What Why Who Magazine

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Graduation leaves you with a lot of questions. And they’re not even multiple choice, which sucks. But don’t panic. You already know more than you think you do. You may never have heard of design, but you live it every day. That’s because design is more than a major or a career; it’s a way of thinking, and all you have to know is what you already like. Check out the table of contents for an easy multiple choice. Pick what you’re into, then flip to the page to learn about the masters of Mid-Century design and the shockwaves their work left on nearly every aspect of our lives today. You’ll probably already know their work, but you’ll see it in a new way that hopefully inspires, excites, and helps answer a couple of those hard questions. Like what the heck you’re doing with your life. (And no, the answer isn’t ‘C.”)

We’re AIGA, an organization for designers across America. From students to creative directors and everything in between, we’re the place for people to get inspired and enabled to design powerfully. Friend us, follow us, or find out more at AIGA.org.

















“Beethoven Eroica Symphony” Cover 1940 WHAT

This album cover was one of the very first in

After Steinweiss got a hold of the cover,

music history. An original illustration by Alex

sales of this record went up 895% compared

Steinweiss, inspired by folk-art and featuring

to the unillustrated version.

his characteristic curly, hand-lettered script, brought a visual presence to the music.


Almost eight decades later, it’s almost

everywhere have Steinweiss to thank for that.

impossible to imagine music without album

He was a pioneer who literally changed the

artwork. Covers have evolved since then and

face of music forever. Where would Beyoncé

an album’s visual identity is inseperable from

or the Beatles be without their album covers?

its sound. The music industry and audiophiles


Art Director

ALEX STEINWEISS | Alex Steinweiss has

to purchase the album was an instant success.

a massive body of design work that spans

From 1939 to 1945 he designed record covers

several different media. Some of his clients

for Columbia, during which time he turned out

have included the U.S. Navy, PRINT, Fortune,

hundreds of distinct designs. After 1945 he

and Columbia Records. However, he is most

began working for other clients including several

recognized for inventing the modern album

other record companies and in 1974 he retired

cover and much of his work lies in the poster

to Florida to paint and work on occasional

like images that he created while he was an

commissioned pieces.

art director at Columbia records.

The person responsible for the overall aesthetic of a brand or organization.

Before Steinweiss the only album covers that existed were brown paper wrappers that served to protect the album you had just purchased. His idea to create artwork to entice the buyer


Famous Album Covers 1969-2017 1 Iain Macmillan, 1969 The Beatles Abbey Road

2 Storm Thorgerson, 1973 Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon

3 Brian Duffy, 1973 David Bowie Aladdin Sane

4 Kirk Weddle, 1991 Nirvana Nevermind


When you think of music, often the first thing

listened to Dark Side of the Moon, you probably

that comes to mind is the album artwork.

still recognize the prism and rainbow. But have

Sometimes the cover design is more iconic

you ever thought about who designed it?

than the music itself. Even if you’ve never

5 Reuben Butchart, 2013 Beyoncé Beyoncé

6 Phil Lee & Alasdair McLellan, 2015 Adele 25

7 Peter De Potter, 2016 Kanye West The Life of Pablo

8 Josh & Bethany Newman, 2017 Taylor Swift Reputation




“Goldfinger” Title Sequence 1964 WHAT

The projections of explosions and fight scenes on a woman’s body in the title sequence for Goldfinger encapsulate the James Bond movie franchise. This mixture of music, imagery, and type creates a miniature


cinematic experience before the film begins. The model’s body becomes a landscape where Bond and bad guys fight as text presents the actors and producers. The flickering faces and female form set a seductive stage.

Brownjohn’s title sequence proves that

The anniversary poster features the title of

successful design lasts forever. 50 years

every Bond film projected on a gold woman.

and 10 more title sequences later, that one

It’s bold and provocative, just like Bond himself.

is so iconic it’s chosen to represent the entire franchise in a single image.


The New Bauhaus

ROBERT BROWNJOHN | Brownjohn was

He also worked within several other industries,

born to British parents in New Jersey and had

creating moving graphics for Pirelli and Midland

a successful career in both America and Great

bank and created the cover for the Rolling

Britain during the 1950s and 60s. He immediately

Stones album Let It Bleed.

showed promise as a young design student at

A 240 page catalogue by Emily King that was

the Institute of Design in Chicago, previously The

produced for an exhibition detailing Brownjohn’s

New Bauhaus, where he studied closely with

career entitled “Robert Brownjohn: Sex and

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. His career ramped up

Typography,” held at the Design Museum in

to an early start when he formed the design firm

London, was also published as a book of the

BCG with Ivan Chermayeff and Thomas Geismar.

same name. “Sex and Typography” details the

However, that career came to an early end in

adventures of Brownjohn through detailed

1959 with Brownjohn heading to London, the firm

information provided by friends and family as

became Chermayeff & Geismar. His career in

well as chronicling his career and the work

London proved as successful as his early career

that he produced.

in the US with his most notable contributions

The horde of designers that fled Europe and the original Bauhaus to escape Nazism. This kick-started a new wave of design that influenced mid-century modernism. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy A professor and designer at the Bauhaus who influenced many American designers and artists today with his photography and teachings. Typography The art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed.

coming in the film industry.


Title Sequences 1960-2017 1960 Saul Bass Psycho

1977 Dan Perri Star Wars

2011 Ash Thorp, Ji Yun Ha X-Men: First Class

2012 Daniel Kleinman Skyfall

2017 Duarte Elvas Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2


How often do you stay and watch the credits

than just the credits rolling. Over time,

after a movie? What about at the beginning?

title sequences have become essential to

Perhaps you didn’t realize you were watching

the cinematic experience. They present

these because the title sequence is more

information in an exciting and conceptual way.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 2017


Esquire Magazine Cover 1967 WHAT

Esquire: a lifestyle magazine for the sophisticated

violence awareness message was controversial

American man about fashion, current events,

and ahead of its time.

pop culture, and of course, women. This cover featured Ursula Andress, an iconic movie star

One Love

and the original Bond girl. In 1967 its domestic

One Love works to ensure everyone understands the



In the 60’s, domestic violence was “private

relationship and not even realize it until it until

business”. No one talked about it. This cover

it’s too late. Secrecy makes abuse deadly,

made Americans realize that anyone, no matter

but knowing the warning signs can help.

how beautiful or talented, could be the victim

Design can start a conversation—one of the

of abuse. Many people may be in an abusive

most powerful tools in the fight against abuse.

difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. You might know them from the hashtag #That’sNotLove.

Herb Lubalin

GEORGE LOIS | While he is one of the most

In 1959 Lois began working at the advertising

successful creative advertisers of the 20th

agency that would give birth to big idea thinking

centuries, George Lois is quick to recognize

and the revolution of the advertising industry,

his upbringing. Born to a hard working Greek

Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB). Not a huge fan

family, Lois grew up in the Bronx where he

of the current state of the advertising world,

started working in his father’s flower shop at

he has proclaimed that advertising is an art

the age of 5. His early career brought him in

and not a science and that only mediocre ideas

contact with the CBS Advertising department,

need testing. While his career has afforded

Sudler & Hennessy and Herb Lubalin, and he

An influential American art director best known for his elegant and memorable typography.

him many successes, it is undoubtedly his

would probably be the first person to admit

covers for Esquire that are most recognized.

that he owes them a debt of gratitude saying,

Throughout the 1960s and 70s Lois worked

“People who don’t think they owe something

with editor Harold Hayes to create covers for

to somebody are crazy.” Wherever it is that

the magazine that effectively represented

he came from, he has left his mark on the

some of the most notable ideas of their time.

advertising world through his successful work for Mtv, VH1, Esquire, ESPN, Tommy Hilfiger and USA Today.





“ Three Lives” Cover 1945 WHAT



In the 1940s, the independent publisher New

the stories, as was the custom at the time.

Directions began a series of modern classics.

One such cover was for Gertrude Stein’s

The collection had a unique, abstract sequence

Three Lives, which tackles themes of race,

of covers that embodied the feeling of novels,

gender identity, and sexuality through the

rather than simply feature literal visuals from

stories of three different women.

Though it’s the author’s writing that inspires

culture’s current beliefs about female sexuality,

change, the designer’s cover is often what

reproductive rights, and gender stereotypes

entices the reader. Gertrude Stein challenged

were shaped by her work. She is an icon of

ideas about femininity in a way that inspired a

feminist thought but a designer shared her work

generation of feminist thinkers. Many of our

with the world.

Women’s March, 2016 Reproductive rights and respect for women in the workplace are some of the main battlegrounds of third-wave feminism.

Frank Lloyd Wright

ALVIN LUSTIG | A student of Frank Lloyd

Wright, among others, Alvin Lustig had a very

Directions before moving to New York to become the Director of Visual Research for Look Magazine.

successful career in graphic design and art

He rose to success early in his career garnering

direction. Revolutionizing the approach to

work for all types of clients and working on a vast

book cover design in the 1940s, Lustig would

array of types of projects. He died much too

attempt to get a sense of the writers direction

early at the age of 40, in 1955. His simplified

from reading the book and then translate it

shapes and use of flat colors, all while creating

into his own graphic style (The previous trend

elaborate and intensely interesting compositions,

was to summarize the book with one image).

are still imitated today by many graphic designers.

An American architect known for designing structures in harmony with humanity and the environment. Bauhaus A German school of thought that emphasized rationality and simplicity in art and design—the form of a design must be dictated by function.

The combination of technology and creativity

in his designs was reminiscent of the Bauhaus, as did his intellectual approach to problem solving. He designed books in LA for New


New York Times Best Book Covers 2016 1 Rachel Willey The Mothers | Brit Bennett

2 Adalis Martinez Moonglow | Michael Chabon

3 Janet Hansen The Bed Moved | Rebecca Schiff




Martin Hyatt

Erik Carter

Paul Sahre

Beautiful Gravity | Martin Hyatt

The Hideous Hidden | Sylvia Legris

But What if We’re Wrong? | Chuck Klosterman


Every book cover tells a potential reader

The designer’s job is to work as the middleman

something significant about the contents.

between the author’s words and the audience.

The best covers embody the essence of the

These are some of the best examples of 2016.

story in a way that draws the reader in.

We dare you not to pick one up.

10 Kelly Blair Essays Against Everything | Mark Greif

11 Oliver Munday The Underground Railroad | Colson Whitehead

12 Sara Wood, Art by Evgenia Loli Private Novelist | Nell Zink




Na Kim

Jim Tierney

Peter Mendelsund

Cannibals in Love | Mike Roberts

On Trails | Robert Moor

How to See | David Salle

abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz


Alphabet 26 Font 1958 WHAT



The English alphabet can be confusing for

between cases (Qq, Ii, Aa, etc.). This font was

people with learning disabilities. There are 7

created to solve the difficulty of discerning

letters that don’t change characters from

between two characters. It has one set of

upper to lowercase, they simply get bigger

characters, not separate upper and lowercase

(Oo, Cc, Xx, etc.). The other 19 differ completely

sets, using size to indicate case.

Alphabet 26 was the first font to consider

Christian Boer released the font Dyslexie

more accessible alphabet alternatives.

specifically crafted for easier reading for

It laid the groundwork for future innovative

dyslexic people. Innovative design has the

approaches to type for those with learning

power to change lives and brings creative

disabilities or impairments. In 2008,

solutions to problems. Art Director

BRADBURY THOMPSON | Bradbury Thompson

The book was the most significant development

was truly a master of almost every aspect of the

in Bible typography since Gutenberg first

design profession. He studied printing production,

published his masterpiece in 1455.

was an art director for Mademoiselle magazine, designed books, pushed the boundaries of

conventional typography and taught design at

Another significant point in his career in the field of typography was his publication of Alphabet 26, which was labeled as a monoalphabet.

Yale University. He designed 60+ issues of

It contained only 26 unique characters, case was

Westvaco Inspirations for the Westvaco Paper

established by size only instead of entirely new

Corporation. His designs reached thousands

characters (i.e. r/R, e/E, a/A). Thompson’s work

of designers, printers, and typographers.

garnered him the highest award of every major

Born in 1911 in Topeka, Kansas and educated

design organization including AIGA, the Art

at Washburn University Thompson stayed in

Directors Club and the Type Directors Club.

touch with the university throughout his career.

He died in 1995.

The person responsible for the overall aesthetic of a brand or organization. Typography The art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed.

From 1969-1979 Thompson worked together with Washburn to create the Washburn Bible.





The New Illustrated Library of Science 1962 WHAT

In 1962, Erik Nitsche International launched a

series is stunningly illustrated in bright colors

series of picture books known as The New

and laid out in an orderly, accessible way.

Illustrated Library of Science. 24 in total,

They were gorgeous, affordable, and available

the volume topics range from archeological

to anyone. Today, they’re extremely collectible.

discoveries to rockets and space. The entire


The New Illustrated Library of Science is so

Wired magazine is an example of a modern

visually exciting it’s impossible not to read.

publication that does a great job of making

To make learning entertaining is the ultimate

the latest science news accessible and

goal, but it’s hard to get right. Even today

visually beautiful. Their design results in

designers are still tackling this challenge.

informed cititzens and a better society.

Wired Magazine 2010 cover of featuring actor Will Ferrell, on why we still don’t have many “futuristic” technology like self-driving cars or robot servants.


ERIK NITSCHE | Erik Nitsche left an unmistakable

His work has a distinctly modernist aesthetic

mark on the world of design in his approximately

and although he never had the opportunity to

60 year career. Leaving almost no field untouched,

attend the Bauhaus, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy has

he worked as an art director, book designer,

been quoted as saying, “Who is this guy that is

illustrator, typographer, graphic designer,

doing the Bauhaus in New York?” He designed

photographer, advertiser, and packaging

promotional and advertising campaigns for a

designer. His graphic design work included

host of different clients including department

magazine covers, signage, film, exhibitions,

stores, feature films, record companies and the

posters and many other advertising mediums.

New York Transit Authority. Nitsche greatly

Before emigrating to the United States in

influenced the young generation of designers

1934 Nitsche studied at the Collège Classique

in America in the mid-20th century including

in Switzerland and the Kunstgewerbeschule

the legendary designers Walter Bernard and

in Munich.

Seymour Chwast.

Typography The art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. Bauhaus A German school of thought that emphasized rationality and simplicity in art and design—the form of a design must be dictated by its function. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy A professor and designer at the Bauhaus who influenced many American designers and artists today with his photography and teachings.


Evolution of Tech Logos 1959-Present Day APPLE
















Just as Nitsche’s design served as a visual

Illustrated Library of Science made learning

identity for an entire book series, logos define

fun, but companies like Apple and Windows

entire companies. They unite disparate content

made it accessible to everyone.

into a single system. Nitsche’s The New

1976 Ron Wayne 1977-1998 Rob Janoff



Current 1974 Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn 1997 James Modarelli

1997 1998 Larry Page 1999 Ruth Kedar



2015 2012 Paula Scher








“A Better Home” Poster 1945 WHAT


The Works Progress Administration was a

which was a campaign to get power to small

system of programs founded during the Great

farm communities. Images depicted a bright

Depression to help revive the American economy.

American future with intelligent, engaged farm

This notable poster series was created for The

people who benefitted greatly from new

Rural Electrification Administration (REA),

technology in their lives.

The REA posters created a mood for the entire

is hopeful for America’s future in the hands of

nation, encouraging people to push through the

new technology. It depicts pristine landscapes

Depression, to be proud of what they’d already

and cheery, patriotic colors. Posters have a

achieved, and be hopeful for the future. In the

way of sticking in the mind, and are able to

same way, Shepard Fairey’s Clean Energy poster

inspire and incite change.

Clean Energy Poster Designer Shepard Fairey has created hundreds of posters championing various social causes. Much of his work focuses


LESTER BEALL | A man with a very

His clear and concise use of typography was

technology-oriented background, Beall grew

highly praised both in the United States and

up playing with Ham radios and creating his

abroad. Throughout his career he used bold

own wireless sets. He graduated with a Ph.D

primary colors and illustrative arrows and lines

in the History of Fine Art and the years following

in a graphic style that became easily recognizable

his graduation found him expressing an interest

as his own. He eventually moved to rural New

in modern art movements such as Surrealism, Constructivism and Dadaism. His work as an advertiser and graphic designer quickly gained international recognition and the most productive years of his career, during the 1930s and 40s, saw many successes in both fields.

York and set up an office, and home, at a premises that he and his family called “Dumbarton Farm”. He remained at the farm until his death in 1969.

on environmental solutions. He’s most well known for his Hope campaign poster of President Obama. Surrealism An art movement focused on the subconcious dream world as a way of seeing truth. Constructivism An art movement that considered art in service to social purposes. Dadaism A post-World War 1 art movement that was anti-art and society as a whole. Typography The art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed.





The History of the Alphabet Mural 1955 WHAT

Serif type

From cave paintings to bold serif type,

everyday person, a principle exemplified in

Herbert Matter outfitted the Grosse Pointe

this playful, thoughtful design for the public.

Library reading room from A to Z with a visual

timeline of the alphabet. American Modernism at the time was about bringing design to the

This piece was made by photomontaging ancient writing and script lettering onto the walls of the library.

A font with a small line at the end of strokes. American Modernism Another term for Mid Century Modernism. Photomontage



The process and the

Today, lettering is rampant. Everyone knows

a typographic mural, communicates the function

that one mom with heartfelt family calligraphy

and identity of the space, featuring some of

on her wall. Using type in a space can add

the hundreds of artists signed with Sony.

to the environment in a way nothing else

Its high-contrast literal communication of the

can. Alex Fowkes’s Sony Music Timeline,

content is eye-catching and iconic.

HERBERT MATTER | Herbert Matter worked

direction of Brodovitch, is equally impressive.

with a number of famous designers and

A master in his profession, he began teaching

artists during his career including Fernand

photography and design at Yale in 1952.

Léger, Le Courbusier, Charles and Ray

He continued to teach and work, notable work

Eames, Derberny & Peignot, A.M. Cassandre

from his later career includes the identity design

and Alexey Brodovitch. Matter was a master

for the New Haven Railroad, until he died in 1984.

result of making a composite photograph by cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping multiple photographs into a single new image.

of using photomontage, color and typography in an expressive manner, transcending the boundaries between art and design. His design work often favored a heavy use of photography. His most recognizable works are the posters he created for the Swiss Tourist Office, but his photography work for Harper’s Bazaar, under the





Mahogany Desk 1928 WHAT

This desk is masterfully crafted and beautifully

that complements the soft, organic other side

designed, both aesthetically pleasing and

of the time period’s aesthetic. But this piece

pragmatically useful. It exemplifies the practicality,

is even more than all of that. It’s basically a

minimalism, flat planes, and strong lines of

feminist symbol.

mid-century furniture design, a striking contrast



This piece represents the emergence of

furniture design. She blazed trails and

powerful women in design. The woman

revolutionized fields. Her pioneering work was

behind it was the first one invited to do

pivotal to the advancement of design and

rooms for the American Designer’s

women. We might not have Joanna Gaines if

Gallery and one of few women active in

we’d never had Ilonka Karasz.

Joanna Gaines The HGTV “Fixer Upper” star is known for her interior design style and expertise.

Weiner Werkstätte

ILONKA KARASZ | To call the Hungarian-born artist and designer Ilonka Karasz “multi-talented” would be a serious understatement. By the

She infused her designs with a modernist

sensibility that referenced Vienna’s Wiener

Werkstätte movement (in her floral motifs

time of her death in 1981 at age 84, she had

and geometric patterns), the Bauhaus school

helped to modernize American textile design,

(in her minimalist metal work), and the Dutch

challenged the male-dominated worlds of both furniture and industrial design, created the first modern nursery in America, earned her description as “the country’s leading wallpaper artist”, and, oh yeah, also found time to illustrate 186 eye-catching New Yorker covers published between 1925 and 1973. Karasz did all of this while staying true to her European roots.

De Stijl movement (in her rectilinear furniture).

A design movement that emphasized total artistic freedom and hand-crafted expertise. Bauhaus School A German design and craft school that taught rationality and simplicity—the form of a design must be dictated by its function. De Stijl Movement A strict artistic movement that demanded purely geometric abstract art and only three colors.





Charm Magazine Cover 1955 WHAT

At a time when ads and societal ideals

Charm introduced the idea that beauty is more

restricted women, Cipe Pineles pushed the

than just looks. Beauty also means drive,

boundaries with Charm magazine. What was

influence, and intelligence.

previously a stereotypical fashion magazine instead became a voice for female workers.



At the time, the idea of a woman who worked

cover of Vogue three times. Designers have the

was radical but today a powerful woman is

opportunity to change the mindset of a culture

considered fashionable by default, thanks in

with the ideas they promote. Promoting new

part to trailblazers like Pineles. For example,

and diverse opportunities through popular

in 2009, Michelle Obama was featured on the

culture encourages future equalities.

CIPE PINELES | Cipe Pineles began her

publications and businesses such as Vogue,

career after college selling still life paintings on

Seventeen, Charm, Madmoiselle, and Lincoln

the streets of New York. By the early 1940s she

Center. She died in 1991 and five years later

had become the first female art director of a mass-market American publication as well as the first art director to hire fine artists. Pineles art directed Charm and Seventeen magazines while introducing the changing aspirations and ideals of women at the time. In her later career, Pineles taught editorial design at Parsons School of Art and Design. Over the years,

received an AIGA medal.

Vogue 2009 Michelle Obama was featured on the cover of Vogue 3 times in 2009. She quickly became a role model for Americans both as a fashion icon and a powerful agent of change. Art Director The person responsible for the overall aesthetic of a brand or organization.

Pineles became one of the top magazine art directors in the country. She worked on



Montgomery Ward Catalog 1941 WHAT

Wood-block prints

This ad for nylons appeared in Montgomery

prints for imagery. Here, however, real women

Ward’s 1941 mail-order catalog. It was not only

wear the underwear, replacing the uninspiring

the first to use a photograph of a product,

representations of the underwear. They model

but also the first to include models. Up until this

lingerie as well as create a new standard of

point, catalogs relied on simple wood-block



Imagery made by carving the likeness of a product into a block of wood, applying ink to it, and pressing paper against it.

fashion representation.

For the 1940s, this was a groundbreaking

and models have come long way, the modeling

spread, the aftershocks of which continue

field never would have made it had this not

today. With this ad, Montgomery Ward changed

paved the way. Turns out Victoria’s Secret and

the mail-order catalog and advertising game

the Angels owe Montgomery Ward and their

forever. While today photography, lingerie,

nylons quite a debt. Victoria’s Secret Angels

Anne Swainson was a Swedish immigrant who

that, but she prototyped the mail-order catalog

got her start in design in the 1920s teaching

we know today. Her design strategies made it

textile design and applied art at the University

possible for the company to thrive after the

of California, Berkeley. She then had a stint at

Depression, raking in almost half a billion

Chase Revere Copper as design director over their line of metal housewares. Her big break, however, came in 1931 when Montgomery Ward hired her, their first female executive, to head up the first ever corporate design department in industrial history. For 24 years,

dollars in sales from its catalog and stores.

A standard for sexy the world over, the Victoria’s Secret angels garnered an estimated 6.65 million viewers in the 2016 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Design director Same as an art director; the person responsible for the overall aesthetic of a brand or organization.

all products had to go through her and anything that didn’t pass muster for production or packaging standards, she redesigned. Not only


Aerie Real Campaign 2016


Photographing models in underwear is so

Anne Swainson didn’t beat around the bush

of straightforward marketing and body positivity,

commonplace now it doesn’t even seem

when it came to advertising; she embraced the

Aerie stepped out with a wildly successful

noteworthy. But American Eagle’s lingerie

reality of the lingerie she was selling and the

campaign to promote their products on real

line Aerie managed to do something new.

women buying it. Building on her foundation

women with real bodies.

Credits Lauren Swathwood

Lizzie Todd

Rachael Nuzum

Mini Magazine Mock-Up Master Cover Design Layout Design Copy Editing Typesetting Table of Contents Design Ilonka Karasz- extra copy & design Alex Steinweiss- extra copy & design Bradbury Thompson- extra copy & design Anne Swainson- extra copy & design


Alex Steinweiss info & fold-out: Info- designishistory.com dazeddigital.com Beethoven Cover- thevinylfactory.com Adele Cover- billboard.com Pink Floyd Cover- prodigiarts.com Beatles Album- openculture.com Nirvana- new.artnet.com Beyonce Cover- femalefirst.co.uk Life of Pablo- djbooth.net Reputation Cover- billboard.net Aladdin Sane- everyrecordtellsastory.com

Grid Master Cover Design Layout Design Copy Editing Typesetting Credits Spread Design Section Header Spread Designs Robert Brownjohn- extra copy & design Herbert Matter- extra copy & design Cipe Pineles- copy & design

Photoshop Mock-up Master Cover Design Layout Design Copy Editing Typesetting Letter Spread Design Lester Beall- extra copy & design George Lois- extra copy & design Alvin Lustig- extra copy & design Erik Nitsche- extra copy & design

Section Header: Pink Floyd- billboard.com Nirvana- laweekly.com Notorious B.I.G- itunes.com Beatles Album- openculture.com Bohemian Rhapsody cover- blog.siriusxm.com Lemonade Cover- genius.com Drake Views- target.com Divide Cover- edsheeran.com Songs About Jane Cover- spotify.com Blurryface Cover- twitter.com/applemusic


Section Header: Jaws Poster- imdb.com The Shining- saulbassposterarchive.com La La Land- kamera.co.uk Les MisĂŠrables- impawards.com X-Men- artofthetitle.com Skyfall- artofthetitle.com Guardians of the Galaxy 2- artofthetitle.com Goldfinger- robertbrownjohn.com Star Wars- starwars.wikia.com Robert Brownjohn info & fold-out: info- designishistory.com robertbrownjohn.com 50th anniversary poster- 007.com Bond movie stills- robertbrownjohn.com title sequences- artofthetitle.com George Lois info & fold-out: info- designishistory.com Esquire Cover- georgelois.com One Love Logo- twitter.com


Section Header: Catcher and the Rye- barnesandnoble.com Clockwork Orange- ben-ts.net Great Gatsby- etsy.com Catch 22- thinglink.com Twilight- twitter.com/radiotwihards Jurassic Park- jurassicpark.wikia.com Harry Potter- amazon.com Hunger Games- playbuzz.com Alvin Lustig info & fold-out: info- designishistory.com Three Lives Cover- collection.cooperhewitt.org Women’s March- nytimes.com Foldout Books- nytimes.com


Herbert Matter info & fold-out: info- designishistory.com dcaiga.blogspot.com en.wikipedia.org Sony Music Timeline- alexfowkes.com History of the Alphabet- design-is-fine.org

Bradburry Thompson info & fold out: info- designishistory.com Alphabet 26- kimberlymaejean.com Dyslexie- digitaltrends.com


Section Header: Nasa Graphics- wired.com Design and Science- pubpub.org Mid-Century Design- wanken.com Subway Map- pinterest.com General Dynamics- iconofgraphics.com Erik Nitsche info & fold-out: info- designishistory.com Wired Cover- amazon.com Library Photos- nevolution.typepad.com Apple logos- Osxdaily.com www.csufablab.org Windows logos- Commons.wikimedis.org Logo.wikia.com Sites.google.com Vignette.wikia.nocookie.net Wikimedia.org Nasa logos- Archive.org Goodlogo.com Nasa.gov Google logos- pnclogos.com Lester Beall info & fold-out: info- designishistory.com Better Home- cooperhewitt.org Obey Poster- obeygiant.com

Section Header: Sony Music Timeline- alexfowkes.com Knoll Chair- philamuseum.org Knoll Showroom- artsy.net Beall Poster- indexgrafik.fr/lester-beall Wassily Chair- learner.org Seagram Branding- elainelustigcohen.com Barcelona Chair- core77.com History of the Alphabet- dcaiga.blogspot.com

Ilonka Karasz info & fold-out: info- core77.com Joanna- cheatsheet.com Mohagany Desk- cheatsheet.com


Section Header: Vogue Cover by Pineles- aiga.org Seventeen Cover by Pineles- eyeondesign.aiga.org Leo Esquire Cover- popsugar.com Chanel Icon- chanel.com Taylor Swift Cover- celebmafia.com Victoria Secret- fortune.com Chance the Rapper GQ- gq.com Fashion pic(in table of contents)- lesleysgirlsvintage.com Cipe Pineles info & fold-out: info- aiga.org eyeondesign.aiga.org abcglobal.org Michelle Obama Vogue Cover- huffingtonpost.com Charm Cover- eyeondesign.aiga.org Anne Swainson info & fold-out: info- core77.com Nylon Ad- core77.com Victoria Secret- models.com Aeries Ad- huffingtonpost.com Aeries Ad 2- allure.com


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