Elections Special Issue 2 | 2016/17

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Elections Special Issue Two 2.03.17

The Sugar Review: Day Four Who’s standing for what? WTF even is EE?


Loughborough Overheard Boy: “Checked my post this morning, nothing” Girl: “Well that was a dead story” “He’s WAP - Welsh and Proud”

Perhaps there is good reason though. Perhaps it’s because the candidates are finally realising that to get College students, and those at Loughborough in London, involved and engaged in their section (and with Exec Elections themselves) they actually need to go out there and speak to them! Not a difficult concept to grasp, but it’s safe to say this has been ignored by many a past candidate. Or, perhaps, this is the calm before the storm of those that shall not be named (though I’m going to anyway, I ain’t scared) The Bubble Debates. Dun dun duuuuunnn! Still, we go again with the manifesto critiques. And if you’re still wondering what the bloody hell these Elections are even for, Assistant Editor Alice is on hand to give you a very sweary guide on exactly what they f’ing are, and why we all have to put up with them every f’ing year. On that note, I bid you adieu for now. May tomorrow bring more excitement. Please. Leanna Kightley Label Editor


Got som ething y want to ou say abo ut this is sue



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Jonathan Ako @President_LSU - In a room with a few nervous faces. This means 1 thing... #EXECELECTIONS IS HERE!! Matthew Gill @UAffairsEO_LSU - It’s the first day of #ExecElections campaigning! Good luck to everyone. I loved it and it’s something you’ll remember for a long time!

Lewis Wood @EducationEO_LSU - I’m all over campus today for meetings - maybe I’ll run into a couple of #ExecElections candidates for some free sweets!

Illustration by Emily Forrester

Hi all! So, we’re beyond the Campaign Week midway point and what’s happened so far? Well, not a lot really. As noted by everyone’s favourite Elections critic Beatrice in today’s edition of The Sugar Review, there has been very little in the way of sweets, very few bans and scandals, and not an awful lot of atmosphere on campus. It’s fair to say that, as a Loughborough veteran, I feel a little disheartened by the lack of action thus far this week.

Design by Jessie Foxford

“I’m the stiffest man you’ve ever met.”


John Thompson hopes to drive the College’s student experience on par with the University’s with four main points. His current position as College EO has provided him with some experience in the role.

Illustration by Steph Carr

One of the main points from Josh is about working with the College Shop to create offers tailored to the things students want. Considering that the College Shop offers similar deals to the Union and PO – what more do College students want than a meal deal? It is understandable that there may be other things students’ need, but is that really a priority? The development of committee’s, whereby College representatives sit down on relevant union section committees, is a brilliant idea. This definitely provides College students with the platform to vocalise how the Union can specially cater to their needs. We always speak about how College students need to be more involved, this will hopefully transform words into actions.

Josh Thompson /Joshi @Joshi_thompson

Josh wishes to create a social space at the College, similar to the Piazza at LSU. This idea is somewhat ambiguous. How could you fund this? Is the focus of the College EO to help College Students utilise the Union services in order for them to integrate better? Or is it to create a separate space for them? This could go either way – his intentions need to be clearer. Overall, Josh has offered some comprehensive ideas on how to build upon his work this year; however, some aspects do need to be refined. This is a strong manifesto. By Asli Jensen Comment Editor



One major aspect of Tom’s manifesto revolves around HE students at the College having access to Pilkington Library automated on their cards. In terms of College students, this is an efficient resolution to one their predominant issues (they have to wait to use the library). However, it does ppresent the question for University students, how will the mixture of College students within the library (specifically during peak exam times) affect studying and revision? Who deserves priority?

Tom Bond /Tom Bond for EO07 - Licence to thrill @tombond_eo07

Tom also wishes for College students to have access to the GP service on campus to, as well as re-implementing counselling services. He definitely cares for the general health, and mental health and wellbeing, of the students at the College, which is extremely thoughtful. However, he hasn’t seemed to add any ideas on how to build upon or improve what the current College EO has started. Overall, this manifesto demonstrates that Tom Bond understands the necessities of the College students. However, perhaps he should focus on utilising the committees and reps that the current College EO has formed, in order to bring his visions alive. This is a good manifesto. By Asli Jensen Comment Editor


Illustration by Steph Carr

Tom Bond has an ambitious vision that he wants to change the conception that University students don’t respect College students. He hopes to do this by ensuring College students are full and equal members of the Student’s Union. He seems to be alluding to the negative stigma attached to College students integrating with University. Despite the disparity between the two cohorts, he demonstrates an honest and willing approach to overcome this adversity.


Illustration by Lizzie Poole

The first point of the manifesto, the early release of lecture and exam timetables, is an issue that has been subjected to continuous revision and improvement over the years. No clear strategy is outlined in regards to driving the process forward. The candidate’s second point addresses the inconsistency of dissertation deadlines; however, she merely promises to look into the reasons behind the disparity and communicate this to students, rather than ameliorate the situation (which may be impossible and/or impractical). Elaborating on the reasons behind why this occurs may ultimately alleviate some frustration but appears somewhat unambitious, in the grand scheme of things.

Anna Holt /Anna ‘Annie’ Holt for Education @AnnieEducation Annie4education

The next point, about providing more academic support to students, is certainly one to be celebrated as focusing on these schemes has the potential to bring a measurable and positive difference to students’ educational experience and is perhaps the boldest objective set. Nonetheless, the manifesto collapses the difference between PAL and peer support (all departments have the latter but only 9, the former) which serve a different purpose. Additionally, contrary to the claim that these schemes are “working well… in the departments they are currently available in,” difficulties with engagement do persist. The next officer should therefore focus on improving the schemes, rather than merely replicating existing arrangements in departments that don’t have them. Finally, although having a positive working relationship with DSF and the Programme Reps/President is undeniably beneficial, the candidate fails to address how these relationships will be maintained and no indication is made that new effort will be exerted to further deepen these ties. As a result, the final paragraph of the manifesto is somewhat vague and unconvincing. By Natali Dimitrova Features Editor



Ellie’s got a wide range of experience as a Rag rep within halls and her department, and is committed to increasing involvement via DSF by introducing a committee role to oversee department reps. I like this idea and her observation that whilst not everyone is affiliated to a hall, we’re all members of a department. Well, apart from maybe at the college. But she’s got that covered, and says she’ll run more events over there including a special ‘choose-a-challenge’. I’d be interested to hear who’ll be in charge of these events: perhaps an additional committee member from the college would be needed.

Ellie Glock /Glocky Balboa 4 Rag E.O. @ellie_glock @ellie_glock ellieglock


I’m unsure that video tutorials or workshops would be needed to train people to bucket collect, but the suggestion of ‘starter packs’ for RAG reps would be welcomed by many, though it may be a challenge to produce these in time for them to be used by oncoming committee members in November, especially considering just how busy current Rag EO Jonny King says the candidates should expect the first semester to be! Releasing stash designs early is another proposal that would need to be considered with the diary in mind. Yes, lovely stash may incentivise involvement, but will the whole production timescale need to be reconsidered to make this possible? Liam David Hopley Head of Design

Illustration by Emily Forrester

Ellie’s promising to raise another £1million for Rag, which is fab, but not very ambitious considering that last year’s total was over £1.1million! I must give her credit, nonetheless, for considering numbers, which the other candidates have yet to do (at the time of writing).


Michael demonstrated in his Label interview that he has a good understanding of what the role of Rag EO entails, explaining succinctly that his priorities are to raise as much money as possible and to ensure student satisfaction.

Illustration by Emily Forrester

One of his priorities will be to increase transparency about where money goes. Being able to tell students precisely what can be achieved as a result of their endeavours could be an appealing strategy. It’ll need a bit of refinement, however – will students be given details before or after events and, fundamentally, do they want to know, or is the idea of simply ‘giving to charity’ enough for them?

Michael Dunne /Michael Jackson for rag E.O @MJ4Rag

Michael thinks that a new Rag website could increase involvement and would be more accessible to college students and post-grads than the current ‘Rag Mags’. I’m a bit dubious about this: whilst ‘Rag Mags’ have the downside of potentially going out of date and not detailing where funds go, will people be any more motivated by a website and the requirement to send follow-up emails? Reservations aside, he shows good awareness by noting that College students tend to be less engaged with the section than university students. Michael’s also keen for halls to run more of their own events, though the notion that he would leave organising these to reps themselves so they’ll have experience to put on their CVs might need a re-think. I’m sure hall reps would welcome any reassurances that he can offer about the ways in which he’d assist them in organising such events. Liam David Hopley Head of Design




He’d like to introduce a Rag calendar on the LSU website to let everybody know about upcoming opportunities. My reservation about this is that, while integration within the current website is smart, Societies currently operate a similar system which society members update. Whose responsibility would the management of his system be? Hall reps might pick up some of this workload, as Lumi’s keen for them to organise more of their own events. They’ll be pleased to hear that support will be available whilst organising, though the suggestion that they may need to write a written report about each event may add a bit of unnecessary tedium to their roles.

Lumi Ojagbemi /Votelumi4rageo @Votelumi4rageo lumi4rageo


Lumi would like to embark on more rag raids in big cities and encourage two-day trips. This combination could lead to great opportunities to explore new places and experience city nightlife, but what about overnight accommodation? The idea of only fundraising on only one of the two days may also detract from the efficiency of such trips. Apparently ‘Rag does not do enough with social media’, so Lumi wants to utilise Instagram to encourage volunteer involvement, particularly in international trips. To me, this seems like a bit too much of an ‘easy win’ that could be achieved simply by amending a committee member’s job description. Liam David Hopley Head of Design

Illustration by Emily Forrester

Lumi makes some bold claims on social media. Not only is he ‘top ragger’ and a member of the illuminati, he’s also allegedly got Beyoncé’s support! Amidst all of this, he neglects to mention that he’s also the current Rag Vice Chair.


While the LSU Welfare & Diversity page, indeed, contains leftover material from 2015/2016, this is more a failing of the person presently responsible for maintaining it, rather than an ambitious manifesto pledge. A larger and more important point is the fact that student engagement with the website is, at present, low. The future officer should investigate the reasons behind this – be it unwillingness on the part of students to engage with the medium or genuine unawareness that the information is there; and formulate an engagement strategy around their findings. Illustration by Isaac Coppin

Hannah Keating /Bat-Han for Welfare & Diversity E.O. @bathanwdeo @bathanwdeo

The candidate’s next point, about using monthly updates to keep students already in the section engaged, is a positive one. Nonetheless, it is questionable whether using a passive way to keep volunteers invested would be effective, as disseminated materials could easily be ignored. In regards to including Welfare Reps to department committees, the manifesto does not directly address what the added value would be. If Reps were empowered to independently organise departmentspecific events, this could be beneficial but no such specifics are addressed. The candidate is similarly vague when talking about “additional support and training” in respect to the AU Welfare system and relaunching the college committee. Regarding the latter, the reasons why the scheme previously failed and how such pitfalls would be avoided in the future is left to the reader to speculate. Finally, arranging appraisals and awards for volunteers is important for the recognition of students’ hard work and should be welcomed. Nonetheless, the candidate could have elaborated on how the provided training would empower volunteers, in real terms, and give them the tools to put the learned skills to use. By Natali Dimitrova Features Editor


I bet you didn’t know how resourceful you could be until you found new ways to swerve an orange man with terrifyingly blonde hair interrupting your lecture or turning up in your flat unannounced but that’s the good thing about Exec Elections, we all learn something new about ourselves. This isn’t particularly sweet related, but where are all the bans?! I’m not one to be intentionally controversial or provocative but all these social media bans are doing nothing for my Exec Elections induced high, it’s more like a dull numbing drone. I want more bans, I need some excitement, give me something candidates! Cue the promo videos. So Rory the Racing Car for Action EO has the support of 15 Hall Chairs and the HSF President. Congratulations for being a well-connected second year, I hope those connections treat you well in your bid to become Action EO. Not going to lie, his video made me feel slightly dizzy but that could just be this week’s sweets repeating on me.


BTW Ex Elvyn Hall Chair HMU maybe you can drive me to success! #BroomBroom Gafyn Donald for Media E.O.’s The McDonald Connoisseur is probably one that will haunt me for a while. Big up yourself for music choices but I’m afraid that is where my praise stops. Actually tell a lie – the potential Media E.O. has beautifully manicured fingernails so kudos on the cuticle hygiene. My acrylics and I salute you, Gafyn. LUMI’s video totally fried my brain. #IlluminatiConfirmed #Lumi4RagEo] There is something very commendable about Bat-Han – Hannah Keating has the support of two former VP Welfare & Diversity’s, Isobel Ford and Gemma Lomas. Still hoping and waiting to be “wowed” by the rest of the candidates, rumour has it there’s a montage in the works… Beatrice Quarshie Head of Online, Marketing and Distribution

Design by Malika Singh

So the novelty of free sweets has well and truly worn off, particularly as there are very little to be found anywhere! Unless you lived in Rigg Rutt and had Jungly George door-knocking you this afternoon…

Illustration by Emily Forrester

The Sugar Review 2017: Day Four

Before you think it, I’m not talking about the mobile network, and you probably won’t know what else it stands for either. You’ve been more than likely to stumble across eccentrically dressed individuals across campus, having to endure unnecessary amounts of Haribos being shoved down your throat in the next few days, but if you’d only know the reason why it’ll all be a lot more bearable – promise! Ladies and gents (drum roll pls): it’s the Executive Elections. “Ohhhh!”, I hear you cry, yet you’re still sat there thinking: “but I still don’t know what they are”. Friends, allow me to enlighten you:

WTF even is EE indeed? The Executive Elections period is the time when the people who’ll be running the prominent sections within your students’ union are chosen through the student democracy.

WTF even are the F’ing roles? Altogether there are 13 roles, comprising of President, Action, Rag, Media, Finance and Development, Sport, Societies, Education, Union Affairs, Postgraduate EO, Enterprise and Employability, College and Welfare & Diversity. Those who are elected will be the Top Dogs of each section, whether you choose to get stuck into charitable events, various other campaigns, sport or basically anything the union has to offer. Choose wisely.

And the F’ing process overall? First, candidates need to get nominated (an online process) and after that the whole campaigning begins which is where all the action’s at (pun intended). Candidates then release their themes and must reach out to students by way of social media and traversing through lectures and across campus in said costumes, armed with things/sweets which could well be classed as low-key bribery, but we’ll turn a blind eye. The point is to get their image across and

ultimately show their dedication to the university’s students. After that, voting opens and all the carnage comes to a close on results night, which is held in the union and followed by a sik night out.

Who TF is RON? Nope, not Ron Weasley, you classic joker! To cut it short, if you don’t fancy voting for a candidate you can just RON them, which means to re-open Nominations and basically do the whole thing again – but sometimes it’s very necessary.

Lastly, why TF is it important to me? Think about it, these are the guys who are going to be running your student experience for the next year, surely you want a say in that? Take your time to read the manifestos and get involved - the more informed you are the better influence you can have for the future of LSU (if that’s not enough to convince you, you get loyalty points if you vote, sooo…). Alice Priestley Label Assistant Editor






LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! /LabelOnlineLSU @labellsu @labelonline Disclaimer: Label is the publication of Loughborough Students’ Union. The opinions contained are those of individual contributors, not of Loughborough Students’ Union, the editorial team, or any other officer of the Union unless otherwise stated. Cover Photography by Elias Ruiz Monserrat Additional Design by Jessie Foxford and Liam David Hopley

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