How Can We Benefit from 4G LTE Network?
Keywords: cloud, E-gamming via LTE, ehealth via LTE, how can we benefit from LTE, lte application, LTE applications in life, lte benefit, lte health, LTE service, lte vedio meeting
Firstly, LTE provides average download (30 Megabits) and peak (100 Megabits) speeds, which are much higher than the current ones. Also, a substantial increase in the speed of ascent (50 Megabits), so important especially for customers of the business segments, and for all information related to the use of cloud computing.
And let us not forget that it also means lower latencies (35 m/sec) network, which is essential for new services (network games, enterprise applications ...)
Frequency bands It is important to know about which bands will be operated. The first, 2600 Mhz is intended for coverage in areas of high population density, it has less penetration indoors, but acquired bandwidth will provide maximum speeds (surpassing the 100 Mbps of download).
The second acquired band is located on 800 Mhz, frequency that will allow much better penetration indoors and cover larger surfaces, so it will probably go to coverage in rural areas. The size of the band acquired will allow a maximum speed offered by less than 50 Mbps service. The availability to radiate this band probably has to wait until 2015.
The first LTE device on the market To access services over LTE, operator had selected the modem Huawei E589 (also named HUAWEI E589u-12), which is also compatible with the current network 3G.
New services and applications of 4G LTE 1. The explosion of 'the cloud' Cloud storage: for work or make back-ups at the same speed as if it were on your local disk. Documents, videos, music... shared or for personal use, with the information always accessible from anywhere and type of connection.
Applications in the cloud: high speed and low latency of the LTE connections make reality the concept of working in the cloud , allowing working with applications resident in the 'cloud' as if they were on your own computer.
2. HD videoconferencing Real-time chat via video conference with the highest quality, without delays and latencies. It is necessary to have the appropriate devices: HD cameras and the application, , to start enjoying it on the LTE connection.
In addition to the enormous contribution of this type of services for private clients by putting them in a communication and closeness with family and friends, these services are important facilitators for professional offering speed and economy on the needs of coordination at a distance, by incorporating a quality and naturalness that almost replaces the "face-to-face" meetings.
3 eHealth Services as "Side by Side" Telephone based on the LTE network, allow the patient to stay in quiet surroundings and without offsets, while kept in communication and being cared for by specialists.
The LTE connection allowed, in real time, numerous diagnostic or control tests made in his house and instantly send inform ati on about their State of health at the Medical Center for its monitoring: high quality images in real time, result control of sugar or stress tests, talk to a doctor with video conferencing high definition, etc.
4 e-Gamming It is no longer needed at home game or the game console. The high speed offered by LTE along with low latency makes this technology very attractive to enjoy the online games. It binds to the new dynamics of game servers in network, free to customers of the need to have video consoles and games, entering mode subscription to these services in the cloud.
5. Services in high definition T V and 3D Videos In the LTE environment, TV and video services reaches its greatest exponent. The powerful low latencies and bandwidth allow video club services, video streaming and high-definition and 3D TV broadcasting develop their potential to the maximum.
6 Immersive Communications This category refers to completely virtual Telephone services. Solutions that facilitating labor mobility, management of meetings among multi-country teams, with a realism that contributes to the good results and good relations between persons of the team. This solution, completely virtual, allows you to delegate the management of the application in order to work with it from any computer in the network: laptop, tablet, from any place where a high perform ance network, such as the LTE network is available.
We hope that all these details serve for you to hereafter, when the term 4G or LTE will begin to be extensively mentioned, have a much clearer vision of this new step in mobile communications.