ABOUT GEMS GEMS or Global Employee Management System aims to connect you to your people’s data! It is Luenthai’s first HR System that will host all employee data for the entire organization, from different SBUs, into one system. GEMS aims to harmonize our organizational and job structure, connects disparate systems, and gain a holistic perspective of people data from the system’s rich statistics. It also contains tools and insights that will assist us in seeing the bigger picture allowing us to do more.
GEMS also aims to help HR teams reduce costs, streamline processes, and improve communications across the employee lifecycle from onboarding to offboarding. It also provides self-service options for our employees such as applying for leave, updating and viewing of profile, request for COE etc.
Online and Paperless HR
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I. About GEMS
II. Reporting and Analytics
III. Online and Paperless HR
IV. Employee Self-Services
V. Recruitment, Personnel Management., and Requistion
VI. Employee Records and Personnel Module
VII. Job Movement
VIII. Talent / Performance Management
IX. Learning and Development Management
X. GEMS Launching
Reporting and Analytics With the use of the built-in GEMS Dashboards, HR strategies involving people data and statistics for analysis are now easily attainable. There tools can help you automatically generate and distribute reports. Filters have also been added to help you sort through the data you need. • Quickly access built-in reports such as headcounts, gender ratios, and absenteeism data • Configure the dashboards to suit the data you need at any given time • Access historical data reports • Identify the reporting relationships of the employees • Create custom reports through various filters • Identify trends and patterns through data • Define which users can access which reports
Online and Paperless HR in line with Luenthai’s drive towards digitalization and being a paperless company and with more employees working remotely, the ability to view employee information and people data anytime, anywhere, is now more important than ever. • Access all info inside GEMS through any laptop or computer that supports Google Chrome • View customizable dashboards with real time people statistics • Lessen printing through the use of online leave forms, COE requests, and reports
Employee Self-Services GEMS contain features such as employee profiles, the ability to request for and/or approve: leaves, overtime requests, and Certificate of Employee applications through its online platform. These will support administration tasks, improve data accuracy, and increase employee engagement. FOR STAFF: • Manage and update their own profiles, personal information, and the like. • Apply for leaves, overtime, and Certificate of Employments • Access payroll and benefits information • Access the employee and organization directory FOR MANAGERS AND HR PERSONNEL: Aside from those aforementioned, they can: • Approve leave requests and view absence records • Approve overtime requests • Approve Certificate of Employment requests • View and verify absence reports • Manage training and development records, rate employee performances and provide appraisals • Review team salaries and benefits • View statistics on absences and overtime for better monitoring • Reports can be made to present instant analytics and trends to enable you to identify key areas for improvement and develop interventions (such as reducing staff absences)
Recruitment, Personnel Management, and Requisition: GEMS has the capability to identify and track the employees’ skills, qualifications, and pending and completed training modules. • Identify training needs using the 9 Leadership Competency Model • Track one’s training history and completion of mandatory training requirements • Quickly generate filtered training reports • Keep track of the training programs currently being implemented in the SBUs and their corresponding budget and costs • Assess quality of training programs through training evaluation scores
Employee Records and Personnel Module Streamline administrative tasks, manage and organize your employee data better. With an extensive data collection, it will allow our system to provide us wide variety of reports and statistics. • Direct database migration from the current HRIS and HR2 System to GEMS • Enter new employee data with extensive data collection • Assign a unique Global ID for every employee • Manage, view and edit employee records easily • Control data or information access and visibility depending on the role • Allow employees to update their own personal information
Job Movement (For HR Personnel Only): In line with the integrated Employee Records feature, GEMS provides a channel for the management and HR to execute the organization’s job movements. Specifically with these factors: • Promote personnel • Initiate and process salary changes • Manage resignations • Process retirements and corresponding benefits • Employments Status / Job Title changes • Input Employee Transfers (within the organization) or Inter-Company Transfers • Administer Separation actions (dismissal, end of contract, lay-offs, etc.)
Talent Management / Performance Management: Be able to track the current talents within the company for succession planning and further career developments. GEMS provides a performance review system for talent planning, from individual career paths and assessments to company-wide plans. • Track an individual’s growth and movements within the company • View assessments such as performance reviews • Easily pull-out one’s performance ratings, attendance records, and the like • Link employee skills and assets to company objectives, qualifications, and requirements • Identify and develop potential future leaders and link them to specific roles
Learning and Development Management GEMS has the capability to identify and track the employees’ skills, qualifications, and pending and completed training modules. • Identify training needs using the 9 Leadership Competency Model • Track one’s training history and completion of mandatory training requirements • Quickly generate filtered training reports • Keep track of the training programs currently being implemented in the SBUs and their corresponding budget and costs • Assess quality of training programs through training evaluation scores
Launching of GEMS GEMS will be launched in 3 phases: Phase 1: • The Core Setup of GEMS (Standardized workflows, reduced paperwork, integration and migration of various HR database) • Reporting and Analytics • Personnel Module (Employee Profiles, Records and Self-Services) • Recruitment Module (Personnel Requisition) Phase 2: • Talent Management / Performance Management Phase 3: • Learning and Development Management