Korean Short Stories
An Heonmi Eclipse 개기월식 Translated by Min Eungyeong
Information This work was previously published in New Writing from Korea . Please contact the LTI Korea Library. library@klti.or.kr
Eclipse In the shadow of the man she stands, her grief lonely as papyrus scrolls with their secret epistles, do they cry do they confess are they lonely, are they lonely like the music of Piazzola, are they sad like the shadow of the flowering hawthorn tree, or perhaps not, or is that all? In the man's shadow that has no eyes, nose, or mouth she stands muttering, as if she were slicing an apple, let us say that love is just love, she slices off the man's eyes, nose, and mouth, she feasts, and laughingly spits out the man like a black apple seed. Copyright 2008 Literature Translation Institute of Korea