Destiny: how to create your personal account

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How to CREATE your personal library account Click on Destiny in the Student Portal Click on the relevant school (Ducks, Juniors or Seniors) Click Log On in the top right hand corner Click on Create New Account Type in your surname and ID number (this is the number on your lanyard) Type in your User Name (your first name.surname e.g Laura.Taylor) and your Password (your ID number) Once you create your personal account you are then able to View your History, Check your Items on Loan, Reserve books and Post Reviews. JS/SS Pupils, and Parents with ID Numbers who have requested an account from the library staff, can set up their own accounts.

How to Reserve a Book Search the catalogue for the book you want. Don’t forget to make use of the Resource Lists for some Recommended Reading. Click on the book title and then click on Hold It. The Library Staff will then save the book for you and email you or your tutor when it is available for you to collect from the library

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