La.
Ryan David Blount, 2003 BACH ENGR, June 30, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Holly Ann Hollis Stars, 2008 JD, April 19, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Robert L. Zehner, 2001 PHD H&SS, May 6, 2022, Chesterfield, Va.
Adam Wayne Miley, 2010 BACH BUS, May 6, 2022, Baton Rouge, La. Clayton James “Keto” Walker, 2013 BACH BUS, May 31, 2022, Denver Colo.
Carl Allen
Retired Head Department of Kinesiology Jun 14, 2022 Fort Smith, Ark.
Nancy Jeanne Dumas Cook
Alumna by Choice June 23, 2022, Eureka, Calif.
Thomas R. Klei
Boyd Professor of Parasitology Retired Interim Vice Chancellor of Research & Economic Development April 18, 2022 Baton Rouge, La.
Alvin M. Phillips, Jr.
Retired Micropaleontologist/Curator Department of Geology June 1, 2022 Baton Rouge, La.
A memorial gift to the LSU Alumni Association in the name of a family member, friend, or classmate is a caring way to pay tribute to a person’s life and accomplishments. To make a gift or for more information, call 225.578.3838 or 1.888.746.4578.

Tigers in Print
David Cobb Craig (1979 BACH H&SS)
First Class: America’s Marvelous Midcentury Stamps Schiffer Publishing Every picture tells a story—even one on a postage stamp. Presented hugely enlarged, the 144 stamps in this book chronicle a stylish era of design: mid20th-century America. Spanning the late 1950s to the early 1970s, these mini-masterpieces were created when the US post office started to lavish color on its stamps and to hire the best midcentury talents to design them. The roster includes Japanese American children’s book illustrator Gyo Fujikawa, barrier-busting Black graphic artist Georg Olden, industrial design legend Raymond Loewy, and sultan of psychedelia Peter Max. Photographed at five, ten, and even fifteen times actual size, each stamp is presented with a morsel of fun info that will broadly appeal to stamp collectors, history and nostalgia buffs, midcentury design fans, and everyone who likes to geek out on magnified views of tiny, beautiful images.
Janina Fuller (2008 MAST SCI, 2012 PHD HS&E)
The Gecko in the Bathtub: Encounters with Marvelous Creatures Peace Corps Writers Imagine a bee sting that results in a four-day flu; spending thirty years overcoming the fear of house cats; deciding what to do about the monkey sitting on your head; being within touching distance of a swimming jaguar; or finding yourself host to a young alligator in your backyard pond. Coming from a family of curious nature lovers, Janina Fuller recounts her interactions with animals in tones of deep respect mixed with lighthearted self-reflection. Her observations and ability to put herself in the minds of those she’s observing will bring new light to the life you share with the animals around you, no matter who they might be.
Walter J. McDonald (1966 BACH BUS)
Service Management: Machinery Dealer Manager’s Handbook McDonaldGroupInc.com Service Management, the tenth volume in McDonald’s Master’s Program in Dealer Management series, focuses on practical tools and techniques to build more profitable and customer-friendly machinery dealer service operations. Success depends on five areas of skills and knowledge: business management, operations management, leadership and supervisory management, aftermarket marketing, and customer service and retention. Successful service managers must also understand and track relevant Critical Profit Variables – quantitative performance benchmarks drive tech service profitability, market share, and customer retention. This book helps service leaders understand and best utilize these concepts while developing product support as a competitive weapon for their machinery dealership.
First-generation Professionals in Higher Education: Strategies for the World of Work explores complexities related to the transition from college/ professional school to the work world of higher education, as well
as the advancement from mid- to senior-level leadership, and how first-generation professionals navigate these transitions. Framing their chapters in the asset-based lens of cultural capital, the authors approach topics of navigating the field of higher education as firstgeneration professionals through personal experience as well as evidence-based approaches and strategies. Organized in three sections – Professional Identity, Purposeful Interaction, and Career Path – the book examines concepts such as imposter syndrome, politics, financial literacy, resilience, networking, mentoring, career progression, and more. Each chapter includes activities, exercises, and questions for reflection, offering readers an opportunity to discern strategies for their own professional development.
E.M. Tran (2011 BACH H&SS)
Daughters of the New Year HarperCollins Publishers Daughters of the New Year is a captivating debut novel about five generations of Vietnamese mothers and daughters, drawing on Vietnamese zodiac astrology to chart the fateful events of their lives. What does the future hold for those born in the years of the Dragon, Tiger, and Goat?
In present day New Orleans, Xuan Trung, former beauty queenturned-refugee after the Fall of Saigon, is obsessed with divining her daughters' fates through their Vietnamese zodiac signs. But Trac, Nhi, and Trieu diverge completely from their immigrant parents' expectations. Successful lawyer Trac hides her sexuality from her family; Nhi competes as the only woman of color on a Bachelor-esque reality TV show; and Trieu, a budding writer, is determined to learn more about her familial and cultural past. As the sisters begin to encounter strange glimpses of long-buried secrets from their ancestors, the story of the Trung women unfurls to reveal the dramatic events that brought them to America.

By Madison McLoughlin

Kathleen Benedetto.
Almost eighteen years after Hurricane Katrina, the city of New Orleans had not returned to normal. The brass bands and Saints fans put on a front for the damp, traumatized city. Hundreds of thousands of people left when The Storm struck in 2005; many of those who stayed were not the same people they were before. Some of the fault lies in the preparation – the levee system was not prepared; disaster relief efforts were not prepared; communities were not prepared. Kathleen Benedetto (2012 BACH H&SS, 2013 MSW) a former licensed social worker, is working to change that as she finishes up her Ph.D. in climatology.
The scar that Hurricane Katrina left throbs visibly even today. In 2013, Benedetto saw it for herself when she began working at New Hope NOLA, a short-term, five-bed facility designed to help the mentally ill. For two years, the social worker cared for severely mentally ill residents, helping them stabilize before moving on to a group home or substance abuse facility. A few of her clients died during her tenure. “I was really struggling. I loved my clients, but the resources weren’t there,” Benedetto said.
As she led a group therapy session in 2016, one client triggered another, who lunged at six-month pregnant Benedetto. Shaken, she ran into the office and slammed the door. The client followed, pounding the glass so hard it cracked. “I don’t blame him at all – he was very ill,” Benedetto explained. “It shook me enough where I was kind of like, I don’t think I’m built for this profession.”
Benedetto took her genuine passion and her social work instincts with her when she inquired about pursuing a doctorate in geography and anthropology at LSU. Five years later, she’s “all but dissertation.” It may seem like quite the jump to go from a licensed social worker in New Orleans to studying the science behind hurricanes, a source of trauma, in Baton Rouge, but for Benedetto, it made sense. “I’ve always loved bad weather,” she said. “‘Loved’ is a weird word, but I’ve always found it interesting.” Growing up in Southeast Louisiana, Benedetto and her mother would track hurricanes as they entered the Gulf of Mexico..
Benedetto’s own experience with Hurricane Katrina rents a room in the back of her mind. She was an oblivious high schooler in Baton Rouge when the storm hit. Once Katrina rolled through, the family was without power for ten days, and she was out of school for two weeks. Her mother, originally from New Orleans, cried in front of the battery-powered radio. “It was like hearing about someone you love just getting destroyed,” Benedetto said.
Within her climatology studies, Benedetto incorporates psychology because she believes it’s becoming even more important to understand the mental health impacts of natural disasters. Her dissertation focuses on the increasing number of rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones. “They’re all individual, like little people. Each storm has its own personality and set of issues,” she explained.
She’s also looking into how scientists, meteorologists, and lay people can better understand hurricanes, so they can better prepare for the storms. “If people had a little control over their preparedness, they probably wouldn’t feel as lost,” Benedetto said. “The main goal is to do outreach, get the stakeholders involved, not just go and collect answers,” Benedetto said. “I want them to be involved because they deserve to be. It’s their community.”
Madison McLoughlin is a freelance journalist and graduate student at Johns Hopkins studying science writing.

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