Temporary master portfolio

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Temperary Master Portfolio Jiamin Feng studying at TU Delft

Course Product Understanding, Use and Experience Weekly assignment 1. Persuative Game Design - use the model and theory in lecture to make a design that persuade people to change their behavior My service is iOS 8.4. In my opinion, this is a service system for communication, since it is based on iPhone. However, I found when user using iPhone to get social contact (like using Facebook), they trend to sit or lie down in a “lazy” way, which result in lack-of-exercise. Therefore, I want to design a persuasive game to enhance people’s movement while using iPhone. I would like to use music as a game element. In the game, users choose their favorite music, then shake their iPhones to make sounds of percussion instruments as the music plays, meanwhile iPhone records the “new music” they have made. After shaking, users can replay the “new music” and share on the Internet. Using this kind of game, users will get a new experience of interact with friends, even if they are separated with each other. In addition, this will enhance people to get movement in a pleasure way, instead of being forced to do some exercise.

1.Install the game

3. Shake to the music with dancing movements, so that create your own DJ work

2. Choose common music in iTunes to make a shake

4.Upload to facebook or other medias to share your work with others

Course Product Understanding, Use and Experience Weekly assignment 2. Design for emotion Redesign a chair, with adding certain emotion. (The emotion is settled by professor for every students.) 1. Virtues CONTEXT: Before a lecture, every chair is full, but there’re still some students have to stand in the whole lecture. The target user is sitting in one of the chairs. GOAL:"I should share my seat with others." SCENARIO: Users can pick up part of their chair to make a new chair for others. By doing this, they feel like helping and caring about others, which is a personal value and act according to it.

2.Appreciation CONTEXT: After a big event, time to celebrate and award staff. GOAL: “I want to be appreciated and respected about my hard work during the event.” SCENARIO: Everyone has a chance to step on and sit on the high chair to tell the stories about what they contributed to the event. Others listen, applause to him or her and encourage him or her like”Good job” ”Hard-working”.

Course Exploring Interaction Still continuing This course is going to use the whole semaster to design an interactive work, students are allowed to explore interaction and ideas freely. My design goal is making new students feel like home in campus.

My first attempt was to let people taking pictures in the campus, and others should guess where they took those pictures.

They really appreciated the game because they feel like they know the buiding than others and also get to know people's different aspects of seeing things.

My second attempt was "coffee diary", letting people in the campus fill in short sentence about their feelings and their stories. I provided pen, paper and guides in the coffee corner and mailbox (which has a little distance to pens, and giving hints in the coffee corner about where the mailbox is), and candies for participates. I was not around when people trying this, and the result was a big amount of little interesting stories in only one afternoon.

T f

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